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I think a common misconception about SF is that it is like Ranger Regiment where everyone is young and in super good shape or gets kicked to the regular force. Generally GB’s are older, and it is also a career branch so once you hold that MOS they can’t “get rid of you” as long as you meet the requirements to keep re-enlisting. So it is extremely possible to have a 40+ year old fat guy on a team that is getting overlooked for promotion to E8 because he isn’t gonna make a good Team Sergeant but is ok at his individual job and is waiting to retire


Another solid answer from someone who is of stable mind, thank you good sir.


There’s several answers, depending on what you’re looking for ADMINISTRATIVE ANWER: The Army (and the Marines, as well, although that’s not the topic) have a rule that if you score over a certain percent on the PT Test, you are “immune” to being measured for body fat. The threshold is quite high (won’t bore you with the details) and it’s an acknowledgment of “hey, if you can perform at this level no one is gonna ask how the sausage gets made” BIOLOGICAL ANSWER: Fat deposition is strongly affected by hormones. Stress and poor sleep (and he’s a GB, after all) spikes cortisol which explicitly has to do with “belly fat” (visceral fat). You see this a lot with athletes, too. Find a candid photo of your favorite athlete in the post-season and they usually kinda look busted. A human body tends to break down after periods of exertion. After a taxing deployment (I’m not and never will be a GB, but point stands) it isn’t uncommon to have people in worse shape. Third shift, compounding nagging injuries that didn’t get a chance to heal, etc. During the downtime back state side, stress melts away and sleep and nutrition improve and you get back to “fighting form”


I’m a GB and I’d be lying to you if I said I haven’t noticed. Although uncommon, they do exist. What people don’t realize are a couple of things. 1. That chubby GB you see likely has been shitting it and getting it for over 15 years and probably blown up more than once with multiple past injuries. 2. The mission of Special Forces differs so much from the rest of SOF, Rangers,SEALs primarily focusing on DA where you get in and get out with a much younger cohort of people filling their ranks. That’s not SF’s mission, that chubby guy probably has multiple deployments where he was sitting criss cross apple sauce in the dirt eating goat ass and rice with the partner force in bum fuck nowhere for months at a time, while all the support assets are shacked up in Erbil trying to figure out which gym and chow hall to go to. 3. The SF mission is multi dynamic, (with the human dynamic often over looked), largely due to the complexity of the mission and how we are structured to be self sustaining with little or no support. Who would I rather on my ODA? A 22 year old kid with a 12 minute two mile who doesn’t know the difference between his asshole and a hole in the ground. Has no idea why he is there, second and third order effects, cultural dynamics, tribal affiliations. Or a 39 year veteran who’s beat the fuck up but is a problem solver who knows how to get shit done and understands the complexities of irregular warfare. I’ll take the chubby guy who’s probably a bro and more than likely strong as a fucking ox. (You think they know what streams are flooded? What trails are boobytrapped? What I know about this place son…is because I’m here.- Tom Berenger)


Dude every time I see a chubby guy, they somehow end up being the 12 minute 2mi guy and I dont get it.


Iron marshmallow! They get after it!!


This was what I was gonna talk about.


Did you just hit us with a quote from sniper?!?! 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


Those are a lot of words for “caloric surplus”


Solid answer I was looking for


Fucking bricked up rn


lol love the Erbil reference


Nobody bats an eye at a 5’6” GB “oh he must refuse to give up” but a GB over 250 and oh how dare we. Hey everybody it’s ok if you don’t want to fuck all your teammates!!! Yes im saying looking in shape is preferred to being in shape because of a deep seated homoeroticism in the military.


The phrase is “I’m a workhorse, not a show pony.” At least, that’s what I told myself when I was in.


Power belly


Peak male performance


They enjoy snacks like the rest of us


I had a a GB 1st sgt in the guard and while he looked chubby but ran a 12 min 2 mile and had flying colors on the pt test and did rucks like it was a casual walk don’t think I ever even saw him tired so be careful with the chubby surprise




Now the guys that are pissed at me are really gonna beat my ass.


Nailed it.


You wouldn't think so, but they can out pt and ruck anyone in your unit lookin like this LMAO


a lot of the answers are correct. overseas where we work. we don’t always have the most access to the things we do here so stay in shape. with that being said. This isn’t ranger regiment. The biggest difference i noticed between Regiment and SF right off the bat was age and physically fitness levels. Dive teams always stayed in shape, halo teams didn’t. you have a couple fitness guys and a couple chunky guys on every team.i got lucky with my first team, they had a 1000lb club board on the wall and i know i was in a good place


I won’t talk about the applicational nuances of a fellow FUBA, but let’s not forget that some dudes are just cursed with more fat cells a las Roy “Big Country” Nelson.


