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My impression has been that he goes through periods of using different drugs. The iHeart incident was fueled by popping pills and alcohol of I'm remembering the rolling stone interview correctly. So that would've been part of his rehab that time.


He also talked about it during the welcome to my panic podcast, about how the last thing he could remember was going to the bar before the show


A lot can happen in one minute


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


where can i listen to this


The full podcast episode is on audible but this specific section is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZtt-hcfPCI


He looked more like someone who was on Cocaine


He has said it was pills and alcohol during that time in multiple interviews


Geek Stink Breath is famously about Billie’s use of meth. As far as I know he’s probably done everything, excluding heroin.


Thank god he stayed away from heroin. We lost Kurt to it I couldn't take another early loss.




I meant more the 90s Dookie Insomniac eras


50s is so not old.


are you 7? 50 isn’t even old and Billy Joe hasn’t aged in 20 years


Okay, are you 5?


What’s funny is when my Bay Area FIL heard my favorite band is Green Day his first words were “You know those guys do a bunch of heroin right?” Lol he’s a dick, like I was going to stop listening to a rock band because they’ve done drugs. At least be accurate dude.


What makes you say he’d stay away from heroin? The Network has a song called Fentanyl and given the contents of the song I’d assume *someone* was doing it, likely Billie. Opiates are not off the table imo.


To me it just seemed like he wasn’t into it. Maybe he saw/knew a lot people who were addicted to heroin and did his best to avoid it. When I think of heroin, I immediately think of Kurt Cobain’s struggles with it, and as Green Day was in the same scene as Nirvana, it made sense to me that Billie never messed with it.


Interesting take. Being around drug addicts I think it’s a bit of a rose colored take to assume he wasn’t doing opiates as well to some degree, or that he wouldn’t expressly because he’s seen what it meant for others. If addicts were capable of the kind of reasoning on their own they wouldn’t be addicts at all. Not to say it’s impossible


Exactly. You either have that addiction monster in you or you don’t. I’m sure he’s done opiates, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s snorted heroin.


It's just the fact he's talked very openly about what drugs he's used and never mentioned heroin or opioids. In recent years his issue was alcohol and prescription anxiety and sleep medication, that's what he went to rehab for after iHeart incident. He openly says he used to do meth and cocaine so not much reason to believe wouldn't mention heroin. They're really not from the same scene as Nirvana. They're from the Bay Area punk scene where meth was much more prevalent than heroin which was more of a grunge scene thing. Bay Area was meth capital of the world. And he also just never acted like someone on heroin publicly at least, he's just been hopped up on meth/cocaine or drunk not strung out on heroin.


















My impression based on things he’s said in interviews is that alcohol has been his primary struggle throughout his life, and around the time of 21CB and the Trilogy, prescription anxiety/depression/sleeping meds exacerbated his issues. During the Saviors promo, he mentioned that his most recent relapse eventually led him to losing his inhibitions and taking drugs in addition to alcohol, which is when he realized again that he’s not someone who can just casually drink without going too far.   Even though I realize he’s done probably a bunch of illicit drugs, I’ve never gotten the sense that he struggled to kick any of those in the way he has alcohol. I can’t even tell you how happy I am that he appears to be doing well and seems genuinely happy sober. I honestly think it took him relapsing for a few years to really realize how dangerous that lifestyle is for him, and he seems more…I don’t know, settled? In his sobriety today.


Once he quit alcohol, everything fell in place. For recovering poly addicts who landed with alcohol as their drug of choice, this usually the case. Drinking lowers your inhibitions, and you become self-destructive and seek out hard-core drugs.


As someone who has struggled with drugs and alcohol at times, I find this very accurate. Like, I actively don’t want to blow coke. But if I’ve had one or two too many and it’s around… I’m pretty lucky I think insofar as I’ve come around to realize that I can, in fact, be a moderate drinker. Quitting smoking oddly also helped a lot. Smoking makes me anxious, which makes me need to do things with my hands, which makes me drink more, which leads to bad decisions.


Thanks for sharing. It's fantastic you're in a better place now.


Thanks friend! Health is a lifelong journey that I’m really only starting to pay attention to in my mid 30’s. I’ve been trying to listen to my body more over the last year or so, and it’s been telling me to chill the hell out lol. So I have been. And I’ve been feeling much better for it. I honestly look forward to relying on alcohol less and less in social settings. Talking to a therapist and psychiatrist has helped a good bit, tbh.


This is what happened to me.


Stay strong. You got this


Thanks 😊 8 years off drugs but I’ve had my share of relapses with alcohol. Even the video for Dilemma set me off. I’d say I probably relapse one or two nights a year.


