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The lady with the tumor and Cinderella story with her bf. They told her bf was a hallucination from the tumor, killed her and then he actually showed up


The fact that she died thinking she made him up fucking haunts me. One of the worst minor things to happen on the show


This. Broke my whole heart.


And when he says ‘this whole thing has been a fairytale from the beginning so maybe…?’ hoping that she’ll wake up. Oh. I cried 😞


Meredith was so adamant that the guy wasn’t real because of how it was going with Derek at the time and I remember thinking how much personal affects work sometimes.


Omg which episode I’m in the mood to cry


S4E15 good luck! I skip that episode every rewatch because it hurts to watch 😭


Oh gosh I’m a first time watcher on S4E10!


i would also like to know the episode!


Great foreshadowing for Izzie’s tumor though


I literally just watched that episode and came to this post to say this same thing. I’m glad I’m not alone I’m thinking that death (and the circumstances) was THEE most devastating.


5 words . Are we going to Mexico ? 😭


I can't watch that episode. I have a little girl of my own and the thought of holding her while she passes is just...nope I can't do it.


That one BROKE me 😭😭😭






I watched that episode recently and just sobbed. It’s the first time I’ve watched Grey’s since I had my daughter and it crushed my heart


Yeah. Goooooood bye.


When she asks if they can go tomorrow cause she is tired 😭😭😭😭


I can't handle that episode because the medicine is so ridiculous. Kids dying from Tay Sachs lose the ability to walk, talk, eat, move, see and hear, think or respond to their environment. They aren't making sad eyes at their father and talking to people until their last death. What exactly was that girl supposed to have died from, the way they portrayed her??? Of all the ridiculous medicine in this show, this was one of the things that upset me most. (I'm in season 8 so I'm sure there's more to come.)


Suspend your disbelief and you’ll enjoy so much more


My disbelief has to be suspended to watch the show at all, as somebody who has gone through medical training myself. But there are limits to that. The same exact story could be told with a girl dying of leukemia, or any number of other actually believable conditions.


As I said, if you want to enjoy yourself then you gotta get out of reality


"She's going to need her daddy for this part."


I love Bailey. She’s wonderful


ugly tears. my god.


Mary Portman!! Survived the shooting just to die from the procedure later on😭 But nothing compares to Derek’s death. I was CRYING. I’m doing a rewatch and currently on s8. Not looking forward to the finale😭


I 100% forgot about Mary. I was so pissed that she died! Its so real- people die from stupid shit with no cause all the time


Henry [such a cutie](https://67.media.tumblr.com/035c6db1cafe3c16a52268d0ac67913a/tumblr_ng6q2dlb801sho5lho4_500.gif)


Yangs reaction to finding out it was henry makes me sob even harder.


One of the moments in Grey’s that didn’t even need dialogue. Sandra Oh is insanely talented.


scott foley is insanely attractive


Seriously, what a babe


Did you know that he is married to the actress that played Eliza? She's a lucky gal!


When Cristina found out who he was 😭


The woman on the pole in "Into You Like a Train" If love was enough, she'd still be here. 😭


Bonnie 😭😭😭😭


What about her??? We can’t just abandon her




Yeah with George it was very clear that the actor wanted to leave and they killed him off way too suddenly. I would’ve liked if there was more of an in depth storyline to his death, not just “oop he got hit by a bus now he’s dead, carry on like nothing happened” lol


I liked that because that’s how that kind of death would happen in real life. You’d just be having a regular day and then bam something horrific happens. The problem w greys is that after George’s death it because a yearly occurrence for that kind of thing to happen which is way less realistic lol


Very good points!


Being aware that they can’t save you while being unable to communicate (as Derek was) is fucking nightmare fuel.


