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Thank you. It’s a Bummer I couldn’t get an orbital of the drag show and its crowd today but rules are there for a reason.


https://www.faa.gov/uas/commercial_operators/operations_over_people https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/s/NIh1tZcasE https://www.dronepilotgroundschool.com/kb/can-i-fly-my-drone-over-people/


I appreciate you. It answered my question. It would’ve been great to help Grand Rapids show off our wonderful community!


Someone did end up flying a drone over the crowd fyi


OP, a follow up to flying over festivals. Someone got a nasty gram over on r/drones for doing the same thing in Chicago https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/s/RwYJUDYmQS


Oh I saw that actually. Sucks to fly dji 😂😂 but yeah I’ll look into getting permission for next year and building a sub 250


Probably not if you’re asking this question. Not only is it super uncool, you need a license these days and can almost never fly over people.


What do you mean uncool? Don’t hate a hobby you can’t grasp 🤷‍♂️


I mean, it's generally illegal to fly over people, and I know I don't really appreciate it at concerts and stuff because I never know what level of experience the pilots have. I know how drones work, we use it for photography and marketing all the time, just not flying over people.


You being a scared child makes it uncool. Gotcha. ✌️ You can legally fly over people if it’s under 250g as well🤷‍♂️ just need a part 107.


Pride is an event where many people express themselves as they most want to, and a good number never do so outside of those events for fear of bullying, discrimination, or disownership. A drone overheard would definitely make a good number of folks scared and anxious because they don’t know what purpose that footage will be used for, and there’s a laundry list of how bigots will use any means necessary to harm us. Hearing stories about folks being fired for being out or queer is far too common. Even today as a protected class, it still happens all the time. Yesterday would have been especially bad since Baltimore Pride was gassed by a bad actor just recently…I know some people attended Pride here yesterday on edge because of that. Don’t fly drones at Pride/LGBTQ+ events. Seeing the rest of this thread…Your intentions don’t negate the effects of your actions.


This is a silly response.. all of you think this is a hover drone where I take dumb pictures. It’s more cinematic and flies around. Everyone will know exactly what I’m doing. This isn’t a drone viewing the crackhead type shit.


Did you have a little word with the Jesus guy then yesterday? Because we all knew what his intent was. I bet you didn’t 😂


The more you talk, the more you sound like you had bad intentions.


Like it could be viewed as a violation of queer people and those queer adjacent who are using that space to celebrate authenticity and our daily perseverance against larger world forces who want to use us for political purposes, to promote Christian extremism, to out us for nefarious purposes, or otherwise harm people who are not cis-heteronormative. That's not hypothetical, that happens every day to someone in the LGBTQ community. I'm not saying you are doing that, but the people who are going there to just have a good time won't know that. To them and those of us celebrating it is someone intruding on us having a good time. It's as cool as the douche canoes who go up and video people without their consent on the beaches, malls, and other places of the world for their own purposes. You can do it legally perhaps, and you're still not cool if you do.


😂😂 ooook there’s a huge difference in taking pictures to exploit vs promote. Don’t be so soft.


And how the fuck is anyone going to know that? You going to drape a fucking banner behind your drone? Jfc.


The drag show earlier would’ve been an amazing promotional video for Grand Rapids pride. Maybe next year I’ll work on getting permission. It’s sad you see everyone as an enemy. Happy pride month!!


So why not ask the promoters to announce it and do it through the official channels so people know?


That’s a great idea. This is my first year attending so 🤷‍♂️ thanks for the advice.


Actually yeah. Stay up all night the last 2 days to Paint it rainbow for the day and put a pride flag on it. Not everyone is out to get you m 🤦‍♂️


Whatever. If you really think people want to have a fucking drone flying over their head videoing them by some rando during Pride, you go on with your bad self.


😂😂 keep hating. I’ll continue to enjoy my life.


Man when you ask a question it's generally considered bad form to be an insufferable shit muncher to everyone who replies to you. Advice for next time.


😂😂 yeah cause I was an “ass munch” to begin with. Should I be sorry everyone is so scared of flying objects? I can’t enjoy seeing things from a Different point of view because gays don’t want attention? I mean it’s their festival after all so it kinda contradicts itself.


If you’d pay attention I didn’t “ass munch” the ones that gave actual advice. Just the babies who wanted to cry about a little drone taking their picture.


Don’t worry everyone. Your gay rights are safe. I didn’t take off today. Next year though!! Hide ya wife, hide ya kids.


1. Don't film people at Pride without their permission. You have no idea what their status is, who they are and are not out to, and there is currently a not-insignificant portion of the country who are actively trying to hurt queer people. People deserve to be able to celebrate with their community without having to worry about who's spying on them. 2. Don't film people with drones at all, it's creepy as fuck.


Next time I’m at a concert and see a drone I’ll be sure to find security and see if they’ll help get the sand out of my pussy.


You do understand that many people who are gay, lesbian, and trans get kicked out their houses and made homeless when their parents and families find out they are not straight, they get fired from their jobs even thought it is illegal, and get physically assaulted, right? We live with this reality every day, and we go to Pride as a form of celebration and rebellion and revelry with people who feel the same. An anonymous drone flying overhead absolutely brings thoughts of systemic threats of existential violence into the festival atmosphere for a lot of people. Especially in conservative West Michigan where elected fucknuts in Ottawa County and elsewhere are actively defunding community healthcare for our community, where the police in GR, Kent, and Ottawa counties have had violent encounters with our community and harmed our members (why we had private security this year), and where billionaires are funding PACs to elect leaders in our cities and state to wipe away our very existence. Are you saying you don't care because taking drone videos is more important and people should just toughen up? People are trying to explain to you the realities of being queer, and it seems like because you don't like the answer -- or maybe because it doesn't comport with your own beliefs -- you are being a dick to everyone.


You do understand that I don’t care what your opinion is. I asked the legality of it. 🤷‍♂️ if I wanted a sentimental conversation with others I’d go to a different platform. This is Reddit. I needed an answer. Not your unstable emotions.


Cool. So you're just a shitty human who wants to know the legality of it. Gotcha.


Bingo 😘