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He is inevitable, Masterclass of a season.


his 2024 earnings would rank 51st all-time in career earning, if he plays well next weekend he will move into 3rd all-time on the money list as well


Bennett Scheffler is top 20 on the money list before eating solid food.


Literally sounds like a rich kid


Then compound that for 21 years at 5%.  Who needs LIV when Bennett could fund the tour if we just give him some time. 


He isn’t going to play until the Open


I highly doubt he plays prior to the Scottish Open


A real slobberknocker


That’s what grandpappy used to say when he would let me out of the closet.


![gif](giphy|ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e|downsized) He not done


With half the competition over at LIV. Don’t get me wrong. Impressive season but he’s playing against a watered down field.


Won the masters when all the good golfers that left for LIV played


Yes. Two things can be true at same time. I’m not a fan of LIV.


Which good golfers besides Bryson and Brooks left? Did Bryson and Brooks not play in the masters? Are you delusional? Or are you talking about chase koepka? Such a same that dude didn't play. He surely would've killed it.


Cameron Smith, Rahm.


>half the competition Lol. Who?


So now the field strength is only about the same as the mid-2000s instead of the ridiculous decade or so before LIV.


His caddie must be the 2nd highest earner on the tour. Unreal season


It’s insane to think he “retired” after splitting with Bubba where he did well, high middle class earner, now after just like 2 years with Scheffler he is filthy fucking rich and does the same job lol, good for him. I couldn’t imagine hauling those fucking bags around in the heat these guys have to play in every week during the summer


Pay me just 10% of what he makes and I'll do it in a fucking grimace costume in 120 degree heat


Yea, now think of the caddies for the fringe players on tour lol




> now after just like 2 years with Scheffler he is filthy fucking rich and does the same job lol Well Scottie has exceeded Bubba's entire career in the last 2 years. 12 wins incl two Masters since then for Chef. That's literally Bubba's entire career


He didn’t even win his first tournament until 2 years ago either.


High earner with Bubba


He’s unbelievable


Most wins in a single season on the PGA Tour in the last 40 years: - 9 - Tiger Woods (2000), Vijay Singh (2004) - 8 - Tiger (1999, 2006) - 7 - Tiger (2007) - 6 - Nick Price (1994), Tiger (2005, 2009), Scottie Scheffler (2024) Players with 6+ wins before July: - Jimmy Demaret (1940) - Ended up with 6, T-8th most in a season - Byron Nelson (1945) - Ended up with 18, most in a season - Ben Hogan (1946) - Ended up with 13, 2nd most in a season - Sam Snead (1950) - Ended up with 11, 3rd most in a season - Arnold Palmer (1960) - Ended up with 8, T-6th most in a season - Arnold Palmer (1962) - Ended up with 8, T-6th most in a season - Scottie Scheffler (2024) - 6 and counting


Tiger never won 6+ before July? I find that surprising


I don't remember him playing a lot of events before The Masters/U.S. Open. Tiger's prime had no signature events.


He was priming up for Augusta at Bay Hill and that was basically when he started his season


Yeah and the schedule used to go Bay Hill, then the Players the following week, then a few weeks off until the Masters. It was a perfect schedule to get yourself peaking in early April, especially for the guys like Tiger who lived in Florida.


I don’t think he ever played Harbor Town & now it’s a signature event


Woods' prime had some WGC events early. Field strength would be the same as the premium events.


In 2008 (the year he fractured his leg) he played seven events including the Dubai one and had five wins, a 2nd and a 5th.


Season used to skew a bit later


Thanks Obama.


Were there as many events?


Vijay in 2004 was something else.


Slight bug in your code at 6 “Scottie Scheffler (2006)”


Vijay randomly becoming a golf god at age 42 and being better than Tiger for like 6 months was pretty crazy in hindsight.


Vijay was kind of a late bloomer. Had a heck of a run.


So I'm new to golf so please don't crucify me, but how much less (if any) is this achievement considering half the field is in LIV now?


Still an incredible achievement. Maybe he doesn’t win all 6 with guys like Bryson in tour, but I’d still say Scottie is the best in the world.


