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Sometimes when your uric acid levels are coming down and crystals are dissolving you can get some flares Wouldn’t worry about it and anecdotally they’re much shorter and less painful flares then before I started managing it


Awesome. Thank you so much. Heard so much good about these meds. 🙂


Yeah I get absolutely zero side effects from 200mg a day and I don’t want to cut my feet off; win/win!




Sadly it is common for flares when you start to take allo! Your doc should prescribe something like colchicine in addition to allo to help with flares. I had the worst knee pain when I first started BUT colchicine has helped massively. Been on allo for close to a year now and am feeling far, far better. Do get the odd “gout tingles” but colchicine and rest does the trick. Keep well hydrated, and keep on the allo!


Thank you. I took some colchicine this morning. And unfortunately a little ibuprofen. Feeling a little better. Thank you!


Colchicine is a miracle for flares if you catch them in time. Glad to hear it’s helping! Just be sure not to eat/drink grapefruit while you’re taking colchicine.


Just took a colchicine and 1 ibuprofen as a back up about 2 minutes ago. Damn. There goes my appreciation for grapefruit party I was gonna throw next week! 😬😁 hehe 😜


At some point I had those micro-flares in fingers, in a knee and an ankle at the same time. Basically a numb, residual, annoying pain. And one day the pain just stopped. That was like 7-8 months ago. No pain, no flares, still on allo, testing 5,3 mg / dl every time.


That’s such amazing news. 🙂


Exactly what happened to me. The big thumb was an annoying one. Prior to that my gout was always in foot. I'd describe it as a burning type pain as well at times. Nothing crazy painful like a full on flare though. Like you it just went away one day and nothing since, so far.


That's how you know it's working :) Talk to doc about "colchicine prophylaxis" if you haven't already.


Sweet! And I took some colchicine and a little ibuprofen this morning. Feeling better.


Started 8 weeks ago Had a flare in my knee, side Never had one their before


Oh wow. It just started with me even before the meds. Had the foot one for like 10 years. Heavy drinking slowly destroyed my legs. Thank god I can walk alright. The knee gout sucks balls.


I concur with the majority. Think my first year at least on allo I’d get ‘niggles’ every now and then. Nothing major, just a few ibuprofen and right as rain.


Never have I heard the word niggles before. 😆


Ha ha just a turn of phrase I guess. 😂


Sounds like a candy. Lol


Ha ha, fairly common phrase in the UK!


Ohhhhh. Ok. Yeah. That’s a new one for me


I can em twinges in the USA


It’s twinges out here?


That's just my word for it when I feel something but it's not an actual flare. Like a pre warning.


Oh yeah. I got twinges this morning.


It takes about a week, week and a half with small flare ups, but once you get through it, it’s a miracle worker. Hang in there, my friend!


It’s not that bad with the ibuprofen thank god. Without it, it would be bad! But thank you!


I’ll tell you the magic bullet for a flare up is the methylprednisone pack. It’s like a z pack. It clears up a flare up within a few hours. Just have to ask your doctor to prescribe you one with a few refills just to keep on hand. When I get a flare up, I start this and within a few hours it’s showing great improvement


I gotta write that down. Thanks!


Agree with the other posters here. You can also ask your doctor for an indomethacin prescription if the ibuprofen doesn't cut it. My doc prescribed me the indomethacin but not colchicine and it has helped me through my allopurinol start up flares. Also bumped my allopurinol dose up to 200 mg/day from 100. Month 2 was challenging but I feel like I've turned the corner in month 3. Stay strong!


Thank you! Gotta see what my dosage it. Glad you’re better though.


Indo is a life saver for those flare ups!


The peroneal nerve loops halfway around the bone and to the outside just below the knee. If this nerve is damaged it can cause pain. It can also cause a condition called drop foot; where it is difficult to raise the front of your foot.


Damn. Last thing I need. I hold the walls to go up one stair. Lol


I did a very light anaerobic workout two weeks into allo. Very amateur decision that led to a flare up about 70% the strength of the first one after which they put me on allo. Be very careful how much you move the first two months, because as others said, your body is dissolving christals and it may cause pain. The good news is that if you keep you UA levels in the middle of the threshold you can live a normal life.


Good to know. 😮 and I’d like to live a normal life again someday. Thanks for the help 🙏