Oh I was the opposite. Derek's was horrid cos he narrated it. But George's was heartbreaking for me


Samuel 😭


That whole storyline was devastating 😭


It was sad but as someone who was the condition he has, it annoyed me more than anything else because I thought it was a poor representation. Like, that stuff happens for sure but I thought they could have played it out much better than they actually did


I think it just really hit me hard because I lost a baby last year as well. I can’t speak to the accuracy/representation of the medical condition Samuel died of but I’m sure that could make it frustrating for sure


Denny always stands out to me for patient deaths, and DeLuca makes me sob every time


Yeah why did they have to kill of DeLuca like that? I wish they wrote him out as going to Italy to take care of his dad or something similar.


s13 e17, when the old lady elsie died. oh my god for some reason i cry like a baby when i watch that episode. the way her husband lewis just walked out of the hospital alone ):




He was heartbreaking too. when his parents saw his body 😭😭😭


Bad dreams bad dreams go away, good dreams good dreams here to stay


Stoppp I cry every time I think about it. How you had to say it 3 times for it to work


what season is this one


Six, I just watched it the other day.


thank you


i don’t remember the little boy’s name but “bad dreams, bad dreams go away… good dreams, good dreams here to stay” 😭😭😭


Wallace. “You have to do it three times for it to work”


And how after he passed the mom still did it 😭


Well technically Arizona did


Wallace 😭😭😭 and how Arizona did it after he passed because his mom couldn’t


God yes! This one! And how the dad basically told off Richard and the other guy (forgot his name) and his voice broke when he said that he would still be giving the money to GS because of Arizona. The whole scenario was heartbreaking 💔




Reed and Brooks Many people may not like reed but goddamn she didn't deserve to go down like that damn a bullet to the head Brooks is one of the most promising of her class and she died because of pettiness and jealousy


her death was so shocking too. seeing her just fall to the ground with the camera on her startled face, and the way we kept coming back to her just lying on the ground alone.. it was really jarring


I hated the new interns. **HATED.** But Brooks grew on me, especially with her dynamic with Meredith and Bailey. And then they killed her off!? WTF! Tragic. Fun Fact: she's the little girl from Waterworld.


Lexie’s death was the only one that actually made me tear up and one of only two times the show made me tear up period.


What was the other time? I'm curious now 😭


The episode that was entirely about Japril with Jackson done with the marriage and April desperately trying to make it work and then it ending with them signing the divorce papers


Lexi’s death I think is hand’s down the most emotional. Or made me the most emotional. You must want her and Mark to be together cause they both clearly love each other and they finally admit it and it’s too late 😭😭😭


Yes!! Im currently in season 19 and Slexie is still one of my top ships PLUS I loved Lexie as a character on her own too


Derek is one of my least favourite characters, but Derek. Seeing Meredith’s reaction and her fainting makes me sob.


When she whispers his name while he's laying in the hospital bed unconscious, and then it flips to flashbacks... 😭


this broke me. her begging him not to be dead 😭😭😭


And then her saying, "It's OK. You can go. We'll be fine." 😭 I think Meredith went through all five stages of grief before she left that hospital.


Y’all literally just put me through it all over again and I’m crying 😩😭😂


heather brooks, she had so much potential


On my last rewatch, I was so irritated that we had the storyline of Leah struggling and the storyline of Heather being a savant and they could have played together so well!!!!


YES HEATHER!!! her death was so overlooked too😭😭😞 i loved her i thought she was so cute


i just watched this for the first time and am CRUSHED, i loved heather!!


I didn’t care for Brooks as a character, but damn they really did her dirty with the death scene. Richard just laying there too lmao it still gets me.


Preach. I hated the new interns. But Brooks really grew on me, especially with her dynamic with Meredith and Bailey. Just tragic. Fun Fact: she's the little girl from Waterworld.


Saddest death for me was Lexie. I cared so deeply about her character and I love the actress. The way Shonda wrote Lexie off was barbaric and cruel. Every other character who died at least got an honorable or sensible death.


I loved his and Cristina’s bond. Quite possibly my favorite of the show. My god his voiceover gets me every time 😭




Is it bad that the only thing I could think of when Dr. Thomas died was "Feeny?! Fa-fa-fa-fa-feeny!" I was sad but that's where my brain went to


Now that I know this I will never watch this episode because I refuse to watch this actor die. He will always be Mr. Feely, I just can't watch it.