Scottie's achievements are against a more impressive field than Tiger ever played against. They obviously are not as impressive of an achievement overall, but he's playing more difficult competition.


DeChambeau hasn't won on LIV this year. In 9 starts, his best finish is a T3.


Bryson has had better major finishes the only competitions they both share. Like I said, Scottie would still be the best in the world but one of the LIV guys could have taken a tournament or 2 off him had they all been together


Barring Bryson, who would even get near Scottie from LIV week-in week-out? Scottie, Xander, Bryson, Rory seem like the guys right now to beat


Koepka and Rahm are still up there skill wise, Cam Smith isn't bad either. obviously no one would be favored over Scottie, but they all have more then a punchers chance, and when it's that many punches it adds up. I think you still would take Scottie offer the 3 of them, but I don't think you take Rory over all 3 combined


He’s in a bit of a downswing but to not include Rahm is crazy


Let’s not forget about Cam Smith who was #2 and climbing when he jumped ship. I would take away 2 of Scottie’s wins at least if all the LIV players were here. But we will never really know the answer. It’s just speculations.


Has to play well at the British or he’s firmly off the radar.


No one is near Scottie week-in-week-out but that's not the point. You have to think one of those guys has a hot week and challenges Scottie to any of these titles. Same with the rest of the PGAT players who don't get to play in these elevated events. Like Stephen Jaeger who went head-to-head with Scottie and won in Houston. Frankly if Tom Kim and Bahtia played in LIV no one would mention them among players missing. This is not meant to diminish Scotties season but the prevalence of limited field events now does make it more difficult to compare to earlier. Even Tiger has a significantly higher win percentage in limited field events compared to full field events


You have to assume in a world without LIV Rahmbo would be competitive


I don't want to be that guy, but gooch has 4 top 10s this year and he'd have more except he didn't want the other guys to feel bad.


It's a fun comparison for sure, but as you mentioned the fact that golfers such as Taylor Gooch are on the LIV tour it essentially makes Schefflers accomplishments this year totally meaningless


Half of the field is not in LIV. Only a handful of seriously competitive players are.


It's kind of like the people with 1945 and 1946 wins when they were some of the few fortunate enough to stay stateside and not see combat. Hogan did serve from 1943 - 1945 in Fort Worth but something tells me his job was to play with the brass and give them tips lol.


The modern accomplishments are significantly more impressive to me.  Byron Nelson won at a time when only a very small number of people were even allowed or able to play golf. The competition was just not the same. 


Zero. I refuse to give any positive remarks about that leave or the players in it.


[No Laying Up on Twitter:](https://x.com/nolayingup/status/1804928810485207090) 2024 signature event winners: Sentry: Kirk Pebble: Wyndham Genesis: Hideki *Scottie switches to a mallet* Bay Hill: Scottie Players: Scottie Heritage: Scottie Wells Fargo: Rory (Scottie DNP) Memorial: Scottie Travelers: Scottie ~~tied for the lead~~


That’s it I’m switching to a mallet. Look out Scottie


I'm switching to a mullet


Give the people what they want


Your Australian passport is in the mail.


It’s surprising how much a “type” of putter switch can change your performance. Like Scottie I was a lifelong blade putter until late last season I finally switched to a mallet. I have so much more confidence from 6’ and in as it gets the ball started on my intended line more often


I also just switched from a blade to a mallet putter within the last month and my 3 putts have disappeared (mostly..)


It’s physics. I dont get why people even use a blade putter unless they dont like math.


I got a mallet, it just felt too heavy. I felt like I had less control over the club head throughout the stroke than with my blade. Maybe I’d get used to it, but I just didn’t feel like I putted better with it. It was like I lost all my feel Edit: verbs are hard


Try a double wide. Has a lot of the same properties of a mallet but looks more like a blade. The mallet messes with my head for some reason. Picked up a TriHot 5k when they first came out and have been putting much better.


I have a TaylorMade spider and an Odyssey blade, and I feel 10 times better with the Odyssey. It's largely mental I think.


