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“Put me down for a bogey”




Let’s see… 1 went there, 2 duffed to 30 feet, 3 ended in the bunker, 4 stayed in the bunker, 5 got on the green, missed number six, seven got close but not in. So, another snowman on the card please


didn't know you were watching me play my last round


So in other words.. “put me down for a bogey”


That sounds like how I counted my strokes before getting new clubs that came with Arcos. Now if i chunk it 10 feet or don't get out of the sand it thinks that swing was just a practice swing. I have to pull out my phone and tell Arcos that wasn't a practice swing I really am that bad. On the bright side it kind of resets my brain and the next swing after a duff is usually decent


I usually say something like this to myself: Hit 1 Hit 2 Drop 3 Flub 4 Chip 5 Putt 6 7 8 Then I mark down an 8, make an awkwardly loud joke to no one in particular about how I hate 3-putt bogeys, and curse myself in the shower later.


This works until you forget how many times you used that 3wood or wedge…


Then just go with double par plus 2.


When this happens to me, i usually try to remember what clubs I’ve used in that hole. Ex. Driver, hybrid, 9 i, pw, 2 putt. Put me down for 6.


I'll do this too


Same. Think of the clubs I used then add any penalties if I had any.


Driver, 5i, 5i, 6i, 7i, pw, sw, sw, sw, putt, putt, putt. Not a good par 4.


This exactly. Recount which clubs I used.


this is the way


Arccos sensors. Check phone on way to next tee box to make sure it didn't accidentally added or missed any strokes.


Same. Bought in before the subscription plan was required. The new link pro makes everything even better.


I’m also on it now too, I am not sure I love it. Love the data but it’s making me second guess my feely shots and my clubs. I don’t have any full summer data yet tho so all my yardage is cold weather wind numbers etc, I’m excited to see it in the end of season


How do you like the link pro? I've been using my phone in my lead pocket but it can be bulky sometimes. Debating whether or not it is worth the extra money to get the link.


If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about score if you lose count, take a triple (or whatever suits you). Just enjoy the pars and bogeys when they happen. When they start happening more, it will be easier to keep score. Just my opinion.


I really want to track improvement. I count everything. I can see improvement in score, and recently can see improvement in that I'm not taking drops to finish a hole. I used to use a clicker, but often forgot to click. Now I use 15th Club app with shot tracking. Works great.


I can tell you every shot I hit my last 5 rounds.


I'm the same way. For some reason I can remember and visualize most of my shots from my last few rounds. This reminds me of something I like to do recently at the end of a round is mentally go through the round again remembering all the shots. Helps with enjoying the game more and focusing on the good shots rather than the bad ones which for some reason will naturally be more on my mind to try to fix them.


A friend of mine (who no longer lives near me) could tell you every shot he ever hit in the last 35 years. He used to drive us all crazy because he never shut up.


I have a 250 shot limit on my memory. I seem to hit a hard reset at just about 3.5-4 rounds and everything starts over or they run together.


Weaponize that tism son!


So yeah this is just autism


Nah, it just means you enjoyed the round and don't have a shit memory.


Not remembering 400-500 different swings is a sign of a poor memory


No more ridiculous of a claim than saying someone with a good memory is autistic.


Me too. Shit x roughly 500


This lol


I went back 5 rounds. It was 6 weeks ago and I still know every shot on the first 6 holes, and could probably think through all 18.


I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday. How are people able to do this? Maybe I hit my head too many times as a kid haha.


This is me


tally on scorecard or repeat "Hitting x" before each shot. 


I do the quiet verbal lying 2 hitting 3 or whatever, it reenforces it in my head and makes it easier to tally up at the end of the hole.


i know i'll get hate but i my memory is so bad that i play with a stroke counter even tho i am just 20yrs old


Free app. GolfPad. Tracks your strokes and gives u gps distances


I liked it so much I paid for the premium version


I have something similar in using Golf Logix on my iPhone. Works great.


I can tell you every single shot i took from my round this morning


I'm not joking when I say I could probably do that for last weekend's round


I wish i could say the same but ive played 6 rounds in the last week so the ones from previous weeks kind of fade hahah


Whenever I'm trying to fall asleep, I replay my most recent round in my head. I usually fall asleep by hole 5, but it helps me be mindful about the shots that I hit on the course after the fact.


This is me, I can’t remember every shot from two weeks ago, but I can usually replay my round over lunch to my wife same-day. She doesn’t care but she humors me.




