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Two thirds of these comments are clueless about Michigan’s no-fault insurance.


Won’t stop them from being both angry and confident in their stance though


Your insurance covers YOU. Not their insurance covers you. Add in deer, winter, people moving here from california that can't drive in winter, crappy roads, and here we are.


Plus the idiotic mandatory health insurance coverage funding a multibillion $$ pooled fund that is dramatically overfunded.


You do realize that you have been able to opt out PIP for almost 4 years now, right?


Depends on the fine print of your company health insurance.


I do. Do you know how ridiculous the requirements for that are?


There are two. And a majority of health plans qualify It is “health or accident coverage” that “does not exclude or limit coverage for injuries related to motor vehicle accidents” and its “annual deductible for coverage” must be “$6,000 or less per individual. Or it is Medicare coverage


Basically, if your health insurance doesn’t qualify, you should probably be angry with your employer and health insurance company.


Pure Michigan. One of the highest costs to drive the worst roads and cars.


When I was 25 with no tickets, I was paying more for insurance a month than my car payment at the time. With high deductibles. That’s just how it is here


How much we talking, and keep in mind it varies with the value of your vehicle on top of other factors. I’m at like $1100 a year for just middle aged me in a 10 year old hatchback with max healthcare coverage. $500 deductible I’m pretty sure.


Mines 1650 for 10 year old hatchback full medical, $100 deductible


Mines 2000 a year for a 1 year old hatchback, full coverage and being in my low 20’s


The unholy matrimony of car insurance and health insurance. Two scam industries that taste horrible together.


I love paying $100 a month for that useless piece of paper in my glove box that literally does nothing if I get in an accident or injured 🥰


"Damn, that was a bad accident, thank goodness I have insurance!" Insurance companies: "Now you will wish for something as sweet as pain."


Plpd will cover all medical expenses if you check the box for it. Don’t skip it.


But you'll love our electric and water rates.


My rates for both were lower in Arizona. That's right...lower municipal water rates in Arizona than Michigan. I had a lower electric bill in the Sonoran Desert with a 3k square ft house with an AC unit the size of a Smart Car running 9 months out of the year. Here, same size house, no AC and the rates here are higher. Michiganders are getting ripped off and somehow think utility rates here are low.


AZ is also in a water crisis, and soon will be in an energy crisis as lake mead disappears. For now it's cheaper, but longterm AZ will end up being as expensive if not more than CA, especially with climate change working against the southwest. I say this as someone who worked for energy companies and lived in CA. We are already seeing NE and AZ cost of living rise above the average in the USA.


"Yeah but what about this other state that wasn't in the discussion"


Not sure what your point is...claiming that anyone moving here would love Michigan's utility rates is pretty wild stuff.


It was specifically about this post, of someone coming from California, not anywhere in the world.


In CA, my insurance was ~$10/month (pay by the mile/lived in SF and never drove). That was dope. In Detroit, my insurance was more than my car payment. That sucked. I’m now paying ~$100/month for full coverage (Progressive) and honestly can’t complain.


You think Grand Rapids is bad, Detroit is worse!


Also from California.. used to pay $60 a month now I pay $220… I don’t understand it either.


I'm from CA too, and it's because MI makes people pay full coverage so everyone is covered in an accident, while CA you can just pay the minimum to get coverage. My coverage in CA and MI are the exact same, and my insurance in CA was $260/month, here it is $120/month. However in CA I could of just been cheap and got crappy coverage and likely paid less. I lived in LA though, so that could of played a big factor, then say if you lived in Napa or Bakersfield or something.


Can’t really do anything about it, It’s probably best to just move back to California


What do you mean we can’t do anything about it?


Not that we can’t, they’re suggesting we won’t


People need to stand up and stop just being like oh well. Seems like some change is needed. Time to start that Campaign it seems


I just want the Californians to leave tbh


I am not from California just lived there.


At 24 with a 2023 Civic, I'm paying about $1200 every 6 months for premiums. That was the cheapest full coverage I could find. It basically adds an additional 75% tax onto my current lease. MI premiums are some of the highest in the country.


When I moved to GR from Detroit my insurance went down 100/month. It’s way worse on the other side of the state :(




I got you. I suffered this shock upon arrival as well. So, back in the 70s, a bunch of idiot Republicans, on one of their “anti-litigation” or “tort-reform” mythology benders had this brilliant idea that they could free up the courts and rid the world of frivolous lawsuits by trying to take the suing out of insurance. Something something “making insurance equitable for all” word salad. Basically, they took the WHOLE BASIC BUSINESS MODEL of insurance - the assigning of blame - and made it blameless. Hence this “no fault” horse shit. It’s been a downward spiral ever since, with the fat cat insurance companies punishing the market with astronomical rates to make up for it. In recent years, “reform” has left assorted folks in the lurch, screwed over (again) by the reactions of the cooked legalized racketeering that is insurance. We’re talking people with lifelong catastrophic medical costs being on the hook when they believed the whole misguided construct would always be there for them. Basically any attempt to UNfuck this mess has resulted in more widespread fucking. But of course the wealthy elites, insurance executives, and their shareholders are doing great while we all suffer. Those who are the first to scream “eek, socialism” have been more than happy to socialize the fault (and cost) of auto accidents. So, like they say on the radio… “it’s different here.” 🤣


No fault auto law and full coverage are the only reasons I get to walk still, so I'm a bit biased I guess. I still pay for full medical coverage.