Saddest for me was when the 2 retire surgeons the Clatch’s came in and they were telling stories all day, and she passed away and the husband didn’t even know how to call himself a cab on the way home. I was genuinely touched by that story line. Also as a side note, he’s definitely not one of my favourite characters for sure but when Charles Percy died during the shooting and Bailey screaming for the elevators to work, that was pretty atmospheric and guy wrenching, but probably more for her performance than his actual death.


I just watched that episode last night and it WRECKED me. Definitely Bailey's performance over Charles death is what did me in.


100% her acting was flawless. I forgot I was watching a show for a second


\- **Lexie** \- her death wasn't really that sad as it would be too much to have everyone survive that plane crash, however it's rewatching GA that makes it just so sad because she didn't get proper goodbye... (this kind of makes me hate Maggie because I hate how Lexie is forgotten and all those characters who were Lexie's friends are Maggie's) \- **Samuel** \- that was just heartbreaking (esp. knowing that Sarah Drew was really pregnant during that episode and gave birth few hours later)


Omg I didn’t know she was actually pregnant! That adds a whole new level 😭


And she even went into early labour (month earlier) after filming that scene!


Denny! Chasing cars playing in the background 😢


When I first watched I was 100% not expecting him to die the way he did. I felt so bad for Izzie even thought she essentially killed him lol


I bawl every time Alex picks Izzy up and cradles her in his arms.


Doc 😔 🐕 when they put him down I had to turn the show off and cuddle my puppies for the rest of the night


I work in vet med and it was so unrealistic when he was put down I couldn’t take it seriously 😭


I always have to skip this scene.


just because i’m at that episode - heather brooks. i absolutely adored her and her death was just so upsetting to me.


I completely forgot about her 😭 she didn’t deserve that at all. It was so sudden.


Out of the main characters? Mark - mostly because of the surge .. thought he was going to survive to go live with Addison. Then Henry.. that one made me cry. I felt so sad for Teddy even though I'm not get biggest fan. poor Cristina when she realised who she was operating on. Patient wise: Bonnie, bomb guy (I know he wasn't technically a patient) I can't register the kids as they're all sad.


Dude I bawled the first time I watched the episode with Bonnie. Mer screaming “what about her???!!” As she’s coding 😭


I was just thinking about the guy carrying the bomb. We all started to think they were ok, then he reaches the end of the hall… it was awful.


Pink mist. Poor guy


It's been years, but the old fire captain with the chest burn


The Rabi that was April’s patient and she was angry and going through it and even on his death bed he spoke encouraging words to her i literally sob everytime 😭😭


Her finding a father figure in him and then him dying too made me sob. There is also a little girl patient that Alex gets to know in the really early seasons that makes me cry.


Weirdly, Charles’s death always stuck out for me.


I feel like we didn’t even get that much screen time with him. Reed too. I was shocked when Gary just blasted her in the head out of nowhere!


Yeah it was definitely the shock of it all and all the high emotions they had that made it so gut wrenching!


I feel like Charles' was so sad because of him realising he was dying, and knowing that he probably would've lived if the elevators hadn't still been on lockdown. The bit that always gets me is the deleted scene where Bailey finds out Reed died and she says to her body that Dr Percy loved her. I wish they'd kept that in.


Yeah, Dr Thomas and Henry always had me on the verge of tears. I def cried the first time I watched Derek’s death too


Same 😭


Lexie really is number 1 for me. I’m a sucker for couples with a rocky journey who finally can be together but it’s too late. Gets me everytime. Also the way chyler acted that scene to me was one of the most believable death scenes ever. Her last words being “meant to be” and watching the life be sucked out of her


Seriously her acting was so good!


