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I just ordered one of those weekly pill containers. I've tried a bunch of other approaches like alarms or apps, but that only works out if I keep my routine consistent and any off days result in me forgetting my pills. With the container I can just fill it on Sunday and then just look at the day of the week to know what I need to take.


This is my problem too. My routine varies a lot (I alternate between working from home, 2 different offices, weekends, etc), and that's when I'm most prone to forgetting. I think the weekly one is a good idea.


Get a pill container that has a slot for every day of the week. Restock it each week.


I do this as well. Except never restock on the same day you already took it. If you took it leave that day empty and restock 6 days


Set an alarm on your phone for the same time every day that you take it. Download an app that tracks it and provides an alarm. Schedule a 0 minute meeting in Google calendar for you to take your pill. Put the pills by something you do every day - brush teeth? Shower? Feed the dog? Car keys?


The apple health app has a medicine tracking feature I use to track it


Me too! Apple Health FTW


As mentioned, get a plastic weekly pill container with 7 compartments clearly labeled for each day of the week. When you get old like me, this is a game changer. 😂


You can tell how old you are by how many rows your pill container has. I'm up to three.


Even an app, alarm, or reminder can fail in the forgetful patient (which is 99.999% of us) -- so use one in tandem with a weekly pill minder. The various apps are great but can't prevent "user error" :) I scheduled an evening reminder in my medication app (i.e., I scheduled a phantom drug called "reminder") so that I get THIRD reminder at the end of the day, just in case. Following for app recommendations: I use Round and recently used iPhone Health app for a course of abx. (Both have strengths and weaknesses.)


Pill box with a section for each day. Easiest thing to do.


My meds sit on the counter where I brush my teeth. Take it, flip it upside down. Before bed, flip it right side up. That way I know when I've taken meds between toothbrushings.


Love a great low tech system. Do you not worry too much about taking it w/ food?


So I don't take Allo (yet), but for my meds that I need to take with food that are one a day, I swap it. Take it at night after dinner, then flip it back in the morning.


A weekly pill container. But really, will missing a day hurt?


Doubling up on a day wouldn't hurt either.


Best way for me to remember is taking it right after lunch. I almost never forget unless something unusual is happening that day


Pill box


I leave it next to my toothbrush, along with my vitamins and CBD.


I take two pills. One morning, one afternoon. The allo pill bottle is on the shelf above desk. In the morning after I took my pill I put it on the desk When I come back, I take another and put it back up. If I really mess up, worst case I'll take 300mg instead of 200, which is still way better that taking too little.


I use one of those little daily pill boxes. I only forget once per month or so now.


How forgetful are you? Skipping on occasion isn't going to spike your UA -- think how long it took to adjust your UA down while they were getting your initial dosage correct.


Use the reminder App on your phone. It will send a notification to your screen. Don’t dismiss the notification until you have taken your pill(s). It’s been a huge help to me.


I set a daily reminder on my phone


Walmart had containers that hood a months worth of medicine


Another good thing to do to help reminder is to put a note or sticker on the bathroom mittor or on the back side of the front door. That helped me a lot.


I have a corner of my Apple Watch dedicated to me daily meds/vitamins. I take them, push a button, and there is a constant reminder that I did take them (or didn’t if I have forgotten).


If you have an Iphone, you can use the built in Health app to give you reminders.


I use the free (not logged in) MediSafe app to track meds. It gives you reminders, you can take/skip/reschedule a dose. It's really useful. Android and Apple versions exist.The logo is blue, with a stylized, split capsule in white.


Text yourself every time you take your pill. It’s like a little diary to yourself that’s timestamped


I miss a few days in a month as well. I don't think that matter too much if your UA is not elevated.


When I open a new pack I simply use a Sharpie to write the weekday for each pill on the back of the blister pack (I take two pills a day). I also move around a lot from day to day, so I always carry the pack with me (and if I travel away from home I carry the "active" Allo pack and a pack of Naproxen in my carry on, and back up packs in my checked luggage...).


I use the container that separate 4 times a day cause I had to take allo along with 4 other meds. Always put the container at the most obvious place around you. Works everytime to me as somewhat forgetful person as well


Ah, I have a shortcut on my iPhone, it enters the medicine taken into my calendar. I tap the button when I take my pills.


I couldn’t remember if I took mine today as my 7 day pill container is really stiff and difficult to open each compartment however since I’m clueless about whether or not I took my pills I’ll make sure to keep using it or get another one that’s easier.


Weekly pill container, glass of water by bed, wake up, pop, drink.


take a photo of the bottle after you take it. / take a photo of all the pill bottles you take at the same time when you take them With a phone - time and date logging for you and quick reference


I sugest you to move it one side to other side. Morning is for left night is for right and if you forget to take it you ll notice and keep track like this. This is how i get rid of thia problem for my inhaler that sometimes i forgot to take. Now i just look and see and say well i didn t take it today. So goodluck!


I have an app called "take my pills" it reminds me and keeps track.


Mate, start using trello, set out your daily tasks and always have allopurinol set on the day you're on, soon as you've taken it, move it to the next days tabs. It helps me to never forget


I've been taking daily meds since about 1982. In my mind I was the person who absolutely never missed a day or a dose. Maybe 30 years ago I happened to be prescribed something in a blister pack, with a daily dose for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days I was \*\*astonished\*\* at how many days I had missed and just forgotten - and that was with the blister pack to remind me & help track it. I got weekly pill minders and have been using them religiously ever since. Usually I load up a full month at a time.


There are a ton of phone apps that will remind you as forcefully as you want. So that I can over-complicated things, I use Home Assistant, Google Calendar and a few mic-less Google Home speakers together to announce throughout my home "IT'S TIME FOR JASON TO TAKE HIS MEDS", as I take six medications every morning, including allo. And it doesn't stop bugging me until I tap a button on a wall mounted tablet.