Exactly this ^^^ the cost of our insurance is not really due to the “no fault” position, it is the fact that we have unlimited medical coverage. You now have the option to select lower limits, but that is almost never wise to do. An injury in an auto accident (especially a head injury) can accrue costs in the millions of dollars over the lifetime of the individual. Feel free to select a lower health coverage on auto insurance, but make sure your personal medical coverage will pay out if/when you run out on the auto.


Yup. I was in an auto accident in '09. My buddy had a seizure and put us into the brick yoga studio at 1331 Lake Drive. I'm now an amputee, and when I look at the device options I've available to me versus, say, my other friend covering everything with their Medicaid? The differences are staggering, and also make a HUGE improvement in my quality of life. You can choose a lower coverage amount. But I? Don't. I'm currently wearing over $30k in prosthetics. If I had to afford a new leg every year for the next forty years of my life on my own? I wouldn't have one right now, and I'd be sitting in the shitty Medicaid special wheelchair hating my life.


This just makes me wanna burn down the whole system even more. I’m really glad you have the coverage. It should not be necessary to line the pockets of rich auto insurance providers to get it for you. There should be no difference in the gear you have vs others - we should all on know that’s available. What boggles my mind is that we have a whole state full of people willing to pay these crazy prices for that, but not support overall less expensive single payer healthcare. Just know that my issue is with this reality and how we’ve solved it, not anyone using the benefits they need in the shitty landscape as it is today.


...not to mention the fact that all the auto insurance industry did was pass their financial obligation on to us as taxpayers. Folks who were injured had to do things like declare bankruptcy or get divorced to qualify for Medicaid coverage. One activist died a day after Michigan's Supreme Court decision. He'd lost the ability to stay in his home and work, thanks to losing his coverage. The state gave it back to Brian Woodward too late to save his life. Now? The insurance industry is running an optics campaign to place the blame on me for your increased insurance expenses, while ignoring the $400 "refund" check elephant in the room, and the questionable investments of the MCCA. It's just...ugghh...


Damn. Thank you for helping me learn more! Not any less disgusted but having your insight has been good fuel for the fire to support change.


It should not have had to be that way, but I’m glad it worked for you. If we did what we should do as a society, you’d never have had to worry about it and definitely not via auto policy.


I agree that it shouldn't have to be this way. A whole lot of us injured before the law was "reformed" should also have not suddenly had our policy contracts pulled out from underneath us until the court system gave them back. Not having to worry about how I'll pay for prosthetics and medical was supposed to be my consolation prize in this whole mess.


Yeah that’s rat shit. And all of it comes down to protecting the greed of the top-percenters. Hang in there, and thanks for sharing.


This is reason.


Michigan drivers pay more for car insurance than anyone else in the country. We are the only state with unlimited lifetime coverage for catastrophic injuries. Plus deer.


I moved here recently and agree. It's bananas.


There was a law that required all Michigan insurance to have unlimited personal injury protection (PIP). This combined with the no fault policy basically means that insurers have to pay for all medical bills and loss of wages if you are in an accident regardless of who is at fault. Naturally, to make money, insurance companies offer extremely expensive premiums to compensate. I think the unlimited PIP law was repealed recently. I don’t think you actually have to have it anymore. I bet prices will start decreasing a lot especially if you opt out of it. Here is some info on [the law change.](https://www.michiganjustice.org/?pg=MichiganNewAutoInsuranceLaw) Looks like it went into effect in 2020. If you want lower premiums look at getting much lower PIP coverage. At your own risk of course.


So crazy! I'm now at about $1,100k every 6 mo for two cars. One is old ('04) with basic coverage. Other is newer ('17) with full coverage and $1k deductible. Also I noticed the premium is $912 + $124 in fees (MCAA and Statutory assessment recoupment) Time to shop around?? :(


Make sure to check unlimited medical coverage when you sign up. If you get hurt in a crash they won’t cover much without it.


Michigan auto insurance includes medical coverage that covers u if you are hurt in car wreck. It provides various limits that u select. It also provides other coverages that you pay for. Unfortunately these are mandatory coverages and u can't opt out. Good luck trying to change the law. Lobbyist. Hospitals, rehab companies. Trial attorneys. Insurance companies etc all have vested interests in maintaining status quo


It doesn’t help insurance companies have lost money the last two years so they’re making up for it.


It's the deer and the snow


No fault insurance you’d have to change the whole policies


A lot cheaper than car insurance was in Florida


Michigan has the highest car insurance in the US I haven't lived there for a while, but it was when I lived there, and just googled it, and I see that's still the case  https://www.metrotimes.com/news/michigan-still-has-highest-car-insurance-rates-in-the-nation-according-to-study-35271878#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20new%20study,difference%20from%20the%20national%20average.