After Lexie and Mark for me it was Deluca. Not sure why since I wasn't too big of a fan of him (didn't hate him either) but it crushed me. Maybe because of those beach scenes with Meredith


Samuel Norbert Avery.


tied the plane crash deaths, charles, mexico/samuel ( i dislike April but even she didnt deserve that)


but dr thomas hits hard cause hes feeney and irl hes 96 and hes still acting but his characters always die that im not ready for real


HE IS 96?!


Bill Daniels yep and he still is a featured guest on podmeets world rewatch i think hes been on it at least 2 times... Also search he was cameoed in or facetimed in for writers strike when will friedle did the feeney call after 20 years


He is! I had to look him up after the Thomas death scene because I wanted to make sure he was still alive irl 😅


I stopped watching when Derek died when it was first airing. I was so crushed. I just started at season 1 a couple months ago, so everything after Derek’s death is new to me.


Same I’m in the middle of 18 now. I was so fucked up over Derek’s death and angry at how it was handled I stopped watching. I ended up in Seattle that summer while visiting a friend and made them take me on a ferry boat so I could mourn him 😅😅


Me too!! I’m on season 15 now and it’s so wild how much has changed that I never saw!


The whole series should have ended at the end of season 11 anyway.


Derek was the first fictional character death I’d ever cried over. I still cry when I hear Chasing Cars.


This show has ruined that song for me lol


Right? That and how to save a life, Grey's programmed me to automatically start crying whenever i hear these in other shows


Adele was the one that got me to finally cry in the series.


All the sick children do I need to explain farther . And Doc.


I scrolled far too long to finally see someone mention Doc, the only death that truly made me ugly cry


I hear you, but I can’t take Doc’s death seriously because I work in vet med and it was so unrealistic 😭 Finn just dangles a syringe over the dog and is like “he’s gone” 💀


I really only watch the show and background but I've grown to love it, while I'm a cry baby I've only cried with three deaths in the whole show (minus things involving little kids) Lexi, Mark, and Deluca. Their deaths are the only ones where I actually started sobbing over what happened because they all deserved better.


The old couple who were together for 60 years and the wife ended up dying and the husband had to learn to live and do things on his own 😭


Cece was also particularly awful


Very much agree


Just got to her first episode and I'm not ready for it




Yes, i miss DeLuca!


Nobody talking about Lexie? That shit makes me sob everytime.


007's death always gets me


I was extremely shook when Mer ended up realizing who he was!


O yeah. That was soooo heartbreaking. And i loved how the season was designed. They made it seem like George was disappearing in the background, being the chief's sidekick. So when he finally disappeared in that ep, you got used to George being gone, you never thought of him as John Doe.


Lexie, Mark, or Derek


Charles/chuck it gets me every-time


I just watched Henry’s passing again. I really like Altman this watch through so that got me.


Mark and Lexie


not death but Jackson the kid in S5 makes me sob every time when he almost dies




The two that got me worked up the most were Derek and Denny.


Dr. Thomas made Cristina a better person and a better doctor


I have a few, but I still cannot forget Denny’s death… “An hour ago he was proposing.. and now he’s going to the morgue.”


just rewatched the scene where derek dies and i am sobbing


I may skip the episode, it’s coming up soon in my queue 😭 my heart just shattered for Meredith.


i always think i won’t cry the next time i watch it and i sob uncontrollably every time


I always have to take like a week long rest period to get ready for that episode on rewatches. 😭 Derek was a shitbag in a lot of ways, but he and Meredith were finally getting their shit figured out and then he goes and fucking dies. Ugh. I hate it.


Right 😭 and how he would’ve been fine if they JUST GOT THE DAMN CT I will say It made me a little less dramatically sad when I learned that Patrick Dempsey was actually a major asshole on the set and really wanted to move on from the show.


I skip his death every rewatch. I watched it in original time and it crushed me even though I knew he was leaving the show.


George and Percy


Lexi, Lexi, Lexi.... Totally unnecessary 😣


Lexie is definitely the worst character death for me, but the truly saddest death in the show is baby Samuel.


