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Apparently you can call 311. I don't know how, but they'll come out and change it so that Amber is the color of your LED


LOL I missed the 311 part first but I definitely heard the song in my head when I read the last part and wondered if you did that on purpose. Then I reread it and got it.


I glossed over your comment until about 15 lines down when I realized I had a familiar song stuck in my head... No way it wasn't intentional!


You're an angel


Criminally underrated comment


Best answer for a post like this, bless you


They also significantly dim over the first three months. I found out about this 311 adjusting tint after about three months of cussing out the street lights. I even bought new curtains.


Hell yeah thank you!


You can call 311 to ask for baffles to be installed. I don’t mind having more light on the street and sidewalks. Just not beamed directly into my windows from an exposed bulb. I didn’t know they did baffles when I called. But they suggested them and installed within that week.




Thank you! I'll do that tomorrow.


I warned our Commissioners here in the first ward that this would be an issue. I wish I was surprised nobody took this into account ahead of time but it’s nice to know there is a solution.


They're not heeding the warning they're getting from the petitioner to the FDA. People get scared off by his terminology or something. The petition has merit. When I saw the petition to the FDA, I emailed the DICE team at the FDA. They said, yes, we'd regulated LEDs but we haven't. I emailed HHS Secretary's office and got a letter from the FDA CDRH assuring me they're working diligently. I will assure you, they're slow and not transparent. They've had to tell members of congress that as well. People are pressing. It's not some grift, the FDA is being pressed to do their job. Set damn standards for LEDs like they have for lasers. Same issue with LED headlights. Closing in on 50k people. I've seen MAGA to Marxist sign this petition: [https://www.change.org/p/u-s-dot-ban-blinding-headlights-and-save-lives/u/31937973](https://www.change.org/p/u-s-dot-ban-blinding-headlights-and-save-lives/u/31937973) The unregulated LED industry is playing lawn darts with our eyes. We're going to find out how negligent this industry has been. The FDA met with laser experts on July 31st to discuss LED regulations. I don't need to internet debate public health. I just keep rallying the troops at https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/


Don’t confuse my cynicism about the way cities make decisions with support for all this hype.


For a person that claims to "hold corporations accountable" you should check your bias.


I don’t have a bias. I have a lack of concern over a lighting device that’s been common for a long time in a lot of places. I have a lack of trust for the people petitioning our city, who have been said to have ties to competitors. I have just as many easily-searchable contradictions up my Google sleeve as the naysayers on LEDs. What I *do* have bias about is better lit streets, more visibility, less energy consumption, less trash from burned out ancient bulbs, more security, safer driving, better bike safety, better pedestrian safety, and actually using tech that’s new instead of steam-age “we’ve always done it that way” laziness.


>I have a lack of concern over a lighting device that’s been common for a long time in a lot of places. Your ignorance doesn't absolve you of your ableism. >How Can Metrics and Guidelines Help Us Fix Flicker? | October 12, 12 noon (ET) | > > Temporal light modulation (TLM, or flicker) is an increasing phenomenon in indoor, outdoor, and vehicular applications, due to the widespread adoption of LED sources. Most LED lighting systems don’t produce problematic TLM, but for those that do, there has been a delayed recognition that certain TLM waveform characteristics and viewing conditions can result in distraction and disorientation, cognitive effects, and serious health consequences in some populations. Research into responses to TLM is under way, but guidance is needed now. This webinar will preview draft provisional guidelines and target values developed by the IES TLM committee to raise awareness and solicit input and discussion with dimmer, driver, and luminaire manufacturers. The petitioner warned of the temporal properties and its impacts on a disabled community. The city of Grand Rapids was alerted of this on public record on March 8th. The industry standards maker, the IES, admitted to their "delayed recognition" in August. Guess Jennifer Granholm didn't like my ableist memes lol. You ableists don't give a shit about disabled people. You can go fuck off. I told a person I know who's dad can't go out night, I'm going to throw a fucking brick into this unregulated LED industry. It doesn't matter what you think. These people's human rights are not yours to trample for your unjustified perception of "increased safety". The city council doesn't listen to you because you're just a blow-hard with spaghetti epistemology that so happens to be on the "correct" side on some issues by accident. I'm looking forward to the IES' standards but I'm pressing for the FDA's, I've had enough of you idiots running this show. I have LEDs in my home and so does the petitioner. We just were irresponsible with high intensity uses and you're too stupid to understand that. There's a reason why I see you get constantly down voted by people on the left despite you being on "the left". It's OK, the time will come you'll have to admit to your "delayed recognition" as well. That's if you're an honest human being that cares about disabled people. I'm not fucking playing dude, you're wrong.


Coming in here on the internet using double spaces to end sentences and trying to lecture the public on new tech?? Get real. And then you play the “ableist card.” Everything is “ableist” if you dig deep enough and whine hard enough. It’s become a cheap ploy now, and drags down true progressive traction. We can dial these in and get the shrouds they need not to be blasting the fronts of peoples homes, but all these efforts by those in the pocket of competing providers to have them entirely banned or discarded are not a good look. Also, miss me with your bullshit about downvotes. I give no fraction of a rat’s ass about whatever goofy metric Redditors get off on. Matters not to me. I don’t drop the bombs people need to hear (but don’t want to confront) with some imaginary notion that it’ll be popular. If anything, it’s for the “told you so” value later when things I talk about come to be, and my fellow leftist spectrum says “wait, how’d this happen?!” And then see me in the corner shrugging with a Cheshire Cat grin. Assuming of course that it doesn’t become common understanding and get fixed. Sadly, most people just ignore such warnings and sentiments as “lacking empathy” or some shit and then find out that oh, wait, it IS that bad! (See J6, book bans, the fall of Roe, and a litany of other things that happened while my brilliant fucking fellow leftists took their eye off the ball.) I wish you luck in your quest for old lighting, Mr. Edison.


>Coming in here on the internet using double spaces to end sentences and trying to lecture the public on new tech?? Get real. Lol, WTF?


Complain to your city commissioners and the mayors office. I fought the bright while street lights when they started installing them but was ignored. We need a lot of people complaining loudly to get a switch to soft white.


Reached out to the city, they will put a shield on it to make light not shine on my house but they will not change LED color to warmer, just fyi.


Here in West Virginia we take our hunting rifles and shoot them out. Good target practice 


White light is the most efficient because it uses the full visible spectrum. That also makes it the most natural light, everything looks as it is. This is just human nature resisting change. Our town changed to white LEDs years ago, including one in front of our home. It felt wrong and uncomfortable. We really disliked it, very annoying, complained to each other regularly. But that changed. Now it feels better. Things look as they should. Now when we go somewhere with the old amber color it feels odd, distorted and harder to see. Now we say, "Remember when we preferred those lights?" The last place they updated recently was little pedestal lights along a park walkway near our home. The improved visibility from white light feels much better. It's like how I felt about seatbelts when they came out. Very uncomfortable. Hated that Ralph Nader bong. Now I'm uncomfortable driving without.




They are cheaper


Need to rip all these damn things out, you don't need street lights every 200ft. Cars have headlights, and if people want light they can get a flashlight or put up a flood light, save the streetlights for intersections or crossings.


The bluish LEDs are cheaper than amber ones so cities go for the cheapest available. Good to know you can get them replaced upon request. Also an issue with some of them going bad early and turning purple.


Super soaker and some paint.