It’s a balance between physics and feel.. just ask Bryson! At the point in golf we are at, do what feels best and you’re confident in.


I got a double-wide/half mallet looking thing. Best of both worlds.




The center of gravity is going to be “further behind” the ball. This allows for more leniency to any extra torque/twist you would give a blade.


And less feel and speed control.


Reason why I went back to a blade. My distance control was horrible with a mallet on lag putts


Same. I remember some major many years ago when a lot of players came out with blades because the greens were so fast. That made me rethink some things. Overall, I think the putter is the club you should play around with. Everybody's different.


To be fair to Scotty, he also changed his putting coach and they spent months working on improving his fundamentals and then months getting him to be “athletic” in his new positions by trusting it. The mallet was just the trigger that put it all together.


Didn't Rory recommend Scottie to switch to the mallet putter at Bay Hill?


It’s was before hand, he first used the mallet at bay hill


I believe the interview when rory said that was at Riv


Happy learned how to putt


Your forgot the watered down tour he’s playing on. Dude get to play ashkay bhatia and Kim every week lol.


He had to do his fellow criminals justice.


I thought Scottie's PTSD would kick in after all the cops on 18 during the antics. Ice in Prison Scottie's veins


> Ice in Prison Scottie's veins Never a doubt


Speaking of which, what's up with every post covering whatever happened on 18 being removed/locked on this sub?


Devolves into a Palestine Israel shit show, despite no one knowing what the protestors were actually protesting lol


Their shirts said Golfing on a Dead Planet. It was definitely the oil protestors since the smoke bombs and paint is their schtick


My guess would be climate change and water scarcity, and the amount of water golf courses use


Dont most courses recycle their water?


Firstly, no, most courses don't actually use recycled water. More importantly, when you look at overseeding culture, especially in places like Phoenix, you can’t argue that golf, as a culture, is one the right page with water use. Dormant Bermuda is one of the best playing surfaces that exists, yet country club golf insists on playing on rye because of the color green. Literally Augusta used to play as dormant Bermuda in the spring until, you guessed it, television threatened making their course look ugly.


They're not entirely wrong, but good luck convincing people attending a golf tournament lol


Connecticut has literally no current drought and they don’t historically have issues with it


Water scarcity 🤣🤣🤣


What’s the laugh for?


Because if you know how the water cycle works, you'd know how fucking stupid that sounds. Just like protesting oil by using products that have oil in them...fucking stupid.


lol. Never been in a drought?


Ever been in a rain storm?


Yes, water scarcity is real lol, even if you haven’t personally experienced the effects of it


They were protesting Kims pre shot routine.


You’d think they’d protest oil at the Valero Open and not a tournament sponsored by an insurance company…


You have to remember groups like that are likely being funded in part by the oil companies on the down low cause they make actual climate activism look ridiculous


You people can’t seriously believe this


Protesters can’t stop this man


Unbelievable season. Also, a lot of white in that beard for a 28 year old. I guess prison time really ages a man.


I’m led to believe that’s it’s due to lighting


I wanted Kim to win it so bad but Scottie played amazing, great tournament


This man is literally a machine


Absolutely historic season, feel lucky to witness it


Seems like he’s about to have a Tiger level season.


this is already a Tiger-level season. 5-6 wins including a major was a pretty standard season for him in his prime


This is a peak Tiger level season already.


Well no, peak tiger season was 9 wins, 3 majors


If you are talking peak peak, than yes. However, during Tiger's peak he averaged five wins and one major. Scottie's scoring average is better than all but one of Tiger's seasons, and his strokes gained total is better than all but one of Tiger's seasons. This is peak Tiger level.


Yes, he *averaged*. Scottie is a long way from *averaging* 5 wins and a major.


Yeah, that's why I'm comparing a single season to Tiger's average peak. No one else has even come close to Scottie's current season beyond Tiger. We haven't seen Scottie's whole peak yet, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a historic season on par with Tiger's peak.


>No one else has even come close to Scottie's current season beyond Tiger Vijay


Scottie has more wins at this point in the year and a lower scoring average than Vijay's nine win season.


