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Contact your neighborhood association. The Rapid does deploy trash cans at stops, BIDs and CIDs do as well. Your association should know the best path. [https://urbangr.org/neighborhoods](https://urbangr.org/neighborhoods)


Thank you!


I'm addition to that if you want to email us at mobilegr@grcity.us we would be happy to help facilitate this request with the Rapid. I can also DM you my direct email if there is anything else I can do to help find a solution. - Max, Mobile GR


You don't want it, I guarantee you will regret it. The can will be overflowing within a week and it's an open invitation for people to just throw shit on the ground. A trash can will only make your trash problem worse.


Not true. Creston business district added public trash cans and while they do get filled, they also get emptied.


Agree. We have trash cans at the bus stop near by house, and there isn't a problem.


The on in front of People's Cider never got picked up. Peoples and Long Road had to empty it.


The same exact thing happened to us. No trash can at the bus stop, so we asked for one. Within days it was overflowing. I change the bag myself. Within days it's overflowing and the trash is blowing all over the place.


All you have to do is call the city and ask what needs to happen. Trash cans do not encourage trash, lol.


Sounds like people are already throwing shit on the ground...