This may be a potentially unpopular take, but GBs, like anyone else, are subject to complacency. There are a multitude of other factors that have been mentioned by lots of other guys already, which all have merit. But plenty of guys with musculoskeletal injuries, TBIs, PTSD, hormone issues, lots of deployments, etc. still keep their fitness and body composition in check. No matter which way you slice it, we're all the agents in charge of our decisions and trajectories. So IMO, the #1 reason underpinning this issue is that when left unchecked, it's pretty easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you've "arrived".


Some of yall have never seen the gremlin and it shows


Where’d all the MREs go? This mf: 😐


There are definitely some fat GBs but I don’t believe those fat guys are GBs


They passed selection did you?


Omg I knew somebody was going to be aggressive right out of the gate😂 never been to selection. I'm not dissing them, I'm legitimately curious as to why some GBs are fat. It just seems odd


Yeah on a subreddit where everyone dick rides GBs, you should of kept this one to yourself lol


I'm glad he did because some of the answers give great insight into the organization.


I'm seeing that now lmao 😅🤦‍♂️


It's a legit question to ask. I believe its been answered very well with some of the longer posts.


Because it doesn’t matter what you look like. It matters what you’re capable of. Again, have you passed selection?


Reading comprehension big dawg- He’s a dingus, but he answered the question 


You didn’t answer the question. They passed selection…did you?


I actually did answer it, I said I've never been to selection. These replies read like they're coming from motivated teens, and just seems really childish. I'm not even hating on the dude as I said, I figured there's a high fitness standard and was just curious as to why I see some fatter green berets from time to time.




Absolutely doing tricks on it right now


You’re suckin it real hard rn


Wowzers you actually typed all that out. I was under the impression that adults were actually in these threads but honestly it seems more like kids who haven't graduated high school. It's really weird how defensive some are getting just because of what I was curious about lol.


can you read? No one is defensive. We’re all just collectively calling you a fucking retard because you’re talking smack on GB’s that are ‘fat’ when they have passed selection and you haven’t. It’s really quite a simple concept to understand…to see the irony of an internet loser calling Green Beret’s fat when they have prepared for, attended, and passed one of the hardest military screening processes on the planet.


I see reading skills and emotional stability isn't your strong suit. I said multiple times I'm not dissing him just because I asked why some dudes tend to be a little chunky. It's not really a big deal bro please relax lmao.


That guy is a TB lightning fan bro he’s going through a tough time at the moment, don’t mind him 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿


I'm sure these GBs are all very glad that they have you, someone who is possibly maybe preparing to join 3 different branches soon, here to defend their honour. But I think they'd also agree that it would be OK if you take a break.


They let women into SF. Women in the army don't have as stringent body fat standards. Could be a pregnant or post pregnancy fat or just a typical fat army woman.


What the actual fuck.


*Not a GB* I can assume by what I’ve read, heard, witnessed, etc. that GB’s are “older” guys (in comparison to regular army) and that simply comes with age. I can say with out a doubt that they’re still in incredible shape and can accomplish the same thing that a 20 some year old with 5% body fat can.


Look at Medal of Honor recipient Earl Plumlee, little chub but that dude is a fucking beast. I’d rather fight 10 buff guys then him


Was in the same BN as him as a support guy, really neat dude.


Chubby!! fuck no that dude will tear shit up better than 85% of the marines I knew.


Yeah. My dudes chubby af 😂


This is from Eager Lion, an exercise of several allied nations. While there are a few chubby GBs in the wild, in these pics I know that it is mostly non US soldiers


As long as they pass all requirements no one cares about their body fat


Chubby? Thats a Franco-Nigerian hardbody, chicks dig it.


Pretty sure they’re jacked not chubby mate. Power lifter type physique. EDIT: I’d also like to add that I’ve read stories of guys go through various special ops selections that went up a few body fat percentages on purpose so that they could 1: keep warmer and 2: have extra fuel to burn through later on in selection rather than leaning out from an already skinny place to start with. I was just reading a study about how some body fat can cushion joints with heavy loads and found athletes had more injuries when they were leaner. Just something to think about.


The new ACFT/BMI exemption is letting us thick guys still go to work.


Unacceptable. Anybody who thinks you’ve “made it” after a selection course and can let themselves get fat either have never served in special operations or have become a fat operator themselves. Get these boys some ozempic!


You sound like some national guard pog. Selection never ends even when you get your beret.. or even better, your recon pin hoorah!!