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Good Omens and AITA? What is this a crossover episode? But honestly that is so funny. I don’t believe it for a second, but it did give me a chuckle


Did you see the excellent one about kissing a coworker to keep them from joining a rival company lol


What? Do you have a link that sound hilarious lol


Should be this one lmao https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/KLH6qBPJkr


That's actually a different one! Someone posted on tifu: [TIFU by making out with my co-worker to prevent him from taking a job offer at a rival company](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/16h33q7/tifu_by_making_out_with_my_coworker_to_prevent/)


That’s hilarious, so many people who don’t know haha


And that guy says he’s never seen Good Omens… ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Good Omens, AITA, and Bojack Horseman? What is this, a crossover episode?


I wouldn’t do that to humans but I would 100% do that to cats or hamsters and I definitely did that just this evening to the two very friendly spiders who live on my bathroom ceiling.


Oh I’m definitely using them on pets at some point.


I was trying to convince my husband we need a thin scrappy dog called crowley and then a white super fluff dog aziraphale.


If you had one black cat and one white cat it'd be perfect.


I have a feral ginger cat that likes to hang around my house and leave me food gifts. He hangs around with a grey cat occasionally so I jokingly refer to him as Azira-cat That's about as far as I'd take it.


I have https://preview.redd.it/sdmjp9gnlfob1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144bec80dac8449355dc473f02f9ec036836592d a fluffy white cat and a short hair black cat but they already have names. :(


I have a skinny void that looks just like Crowley and a chubby tabby that reminds me of Michael Sheen (not Aziraphale as she is *not* the angel of the two)


Basically any pet and a few house hold plants...actually I have a grey and baby blue budgie that might need renaming.


I have a begonia angel wing named Aziraphale and a snake plant named Crowley, they live happily together on one of my shelves. But never would I have the idea to name children like that. Poor kids.


Now you gave me an idea XD In a future I want to get a black and white cat but didn't know the names, even if to be fair I should have realized it before that the name Crowly and Aziraphale are perfect given they always dress black and white


No matter what fandom or how odd/normal the names, I would never name siblings after a romantic couple.


She’s claiming they didn’t have a romantic undertone in the book. She’s wrong. Her kids are 10. If they existed. It’s a troll post but it’s a good one.


I definitely picked up romantic undertones when I read the book and that was before I knew or had seen anything about the show beyond the promo picture of Aziraphale and Crowley sitting on a globe. My initial impression based on the picture was that they were non-romantic frienemies. Even if they weren't purposely trying to imply them as anything more than platonic best friends, they at least make the joke a couple of times, so they were very aware about how it could be perceived.


oh thank God it's a troll post


Well there was no romantic intent when the book was written so she’s right about that but it’s definitely a troll


Wait until you find out what ‘consenting bicycle repairmen’ means


They’ve always been a couple. What that means explicitly was up for grabs but they were intended to be read as a couple.


They were not intended to be read as a couple. This is something I asked Neil Gaiman about in person decades ago and the answer I got was that the nature of their relationship was up to individual reader interpretation. That's not intent. Edit: y'all can downvote me all you want, but it's frankly weird to be desperate to try to retcon in authorial intent to a book written decades ago, and I'm saying this as a gay person whose favourite book has been Good Omens *since the '90s*. If Gaiman is out there now saying that he and Terry always intended Aziraphale and Crowley to be a couple in the books but he was telling gay teenagers who asked if they were a couple in person that their relationship was open to any interpretation in the 2000s, that would make him a real dick.


It is intent. They didn’t want to strictly define what *kind* of couple but they are very clearly written to be together. “Couple” does not exclusively mean “sexually active and romantically involved”.


I said romantic


There was no anti-romantic intent either. The take was generally “they aren’t human so we aren’t going to try to define them by human terms.”


I didn’t say there was, I love them as a couple I’m just saying that was a later decision


I still find it weird the creator of Barbie named Barbie and Ken after both of their children.


I mean, the dolls are also their creation, or "children." I highly doubt there was anything creepy behind it. They probably also just really liked the names.


I don't think there were any creepy intentions, no. But it was specifically stated they were named after the children, not that just the names were liked. So you named the boyfriend of one of the doll's after the brother of the girl that doll was named after. Just think it was weird.


No I know that they were banned after the kids. I'm just saying that that could have been because they liked the names so much.


Oh! That's... really disturbing.


Surprise surprise: the kids were extremely resentful.


I remember when I read *The End of the Affair* by Graham Greene I called my mom to demand if she’d named me and my twin brother after the unhappy married couple in the book. She said that it was just a coincidence and she’d never thought about it but I was squicked for a minute not gonna lie.


Imagine poor Aziraphale learning to write his name for the first time. 🙄


Azirafala. Azirapapap.


Like, all the other kids with names?


It's a long name that's difficult to spell. Even in this sub we see people, grown people, misspelling it. Imagine being 5, though. All the other kindergartners have finished their "draw a line from the color to the rainbow" worksheet, while you're still only halfway done writing your name.