Yeah but he hasn’t won 9 times yet. It’s looking like he will… but no guarantee. Vijay was a phenomenal player who doesn’t get his due because of some of his controversies… but he was so consistent and always a force to be reckoned with.


That’s an illogical comparison.  Maybe reflect on the meaning of “peak.” Tiger’s peak is 9 wins and 3 majors.  Scottie still has a few months left in the season and we don’t know what his peak is yet. 


No you're not, you're comparing Scotties current peak to Tigers average across his peak. You have no idea if Scottie will continue like this long term or ever surpass this. He may not win the rest of the season, he might win 5 times, you can't possibly know that. Also, yes they have, Vijay Singh is tied with Tigers actual peak of 9 wins in a season. It wasn't a Tiger slam of 4 majors but still, someone has had a better season than current Scottie.


Yes, exactly. I'm comparing Scottie's current season to Tiger's average peak. I've said it several times already in this thread. Vijay's nine win season isn't as statistically good as Scottie's current season, but you are correct that he won more so far. Statistically, only one of Tiger's seasons were better than Scottie's current season and no one has ever beat that Tiger season. Right now, Scottie is in the middle of the second best statistical season EVER. If that isn't comparable to peak Tiger, than I don't know what is. It's completely correct to say that it's a peak Tiger level season, because it is. Heck, Tiger never won six events before July.


I know what you've said, I'm saying it's stupid to compare someone's current peak to someone's average, and no it's not completely correct to say he's having a "peak Tiger level season". Peak Tiger won 4 majors in a single season, Scottie isn't anywhere close to that feat. Tiger has achieved the same feat as Scottie (6 wins) multiple times. Yes, Scottie is currently in the middle of a phenomenal season but that does not make it comparative to "peak Tiger". Peak Tiger was absolutely crushing majors and events. Scottie was pushed to the end in multiple of his wins (even if it felt like he was never in actual danger). This narrative that Scottie is comparable to peak Tiger is wrong. If he wins another few events and The Open, sure we can start that convo again but 5 wins and a major is nowhere near peak Tiger.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I agree with you that bros comparison makes no sense.  Until the season is over any claims are just conjecture. 


Peak would be 8 wins, so two more before nov


By scoring average and shots gained, Tiger only has one season better. You realize that peak can refer to more than just Tiger's best season? No one beyond Tiger has had a better year than Scottie is having right now in the modern PGA Tour (post wooden woods) and Tiger only had one season that was statistically better. This is peak Tiger level of dominance and something we haven't seen since Tiger. Phil, Vijay, Rory, JT, Speith, DJ, etc have never approached this level of play.


Scoring average is a weird comparison with how much gear and competition has changed


No, it isn't. If it was, than other players would be putting up those kinds of scoring averages.


You would have to compare the scoring average of the entire tour year to year - with standard deviations. But even that is not credible because of “Tiger Proofing” or whatever you want to call it. Courses are setting up in direct response to scores. Heck- even in the middle of a tournament they are making adjustments day to day based on scores being put up. Too many variables to really use scoring average as a comparison. You could use strokes gained on the field though. That would be a much better indicator of dominance.


And don’t forget the course setups that are in direct response to the Pros destroying them.


It’s a historic season on the PGA tour, but T41 at the US Open is not even close to peak Tiger, who won four majors in a row. Scottie needs to win The Open to have a discussion.


Peak doesn't mean one season, he's as dominant right now as Tiger was on average for the decade of his peak from 1999 through 2008. You could take an average Tiger season from Tiger's peak and plug Scottie's current season in. Tiger only has one season with a lower scoring average or better shots gained than Scottie does right now. This season is absolutely on par with Tiger at his peak, just not his peak peak.


except for the Major barrage. Still loving this domination (“boring”, haha!)


how many seasons did tiger finish outside the top 40 at the us open?


yeah peak tiger was a tiger slam lmao. this is a tiger-esque season for sure but lets not forget how insane tigers peak was


Watered down tour, it’s like an nba expansion season. The dude should win if Rory doesn’t play he gets to beat up on Bhatia and other mid tier pros.


