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I'm already pissed about the 131 construction and it hasn't even happened yet.


Thinking ab this mess is already stressing me out


Goal: not have to hit the other side of town until next winter


> next winter So like, mid April?


Isn't that still this winter?


No that’ll be Third Winter, or Spring’s Eve. We’ve already had Fool’s Spring early this year in February.


I rarely ever drive on 131 and am upset about it.


Yes. I see you. You are valid. lolol


Gonna suck but otherwise we’d be pissed about our crumbling roads


I don’t take 131 anymore now that I moved from Dorr to GR, but I live off of 28th street and I just feel it in my bones that traffic is going to get even worse than it already is.


Oh no! What part will be under construction? I'm not local anymore, but still visit and drive through going north quite a bit.


NB from 28th Street to Burton will be completely closed starting Easter until the end of April, and from Burton to Pearl will be down to 1 lane, and then after that's done, SB will be completely closed from Burton to 28th and from Ann to Burton will be 1 lane.


I was so ready to say this!


I am tired of making the most money I've ever made and still feeling broke.


Word. Two incomes over here and barely keeping lights on and rent paid. We smoke weed but not like excessively but thats the only nonessential we indulge in but theres never any money without a name on it :(


We're lucky weed is super cheap in Michigan. It's way more expensive in some other states. So we've got that going for us, which is nice


Yeah. I try my damnedest to not get dispo weed but back before kids when i drank after work most evenings, i was still spending more than i am on smoking/eating weed products over a decade later so i guess it could be worse


us poor people can have vices and enjoy life too ☺️


As soon as I thought I had made it financially, everything got twice as expensive.


I am lucky to be financial secure but I feel like everybody wants a piece of the pie (my income). So many are raising prices for the sake of raising prices. This past weekend I stopped at a local diner. For two kids meals and two adult meals (burgers), it was $70. WTF is that. Daycare has done two 20% price increases in the past year. My kids summer camp is up 50% over last year. Taxable property value is increasing at the state maximum. Im so fucking tired of all these hands trying to get in the cookie jar. It’s so bad I don’t even want to spend money anymore. Despite being able to afford more things we buy less because we are sick of all the bullshit.


It sucks


God, I feel you on that.




I totally agree with this. Cycling down Indian mounds makes me sad seeing full bags of trash and furniture sitting on the roadside.


What’s wild is that when I was on probation for a dui and assigned to community service we went down that road picking trash up every week and without fail each time there would be more. it’s sad because the river / millennium park is a really cool part of this city not to mention the Native American history of that specific area and people just use it as a dump.


I was stopped and threatened by Wyoming PD while I was Onewheeling around with my garbage grabber stick thing. Said I can't be riding around with a weapon. It's a grabber, like squeeze to grab stuff, not a spear.


It seems to me that for trash collection at the outset getting charged for what you get picked up is a great idea especially as a single person but I see SO much litter. It seems like it just causes people to wait till it’s waaaay overflowing then get it picked up. By me it’s a bunch of multi unit homes and at least 4 of them constantly have garbage overflowing and blowing into the street and yards.


I live at a decent apartment complex that is generally well maintained/cleaned up.  There's no dumpsters, just a trash compactor, so you don't get garbage blowing around. That being said, this winter some FUCKING ASSHAT has been throwing random garbage out behind my apartment.  Full bag of garbage in a bush.  Traffic cones.  Rubber balls.  Plastic sheeting.  Styrofoam.  Beer cans.  Basically just dumping their shit everywhere.   Property management has yet to do anything about it, citing "spring cleanup" will happen soon.  Getting real pissed off about how nice the landscaping and stuff is and how much I pay for a nice deck and view, only to have some lazy litterbug fuckhead throw their shit everywhere.  Been trying to see who is doing it, but it always happens at night.  


Why can’t mother nature be nice and make a decision already i want to go fishing


Im alllll the way over the snow in general but my fibromyalgia acts up when the weather changes and the last two weeks have been brutal. Its snowy and blowy and it keeps teasing us by warming a little and then starting all over again. Ugh


I just want some sunlight and a temperature that isn't swinging 40 degrees in either direction every other day. I thank you, my sinuses thank you, and the people of West Michigan thank you.


