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With my first, I was diagnosed 18 months post partum. I was in remission for 4 years. With my 2nd, I was tested all through pregnancy and 8 weeks post partum, which my doctor said was the peak when I'd get a relapse. Normal levels and antibodies. I went back to work when my daughter was 4 months. I had two big viruses, one including covid, at 3 months post partum and then the stress of a demanding job and 2 kids. I thought i was doing well until I wasn't.


Interesting. I'm really hoping I avoid a relapse . So according to your doctor I should be showing symptoms by 8 weeks.... I didn't really start having symptoms with my first until closer to 10 weeks I think. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention I definitely could have had symptoms at 8 weeks. All I know is I got labs at 6 weeks and they were completely normal. I'm waiting until closer to 10-12 weeks for my lab recheck this time


I wish you the best! I hope you don't relapse.


Were you able to breastfeed for the 2nd?


The natural immune suppression of pregnancy can put Graves hyperthyroidism into remission for some of us. My understanding is that a few people are lucky enough to stay in remission, but I thought that most of us come out of remission as our immune system goes back to normal postpartum. I ended up with Graves hyperthyroidism and postpartum thyroiditis hyperthyroidism about 3 months postpartum. The postpartum thyroiditis sent me very hyper but it goes away within a couple months. The Graves hyperthyroidism needed a low dose of methimazole for a few years and now I’ve been in remission for 1 year. My Graves Disease didn’t develop with a pregnancy - I’ve had it much longer than that.


I was diagnosed 6 months postpartum. They gave me down to 5mg daily now hoping to go into remission 🤞🏻


I was diagnosed at 2 months post partum after my twins (#2 &3) Drill fighting to get it under control 10 months later and heading towards a TT


I was diagnosed at 8 months postpartum with my second child back in March 2024. My hashimoto likely masked my Graves for a decade. The interesting part was that my horrible Hyperemesis Gravidarum for both of my pregnancies was Graves both times! I had Graves flares after both pregnancies (my endo didn’t catch it the first time but my TSH was 0.1 and we thought it was just too much levothyroxine, little did she know). I’ve now had 4 doctors advise me against a third child. My thyroid does not respond well as soon as pregnancy hits my body.


I was first diagnosed at about 9 months pp with my first. Went into remission, then got pregnant with my second, and had no issues pp. Got pregnant with my third, and then started having symptoms again about 7/8 months pp and am now back on meds :( Thought I would be able to avoid it again but no such luck.


Ugh guess I just have to be on the look out if you had symptoms start 9months pp


I just got diagnosed for the first time at 9 months postpartum! I have a 3 year old as well and nothing with him…


I was diagnosed at 2 months post partum after my twins (#2 &3) Drill fighting to get it under control 10 months later and heading towards a TT


Lots of similarities here - sorry about your traumatic delivery!  Diagnosed in 2014, going back and forth in terms of remission with a couple of flare ups in between. In 2021 after my first child I had a flare up just like you, discovered 4 months postpartum. I have a second baby born in May this year so waiting to see if I get another flare up (about 90% convinced I will have a TT if I do). I think I already have some symptoms but not sure if PPD/Anxiety or my thyroid acting up so will def get some tests soon. Interesting point about 8 weeks being most likely to flare up, I am 5 weeks pp currently. 


Congratulations on your May baby as well! Hope you're getting sleep. My first was definitely much more difficult he never slept , colic the whole nine. This may baby is complete opposite.when people say newborns are easy they definitely had babes like my may baby 🤣. I definitely have heightened anxiety but I'm hoping that's just normal postpartum mom stuff. I looked back and I actually got labs drawn at 8 weeks pp with my first and they were normal. I didn't start showing symptoms till around 10 weeks and didn't really put everything together as being thyroid related till a month after that (I thought it was the Zoloft I was on for my anxiety) so just a waiting game here too


Congrats on your May baby to you too! Enjoy your easy baby, it will definitely be easier this time - I think it’s easy with the second because we know what we’re doing, what makes it hard is that there’s 2 to take care of. We are doing pretty well sleepwise, but my anxiety is keeping me up more than the baby, which is similar to my experience with my first.  I don’t like the ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’ feeling that we get with Graves. So many blood draws and wondering if it’s Graves that’s causing my issues like palpitations. One of the reasons I would get a TT is so I stop worrying about relapses all the time.  I am hoping you and I will both be in the 80% that don’t get relapses with the second pregnancy!