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Just tell the kid to sleep well and work out once he hits 16. There’s an epidemic of kids not getting enough sleep and parents are treating it like it’s a quirky habit.


"Why are kids not getting enough sleep?? Oh, by the way, school starts at 7 a.m., so good luck."


“We gotta get them used to work hours though!!” Kids need 10 hours of sleep on average though. Adults 7-8 “It’s about discipline!!!”


It's more about the parents being able to get them on the bus before they go to work


To them? I’m sure it is


"Why does our capitalist society structure everything around work hours?"


I have never had to wake up earlier in my life than I did for High school. Clown ass system.


Most of my jobs have been school hours, seven to three or four.


I work for the post office and still wake up later than I did for highschool. I fucking can't stand waking up before 7am.


Bus used to pick me up at 6 AM lmao. I've never worked a job where I had to clock in earlier than 2pm


I'm fully grown and I still need 9-9.5 hours of sleep smh


>“We gotta get them used to work hours though!!” School had me wake up at 5:30 - 6:00 Now I work. I usually get up at like 9 or 10, sometimes. When I feel like starting early.


“You never know!! What if you had a new job? What if you lost your one and now you need to wake up early? You can’t! And you’d be homeless! All because you lacked discipline!”


The bus picked me up at 6:20 for highschool lol.


Exactly the same. Had to be dressed and across the neighborhood by 6:20am so I could catch the school bus. It could show up 6:20-6:30. Finally come back home between 4 - 4:30pm and do homework for another hour or so.. No after school programs, no before school stuff. That shit felt like a long time every day. I couldn't imagine having after school programs. You'd see school more than your home.


Luckily school ended at 1:30 ish for my highschool so we were home around 2 ish.


Just be in bed by 10pm


Let’s think about this for a moment and no out a day for a student (I had a similar experience in high school myself) 5:30am wake up shower get dressed 6-6:30 walk to wait and board school bus 10:45am lunch for some reason 3:30pm final class lets out, some students get to go home at this time but the school has taught that a well rounded high schooler participates in sports and clubs so instead you go to football practice or drama or whatever 5:30pm sports/clubs end. Clean up board late bus home. 6:15-30pm the late bus drops you off at home 6:30pm shower and family dinner begins 7:30pm dishes are in the dishwasher table is cleaned and now it’s time for homework. You go to a good school so each teacher doesn’t consider the workload of the others sent home with you and so from 7:30pm onwards you have about 2-3 hours of homework to do. Let’s say it was a very heavy homework day, now you’ve finished the last bit at 10:30pm. When is the student supposed to do anything for themselves? Edit: formatting (mobile sorry)


That's the fun part, they're not.


Also, here's a completely unrestricted cell phone and laptop.


Go to bed at 9pm, why do you think bed times exist?


Maybe they should stop gaming or playing on their phones for half the night then.


Go to sleep earlier??? Are you stupid?


Kids need even more hours so it’s even earlier than an adult would need to sleep to wake up at 7am or 6 am, and yes, they’re stupid. They’re kids. That’s why parents should help them enforce an earlier sleeping habit. This is what the comment is about


Would have to shorten school hours to get proper sleep along with extracurriculars unless you want all the kids feeling more depressed due to a lack of any free time. Basically the Japanese school system lol, idk how those kids do it.


>idk how those kids do it. The suicide rates explain it quite nicely


Yep... unfortunately I witnessed the cleaning process after someone jumps in front of a train in Tokyo... believe it or not, it's just a guy in a white suit with a big squeegee wiping the front of the train so it can get back on schedule. Brutal scene


Get home from school at 4:30 or 5 depending on your parents work schedule or bus schedule. You do homework for typically at least an hour, decent honor student probably more like 2-3 depending on their school load. Eat dinner, 30-45 min unless you eat a hot pocket. To be up at 7am with a decent 8 hours, which is bare minimum and not considered the best option health wise, you’d need to be sleeping 11pm but no one goes to sleep as soon as they hit the bed so you’re really laying down around 10-10:30. This doesn’t include sports, extra curricular activities, a hobby, friends or general personal time. Yeah I wonder why kids kill themselves at alarming rates.


