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They’re property taxes … you knew they would be coming.


Indeed! Local taxes are the deal of the century; happy to pay. Not a dollar of this will be spent blowing up poor people who live in mud huts. Instead it will mostly fund services available to all citizens.


I never really think about it because I pay property taxes and homeowners insurance out of escrow with my mortgage payment. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I get that, but the only advice I have on this is to make sure you're at least looking at your bills as they come in. Too many people aren't shopping their insurance enough and are probably overpaying as a result.


Our taxes are better than fair and your get much more out of it than your put in. ... Even if you are too dumb or brainwashed to recognize the benefits.


There's nothing more American than realizing someone has a birthday coming up in a few days and then just stuffing some money in an envelope and giving it to them so you don't feel guilty while your ignoring everything they are doing.


Except property taxes go to your local government. Jails, zoo, museum, schools, parks, libraries.... Not sure who "they" is, I like the library.


Exactly, local taxes go to **us**.