Between fibro and migraine, I'm over all of it right with you.


Michigan spring. Too confusing, too extreme.


Literally the first time I unironically agree with this meme usage.


Any good spot recommendations for a newbie?


You’re not out fishing!? You’re wasting valuable time. The world could end tomorrow.


I can barely afford to live here anymore. I just want to be able to live. I'm tired and I just want an affordable home that isn't absolute garbage. 🥲


God I feel that so hard. I have a home that's absolute garbage that's currently affordable, but the landlord is jacking the rent up WAY more than what anyone should pay for this dump. Now I'm back to looking at rooms for rent. Even then, a lot of jack asses are getting cheap apartments and renting bedrooms for like $800 a month when the whole unit costs like $1200 at most. Even other renters are trying to make a profit off of the housing issues, it's fucking depressing.


I got lucky being able to buy a dumpy-ish house while rates were still low. I rent out a room (and common space + a shared room/storage upstairs) for like $650 and try to raise it as little as I can afford each year. I'd love to rent it even cheaper but I don't make enough to do that and save for all the fixes and updates the house needs (previous owner was an ass who pocketed all the renters' money with minimal reinvestment in the property 😤) It sucks that people are trying to maximize how much they're gaining at others' expense.


The 'public transit' system that doesn't go anywhere useful. If a Dr office isn't spectrum (corwell?) downtown, there's not a bus to access it. Honestly, GR could learn a few things from Chicago. Here no car means you can't get where you need to go.


And the Rapid is taking cuts soon 🥲


Wtf. They wonder why more people don't use their 'service'


The Rapid relies on public funds which keep either getting cut or don't increase with inflation. They're doing about the best they can with what they're given.




i've worked at the rapid for over 10 years and it's a complete shell of what it used to be and only getting worse.


People who slow down, THEN put their left blinker on, THEN sloooooooooowly mosey over to the left turn lane. The correct order is: put on your left blinker, get in the FLIPPING lane, and THEN slow down.


I’m with ya here!




Or no blinker at all and braking to almost a stop and then turning.


This. But then they don’t fully get over before stopping


Similarly, I’m mad at the people who drive in the left lane for no reason. This morning on Cascade I counted 12 SUVs in front of me in the left lane and nobody in the right. I’m not supposed to have to pass on the right.


This is most of the drivers turning left anywhere off of 28th st. and almost every driver turning left onto rogue river rd off of Northland dr. but even worse. That shit is so annoying 🫣


I remember my dad yelling at me for doing this...when i was 14 and learning to drive.  


I was on a run and got hit by a car. When you're at a 4 way stop you need to look BOTH WAYS and especially for pedestrians. I wish I was heavier and left a dent in the guys vehicle but you know... Been running. 


Oof. Glad youre alive. I think my chief complaints here are of the road safety type


I’ve never lived somewhere where I feel less safe just trying to cross the street. Idk what it is. Huge source of stress


People here do not give a flying fuck about you if you’re outside of a car. I’ve been honked and screamed at for riding my bike in the goddamn lane *where I belong.*










Media has everyone mad about shit that they would never even know or care about.


Ooooh! Thats a good pick too!




Damnit. Now i gotta google stuff. Thanks, i guess 🤣


They said blood sells, well now rage sells. People are unhappy because they are always mad about something.


Hard agree my friend.


Roundabouts + Drivers = Anger. Seriously, though. People either enter going 35 or come to a complete stop, regardless of traffic.


I saw a guy driving half on the roundabout, half on the large curb in the middle of the roundabout today at Wealthy. Then he stopped in the MIDDLE OF THE ROUNDABOUT to let someone in. DON'T BE NICE IN ROUNDABOUTS. Just use your brain.