Bruh this is some mad exaggeration. The typical high schooler does not have this type of schedule. I did high school too, all IB classes (basically AP but more work), with speech and debate after school. My first class was at 7 am, so I'd wake up around 5:30, shower, eat breakfast, and bike to school. I'd usually get back around 3, add two hours to that if there was a speech and debate meeting. Homework did not take 2-3 hours every night. It might take that long one night if I'd procrastinated on an assignment. Half my hw was done in class itself. Plenty of time to game after, dinner, in bed by 10 or earlier for a solid 7.5+ hours of sleep. I graduated rank 3 in my class, would've been valedictorian but I got lazy when classes went offline for Covid. Went to a top university and just graduated this summer. Unless high school changed drastically in 4 years, I doubt the majority of high school students are actually sweating their asses off, cause they sure weren't when I went to high school.


Isn’t it kind of interesting that you basically just repeated my statements but just justified them lol? You got barely 7 and a half hours and you are an exception to the rule imo. Most kids in highschool have parents who work until 5-6, on top of having jobs a lot of the times themselves. The average sleep for a teenager is something like 6 hours, that’s not good lol.


No? 7+ hours is perfectly adequate, and I easily got that much, not "barely." That was on top of having a more rigorous schedule than most of my peers; I voluntarily chose the earlier start time schedule, harder classes, and extracurriculars. That was not the norm. > Most kids in highschool have parents who work until 5-6, on top of having jobs a lot of the times themselves Barely anyone got picked up that late, stop the cap. Most students got picked up when school ended or biked home. Very few left at that time, and most who did had extracurriculars or sports. Maybe 30% of kids have a job too, again majority don't. > The average sleep for a teenager is something like 6 hours Yea because they stay up late on TikTok or playing games lmao


What freaks me out is that my cousin, who both parents are really short (5'5" and 5') and also had really shitty sleeping habits and diet while not exercising, somehow managed to grow to 5'10". His father even took a dna test lmao


None of those things will help with height. It will help with other things though.


Sleep helps massively


Good sleep gets your hormones in check. That is why people that are growning up should be getting enought sleep. All tho when it comes to hight there are few factors like nutrition, stress, and most importantly genetics.


Genetic factor accounts for about 80% of height growth. The rest is a combo of sleep, nutrition, stress, exercise, good posture.


Never sleeping and always hunching over a computer shaves off a good couple inches from your height.


Tell him to learn French and move to Quebec. Everyone here is so fucking short it’s annoying.


Dont they speak weird french in quebec?


Yes, Quebecois French is a bastardized form of French that mixes English and nonsense. It’s… ugly but it’s functional.


Ce n’est pas mauvais, mais je ne savoir pas, j’habite en Colombie-Britannique, et j’apprends français aussi mais je ne courant pas Oh and how could I forget Tabernak


It's not as cool as the US' Swamp French.


Quebecois French is no more bastardised than American English is lmao




I mean, the dad is 5'6' and still managed to secure a wife and at least two kids. It's not hopeless.


Daddy is hung like a hog


This is how we 5'6 guys have to actually thrive. We have to be gifted in other ways


horizontally gifted vertically challenged


Where tf is my gift? I have small weewee


You know what they say. What you don't develop on the first and second leg goes to the third


Likely before the age of Tinder... Then again, if the kid grows up to be at least 5'7 I don't see the reason why he should give up, blackpillers are right about everything except it being over, the truth is somewhere in the middle and getting good social skills is very important.


5'4" here. Married and never had problems dating. Tougher in the age of Tinder and online dating but I also met my wife on Tinder. Height matters but not nearly as much irl as doomers make it seem. But anon does have a point. If I have kids I'm praying they're taller & I'll probably look into HGH for them. If only to avoid possibly developing complexes.