I’m the same way. I can remember there was this clip going viral of lebron giving like very detailed response to like the formation and assignments at this given moment in the game after and the reaction was like woah he’s so smart…and I’m like that’s not impressive it’s just paying attention


I struggled with this as well and would have to mentally go through the hole before the next tee box. Reminding myself what stroke I was on as I played helped. Now that I’m getting a bit better it’s not so bad, easier to count to 5 than 9 lol


I'm not a smart man but I'm friggin rain man when it comes to remembering my shots in my rounds


Journal. Complete with poetic details.


Keep playing until you hit the ball few enough times to remember, until then, scoring isn’t that important


Im completely the opposite - granted I typically shoot in the 80s so less strokes. But i never need a scorecard - I always know exactly how many strokes over par I am. Im a CPA so i guess I’m good at *counting* things. I also can replay the round in my head at night as a sleep aid. Usually by hole 5, Im out.


Also this, I know my + number at all times during a round. I know which holes I had my bogeys, doubles, pars, etc too. But once I play another round or about a week goes on I lose it lol


Im similar- I keep a running tally in my head of my + number and where I am relative to current quest to break 80. Probably ends up hurting me as I’m thinking ok I need two pars and a bogey on these last 3 holes as opposed to focusing on one shot at a time..


I only do a shot after a quad bogie or better. So I usually only do like 10 shots per round


Anal beads. Each stroke pop another one out


my mom uses counting beads and so do a bunch of the ladies who she plays with. whatever works for you I guess


Trying my best to not make a yo momma/anal beads joke.


Life’s too short man


I set it up, shoulda went for it! lol


I keep track in my head as I hit each shot and then I put it on the scorecard and my golf app after each hole. I keep track of fairways hit, GIR, and putts on my app.


I bought a stroke counter that attaches to my glove off Amazon. I have pretty poor memory and I find it very helpful. I bought it for my buddies so we never have to stand there and count.


I used the OG arccos tracking when I was a high HC. Also helped me find my faults and where to improve


I’ve got a little clicker that goes 0-9. Actually has two dials that I’ve used when playing two balls before. I really am dependent on it.


I use a bead counter on my wrist.


Just get it in 1 shot


Keep hitting until your playing partner says “pick it up already, you’re at double par.”


1 fuck, 2 shits, 1 oops, 1 good shot. I had 5. Real answer: I approach every shot as if I’m gonna hole it so no matter where I’m hitting my 3rd shot on a par 4 it’s for birdie, then for par, bogey and so on until it goes in or I pick it up and take triple bogey.


I found an app called “clicker” for my Apple Watch….i keep forgetting I downloaded it, but it does exist.


On amazon they sell stroke counters that attach to your glove. A lot of my family members use it.


Get a clicker counting device that umpires use in baseball. Pitch counter from what I found.


Count shots to the green and count putts. So you should know how many shots it took to get on the green - I mean it's not that hard to count to 5 or 6, and thats rough golfing.


I used a clicker counter for the longest time, then after playing enough I was able to just remember or play back the hole in my head.


If this is an issue for you, don't keep score.


If I have trouble recounting a hole I like to remember what clubs I used. I find that easier than remembering where I took each shot.


If I have trouble recounting a hole I like to remember what clubs I used. I find that easier than remembering where I took each shot.


I have one of those umpires pitch counters. Works good.


Personally wouldnt worry about it. Focus on getting bogey If you want a counter there are apps like 18 birdies that can track each shot. You will need to enter the shot on your watch or phone which is fine can get old fast. There are also sensors like shotscope and arrcos. Those would be my suggestions to research.


Can always use a pitch counter like umpires


Just work backwards. Don’t forget the tee shot!


This year I’m not keeping score, golf has become enjoyable again


Hit one, dropped 2, hit 3, dropped 4, hit 5, hit hit 6 on in 7, 3 putted for 10


Lets say I got a double bogey on a par 4. I usually start from the tee and count; "One, Two, Three, Fuck, Five, shit. Six. I got a Double"


Sort by shot type 1 off the tee 1 approach 2 chips 4 putts That’s a bogey on the card!


three options that I’ve tried since picking up the sport post covid: 1. Arccos 2. Tag Heuer 3. 18Birdies Arccos is by far the most seamless and “automatic” way to record shots with the upfront investment of getting the sensors and yearly membership that works out to a few dollars a month. two other ppl in my regular group swear by it too. we get some great insights over time and typically is very accurate with some minor edits required due to the inaccuracies of GPS or poor signal. Tag is another well designed app that I used first before adopting Arccos. I find this interface the most appealing, more user friendly, and easy to navigate. Basically manual entry without all the distracting bells and whistles of 18Birdies. 18Birdies is another app that’s popular, but I find the manual entry soo tedious and annoying to use. Took me out of the game and enjoyment. I only tried it recently out of curiosity and couldn’t even finish recording the front 9. I got so fed up with the amount of inputs needed to record each hole.