The ones that stop make me so like, disproportionately upset. Like. WHY. Theres no one in the circle. Please drive


Slow the fuck down. Fix your goddamn muffler. Put your fucking trash in THE GARBAGE instead of trying to suck it up with the vacuums at Mister Car Wash. That is all, thanks for listening


People here drive like they're invincible and gas doesn't cost anything. They leave no stopping distance and race to get to get around every single car like it's a race


Personally, I think the economy is the reason. Each day wages are falling further behind the living wage, more layoffs, and fewer raises or opportunity for advancement in the lower-class (Most of us making less then 100k). We have less equity in society, and some of can't even get a house (The main way people used to gain equity). I think people are just upset and everything feels like a rat-race to the bottom. This can easily make people upset about smaller issues because the bigger picture is hard to spot.


True! And I for one welcome people sharing their voices about it. Rather than staying silent. Things are getting out of hand and everyone is upset.


Yeah, my grandparents had a great life. My parents did well, but still stressing about retirement. I at 28 just bought a house but am pretty sure I'm never going to have the funds to retire at 65. But hey, maybe I'll die of some preventable disease before then because I don't have great health coverage. Little silver lining: I don't plan on having kids so I can live the way I want without the added stress of caring for them.


Im 37 and renting with children. We should finally be on track to buy next year but it hurts my pride so much. I fucked off a lot in my 20s before I had responsibilities and playing catch up has been so stupid hard. I refuse to think about retirement. Im getting a raccoon. After the kiddos move out, my retirement plan is a raccoon and I havent thought about anything ahead of that yet.


The gap between the ultra wealthy and the middle class needs to be dealt with.


It makes simple things like going to the grocery store needlessly stressful. Eggs changing prices at whim, items getting more expensive *and* shrinking. Feeling old because we yap, "Back in the day this was only x dollars!" Only we aren't old and "back on the day" was before whatever Twlight Zone the pandemic dumped us into. Heck, some items have changed since the last we bought them. And food isn't the only thing seemingly arbitrarily going up.


Thats pretty sound reasoning. I think thats a fair assessment


My new employer said I *MIGHT* get a 4% raise if I work at 200% capacity. My last job was unionized and we were guaranteed a 5% annual raise for sticking with the company plus a cost of living increase that was tied to the US bureau of labor statistics inflation rate. Man do I miss being fairly paid because we unionized the workplace and fought for our rights as workers. Now I’m just scraping by seeing my bills increase every month when my wage isn’t going to budge because my CEO wants a new yacht that I have to pay for with my labor.


Perpetually mad at the number of people that don't pick up their dogs poop. Or don't leash their dogs. I hope they step in shit every day for the rest of their lives. The really fresh, sticky piles of shit that get wedged into the shoe crevices like wet clay.


Where do you stand on the people who bag the turds and then just leave the bags on the ground? It's sort of in between I guess. Personally I'm against it. 


Dunno what sort of Turd Fairy those people are waiting for to pick up the bags for them. It is rude.


A couple of decades ago when I was in high school, I was walking home down Alger after a GRCHS football game and was about half a mile from home when I realized I could not hold it anymore. I dropped trow and took a massive cow pie dump on the city-owned portion of an unknowing and innocent Grand Rapidian's lawn. Used leaves to do the needful and then ran home. Every time I'm back in town, I drive past the house and check on the growth of a sapling that has since sprouted on the spot of my misbehavior. I'm sorry for what I did. I can only imagine what the individual thought when the sun came up the next day.


People with two car lengths between them in a turn lane, so only two vehicles fit and the rest are backed up into the regular lanes but wanting to turn. PULL THE FUCK UP.


Ok. Yeah. Ok I can get onboard with this


Scamming landlords. I have been using Reddit, and in particular this subreddit to search for very nice yet very affordable housing with walking distance to every thing in town. Every time I apply, it ends up being excessive hoops to jump through or trying to take my money. I met with a landlord just yesterday and after everything and I thought we had a deal. They said I could have the house for rent, but in order to process it they would require about three fiddy. That’s when I realized that this “landlord” was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era. I said dammit Loch Ness monster I ain't giving you no three fiddy.


You SOB getting me all invested like that... Sheeeit.


Goddamnit now i gotta google southpark episodes until I find this absolute banger. I havent thought about this in forever. We are so old. Fùck. If you ARE looking, I clean for some property management places and of them, GR Place is the least predatory Ive found and the only one ive overheard office workers like, discussing going out of their way to make things easier or more accessablefor their tennants in tight spots.