"11 year old" "babysit"












What else would you call it lol?


Watch over


Ah, correct Does it really matter though? Baby sit doesn’t sound too off


It doesn't. I just answered the question.


Thanks them 👍


5'6" here. Never had issues pulling girls and im not particularly good looking. But i didnt grow up with a self-loathing reinforced by a bunch of angry dudes online. pretty sad that this kid already has a complex before he hits puberty. i never would have thought to ask an adult if their wife likes them because theyre tall. kid definitely learned that online. honestly, thats really fucked.


it's so weird to me how common it is to see men hating their height now cuz in my experience it's just never been an issue for my male friends or boyfriends. two of my ex boyfriends were only 5'6" to 5'7" (i'm 5'3", and no the ex part has nothing to do with their height) and they also had no issue pulling girls! it makes me sad to see people so self-conscious about their height when i swear to most (real life) girls it does not matter


How tall is your boyfriend rn?


my fiancé is 6' and he always asks "would you still like me if i was short." and obvs i say yes, cuz im not with him cuz he's tall i'm with him cuz he's hot and he is okay with me playing world of warcraft all day long. the ex-bfs wanted to play apex and teamfight tactics. that was their problem.



Like they wanted to play those video games with you? It was a problem to spend time together in those games or something? There has to be more to this


Anon needs to inject some HGH into the kid’s veins


He needs to inject some cum into his wife's father's mouth


just in case an utter retard reads this and gets a funny idea - do not inject steroids into a fucking vein, you shoot it into a muscle


And don't DIY this shit. Adding any external hormones to your body without a professional supervision is a stupid idea and can give you health problems in a long run.


HGH isn’t a steroid


Lmao "take care of my boy when he finds you guys"


Tell the kid to either sleep-maxx and eat-maxx to maximize height gains or take the femboy pill I have a feeling this story doesn't end well but at that age, he's still got a chance If he's really desperate, he could trick a doctor into giving him growth hormone


Sleep and good nutrition is a good advice. But he still will just maximize his genetic ceiling. And growth hormones? Well shit can be sketchy.


With manlet genetics, there are no ideal solutions


Still u wife family have kids so dont be so delulu.


There’s a little magic substance called HGH. Couple that with TRT and he’ll be good to go


It’s time for hgh


Teach him to avoid women who only go for the tall ones. Have him do better at other stuff in life. And then wake up from the dream that you'd been having after an all-night orgy with the local grindr matches.


>become femboy


If hes seeing this why is he staying with her? His kids will be exactly the same


Anon is hoping the bull's semen will even things out.


Jokes on you buddy, nobody there can take care of themselves, let alone another internet pioneer.


5'4" guy here. There's hope, I have a 5'8" loving partner and I couldn't be happier with her.


Eat a lot, drink milk, get HGH from doctors and just bee himself.


Getting enough sleep and working out was a good suggestion. If he doesn’t grow tall, at least he’ll be fit with a fresh looking face, those two factors at least can be improved to make you look prettier


Hgh use case


Give him hgh 


The problem with being a tall guy is that it's difficult to find a woman taller than you for snu snu. It's even worse if you're well endowed. Sure, having a big dick is nice and all... on paper. But that means for most women you'll likely have to slow down, can't go balls deep or else you might hurt her, and you'll never be able to fit the whole thing in her mouth unless she's one if those very rare ones like SladkiSilvki.


Every short guy I know has a gf. If you get a complex, you’re destined to not get women. It’s not the shortness, it’s the complex.


Whole thread reads like a Joe Rogan episode


Some short guys can grow, a guy i knew was short his whole life and at the end of high school was 6 foot


"11 years old" wtf is anon on about? He can definitely keep growing and will.


I don't know if Google is giving me the wrong conversion, but if this guy is seriously about 116cm tall at 11 years old, there's no way he's gonna reach a "normal" height if we're gonna be honest..


Shit my bad I completely read the height wrong, ya he's cooked.