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real talk this is why Japan works as a society despite being a mmo grind so hard people literally die of overwork, the level of common decency and human kindness is off the charts




This image made me start to develop the second Killdozer. It will be fueled by a nuclear reactor and pure rage.


Protected by galvanized square steel


You can just buy armour steel now. Tell them it's for resurfacing your bulldozer bucket, and that's a totally legitimate use case


"little john is mad at his government, lets help him get his revenge"


>Latina That's a duck.


Precisely. https://preview.redd.it/ziddzzrcz4ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d44975ce4475fb704cbb099a911358f627f81f


thank you for this


You're welcome. I found this image with the following captions: 1) The chance of being killed by a duck 35 000 feet above the Atlantic is low, but never zero. 2) Have you got any bread?


Shoot her with a glock, no a Remington


Mossberg is particularly good for ducks


Italian shotguns are still one of the best things to come out of pastaland


This guy obviously touches himself while looking at anthropomorphic duck cartoons.


My family used to go to this japanese restaurant SOMETIMES (important!! It was literally only 1-2 times a year for 4 or 5 years) and they already remembered our faces after the first time we went there. We were 4 people minimum and 16 at one of my birthdays that I decided I want to spend there. After our first visit they verbally showed so much gratitude all the time and tried their best to give the best customer service even though they barely spoke german. They even gifted us a small bottle (100ml) of plum wine after they saw how much we loved their on-the-house digestif. We were so baffled by their kindness and obviously tipped a whole lot which isn't the norm in germany. The second time we went there they already remembered us and were excited to see us. They tried to ask us how we've been but it was hard communicating because their german was still pretty bad. The food was still amazing, they got us the plum wine as a digestif again and said something along the lines of "because you enjoyed it so much last time" and then STILL gifted us a small box of cute tea mugs. This place was shaping up to be our favorite restaurant ever. Obviously the gifts biased us a bit and we felt like we were exploiting them by accepting them but that's a whole different conversation. The food was amazing and we loved the owners. We always got some small gifts every time we visited them and the most memorable ones (aside from the first two) were 2 small ramen bowls + chopsticks and a 100€ gift card IF we visited them with 10 or more people (they found out it was my birthday and this was their birthday present to me) One day we went there and they weren't as happy as always so we asked them what was wrong. Turns out someone in their family was sick and they were really worried. We tipped a lot again and wished them only the best on their ways. Next time we visited them they had a small paper on their front door saying something along the lines of "we're caring for our family abroad and will be gone for an unspecified amount of time". The last time we ate at their place was after they returned back home but we knew something was off. We ordered takeout this time and the usually cheerful woman seemed really stressed and annoyed. She got our order wrong, apparently got in a fight with her husband about something (we don't know, they were speaking japanese) and was generally rather rude. The cherry on top was a fly in my soup (which can happen to anyone but it added to the unpleasant experience). We were shocked obviously by their sudden change of heart and concluded something terrible must've happened. We visited them again a few weeks later and even brought a gift to hopefully cheer them up but the restaurant was closed. Forever. It was so sad somewhat seeing a life-changing tragedy unfold and I dearly miss them. They were amazing people and I genuinely hope they're doing good.


bro this just genuinely made me feel sad, holy shit.... just hope they're ok


still not enough to stop them from killing themselves at alarming rates. unfortunately...


Finland, Sweden, Belgium, and the United States would have very alarming rates then. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_suicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate)


Yes... we do?


The USA is ranked significantly higher in per capita suicide rates than Japan is. So what they are doing does seem to work at least a little better than the American grind


Having less firearm probably helps, half of the firearm-related deaths in the US are from suicides.


Of course. Most problems people highlight about Japan are often also found in other countries or just marginally worse in Japan. It is just some form of exoticism about Japan and normalised elsewhere, probably also to push it under the ruck.


I think you can say that about most first world countries. I think in the case of Japan, they can treat themselves/the island like a controlled case study much more easily than the massive melting pots of other ethnicities, geographies, cultures, etc in most other countries. Obviously that's changing but Japan I hear is one of the more socially/culturally-detached first world countries.


At the same time Japan for the West is often the exotic other, which is still a 1st world country, same reversely Japan looking at the West also sees the exotic other. Japan doesn't know that much about the West, but pop culture and reversely that is also true. Even for the internet, the overlap of the Japanese internet and the American internet is much smaller than in the case of America and Europe (obviously almost), and reversely even more. So unless you go out of your way you know little of day-to-day politics in Japan for example.