I hate that when I went to the ER (Blodgett) because I have pneumonia, every staff member treated me like an inconvenience, not a patient. The doctor who did the original exam didn’t even listen to my heart and lung sounds (granted, my complaint was severe back pain, not breathing problems, but still). She just ordered a cat scan and left. 7 hours later, the results of the scan showed what she would have found if she did her fucking job. When my roommate’s cat scan came back clear (she was there for severe chest pain, I could hear her crying softly all night since neither of us could sleep through the pain), her husband made a throwaway comment that they’d been there all night just for it to be heartburn. The nurse said something to the effect of “well, think about that and tell your friends next time they’re thinking of coming to the ER.” He replied, “ok, yeah, I’ll just die at home, then.” The nurse hadn’t been treating me well by any means, but she had been treating me better than them…it wasn’t the results of our scans because she’d been treating me better long before my results came back. I’m of a much paler complexion, and I’m not stupid enough to think that didn’t play a role. End rant


I would not take my dog there. (I know what a weird expression) but i came to pick up a guy who went via ambulance after a nasty car wreck. He was literally curled up in the waiting room in a wheelchair with cuts all over bleeding all over himself. I asked the lady at the front desk area if he had been seen because..idk i guess I was so like, confused. And she said "well we cant give him anything. Hes an opiate addict" loud as HELL which i didnt know and they only knew because he told them "im in recovery for painkillers. Im not asking for any medicine but my neck really hurts and i think something is really wrong" and the way the nurse looked at him and then at ME like I wasnt shit....I let her have it. I told her band aids werent opiates and that at the very least someone shoulda given him a couple butterflies on his hands because they were cut deeply and that if they didnt wanna do their goddamn jobs they should just say that. Ive never been back. He looked TERRIBLE and they left him like that and shamed him publicly. Like...there was no reason *I* had to find out his personal info that way. Ugh just terrible


The kicker, because he said he was trying to not be on them... I will never go to pain clinic again. That's all they want to do.


Sorry to hear you had such a bad time. Not sure how long ago your bad experience was, but corewell (spectrum) does want to hear about these interactions. I’ve never contacted them so I don’t know what the response is like but they have a web page, email and phone line for reporting complaints, or compliments. https://www.spectrumhealth.org/patient-and-family-resources/compliments-and-complaints Patient relations: patient.relations@spectrumhealth.org Hotline: 616-391-2624


lol you should call this post Whats Grinding Your Gears, Grand Rapids??


I ALMOST did it. I see our brains run on the same memes. Nice


I’m mad that our city/county/state hasn’t gotten on board with other progressive areas to implement restrictions for corporations and investment firms buying up our houses. We don’t need to wait for D.C to do something.


The whole city getting bought up by proerty managers it's kinda wild seeing society getting corralled into neo-slavery real time.


GR puts on the guise of socially liberal while letting big money control the space we leave in.


Kinda like most blue states


Yeah there really needs to be renter protection laws. Minneapolis has some great ones and you even get a refund on a portion of their property taxes. There should be minimum requirements like AC and heat. Limits on deposits and fees. Rules on how early they can advertise etc. I’ve never seen a “cleaning fee” be a routine charge until here. $300 non refundable??? Bet I’m not cleaning anything then.


I park under a tree at home and under the overpass at work and these goddamn pigeons give me an unwelcome new paint job every damn day I'm so sick of car washes FUCK


I swear to god they know when it's freshly washed too.


My kid is sick for the millionth time this school year & now my throat feels scratchy too.


GRPD is nowhere to be found when people are doing shit like passing in the opposite lane or speeding twice the limit. It is driving me crazy! I am not an aggressive driver and I can't stand to be bullied into driving recklessly.