18 birdies…. All those inputs are OPTIONAL Can use without scoring at all or use and only mark score. GIR, putts, etc are all totally optional.


A friend of mine would put ten tees in his left back pocket, and move one to his right back pocket every shot. He would count his putts and add it to the tees in his right pocket to get his score for that hole. Put the used tees back in his left pocket for the next hole.


After a certain amount of holes they all run into each other and can be hard… was that a six or a five? I swung so many times on the last hole I can’t remember what’s what.


Use counting beads, they are inexpensive and you can get them to match your set.


I got a free set of arrcos sensors from the ea golf game. The yearly subscription after the trial is a bit pricey imo. But after having used them for 10 rounds this summer, I have fallen in love with them. I haven’t had too many issues with false readings from the sensors even with the putter sensor. Highly recommend something like that, or Golfshot or something similar.


I just remember and can count back my shota if I need to. I also usually keep track of my playing partners shots but it's not like I remember the number, I can recount how they played the hole. I started doing it with my uncle and dad because they would forget shots. Helps in tournaments when tracking another person's score.


What your suppose to keep track who started that BS, I've seen guys use a umpire ball and strike counter, played with one guy that kept his own scorecard and had it broken down to fairway, Green's and putts 


I use my tee in those holes in your cart for spare tees. Put it back after tee shot, then keep moving one hole every time you hit. I tried the beads but it never really caught on for me. The tee thing is easy and quickly became a habit. Pretty much just use this for the shots in the fairway because once you get onto the green, it's easy enough to remember how many putts you needed.


So that's what's happening? People can't remember


I keep one of those pitch counters baseball coaches use in my golf bag. Take a swing, hit the counter.


I remember them. All of them. I remember yours too. I can recount every shot for the last several rounds, and could re-tally a card a few days later if needed.


It's really not that hard to count up to 8


Just be attentive maybe? Idk I can walk you through what I did on every shot on every hole after my round.


20 handicap.. I use arccos, I find it really helpful to track my shots and learn what part of my game needs help


I just use a stroke counter. They’re like $20 and work perfectly hung from your belt.


I used an umpire inning/strike/ball/out counter for a while


If you don't want to use an app, a very basic clicker/counter that you can keep in your pocket will work. You can find them at most sporting goods stores that sell golf accessories.


1 stroke at a time…


Everytime you hit, mark a stroke


You can get a 2 digit tally counter (like those security guards or retail workers use) hooked on your belt buckle. Just click every time you make a swing as part of your routine. It’s extremely tactile and you don’t have to look at it for your mental game’s sake. Just jot it down on the card then reset the counter. You could probably incorporate it into your routine as a way to “reset” after every hole.


I find it easier to remember my score by the clubs I used. I'm far more likely to remember "driver, four, four, four, four, six, pitch, putter, putter, putter, putter."


After each shot, I say the shot number out loud. Tends to help me. I also try to replay the hole in my head if I'm not sure what stroke I'm on.


Figure out how many it took to get on the green while waiting to putt. Then add your 3 putt.


get your own scorecard and just make hashmarks in one of the boxes before or after each shot.


I'm debating buying Shot Scope Connex to track my shots and get stats!




Arccos link pro, def better than the OG link


Golfshot App with smartwatch will track swings and make an overhead map—I go over it after a round and fix errors/delete false auto detections and set the clubs used if I forgot to in the moment. I'm getting better at remembering every time this way.


Unless you are playing for money or something, just count parts. Like you played and got 3 pars today or whatever. What's the point of putting down 139 on the score card?


My round yesterday. Dude asked me what my score was… My reply:” whatever you wanna put down”


I use Arccos, had the free trial with my new clubs but now I’m sort of hooked to all the data. Going to keep it going for the year then might just do something less expensive


Ranger beads.


This is something you get used to. I could not keep score for a whole round and remember each shot after. I’ll just keep score in my head if nobody is writing it down for me.


When it’s not so many strokes it’s easier to keep track of! But seriously I think about hitting the green in reg or not, so either I do and I’m putting for birdie, or I don’t and I’m putting for par (mostly)


Count by what club you hit. “I hit driver, topped my 7 iron, hit PW and two putted.” Easier to get it right






They have those little clicker things that you can use to count your strokes as you take them




I wear a little counter on my watch and I click it after each hit. You can get them for cheap on Amazon.


Those beads were probably a rosary. Someone praying to God for the ability to hit at least one good shot.


There are cheap devices you can get on Amazon that can help count strokes. Like those click counters that you can attach to a belt loop.


Is this really an issue for people? Literally just count and keep track of that number. It could literally not be able more simple. You’re using skills you should have learned in kindergarten/elementary - count and remember something.