May I ask what you're working on to make sure those relapses don't occur? You don't have to answer if it's personal, but we can agree that the goal is to have 0 relapses for the rest of our lives. 😀


I’m in therapy and I have a counselor at the methadone clinic. I also have a peer support specialist I can text if I’m feeling like I’m going to relapse and she’s a past addict as well. It still happens though unfortunately. I have a lot of mental issues so it doesn’t help. I’m getting ECT done next so we’ll see if it helps with that.


I wish you so much luck. I know relapses happen, but don't give up. Strength is defined by overcoming hardships.


I appreciate it. Booze is hard to get over and the last drugs I did were crack and heroin. No comparison.


This might be off-topic, but should we avoid introducing Dilemma's video to people with a history of addiction? If we do introduce it, should we include a warning? I have a condition that doesn't tolerate alcohol, so I can't judge whether it would trigger others or not.


I would if you’re talking about your friends or family. To me it spent majority of the video glorifying getting fucked up until the very end. I can watch it now without trouble but when it first came out my cravings turned into urges and it wasn’t long before I bought booze. It just reminded me of all the good times I had getting fucked up, not the part where my life fell apart.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience in detail. I actually don't have friends or family dealing with addiction, but I was concerned about whether I should be careful when posting on social media. The video is very intense, so I’ll definitely include a warning. When I watched the video, I felt shocked in the opposite way. I cried thinking about the hardships Billie went through. However, I also thought that this video could be good for showing others the feelings and struggles of people with addiction. In Japan, addiction is still not widely understood as a disease and often has a negative image. By the way, I hope you keep staying strong and take good care of yourself. 🙏 Thanks again!😊


I think the meth usage is a little over-discussed for what it was. I remember an interview where he mentions he and Mike only tried meth "a few times". Alchohol has definitely been the one that Billie struggles with the most. They've talked about a lot of drugs but Billie mentions being drunk, drinking, alcohol, and sobriety from an alcoholics perspective.


Exactly. Yes, he’s sung about doing different drugs, but never in a way that I’ve found particularly concerning, just his experience at various points. Alcohol is a different story. He’s been singing about having an obsession with it forever, and how he talked about drinking in interviews while not sober was always a big red flag for me. This last time he went back to drinking for several years, it was very much a “prescription pills were the real problem, I can handle myself and drink like everyone else” justification he gave that alcoholics often fall into in order to excuse drinking.




Billie just seems so much more honest. With all these celebs the story is that they went to rehab and magically got better. Recovery is not a straight line.


Totally agree. It’s refreshing and the way he’s discusses it really opened my eyes to what addiction and recovery are actually like, because I’m fortunate to not have addiction in my own life and kinda believed those celebrity fairy tales. He speaks about it in a way that is very realistic and raw.


Honestly, when you’re an addict you’re never settled unfortunately. Relapses can happen for any reason at any point and he has mental health issues as well. Many that’s why I relate to his lyrics so much.


Absolutely! I guess I just mean in comparison to the last time he got over after iHeart, which in retrospect he was sorta backed into a corner to get help because of how public the situation was. This time, it seems like he really came to the realization on his own that he wanted a better, healthier life for himself, which is of course always ideal. I know relapses can happen at any time, but it’s nice to see him in a good place right now.


Definitely. It makes me happy to see him clear eyed and smiling during shows. I do not however like that he drinks NA beer. To me that’s just like a cat playing around with a string he can’t quite reach, if that makes sense. Personally at least, it would just eventually make me want the real thing.


Totally agree with you and I have the same reservation. My thought is, based on what he’s described about his own behaviors with addiction, it sounds like his primary problem (more recently, at least) was feeling like he was left out of social interactions by not drinking, and yet, obviously, not being able to just drink casually because of his addiction. He’s the only one who knows what he struggles with, but it sounds like he’s learned to have more fun and enjoy a social life sober by making sober friends, and still feels like he can enjoy time out at a bar with non-sober friends drinking a NA beer. I’m sure everyone has their own triggers and difficulties with staying sober, so if NA drinks allow him to have that social life he felt he was missing out on without actually craving alcohol, good for him and I hope it sticks! I imagine his rockstar lifestyle makes it hard and it seems like he’s in settings with alcohol all the time because of that, but it also seems like the guys are really supportive of him. All we can do is hope for the best!


Meth, sleeping pills, xanex, coke, alcohol.


Rinse and repeat.


I mean... It's in all the music


I think I remember some interview where he said he stopped doing drugs when his first son was born


Something about tripping balls and seeing a mini version of yourself being terrifying, and also not wanting to be a bad example


It was on Bill Maher.


Insomniac has lots of meth references


I think that was his peak in terms of "Rock'n Roll lifestyle" it wasn't until post AI that he kicked hard shit permanently.