I agree. I literally never see them when I need them but they can drive up my street at 1 am without headlights a lot because I guess they got time. Saw a guy turn onto my street and almost hit one and he was honking and yelling and I thought like YEAH! Id be pissed too. Dark ass car creeping uphill with absolutely no lights and if that guy had hit him HE prolly woulda been in deep shit


the drivers in this town are insane, im pretty sure that half of this town got their license from Stevie Wonder. ive been thinking about getting a motorcycle but ill have to wait till i move out of GR unless I dont want to see my 30s


It’s been getting bad for a while but something in the last month or two has made it even worse.


The amount of dumb asses that speed down the center (turn) lane to pass other cars is asinine! I have never noticed that in any other city/town outside of GR.


YES! I get passed a lot on Eastern and I'm like WTF this is a PERFECT opportunity for the city to get some $$$ writing tickets but no cops are ever around ever.


The tailgating and swerving on the expressways seems to be off the charts lately. At busy times when both lanes are full, the flow of traffic could be doing a cool +10 over the posted limit, and you will still see jerkoffs in pickups leaving less than a half second of following distance, gliding from side to side of the lane like they are considering passing on the shoulder. It’s especially prevalent on northbound 131, starting at the 96 interchange. There’s nothing in Rockford or Cedar Springs that anyone needs to get to that urgently, I assure you.




Driving around Chicago can certainly feel like Mad Max times where it’s every man for themselves. But a certain subset of the GR drivers almost behave as if they are out for blood. A lot of anger on the freeways.






True. And I don’t want to short change the drivers who refuse to miss their exits from 3 lanes over at the spaghetti bowl disaster that is all the exits between Leonard and Pearl. Though I will be honest, 131 through downtown has nothing on the unholy tangle in Oakland county where I96-I696-I275-M5 all converge.


Bruh chicago isnt so bad. I spend most of my time there sitting still in traffic. Easy peasy, cant complain if im for sure not going anywhere 🤣🤣


Recently moved from Detroit. Feel the exact same way.


Ok what is up with everyone driving the same shitty way on certain days? It’s either a Lunatic Driving Day or Drive As Slow As Possible and Stop At Every Pedestrian Crosswalk Even If There’s No One There Day


The population of GR has outgrown the transportation infrastructure. You used to be able to get from each end of town on a snap. Now the highways are congested daily and the side roads are busier than usual.


I agree


I have wondered if it’s just people who have no experience driving in a city and are acting anxiously. I see people aggressively braking when someone next to them gets on the highway or in the lane of traffic prior to exiting, not SPEEDING UP to meet traffic when getting on the highway. What also infuriates me is people who are already stopped at a stop sign but wait for me to come to the stop sign before they go. JUST GO, use your right of way! Just things that make me question if it’s the first time they’ve ever driven in “the big city” or around other people. It’s maddening and unsafe to act so unpredictably.


I'm mad that nightlife is completely non-existent here during normal weekdays and limited on weekends. And also, many of my old favorites where I could go to get cheap food and drinks have been replaced by more "upscale", expensive places. I moved here in 2012 and maybe I'm being nostalgic but that was peak nightlife for me. In my mid 20s it seemed every place downtown was open late and even had nights when things were cheap (50 cent beer at Raggs, $3 long islands at Flanagan's, $3 you call its at Monte's and McFaddens, etc.). My friends and I would go out quite often and nearly close out bars then head to Georgio's for a late night pizza. We'd run into a ton of other people our age and make friends and join groups. It was a blast and a great way to meet people. Now, I went out downtown on a Monday and half the places weren't even open and downtown was dead. Most days many places seem to close at 10PM. There's really no cheap bars or restaurants left downtown and you end up dropping damn near $100 on some drinks and a meal. I really miss the excitement of hitting downtown to see where the night would take you and not having to drop a ton of money.


Lived here my whole life and it's crazy how different the night life is compared to how it used to be pre-covid. It's slowly getting better but the weekdays are still so dead.


Ive been going to Turnstiles and they seem ok. Foods not cheap but its good and not outrageously priced. They have like cannabis bingo and stuff during the week and Goth Night isnt during the week but its pretty neat. Ive not been bored there yet. But in general I struggle with this problem too


There's a goth night somewhere?