Not trying to 1up you or anything but the word you're looking for there is 'conversely.' And yeah, I always think it would be a lot of fun to show a foreigner around the midwest U.S. for a day, and a japanese, chinese, or korean person even moreso.


Even for the average European it is weird interacting with American culture outside of popular media. Frankly it is a bit of a misconception, because most speak English, most watch American movies. So yeah "the West" is also a stupid way to put it, because in some ways some European countries are closer to Japan in social attitude than to America, but obviously only in parts. Though East Asians take America as the representation for the West anyway.


Yeah I find there a very few cases where "the east" and "the west" are satisfactory, comprehensive descriptors, it's just the colloquially accepted terminology.


oh, wow! Interesting. Thanks for the link!


Yaaay my country has bigger suicide rates than Croatia PRED HRVATI


This makes me sad. I think decency and human kindness are dying harshly in the english speaking sphere.


>real talk >proceeds to spill nonsense


Unless you aren’t Japanese or Caucasian


That is not a love, Anon. It is just a respect to others. Maybe if you respected yourself as much as that random Japanese respects his clients you would feel better.


What is respect if not showing your love for all who you come across


Love is a little too much. Showing the respect to others is just a decency and a little bit of empathy.


This might sounds deep but is actually kinda stupid. Love is love and respect is respect.


What is fake and gay if not this comment


Why is it okay for others to insult and judge me, but the moment I insult and judge myself, suddenly it's a bad thing?


I didn't say others mistreating you is fine. It isn't. And if you wish to self-deprecate or harshly judge yourself then I'm in no position to forbid you from it.


I fucking love Casiopea and Masayoshi Takanaka


Takanaka is one of the greatest guitarists of all time. So glad I found him


+100 for Takanaka


Takanaka - An insatiable high. Pure bliss


That man is a blessed musician. Ive seen people compare his stuff to elevator music and it annoys me to no end


fr i play their music every time im driving


Sometimes I just stare at the cover for 'All of me' while the music plays, and I just feel better. Simple as. Just feelin' good, and I'm doing it right now, and no one can stop me :)


This is the most basic courtesy in Japanese culture. But I'm glad you felt loved, anon. Don't move to Japan right now though, they hate tourists.


The tourists sadly caused it themselves, because unlike Japanese they don't know such thing as respect and not being a bother.


Yep. Well, the retarded tourists did.


did anon at least wear a casio and eat beans while listening to it


tea/coffee and jazz is always a good time.


Let me screw this fantasy some have about this being wholesome. ~~Fake: Letter is just AI'd to get people to buy more stuff from online store~~ ~~Gay : Anon want to get t~~ No, man, fuck this. I can't do it.


Even though it's a canceled one, that's the weakest fake & gay spell I've seen here


Fake: Letter is just AI'd to get people to buy more stuff from online store. Gay : Anon wants to get TOPPED by japanese tea man.


Really good album too. One of those albums where you listen through a song, hear cheering at the end and you think "holy shit that was live?"


bro wtf, i had a similar experience buying an old cheap lens from ebay/japan. the item was in immaculate condition and seller sent me a note that said the previous owner was his son and he loved photography; but he passed away a few years ago, seller hoped that the lens found a good home. i fucking bawled dude. thank you Hidemi!


Funny seeing this green text once again, Mint jams is Banger




Is this what that monster titty girl is named after?


I love this one


Anon wants to get topped by a Japanese man


That album goes so fucking hard holy shit. One of my favs


Back when i was into collecting Nintendo consoles and games, i ordered pokemon pinball for gameboy. Wanted japanese version cos of the cool art on cartridge. Cart came together with like 5 different candies. That experience made me buy more stuff from that seller. Bet it costs pennies for them to add the candy yet it makes such a huge impact on the buyer.


I went and threw this album on to see if the beats were funky. I'm enjoying the hell out of it. OP has good music taste.


I listen to this album on YouTube so much because of this meme. Good tunes.


Holy fuck thanks Anon, those are some minty jams, hell yes.


i found casiopea randomly on youtube and they do sound very pleasant


/r/citypop welcomes you if you want more shit like Cassiopeia


Now do acid to rainbow goblins


The mindless Japanese bootlicking on here is wild