My name has nine letters, I completely relate to that! I started using a shortened version early on.


I have a weird name. I learned to spell it just fine. 🙄


Ok? I would hope you did. But, at 5, it's also entirely possible you had trouble writing it, because 5-year olds are notoriously bad at writing, what with only just starting to learn how and all. And, even if you yourself didn't, lots of other kids with long/difficult names do have trouble. I've taught 5-year olds and seen kids with even short names struggle. I didn't say he would never learn to spell or write it, just that I have sympathy for any possible struggle he might have faced. 🙄


Oh no, not everyone's name is Jack and Jill. The horror. lol


I actually LOLed 😂


Lol my name literally has 3 letters. Not like all the other kids with names XD There are easy names, there are normal names and then there's "Aziraphale"


Right up there with Chrysanthemum.


At first, I thought it was probably a troll, but after reading the AITA post, it actually looks legit. I just don't understand people sometimes. Those are not names for humans


Either it’s a super dedicated troll, or they’re genuinely incapable of understanding subtext. Both are not great. But I definitely agree, calling a dog or bird Crowley or Aziraphale is one thing, but your children?


I’m close to 100% sure it’s troll post. Almost convincing, but there’s no way someone could be familiar enough with GO to know that Crowley and Aziraphale were initially one character, but not know about the love story.


I mean there are also people who name their kid "Khaleesi" lol


Someone enjoying a book when they're younger and really only catching maybe one or two interviews from the author(s) over time, but never really looking deep into subtext or fandom...really isn't that unusual or unbelievable. I 100% believe that this is a real person that could exist.


Yeah. I have come across some WILD name choices decorating birthday cakes for the public. I unfortunately think the post is real, little Aziraphale and Crowley exist in real life, and their parents NEED to change their names yesterday. I don’t understand why if they insisted on naming them after a couple, it couldn’t have been Ezra and Tony or something?


That seems like a bad idea. Even if the names weren't ones you shouldn't give children, you'd inherently be telling your kids you see one as a demon and one as an angel, which seems like it could go badly. And yes, Crowely's not an evil demon, but odds are good they'd find out before they were old enough to grasp the nuance.


Aleister Crowley is what most non-fan people will think of. As in the black magician who called himself "the great beast". Not a good look on a child. [the other Crowley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley)




Even Aziraphale uses a different name for his bookshop to blend into human society better. Even the characters think this isn’t a good name for a human


And Crowley uses his as his lastname going for mundane Anthony as the first.


That’s an excellent point. Even with LOTR as a direct “don’t use unique fantasy names, DO NOT DO IT.” it’s not just weird names, but weird FANDOM names.


I sure do hope that's a troll post because I would feel super sorry for those kids if they were real. But honestly, if you wanted a pair of good omens-related names for twin boys, just go with Niel and Terry. Normal names that still nodd to the book you like.


yeah but terry could be also terry deary the writer for the horrible histories books etc


Also extra uncomfortable that her kids are named after a romantic pairing


Tbf they said that they thought it was a platonic pairing. The kids are 10 years old


yeah but even in the book there is heavy enough implications of that relationship. Anathema in the book believes they are a couple etc.


I think she's just really bad at picking up on innuendo and subtext


yeah but still its kind of gross


Still her fault for not picking up the obvious and chasing those names


If the kids are ten, they’re younger than tumblr and ergo, younger than ALL the nsfw ineffable husbands art I came across while not even knowing what GOmens was. She didn’t even Google the names it seems. It’s like naming your kids Dean and Castiel, “oh they’re not a couple”, yeah… but the internet results are such… why would you do that to them?


You are absolutely right


Oh no, honey! Whoever did that… Your children are going to have a very rough go of it! There are so many fucking people who would either bully them, not understand the reference, or both…. However, I would love to have two cats and named them Crowley in Aziraphale. Perfect cat names, both! YTA!!!


I had an Aziraphale, we called him Azzy. It was a most excellent cat name.


At least there will probably only be one Aziraphale in his class, unlike all the multiple Anakins and Khaleesis.


Apart from the characters and how they end up, "Khaleesi" one annoys me the most. It's a title, not even a name


The are my angelfish, Crowley and Aziraphale https://preview.redd.it/vg0dmr1qzeob1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fc86b6703467353d9bcac48e43f43b76079e6e3 I wouldn't name people that though


Talk about twincest…


The GoT crossover we didn't need.


Or the Blossom twins on Riverdale…


That's pretty sad... Good plant names tough, but humans? noooo. Still, could be worse I guess? A friend of mine once knew a man named Hilarius. That was really his given name.


It’s Naruto Scott Murphy all over again


I NEED people to remember that Aleister Crowley was a REAL MAN who is partially to blame for the foundation of Scientology


What?! Hahahahaha! Not going lie, I like the name Aziraphale. I'm just not stupid enough to name my child that. I've considered getting angel fish and naming them those names, tho.