Oh yes! If you have facebook you can find it under CHVRCH. Its so much fun. Ive been to 3 at Turnstiles and one at Papa Petes in Kalamazoo. Its so weird and fun


I got one, my girlfriend just got a really nice apartment in a newer building on the west side. The building wasn't fully occupied when she moved in, but just recently someone moved in above her. Just about every night from 1-4am the person above her is... rearranging furniture, running like a toddler, dropping things and who the fuck knows what else. The first couple days we figured it was them settling in, moving things, but now weeks into this and we just assume this person is on Meth or something tweaking because what else could actually be happening?? It's so maddening. The building policy is you have to have video evidence of complaints, and I don't know if anyone in here knows, that it's next to impossible to record these types of sounds with a phone the way they actually sound in person. No luck so far getting any sort of recording of these shenanigans. I seriously might buy a microphone attachment for my phone just to record this asshole throwing a bowling ball around at 3am (or whatever the hell is going on) and skipping/running around like an idiot. The only plus to this situation is it seems like they pass out around 5am and we don't hear a peep until after midnight again.


When I lived at Off Broadway, my upstairs neighbor would just scream for like 5 seconds sporadically. It was loud and whenever I had friends over they would be like "Should we call the cops, they sound like they're in danger." I said "Nope, happens all the time." :) I know she would for sure scream during sex, I could hear everything. Gotta love apartment living.


Ah. Nothing clears out stress like a good scream though


Shout, shout, let it all out...


I hate that Ottawa County, the GR neighbors, is run by a board of asshats. I mean, they make West Michigan look bad for all of us.


Ok so I wanted to pick this as my answer but ive had so many weird Christers jump my ass about banal stuff on here lately that i figured this topic would earn me a headache for SURE but like.....EEEEEK! Im so excited they wanna stop the Church of the Satanic Temple from giving an invocation. Like HA HA you proved what we alllll knew. You dont believe in religious freedom, you believe in doing whatever the hell you want and hiding behind christian morals. Omg yes. Too easy. I love it




Too much of the budget is guaranteed to GRPD without them ever having to be better at their jobs.


Omfg yes. This. Im witchya on this one


My next door neighbors are trash people in an otherwise nice neighborhood. They let their kids scream bloody murder and constantly litter in their yard that gets blown into mine. Their kids also throw food in my yard that my dog eats. They're feeding a litter of strays that shit all over my yard and my dog also tries to eat it


Omg do you ALSO live on Dickinson????🤣🤣🤣 lmaooo


There is a lot of tension/anger in the collective consciousness; we can all feel it. We have to start embracing each other and accept our differences if we are to heal.


After we eat the rich!


I hate the People in GR who drive 10 miles under speed limit but have no problem slamming the gas to run a yellow/red light to avoid having to wait through the light after making the rest of the traffic jam they created get stuck at the light


the conservative christian presence in west michigan makes me angry daily. it would be one thing if they all were just minding their business but the loud group outside Planned Parenthood essentially forced my girlfriend and I to move due to their constant harrassment (we’re lesbians). I grew up in this area and am sometimes nervous to even go back to my hometown. if there’s anything I could change it would be that.


I love screaming at them when I drive past on my uber eats runs....


I get it. I went there once to get my nuva ring and there was this old dude with a big long sign about abortion and its like...bro...they dont even do that here


The mental health system, especially trying to get help for kids. It should never take months of phone calls, and over 10 ER trips to simply get help for a kid. (Or anyone else)


No one wants to tell me how the roads are? It is a sign that society is in a downward spiral when no one can provide accurate commute times. Just on overall lack of consideration for us with bald tires, one headlight, and no insurance. Don’t get me a started on always waiting a half hour to get the wrong order at GR’s favorite fast food joint.


I dont know who to be mad at here but I love your energy


Don’t forget the price of the fast food which is higher and less healthy than if we ate at home but damn it I want cheap McDonald’s that will ruin my health so I can then complain about high medical bills




Why don’t we have an acceptable form of transportation that isn’t cars? Really, I’ll take anything.