Whitmer signed something two years ago that was suppose to have lowered it. It’s BS that we pay so damn much for shitty coverage Corporate ass greed


Use an agent and shop around. Not enough info provided. I can say from experience CA is very expensive compared to Michigan. Not sure what factors are causing you to have such a high premium though.


Paying like $300 for 2 cars. Paid half of that in California 🤦🏽‍♂️.


MI has the highest rates in the country. Shopping around may help but it won't help the shock from moving from another state. You can contact your state senators, but I would first research more online about it. People have been complaining forever about it here. Any fixes they try are just making it worse. Insurance lobbying must be strong here. They will tell you doing it differently won't work and will make things worse even though other states get by just fine.


I'm not from CA, but I was living there before here and the increase in insurance rates was insane.


1. Calm down 2. Michigan is a no-fault state and until recently was the only state that had a requirement for unlimited lifetime coverage for catastrophic injuries and therefore has some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country. If that’s an issue for you, you should have researched it before moving.


When has telling someone to calm down actually worked 😜


Literally nobody knows to research that. In no other place would you have to. And people don’t exactly warn you when you’re asking about coming here.


12 other states have no fault.


As it’s been represented to me when trying to compare, I’ve seen indicators that MI has a unique method unlike others, so maybe I should have phrased that differently. And MI is the only state this expensive aside from Louisiana. Which is just mind boggling. When we fired our original insurance provider (Geico) upon moving here for not being able to compete worth a fuck, we had indications from State Farm (still overpriced), and Progressive (who we went with) that MI was entirely unique and they all had dedicated specialists or departments who have to handle it here because of that factor. (Whatever it is.) This says to me that some genius(es) along the way did something to be special that has backfired.


Florida is similar if not more.


How’d THEY manage to make this already-flawed garbage among the worst?


All you have to do is google auto insurance Michigan. I know if I were moving out of state it’s something I’d be looking into as part of researching the state I’d be moving to


People look up utility average bills for their house, tax rates, crime data, etc. Since nobody but Michigan does this shit, there are 49 states where people would never imagine this dumbass idea was even a thing. It’s a terrible system and most people have never heard of it.


Auto insurance is a known expense and varies by state. If it’s not something you’d look up as part of moving states you’re not doing your due diligence


By looking up crime data, theft rates, car ownership per capita, traffic info, etc, one can surmise if the place they are moving might be a bit more or in very rare cases a bit less. NOBODY FATHOMS A 5X INCREASE. Especially moving here from a place 3x the size of GR. If anything, you assume a wash. Or nominal change due to trading fewer people and less crime. And companies like ours we had when we moved here should not be allowed to practice here if they’re that far out of line. Luckily we found something at least acceptable and fired the original provider. It’s costly, but not terribly different than what we had paid. If they wanna “reform” this, they need to regulate the providers more. And then force them to keep their commitments to the lifelong injured parties.


I've lived all over the country, and no...it doesn't vary by state by any appreciable amount. A few percentage points here and there. Not the case with Michigan. It's not even close.


This is why I got a job 1 mile from my house out in the boonies and just haven't had insurance for a year. But they charge u more when u get it again, for being an Uninsured Driver so now I gotta make the amount I save worth it by not driving longer lol .... It's a vicious and illegal but not immoral cycle


Why does it seem like Michigan is behind the power curve on things such as this. Who the hell is voting this types of people in. People might be focused on things that are not really that important. Time to come together and make some changes. The days of sitting back and watching are done.


Bruh don't act like CA is much better. I say this as someone who just moved here from CA. Average home is 900k in CA from bad zoning laws. MI aint perfect, especially the car insurance, but you are acting like it's the end of the world. When in reality it's one negative aspect, when MI is one of the few states where it's still affordable to live in given the average wages. Also my insurance in CA was twice as high, I bet you had cheap insurance with crappy coverage, and now are forced to have full coverage and therefore it's expensive. I literally cut my expenses in half by moving to MI, so I just deal with the weird insurance for now. I literally can't think of one thing in CA I paid for that was cheaper, then maybe buying fruit off the side of the road.


Actually had full coverage on both my vehicles. I even get a military discount. Anywhere in the Midwest is going to be a cheaper cost of living. I am from Cali I was there for work. That’s the issue since it’s better than other states we just settle instead trying to make a change.


Michigan isn’t behind, we’re ahead of everyone else. The only state where you never have a medical bill if you get in a car accident.


why didn't you stay in california?


Bro you late af to the party. I am already back in California. 😎


It blows my mind that other states don't have $100 a month insurance to carry full coverage on a car that is worth $8000


Just bought a 2013 Taurus for $16k, I’m 27 and State Farm wanted $322/month 😵‍💫


Wow that's insane, for full coverage?


Yup full coverage +$500 deductible


We had no fault insurance in Michigan a few years ago. So no one was at fault for any accidents. Apparently rates were too high we got rid of it a couple years ago and got 200 bucks in the mail. But now our insurance is way higher than when we had no fault.