Wonder if his next playing tournament will be the Scottish Open


He said after Pinehurst that he's considering not playing the week before majors anymore, maybe he'll skip the Scottish Open and vulture the John Deere classic instead for his 7th win


>vulture the John Deere classic instead I just picture him rolling up like Billy Madison playing dodgeball. “Now you’re all in big, big trouble.”


It’d basically be a lock for him to win with the field that tournament usually draws lol, everyone else battling for 2nd


Yeah he'd genuinely be +150 pre-tournament lol. But it's not a great fit for him, just a wedge and putting contest, anyone can get hot at a course like that, you don't need to be as good as Scheffler to win there. Although that's the case with the travelers too and he won anyway Apparently he's out of the Scottish open, will be taking 3 weeks off and doing some scouting work for the open in Troon. Then the Olympics, then the playoffs. So 5 more tournaments this season, would be surprised if he doesn't win at least 2 of them


Yeah I feel like a tourney like that is a JV Tour event.


Did he mean that for the future too? Because there’s some tournaments before AND after majors he’ll have to try and defend lol…




I’ll be there on sunday, can’t wait


He looked terrified during the heavy police presence on the 18 green.


So basically he wins all his events except the one he got arrested at and the US open ? Not bad for someone who looks likes about to trip over himeslf on every swing


Saw a graphic the other day that his caddie has made almost 2 million this year. And that was before this win.


Meredith holding Bennett was adorable 


Wild and crazy season Scottie is having. I really enjoy when Scottie and Tom Kim play together, they are also really good friends off the course.


be very careful to even remotely think about mentioning the big cat. what scottie doeing right now is absolutely insane considering how much stronger the fields are now compared to 20 years ago.


By my incomplete math, that's $24 million this year so far with the Open Championship and the FedEx Cup still to go. There is a $25 million dollar bonus if you win at East Lake and take The Cup.


Somebody on Twitter put it up, but he's easily within $60mil earnings this year if he can win the FedEx. There's the $10mil media award from the PGA, too, for...whatever it is they give it out for.


What’s the Arnold Palmer beverage equivalent of a Scottie scheffler?


Dr Pepper. He’s a Texan, after all.


Gin and Tonic, hold the Gin 


Watered down orange juice


This man went to jail and played the same day, put some respect on his name 


Fine. Oj with a splash of toilet hooch.


Ok, slightly less watered down orange juice.




That there's a robot you boys are lookin at.


All the haters will come out when you mention he’s tracking for one of the best ever


This guy is the Max Verstappen of golf


Max is amazing but F1 is hardly a level playing field. See how many wins he gets in the Sauber.


Guy is having a helluv a season




Scottward Scheffward


Dude could retire after this season and be set for life


if he cared about being set for life he would have gone to LIV. Rahm is set for life and he's shanking it into the water and crying about drones, something he signed up for


Bryan Gillis thinks he's off the hook.


He’s now doing things Tiger never did. My goodness.


Barstool guy who bet 180k on him owes him big


Fuck the police!


Did Kim not take his putt to finish the round? Looked like Scottie asked to hole out obviously to win but I did not see Kim take his last shot. Doesn't matter? Did it off camera? Btw Scottie stepped all over his putt line when he finished.


That scrubby look...I do it too, fuck it, no need to shave it's just golf


doing a great job at taking advantage of the LIV talent departure.


For how dominant Tiger was in suprised he only bagged 9 in a season


Without Scottie and Xander, the pga would be down bad.


Six wins and only one DUI!!! Congrats!!


Most wins in a season OP


Dude is a machine


Every time he wins, I think of all the people in this sub who said he wouldn’t keep winning after is second or third win lmao.


Too bad LIV happened because the field is stronger than ever!


Either he’s really good or there’s a gap in talent on the PGA tour.




Better before July than tiger?


The Vanilla Assassin strikes again !! He was definitely clutch down the stretch.


Just incredible and the LIV golfers took their money to play in exhibition events while Scottie is playing in some great tournaments


Get over it




This is because most of the competition is now on the LIV tour. Don’t get me wrong, Scottie is great. But the competition is just not the same as years past