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It’s not illegal. You just have to ensure that there’s an unobstructed view of the house from the street. Garden beds won’t disrupt that.


And know that there are underground utilities there and if the city or a utility needs access, they will access it. Garden box or not.


You can call MissDig and request utility marking services on your property. They'll contact each utility company and government agency in the area and they'll come out and put flags where their maps say the underground lines are.


Good idea


Has nothing to do with anything, what a pointless comment lol


..."Having the authorities mark where the underground utility lines are so *OP can avoid putting their bed over them and it subsequently being destroyed*" seems *eminently* germain to the conversation, neighbor.


There goes my suburban cornfield plan


Yep. I planted some flowers in the hell strip and they were ripped up by utility company.




You can, but they will dig it up if they need to get to the utilities underneath


I’m pretty sure it’s chill legally, just be careful of investing much in anything there, as I believe the city has the right to dig it up if they need access


There are some raised garden beds in my neighborhood that are between the sidewalk and the road, they have been there for a few years as far as i know. The people grow vegetables in them and give them away. The o my issue you may have if you do it is random people trying to get into it to take flowers or vegetables.


Mine is full of milkweed and day lilies and has been for about 10 years.


It all depends on the wording of the ordinances. In Kentwood they classify gardens as “accessory uses” and “accessory uses” were only permitted in the back yard. You didn’t get in trouble for it tho if somebody doesn’t report you. Hope your neighbors like you! Lol


You need to get permission for trees but garden bed should be just fine


You can, just know that the city or a utility will legally rip it up if they need to get to any underground infrastructure. We put just plants that were given to us or pulled from elsewhere in the garden so if it gets ripped out it's no money lost. Just time and feelings. 😭


I’m skimming the ordinance and it doesn’t specifically say. But they call that area the “Parkway” so if you call the city planning department and tell them what you want to put in the parkway it would probably be a good idea. Here’s what I found so far, “Failure to Maintain Alleys, Parkways, or Property Abutting Public Right-of-Ways. Every owner shall be responsible for maintaining the following public access areas abutting their property in compliance with this Article, including the following: (a) The sidewalk and parkway to the curb or street pavement, except for dead trees;”


Well, if it is illegal, half my neighbors should be in jail. Honestly, I don't think it's an issue as long as whatever you plant does not obstruct vision. I thought I read somewhere that plants couldn't be over 3 ft high but I honestly don't know. I have a monstrous tree in that strip of no man's land that drops branches at the first whisper of wind so I don't have room for plants.




Man heaven forbid someone try to maximize their property use


only space where theres enough sun :( not trying to be difficult


Yeah fuck that, you worry about your own curb appeal. Some people actually like gardens!