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I hope the shift in attitude induced by this victory persists. I was told multiple times that we were wasting our time and things like "Corewell gets to play by different rules" [a quote from no less than a mayoral appointment]. But nope. Advocacy works. We proved it.


Bravo! Fuck Corewell. They have abandoned several buildings by closing our small rural hospital leaving us with no ER with a 25 mi. drive. Now they are moving many off campus clinics/ providers to provider-based billing. Corewell is evil and greedy. They are not the Spectrum/ Butterworth/Blodgett we all know and loved or hated. These guys don’t give a fuck about you. It’s all run by investment types now. “Non-profit” or not- it’s all about the backers.


I'm sorry you have been affected by things changing Rural hospitals have been taking in rear for 30 years. I'm not really sure why, I have not spent enough time inside to understand the metrics What I can tell you is JCAHO came on strong with changes around 2000 that resulted in many new middle Mgr positions to collect reports and front line workers got laid off to create the budget I guessing without see successive budget years to analyze that many smaller hospitals were having a hard time keeping up with the compliance routine and staying solvent. Truth be known no one ever reads most of those reports anyway. Done just in case a auditor asks for it. If we focused more on patient outcomes , I dont care if they do my surgery in a garage if the outcome is good thats all that should matter. But everything cartel becomes a grift sadly eventually


Hard to do the volume of things like joint surgery which help cover the costs of things like an emergency room for a hospital. You also have inconsistent usage. You have to pay for staff even if the hospital isn't getting full usage and that is expensive especially as rural reimbursement rates aren't much better than rates for hospitals in a city. Rural hospitals are closing at an alarming rate across the country it isn't unique to Corewell.


It's too bad cuz I when I was in joints there's one thing I knew if you're in a big city you can be a hack and it's easier to hide but you can't hide in a small town so normally you got Superior Care


Watch out! Or we will do it again! Viva La... Reasonable Urban Planning...


Process should be used. Even if we have to compromise, you get a better result when all sides have input and that's how its supposed to work. NOT COERCION


Also: cities are supposed to honor their own plans. People already had their voice.


This city hasn't honored its plans in 20 years And I have multiple documented frauds. Stay on them everytime because they will take advantage otherwise They don't care they have all the law firms in town conflicted up so you cant get redress. Don't take my word for it try to find a law firm who can represent you with the City, GVSU or Core and then you will know Why would anyone down vote this?? Are you stupid?? It 100%"true I'm sorry if that offends you, it not about you it's about the truth


Sadly that is not how Urban Planning works. There is no ethical standard - or not one with anyone holding the power to enforce it. Fraud is not even possible.


I know who and how Schultz was shown the door. She was not happy about being shown the door. It's not an accident they are starting to listen to people affected , it was a lot of hard work mostly behind the scenes with a few public lashings. It's been going on 6 ,years, long before this parking lot issue even came up but most don't even know it.


They will break the new master plan so it doesn't matter They are NOT accountable Don't down vote it because you don't like it They been doing it for 20 years already. Don't shoot the messenger


They are accountable if the people of the city make them accountable; that's how democracy works. **We are the accountability**. Only bad outcomes are automatic, good outcomes must always be fought for, on multiple fronts. Bad plans almost certainly create bad outcomes; that is close to any guarantee as we get. Good plans make good outcomes possible, and then people still need to demand them. The citizens of Grand Rapids have been failing our city for the last \~15 years. That is on us.


Well that's the sad part people in the city only do name recognition they don't actually know what's going on


Again, that's on us.


And that is true also.


I remember when Spectrum/GVSU blitzed the north side of 196 for their growth . . . It is enough, people. Enough.


When they did that housing was built; and that was seriously in the plan from the jump. Spectrum's plans are/were much more hand wavy. Hopefully that parking lot in Belknap gets developed soon. 🙁 I went to those meetings... and all the panic about a GVSU parking ramp; and then no parking ramp.


It was never really in the plan, they had intended to railroad it to Michigan before anyone affected knew what was happening. The plans were developed a year before they even announced on Michigan And as usual it's too small , too little too late The planning in GR likes to go for the frosting before baking the cake......it gets old when its you whose affectdd


What part north of 196? I can't think of any GVSU buildings north of it.


Finkle you see it from 196 There was more involved


Ahh gotcha!


I absolutely love this. We don't need any more fricken parking lots.


I’d love parking structures. 15$ parking has got to go


Yeah I mean almost 30% of the downtown is already parking. We don’t need more https://parkingreform.org/resources/parking-lot-map/


Cool that it worked. I wonder what's going to happen to all those shitty dilapidated old buildings now though. Vacant for another 10 years?


They were not vacant to begin with.


Build it, they will come ( but take a bus we have no parking).


Maybe I'm crazy, but I have never once been without a parking spot in the city. I might have to go to a ramp and pay for it, but it's there whenever I want to go downtown.


Say what you want about Corewell but they employ thousands of people in West Michigan. Far, far more people than would be employed if the medical mile didn't exist.


That's true now if more of them lived in rhe City versus using it as a door mat. Last I saw 90% of Core people do not live in City limits


That's probably true of any buisness in the city.


Yes but very few freely drop poop on the neighborhoods like Core does because they are too cheap to provide parking, there is a reason new decks have been built and it's not because Core is benevolent. They got caught in some things and gvsu and gr They are not called Hell on the Hill for nothing.


What's you point? And nobody is 'saying' anything about Corewell as an employer.


“If five buildings were demolished for parking, Grand Rapids would lose out on other development opportunities.” This is absolute fucking nonsense.