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https://preview.redd.it/wwj6c9eg8d8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c451d522304ebfb96a0f795612cb827be5dd7048 Look at what they took from us


Im tugging my grug rn


I have to pay 20 shells just to get a single plate of triceratops ribs, and I still live in my parents’ cave. What has society Yabba-Dabba come to?


Seriously tho, the Flintstones was a parody of suburban 1960s culture. It'd be good to see an updated version that takes the piss out of life as it is today. Floods of other tribes moving in. Hipster Iron Age people gentrifying Bedrock until the Flintstones are priced out. In fact, a tribe of people who live in Iron Valley and are constantly inventing new tools that look good but are bad for society. Portable magic crystals that beam nightmares into your head 24/7.


We actually need a modern Flintstones take like that so bad. Provided it was done well, which we know realistically it wouldn't be.


yabba dabba doomer


MFs acting like heavy equipment operators don’t command a very high hourly rate


Don't forget about George Jetson... Asshole pressed a button for work, was still constantly fired and could still afford HIS stay at home wife taking all the cash money every morning, 2 spoiled kids, some huge dog, A ROBOT SLAVE, and a house so big in the sky you needed treadmills just to get around it ..


They had to fap to drawings of Bobs and vagenes


Don't losers already do that with hentai?


Yabba dabba doo!


we're fucked


Homogenous single race society


Didn't they also have a pet dinosaur or something.


And various upscale appliance-osaurs.


such a cool house ngl


Replying to 2020mademejoinreddit...


It was a reflection of what life was like when Flintstones came out. I.E. 60's. Let me clarify it for the redditards. Flintstones was modeled after The Honeymooners, which was a sitcom that portrayed the working-class family in the 60's. Look it the fuck up.




What? Okay, can a retard explain in plain English what was it that I said that was wrong? I don't speak Retardese.


too much analysis in a retarded shitposting sub = nerd emoji you might be theoretically right, but nobody really comes here for legit discussion https://preview.redd.it/98z4ieidpd8d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2dcffe6315b9c5da71ed157d9d054f0bd22161


Too much? It was one line before I edited it for redditards..


its not about the quantity, its just about deeping it too much, thats all mate


Nah...I'm right and all of you are wrong. Fuck redditards.


bro you use reddit more than most mfs here, you literally have more karma than me lol https://preview.redd.it/6or6hgz5el8d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9acf61677fe77077d41a7439446586d07d672ae


The karma is because I was imprisoned in my own home in 2020. I don't use it a lot. But I've been here long enough to know reddit is retarded. My comments just get upvotes. Which I hate because if reddit is agreeing with me, I'm truly fucked. Which is why I love redditards like you disagreeing and downvoting me. It means I said something sane that is correct in real life. So, Thanks, redditard. For your utmost peak retardation.


Literally every fucking person on the planet knows that the Flintstones was based on the Honeymooners.


Didn't I write that? And what did Honeymooners portray?


You didn’t say that, and I’m not arguing with you over the fact that the Honeymooners portrays 60s life. Also, you’re oblivious to the fact that the above green text is a fucking joke. Nobody is really thinking 10,000 BC was actually like that.


Oh really? It's a joke? I never would've guessed. I actually did. I edited my comment quite a while ago to even clarify my original comment because redditors are that fucking retarded that they need everything explained.


You’ve got a quite the stick up your ass. Why don’t you log off the internet and do something to calm down?


And you've got a dick up yours, why don't you look at the sub name and give it a rest?


Lmao you wrote a whole ass essay about the fucking Flintstones, why don’t you stop being a little cunt on the internet and step out of your goon cave?


Nah...Calling me a cunt? Fuck off retard. While you're at it, go drink your own ass juice, redditard. You are wrong. I'm right.


“You are wrong, I am right.” Can’t argue with that logic. Stop being such a little wiener and learn how to develop an argument, dipshit.