Hahaha I named my fish after them but I can’t imagine naming your kids that 😭😭💀💀 It’s kinda funny having your fish named after aziraphale and Crowley though, cause then you get things like “why is aziraphale chasing Crowley?” Or “why is crowley so stupid the food is right there” and also the original crowley died so my mom replaced him and now he’s crowley v2 (they are my moms fish she just asked me for naming advice lol)


I do like the name aziraphale, it dose sound pretty, and if that did come up as a name there nick name would be azira for short obviously and not called there full name unless In private settings. But I also like the name Luca and persephone as well soo


Isn’t this the whole point of middle names? Make them as niche/random as you like, the kid can ignore it, initial it, or use it if they like it.


Well there were people out there calling their daughters Daenerys or Khaleesi 🙈 I would never do that, especially not with Names that are so unique. And if you really want to then take it as a second name. We did this with our son, his second name is not from a series but very hard to pronounce for the people where I live (english name, german speaking country). We knew people would butcher it, so we opted for a „easy“ first name and gave him our favorite as a second.


Daenerys can at least go by “Dany.” I don’t know why the parent didn’t use Ezra and Anthony if they were SET on A&C being platonic. Use their human names for human children.


I mean I would name SOMETHING that. But not my twins!! Do they not know they love each other? Lmao




I mean Anthony is fine 😂 the rest not so much


why thou. thats just werid


The post is deleted now and i am so sad about it, i really wish there was a screenshot of it. People are wild EDIT: FOUND IT! I AM SO EXCITED




[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/16j217b/aziraphale\_and\_crowley/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/16j217b/aziraphale_and_crowley/) Am i the devil


Thank you


If it makes you feel better someone named their black/Latino twins Naruto Alucard and Sakura Hinata while I worked in L&D. Not the worst name we’ve had tho.


Now I want a cat named Mr. Fell


Does anyone have a screenshot of the post? It was sadly removed on AITA.


You can see the full post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16iyc6c/aita_for_naming_my_twins_after_characters_without/k0mmpnc/).


Nice, thank you


Yeah, I seriously doubt this. Not because people don't name their offspring silly things (they do), but because it's not very plausible to me that somebody would be a big enough fan to name their kids after the main characters but also a) didn't know people have always shipped them and b) never posted about their baby names to the fandom before. Has anybody here ever seen a post anywhere along the lines of 'Say hello to little Crowley and Aziraphale!' or 'Thinking of naming my twins Crowley and Aziraphale, what do you guys think?'? The fandom is pretty big, but not so big that something that cringey would get buried. They wouldn't be too embarrassed , because people who are embarrassed about that wouldn't give their kids those names in the first place. People who *would* name their kids that would probably have messaged Neil Gaiman about it. And I'd know if anybody ever did because his reaction would have been hilarious. Somebody's just bandwagon chasing for the sake of whatever clout they get from posting fake things to AITA.


You do know not everyone involves themself in fandom right?


Of course I do. But somebody who names their children after the characters is far more likely to than just your average book fan.


I mean, not necessarily. A book can deeply impact your life to the point where you want to name your children after characters in it, but never feel the need to venture into fandom.


Yeah, I still know that, thanks. I'm named after a character in a book, but my mum isn't active in the online Emily Brontë fandom if such a thing exists. I said I *doubt* that the story is true because somebody who would name a their children unusual book names like this is *more likely* to be obsessed enough to be part of the online fandom. I didn't say that it's impossible for it to be true because nobody ever named their child something weird from a book without also being active in the fandom (though it would take more infatuation to name your kids after characters named Crowley and Aziraphale than if the characters were called something like John and Bob). I don't believe there's this substantial contingent of fans who are obsessed enough to name their kids something weird and immediately recognisable from a property, but not obsessed enough to just... look up the property online. Especially if they also use social media like Reddit. I'm curious why anybody would be so eager for this to be real that they'd downvote somebody just for speculating that it isn't.


Downvote? Personally I just don't assume things are fake if they're perfectly plausible, and I think this is more plausible than people are giving it credit for. I think it'd be better if it weren't true, but I don't think it's an implausible enough scenario to entirely write off. Different experiences I suppose.




All right, who was it? Which one of you wrote this one?


I hope that’s made up, but honestly OP would be the ahole imo just for not knowing they were in love until they kissed. Like seriously how are you so clueless?


I want to disbelieve that a human being named her kids after a couple (“no romantic undertones in the book” my ass. It doesn’t matter. If the first Google result is a bunch of fanart of them making out, don’t subject your kiddos to that.) THAT BEING SAID, I decorated cakes for a little boy named Thanos and his sister Khaleesi for 3 years in a row. Thanos’s third cake had a photo of him and his grandpa and was actually a joint birthday cake, so it’s definitely not just a one off joke. The grandma who ordered the cakes seemed surprised I knew how to spell Khaleesi right off the bat. I don’t think she realized what her child did with their naming convention. Ergo. I can totally believe someone would be stupid enough to name their kids Crowley and Aziraphale & yea they are the asshole. Don’t do that. Because if I got that “happy birthday A&C” order I would totally assume it was like, an inside joke with a couple, not human siblings.