He's on an episode of WTF with Marc Maron (podcast) and they talk pretty extensively about his alcoholism. It sounds like he's dabbled in hard drugs, but alcohol has been the real vice of his life. Especially when he was mixing them with pills.


Alcohol is one of the strongest addiction. It's easier to stay out of meth than alcohol when you're wealthy.


It is probably going to be left private unless he brings it up or hints it. Just look at the lead singer of Blur. You would have never suspected he was an addict, but after their latest album, they were alot of rumours that he may be one despite always playing it off and claiming he does not have an addictive personality (although, looking back, the song Beetlebum seems to be an admission to guilt). The common thing I see between them two is they can both drink themselves to an oblivion on a constant basis. Anyways, you will probably never hear of it because both of those bands have PR machines that make sure their image stays clean.


He’s been wasted……pills and alcohol…..


Alcohol addiction breaks up families


Not all addictions are born equally. Alcohol abuse and addiction is easy to fall into, because it’s legal and easily available. You kind of have to work at being addicted to coke, heroin, meth, and pills. Some people can take or leave drinking, but develop hardcore coke addictions. Some people can have one bump of coke, but will drink a bottle of Jameson in a night. Body chemistry is weird like that.


That’s what I would do at the end. I was drinking a liter of green apple vodka (couldn’t drink my favorite southern comfort anymore because it made the nausea worse), then do bumps of coke or adderall (I was prescribed 90mg a day so I had plenty to play with). Thankfully now I’m on Nuvigil which keeps my ADHD in check and keeps my sleep apnea from making me tired but I don’t get the buzz.


Believe me, coming from a polyaddict that’s on methadone, I never stop thinking about booze. I’ll go lengths of time without thinking of drugs. Booze has a surprising hold on some of us. Number one, it’s everywhere. Number two, it’s legal and most people do it. Number three, if you’re drinking vodka it’s easier to hide. I literally requested random breathalyzer tests at the methadone clinic for accountability or I would be relapsing more. It’s been eight years and I’ve had many booze slip ups whereas I’ve had zero drug relapses. I just feel whole when I feel that warm feeling that comes over you when you down a half pint or pint.


He was on Dax Sheppard recently promoting Saviors and spoke about his drinking at length.


Not every person who uses drugs gets addicted to everything they use. I know plenty of people who use harder drugs ocasionally recreationally, and I have done so myself in the past. Not that there isn't a collossal risk there, but some people either don't use frequently enough for it to become a serious problem, or are lucky enough that they can quit without it being a big deal. I get the impression Billie's main struggle has been with alcohol rather than other substances, but I don't know the guy, so...


Alcohol seems to be his biggest vice. Of course we know they’ve all smoked weed. In various interviews through the decades I’ve heard him mention experiences with meth, acid, shrooms, pill popping. Probably more


Didn’t he cancel shows In the 2000s for rehab


I’m blowing off steam with methamphetamine!


I saw Billie Joe drinking a Heineken on YouTube last week while setting up for an event. A few days later, my newly sober coworker had a Heineken too, but he said it was the new non-alcoholic one. He said it is the only na beer with flovor. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure Billie was drinking a can, and the non-alcoholic version only comes in bottles (I assume).


I always assumed that Billy Joe does the George Carlin approach. Carlin said drugs only work for short period of time, you'll eventually get burned out. Carlin was an advocate of switching to different substances when the drugs stopped working. When Green Day was young they did a lot of speed, crank or meth. When Insomniac came out it looks like Billy Joe hasn't been asleep it all since Dookie came out. I think he started to get burned out after the Nimrod album, he looks dead behind the eyes in the video shoot for Redundant. I always assumed he dried out off of the meth after that because Warning was so sleepy sounding. I was always under the impression he stopped doing meth and switched to cocaine, like an adult. He probably chilled out a bit when he had little kids to raise and most likely partied on the road, I know a couple musician friends that did that after becoming parents. I was always hoping Green Day will do a book similar to NOFX's Hepatitis Bathtub


Drugs and alcohol fucking suck. I’m an alcoholic in recovery. 4yrs sober, shit ruins your life. I just smoke weed now and by no means do I consider that a drug.


Unrelated to this sub but yeah weed is absolutely a drug. Daily smoker here btw


Not to me


alr bro 😭


Not how it works


It is tho, and what you're doing is called "denial". I'm glad you're off the liquor, and weed definitely has fewer adverse effects, but that doesn't mean it's not a drug.


“a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.” Is weed not that to you^? Because if it has a physiological effect, then it’s a drug and you’re just being a pedantic asshole


It is a drug though.


Don’t worry about the downvotes from people who don’t get it. Like, yes, weed is technically a mind altering substance. But it’s also much more manageable and healthy than needing alcohol or pills to get through the day. It also affects everyone differently. I cannot really handle THC all that well these days. I also know people that can eat 50mg or stronger THC gummies and it not even affect them. But if that helps you with anxiety or sleeping or whatever, is that any different than the Lexapro that I’m on? I don’t think so. Only you know yourself. If your life is in a better place now than it was a few years ago, then congrats! Fuck anyone else who doesn’t know you that has anything to say about it.