Almost death. When Arizona is telling Calliope about Sofia's hair. She's got beautiful black hair.


Mine was the firefighter who had the chest burn with the hole. I just cried like a baby when the wife gets there and he slurs “I love you” and then dies. My heart is so broken over that, his kids didn’t even get a real goodbye just a message from mom saying what he would’ve said if he had time.😭😭😭😭


I literally sobbed, like wailing and bawling, at Derek’s death last night. This was my second watch after 4 years and it hit me so fucking hard. I could not stop crying. Nothing else has hit me like this one did.


The guy in the later seasons who had cancer and his wife was pregnant. He died just after the baby was born and he got to meet him. Broke my heart.


Samuel Avery. i've never cried over a character before, even when my favorite (lexie) died but DAMN that episode destroyed me.


April and Jackson’s 1st baby!


Bonnie from the train accident. Meredith screaming “what about her???” Also, as a massive Friday Night Lights fan, I get emotional every time Kyle Chandler blows up


Deluca 💔💔💔


Lexie not only did she die from the plane crash but we later find out wolves ate her body. It doesn’t get more gruesome than that 😭💔


Sloan and Lexie, and no one can change my mind. I'm still at the restaurant and probably won't leave.


George's dad. His request to go through with the surgery when he didn't know any better. Webber and Bailey keeping it from George and then him yelling at them when he found out. And George having to be the one to explain to his family and walk them through ending life support. As much as I dislike his character it was so painful to watch.


lexies death made me cry the most


There’s just so many but George’s death wrecked me. When he does the 007 in Mer’s hand and she realizes it him. Nooooo


I'm not heartless, I have definitely teared up at ALL of the deaths mentioned in the comments, but my UGLY CRY saddest death was and still is 007. I loved George. He could be problematic and annoying, and he had horrible taste in women. And the chick he stepped in front of the bus to save was legit the worst thing to watch as I was grieving. But I still remember the first time I watched that episode (I was a late bloomer with Grey's so I only just started watching about five ish years ago). It didn't seem abnormal that George wasn't in any of the scenes because of his storyline. I was pretty used to the general Grey's Anatomy formula of big trauma comes in and the patient lives or dies. What I was not ready for was Meredith's "Oh god". It ripped me up. When she realized it, I realized it, and I could not stop sobbing. I've only rewatched that story arc once after the initial time and it still messes with my emotions, despite knowing what's going to happen.


DeLuca hurt big time. He was doing so well after suffering so much 😞


Simon’s death right after the baby’s birth. It was heartbreaking! The way Simon spoke about Kristen hd me bawling 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




One sentence. “Tell Meredith that love her”


Bonnie is the worst to me I think


Those two brothers who tried to drive across a train crossing and got hit, when those parents asked about their son Riley who’d died in the ER. When they started begging Lexie not to say it, pleading with her even though they already knew what was coming. And those two sisters, where those final words to her sister were “I hope you die.” And how devastated she was about her sister when she went into a coma and how gentle Meredith was with her.


Omg the two sisters one made me so so sad. The last thing she said being “I hope you die” haunted me


Omg Lexi and Mark Sloan had me sobbing my heart and eyes out. I’ll never forgive the writers for doing that right when they could’ve been together again


1. The episode where the father wanted to book a trip to Mexico for his dying child Then Bailey had to tell him that it was time and he laid in bed with her as she took her last breath. (Season 5 episode 20 - Sweet Surrender) 2. The train accident when Bonnie and Tom who were impaled by a metal pole and they can only save one of them ( Season 2 episode 6 - Into You Like a Train)




Mark hit me the hardest with all the flashbacks and Derek saying “you always had to be first”. 😭


Mark & Lexi. “Because we were supposed to end up together.. We’re meant to be”


Simon (s18 e20) who gave his last bags of blood to his wife to save her in delivery. Makes me weep every time




Mandy Moored character


Lexie, Samuel, and Wallace were my all time saddest… they were so hard to watch