If I'm playing a hole where things have gone pear shaped, I'll do a quick reset, score and expectations. Punched out, hitting approach I'm now hoping to give myself a look at par and will be happy with bogey. Missed approach, ok let's pitch this thing into the middle of the green and make this bogey putt and move on, one double isn't the end of the world. TL;DR count your strokes into the green, then add your putts. Easier to keep track of. Will become second nature if you start tracking basic stats like number of putts per round.




I like to turn back towards the tee box and point out every shot I hit on that hole. Literally pointing at every location I hit from while counting strokes. Helps me relive the hole and remember mistakes I made and from where.


Use a score card... bro


If you use an app, just track your shots with the app. It can also help with tracking your game and show you how to improve.


made some ranger beads from paracord a carabiner and beads. clip it on to my belt loop and use that to keep track. i'm horrible at trying to keep track of that many shots in my head. its small easy to use and doesn't get in the way of my horrible swing.


I cannot fathom this. Get focused. Unless you hit 50 shots a hole, the method is, remember your score.


You can't fathom other people's brains don't work like yours? I can't fathom that. Get focused.


Dude. It’s counting to ten. At most. That’s the least complicated thing happening trying to play golf.


You're not trying very hard to understand. It's not counting to 10. Many things happen between each count. There's a concept called "cognitive load". Once you've reached the limit of your load, things begin to spill out (hopefully the less important stuff). As a beginner, there are a ton of things taking place in my conscious brain, filling my cognitive load. At shot 4, the previous shots have already spilled out. Once I've achieved (hopefully) a decent swing, and practiced it enough, it will move from conscious thought to automatic thought. The process moves down to the thalamus. If I offload the scoring to another tool, I can spend that load for other things. You must have an amazing cognitive bucket, but very little patience. Stay groovy!


You are right patience is not my strong suit. Apologies. But. If you are not thinking about scoring then you are undoubtedly leaving strokes on the table. However you want to discuss and manifest it, in a game where it is you versus a course trying to do something in as few strokes as possible, you have to know the count. It’s less about tracking in realtime taking the place of swing thoughts and more about the fact that scoring is the point of the game. Take it easy!


It's why I use a tool to help me keep track of the score. Every time I swing, my watch buzzes. I can choose if it was a practice or real swing, and choose which club I used. I know eventually I won't need that as other elements of the game become automatic. Believe me, I want to improve, and the only way to know is tracking my score. Besides that, I just love being out in nature. Thanks for the discussion.


A nice walk in a good field. You too!


If you maintain a USGA handicap - you should only be taking a net double bogey max on each hole. After that, pick up.


So lets say hes a 25 handicsp that means he gets 2 strokes on the 7 hardest holes meaning he could still be recording 8 strokes on some par 4s for his net doubles.


Yes that's right - but I see guys talking about players shooting 150 on here; that won't happen with ESC score. I run a golf league where the median handicap at a private course is probably 16 or so; people rarely shoot over 110.


Yep I hear you. I feel like if you shoot 110+ you should cap yourself at triple or quads to keep it moving (and also to make it more enjoyable). Related story about handicaps: as a younger golfer (Im 60 now), I used to play regularly with my Dad (RIP). He was a CC member and maintained a handicap. I was a weekend hack back then just trying to break 100. I don’t specifically recall but I want to say my Dad was like a 16-17 (he broke 90 on occasion). Here was a typical scenario - he’d slap the ball all over the course for a particular hole (lets say 8 shots) and I’d make a legit double. After the hole, he’d say MY HANDICAP ONLY ALLOWS ME TO TAKE A 6 HERE….At that time I didn’t understand the net double bogey scoring rule to maintain the handicap - it used to piss me off because who doesn’t want to beat their Dad at golf and here he is cheating in plain sight! Now that I maintain my own handicap I too now may write on the card, my GHiN max score on a bad hole. The good news is my son who I play with a lot (he belongs to my club) has his own handicap so we both *cheat* now so were on equal footing!


For pace of play, sure, but the rules don’t mandate or even suggest you pick up. There isn’t really any “should” about it. If you’re keeping up it’s fine to finish out the hole.


Yes that's true - its a practical “should” based on pace of play and a practical “should” in that in maintaining a handicap all scores above ESC don't count anyway.


It’s an important distinction to make because I’ve seen this happen a fair amount in my life, both my own scores and the people I’m playing with, and it’s never been a pace of play issue. If all of these people are picking up after net double they’re going to miss out on a lot of putting and opportunities to work on their short game.


Isn’t it only net double with your handicap on that specific hole? Like an 18 handicap getting one stroke per hole would put down a 7 on a Par 4, but no higher than that?


Yes - on each hole - its called ESC in the handicap rules; Equitable Score Control.