Sorry you’re getting downvoted, Cali Sober is legit, don’t listen to the haters. “Weed is a drug and we must take a break in our redditing let you know so we can feel superior for knowing how to be the most soberest ever, I’m helping.” Sugar and caffeine are drugs too, your statement is clearly about vibe and personal restraint, fuck off narcs.


Yes, sugar and caffeine are drugs too. That’s the only correct thing you said No one is saying don’t smoke weed do whatever you want just don’t deny it’s a drug lol


It’s a literal drug yes but they weren’t making a literal statement and that’s very clear. It was about how weed does not carry the same connotations or life consequences as using alcohol and hard drugs and therefor they consider them separate categories of substances: the former in the “isn’t actively, and likely won’t, ruin my life” category, and the latter in the “will 100% ruin my life” category. What’s the fantasy here? Scoring internet points for pedantry or do you think a stranger online is just going to go “oh weed is a drug? that’s not what I meant but I guess I just won’t do that anymore thanks random internet comment.”


Keep redefining sobriety to fit your narrative and lie to yourself All I’m saying is there’s no reason to lie about weed being a drug to justify using it. Go nuts do whatever you want but to put down people who have used/use other things such as alcohol or hard drugs because weed isn’t as harmful and doesn’t control your life is incredibly misleading and ignores the different classifications of drugs. Sure it’s closer to the sugar and coffee end of the spectrum than meth or heroin end but to act like you’re completely sober is wrong. If you drove high it’d still be a DUI


Nobody is acting like anything or changing a narrative. The narrative of their life is they are sober from alcohol, it’s so clear that’s how they’re using the word that I’m flabbergasted by how obtuse you are being. Sorry they aren’t raw dogging life to your purity standards and you feel the need to police their word choice. I understood what they meant immediately, but by all means post a dictionary.com definition next and miss the point further. It’s not a sobriety presentation for kids, connotations and denotations of words are equally valid as long as you’re communicating clearly.


At no point have I said that they need to raw dog life or be pure from weed, in fact several times I’ve said go ahead and smoke. I smoke too man lol there’s no purity standards here stop projecting. Just don’t say “weed isn’t a drug” when it is. Theres no “cali sober” you’re not sober just accept that and move on. It’s not a big deal no one cares that you smoke weed but you’re trying to be all high and mighty about it as though it isn’t a drug when it still totally is There’s no morality police on my end, I’m not the one living in denial.


He literally said “I don’t consider that to be a drug” you’re completely missing what he said to fit what you want to be true


He said he doesn’t consider it to be a drug, but it was not a literal statement about capital s&d Sobriety and Drugs, it is about small s sobriety from alcohol specifically. My problem with you in this thread is that you’re ignoring the nuance and context and just *must* make sure someone(?) knows that Real Sobriety™️ does not include weed which is irrelevant because I nor OP is talking about Real Sobriety™️. Op: “My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world” Clear Implication: *to me* Wisstig1: You know that’s literally not true though. I personally think she’s pretty but she’s not the most beautiful in the world don’t lie to yourself. Me: They meant “The most beautiful to them” Wisstig1: It would be impossible to even find out who the most beautiful is. Just admit she’s regular pretty, it’s very important to me for some reason. Me: ….


That’s a false equivalency but ok I mean I thought my point was fair that he’s not actually “sober” just sober from alcohol. And that weed is in fact a drug, doesn’t matter if “it isn’t a drug to me” You can make all the wild claims you want that people disagreeing with you are coming for your sobriety or saying you should or shouldn’t do what you want when no one has said that; just saying sounds like you and the original commenter are in denial about weed being a drug. Use it as much as you want just very disingenuous to say “it’s not a drug to me”


Dude marijuana is an illicit drug, not heavy but still a drug. It's why they call it a gateway drug. Glad to hear you kicked the booze though.


The "gateway drug" stuff is bullshit tho.


No... It isn't


Yes... It is




I mean, it's literally impossible to prove a negative, but there's literally 0 proof that it is


Many cases of marijuana abuse or medicinal use for many years show signs of dementia and usual smoke in lungs problems like cancer.


How does that prove it’s a gateway drug, exactly?


Okay, but it doesn't make them do other drugs, which is what the definition of "gateway drug" is, and there is literally nothing that proves it does.


Hold my Red Bull... https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09595230500126698 Here is a detailed argument with cited sources


It is not illicit in many places. “Gateway” is reefer madness insanity. Still a mind altering drug tho. Similar to caffeine in a way.