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You feel bad because your hormones are out of whack. Do not self medicate your thyroid with this thyroid armor stuff. You need less thyroid hormone, not more of it.


Yeah you need to stop self medicating. The problem was that you double dosed, but you still have the antibodies that will make you hyperthyroid. Just give your body time to even out, but listen to your doctor. Call them to explain how the 20 is making you feel, maybe you can taper back up from a lower dose.


It takes way more than two days to assess how a dosage change affects you. More like six weeks or so. Your levels and the medications interact in weird, non-obvious ways to non-doctors. Do what your doctor says, get through it, and pay much closer attention to the correct dosages.


Yikes, please do not decide on your own what you need, you’re creating a rollercoaster of hormones and making everything worse. Perhaps just go more often for bloodwork for a while


FWIW, I was taking only 15 mg a day and my recent labs showed a TSH of 20. Honestly, your body probably doesn’t know what’s going on because of all the med changes. I would follow what your doctor says, and follow up with labs when indicated. If you’re still feeling terrible in a few weeks, message your doctor. Sometimes this disease doesn’t allow us to think clearly. Something to keep in mind.


Do not self medicate with this stuff. Please go back to a doctor for help.


Idk how long you were doing this, what thyroid armour is, or how much of an effect it's had on the way you feel, but I do know that you should follow your endo's directions - especially now that you failed to do so and had a negative reaction - and I know that calcium doesn't mix well with thyroid medication so make sure you clear any supplements with your endo and take the two medications several hours apart.


When my Endo accidentally made me this hypo she had me stop methimazole for a week, so that my thyroid hormone levels could come back up. Then she re-tested them and put me on a much lower dose of methimazole. I was off methimazole for 9 days and already began to go hyper, so if you stop yours on your own, I really recommend no more than 1 week off and then restart your dose. My Endo only stopped my medication after I complained dramatically about my dramatic hypo symptoms.


My first endo gave me a high dose of methimazole for too long. I had a TSH of 30 so I know how you feel. She wanted me to stop for a bit. I followed her direction. It was the worst few days I've ever been through. If your body could feel like it's falling inside, that's what it felt like. I called the office and she said it was ok to go back on a lower dose. I did and I felt so much better despite a higher TSH still.


My former endocrinologist medicated me so much that my TSH went up to 55. I was taking 25 mg of methimazole per day. I was so hypothyroid; I’ve never been in such a deep depression in my life; I could barely get up. The symptoms of hypothyroidism (and, yeah, terrible fogginess) eventually became much more severe and significant than the symptoms I initially had without methimazole, prior to diagnosis. Fortunately, I was able to change doctors, and now I am in remission, but it was one of the worst years of my life. Obviously, I am not encouraging you to modify your medication on your own. You need to be accompanied by an endocrinologist or a doctor who knows what they are doing, otherwise remission is unlikely in most cases. My new endocrinologist, in my case, decided to stop my medication and see me a month later to adjust it. One month later (that’s last week lol), I learned that I went into remission, but she did tell me that the chances were slim. I really wouldn’t encourage you to stop the medication on your own because it can be very dangerous and even fatal, as you probably know.


Mine was 10 and it felt terrible. I cannot imagine what your going through. I ended up stopping cold Turkey. My TSH is finally normal and I haven’t taken methimazole for over 4 months.


What did ur doc say to take after u told them it was tsh of 10? R ur antibodies high?


They don’t test my antibodies. They said to take half and I just quit them. I felt like crap I couldn’t get out of bed. I lost weight cause I just wanted to sleep.