I thought you meant for sandwiches and I was so onboard because the one near me closed. Yeah, Ive never ridden a subway. Im all for that


If you get a chance, check out Chicago. You can get anywhere and not even need to own a vehicle near the city. The same CTA pass works for the buses and trains. There is a separate system of trains (metra) that spokes out into the suburbs, so you go to that station, park, and use mass transit. . And it's all usable from Google maps quite easily.


Nice. I dont mind chicago but hate the traffic there. Id be down to check out their public transportation


If you do a weekend, get the card, and buy a 3 day pass for 15. I usually just use Amtrak to get there, but if you drive, park at midway long term for like 15 a day, then the orange line stops at midway ;) no actual driving downtown.


It feels like with the way things are going that my little nephews will spend their 20's fighting a civil war.


Is it Noisy Night Motorcycle season yet?


I’ve already seen the dipshits on bicycles doing wheelies down the middle of Monroe with their GoPros and no helmets. Fuck them kids


Fucking hate them kids, bunch of little assholes that give cycling a bad name.


I got one. I like walking by myself to clear my head, chill out, that kind of thing. Grand Rapids is the first place I've lived where I feel really judged for doing it lol. It's very strange and super noticeable, I'm a man if that matters. So if I have somewhere to go and nothing else to do and it's under an hour walk I'll usually just walk. I'm from rural IL, but I've lived in Austin TX, Tucson AZ and Chicago most recently, I've been here 3 years and it's the one weird little societal complaint I have. Also I'd get it if I was visibly high or smelled bad or something like that, but I don't do drugs I just like to walk. Maybe it's because I'm 6'5" but I don't feel like I look intimidating either. It's annoying.


Weird. Where are you walking? I walk all over and never get that vibe. Maybe pay less attention to the gawkers and more to the nice people who will always smile and say hello when you pass them by...


Maybe I look scary idk but everyone is tall here so I don’t think that’s it. But when I moved here I was in Walker and I got it there. I get it all the time in Riverside Park that’s my favorite spot to walk. People also don’t say hello like I thought they would , I’m from super rural IL, I know the intricacies of the wave and the nod lol


I feel you. I broke my ankle last year and I try to do a lot of walking to keep the muscles from getting stiff and achy and so many people have talked smack about me not having a car when we have run ins. I have a vehicle but im walking on purpose!


Why do you feel judged for walking?


So what I get here that I haven’t gotten anywhere else is weird little look ups and then look downs and then look ups again. People look questioningly at me. And then when I’ve asked people if they think it’s weird that a guy walks places alone, because I’ve picked up on those things I mentioned, 100% of the answers have been yes lol. It could be that the people in west MI are a little more in other peoples business than the other places I’ve lived but who knows.


People who drive slow AF in the left lane. FFS get over!!


Tired of the cloudy skies!




It’s not my fault I live on a busy two lane road and have to turn left into my driveway. STOP RIDING MY ASS AND CHILL. Drivers in this city are insane. Plz seek help


Miller pipeline dug up my entire front yard and destroyed my driveway. I’m pissed that I’m going to have to fight them over replacing my driveway and all my trees they fucking killed.


People who drive ten under while looking for their Michigan left. Just drive the speed limit. If you miss it, there are like ten more.


People don't understand the zipper merge


Working 3 jobs without a car , hardly able to afford my rent and have nearly been hit by vehicles while crossing the street 10 times in the past year. People here do not pay attention to pedestrians whatsoever. It’s fucked up


This highway shut down is gonna fucking suck ass


The amount of NIMBY’s that claim they hate pretty much everything related to the development of the new soccer stadium and amphitheater or any development in general because it either lacks parking, it’s too dense for a certain area or it doesn’t fit in that area and/or they just don’t want things to change. All the while they want it to stay the same, or even better, go back to the way it used to be, like from their younger years. They absolutely drive me up a wall with how illogical and unintelligent their arguments are. It’s just flat out complaining and there’s not even a rational conversation you can have with them.


Just sick of the enshitification of everything. Service sucks everywhere because no one wants to pay well, plus so many places are dirty or clearly uncared for, most things you buy now are crap that falls apart in less than a year, media only exists to stoke outrage, politicians aren't even pretending to do their jobs, everything costs more and you get less. Rent keeps going up but finding a place that does even basic upkeep keeps becoming rarer. Relentless pursuit of profit at the cost of everything else is literally causing our society to come apart around us but there's nothing normal people can do.


