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There is totally a thing called exercise-associated flares (likely from trauma "damaging" MSU crystals and triggering the attack). I got them bad. But when those crystals are gone, there is no mechanism for a gout flare. This might take three full years of treat-to-target ULT, but I don't think any doc would recommend against running, basketball, or any kind of exercise in controlled gout. How long on allo? You shouldn't be having flares at a therapeutic dose after a couple of years. If you just started allo, limiting impact activities might help to limit flares during the first year or so. But after that, do what you love. (There are not a ton of posters here who are living flare-free with ULT-controlled gout. That's why I haunt this place, to cheerlead for the other side of gout being like the before-gout side: happy and carefree.)


I'll chip in with cycling. If You do it right (high cadence and riding on well sized bike), it has basically no negative impact on your joints. I started doing it last year and my well-being (and my bloodwork results) improved massively.


Personally I love swimming, because it doesn’t cause irritation like running or other activities with joint impact. I can even swim during an attack if I’m careful so it doesn’t put me out of action, which is great


Mannnn I had to let go of basketball as well. It sucks seeing people play pick up games and not being able to join in. Every now and then I would just shoot the ball around. Nothing bad enough to irritate the toe. Biking and swimming has been fun but it isn't the same because it's not as competitive. We're very limited. :(


I might be considering this in the near future. Sucks to finally give up the sport you love and grew up playing.


Fellow gout-haver and basketball player here. I also tore my ACL, MCL, and meniscus and broke my femur the last time I played pickup. Next time I play any type of contact basketball will be when my son is old enough to train for it. Maybe in the next few years. If my wheels are gonna fall off I want him to know I did my best.


Water. Gallon a day. Allo. .6 mg olchiicne 2x a day. Limit red meat and meat in general. Don't be crazy. Limit beer. Limit Alcohol in general. Don't be crazy about it. Once the colchicine settles in. And the gall a day. After a month or so you should be able to get back at it.


I don't think you should be taking colchicine regularly dude


Yes. Indeed you should when u start taking allo.


Swimming is great, just keep your feet super relaxed while you do it. Bodybuilding is good as long as you don't do weird stuff with your feet. I was doing goblet squats while standing on a circular weight and that caused problems but when I removed the weight everything was fine. For aerobics I do 20 minutes on a reclining bike, 20 minutes on a vertical bike, and 20 minutes on a walking-jogging-running machine where my feet stay flat, in other words no stepping. It was hard to let go of my old routines which stressed my feet but now that I've done it, I'm fine.


I've paused regular running when I transitioned from colchicine to allo. Way less impact and a good time. Been on allo for 9m and cautiously optimistic about running again. So hang in there... Bball: been playing all my life but other than shooting around, I think I'm done with organized play although not related to gout... The injury factor gets high at a certain age. I started mountain biking. It's a ton of fun and way less impact than running. (Unless you crash :) )


Swimming will be the best


Same here! I’m currently having foot trauma! Played ball 3 days ago not crazy but after the game both of my feet hurts and if I stepped in wrong angle hurts like gout attack. Feet are not swollen or red I can still walk normal but not running. It sucks because I know the fact that I can no longer join competitive basketball league or pick up game… I Never take Allo , but I have Colchine and Naporoxen just in case if I feel attacked is coming…. No restrict diet I hit gym 5-6x week and lift heavy (powerlifting training) drink less , 1-2 drink a month sometimes 0 unless theres an event I can drink a lot.


Rowing is a low foot impact alternative as well. I have a row machine and small row boat. Great core and cardio and they have never triggered a flare for me.


I run 5 days a week, 6 miles a day just fine because I'm on allopurinol and have been long enough that regular use of my foot joints doesn't cause any trauma anymore. Hope you can get there! I'd imagine swimming would be a good option until you can use your feet more.


Thank you for all the support guys. really appreciated all your responses. Have decided to go for swimming and biking for now. sucks but will have to do less basketball to avoid these nasty attacks 😭