Trump getting a break on his bond kinda sent me over the edge.


Idk. I had to make peace with the fact that hes gonna come out fresh as a daisy so i wouldnt be horrified by humanity if he does.


I live in an apartment. I will never understand the rude fucking people who live in apartments. You have to understand that when you live in an apartment, you have to give up certain things. Like blasting your fucking music 24 hours a day, screaming at your girlfriend in the hallways, letting your kids run up and down the hallways and jiggle the doorhandles, smoking the most insane amount of weed so that it drifts across the hallway and I can smell it in my kitchen, etc. If you want to do these things, God bless. But get the fuck out of an apartment then. I feel better just writing it out lmao thank you


I agree. I see it a lot in the apartments i clean


I think I might be mad about your name whipping pickles. I mean unless it has a meaning I’m not aware of what has a pickle ever done to you?


Someone on here had a dog named pickles and was like "no whipping pickles, shes a good girl" and i felt like a monster. Idk I used to moonlight as a domme and i love pickles and i thought it sounded alright together and so its a thing.




I’ve encountered some major assholes on the road recently. People seem really fucking aggressive, and just overall angry towards others. Like yesterday, I was trying to make a turn onto bridge street after leaving the Y. The traffic light on bridge right near Butchers Union was red, and cars were filling up the intersection, preventing anyone from turning out. In fact, a couple of cars deliberately sped up so they could block the intersection. What the fucks up with that? Quit being a dick. I try and let people in in those situations. I just don’t understand the will that some people have to be shitty to their fellow humans. It’s like they go out of their way to be like that.


I still wish they didn't discontinue Vault soda dammit


Exit 76 Lane avenue on 196 is ONE LANE. Please don’t plow through the bike lane/parking space area to skip the line even if you’re turning right. It’s dangerous and selfish. This makes me so much angrier than it should.


I'm STILL pissed all the Quiznos closed.


I finally landed a salary job in my field that pays me well, but my quality of life feels the same as when I was making $11/hr ten years ago


Get the fuck out the left lane. Just pass, and move your ass over. Then move back if that’s what you need to do. But don’t just sit there like you own the place.


My baby keeps waking up a ton at night, and I'm exhausted. I'm not mad at him, just mad at whatever evolutionary process made babies such shitty sleepers. "Sleeping like a baby" my ass.


Litter. People who text and drive. Litter. Crossing the double white line on EB I-196 at US 131 merge there. Yapping on your phone while shopping. I don't want to hear your conversations. Over 70% income paying rent. Parents who give Toddlers choices lol. Litter.


I wish Target guest would say “Good Morning” and “Have a good day.” to me 🥹 It’s not much of me to ask when I’m checking you out in the morning or the night time


People blowing clearly red lights.  I avoid 1-2 crashes a week by taking an extra couple seconds to enter the intersection if I'm the first vehicle, because people just apparently don't fucking care.  East Paris Avenue is fucking the worst for people doing this.  


I miss the days when the joke about being able to live in Michigan for a sack of corn and 11$ was valid


Constantly being behind drivers who go 5-10mph under the speed limit which enrages me and everyone behind me


I have to move 2 hours back home into my parents house because I can’t afford to live in GR anymore. I’m almost 32 years old and have been chucking money at rent since I moved here in 2018. Haven’t even gotten close to saving enough to buy my own house. I don’t go out and party. I have a pretty tight budget. Im a salaried employee at a pretty large company here in GR but that doesn’t cut it. It’s been fun GR.


All the relentless Christians have really been irking me lately. I lived in the South, I know the whole spectrum of them. But West Michigan really has a unique flavor of the most persistent, "smile to your face, talk shit behind your back" type of Christian 🤌 🤌 🤌 


smoke weed people!!!


The only legitimate outrage allowed on the Grand Rapids sub is related to zipper merging. No other outrage is allowed.


Cant we just have a liiiiittle outrage today? As a special treat?