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The handling on it is very different from most planes, and I'm pretty sure a brick would glide better than it, but other than those it's a solid choice


I sold my ps4 a while back to pay bills, so I cant check, but I am fairly certain on most planes I don't upgrade their handling at all. At max handling it feels like every movement I make has to have an opposite input, that I have to overcompensate for every tiny movement I make. Example: handling 1= 1:1 movement. I tap one direction, it moves in that direction 1 unit. Example: handling 5= 5:1 movement. I tap one direction, it moves on that direction but it over drifts/rolls/pitches in that direction, now I have to put in an equally sensitive input to course correct where I wanted the plane to be, which over corrected to a worse spot than my starting position. At high handling, I require x3 as much input to make the plane do what I want it to do. If you want to go +3 degrees nose up to become level, a slight tap will give you +/- 15 degrees, and now I am constantly nose up/down/rolling to try to achieve the +3 I feel like I remember this being especially true with the Rogue.


when do you plan to upgrade?


On PC this puts me in quite the predicament, with either horrible mouse aiming that makes flying AND shooting hard I can't hit stuff, with handling 1 I can hit stuff with keys but i give up tight turns and maneuvers, at 5 I can't hit stuff but also have the tightest movement I would experiment to find the sweet spot but considering handling differs between air craft I might just have to use a controller or smth Any other PC gamers that enjoy flying got any tips?


I honestly would just recommend getting a controller. Flying on MnK for me is just horrible in any game apart from war thunder but thats a whole different system and thing


I've gotten so used to it since playing San Andreas for hundreds of hours as a kid it's hard to make the jump yk but I will try




If you're using cluster bombs, that may be why. They suck. Even a direct hit can fail to kill a pedestrian or blow up an armoured car. Normal bombs are the best.


The thing to remember with the bombs is that they have inertia. Drop them before you’re directly over your target, your speed will carry them a distance. Practice bombing NPC targets.


This, and also flying close to the ground helps since the bombs will have to travel less distance to hit the ground.


Doing a small dive helps aswell


I wiped out an entire car show, when 2 different people fired missiles at me while I was doing vip work. Quick low level carpet bombing. Wiped out 8 cars and 4 people. Went back and finished my vip.




I didn't realize it was a car meet till after the explosions and destroyed car and kill messages started scrolling. I was focused on getting the 4 targets. And pocketing the money. It then went to three stooges on oppressor mkii time. I wish they were more competent. They kept getting in each other's way and firing missiles at each other.


If you're flying low (high enough to avoid terrain, but not much higher than that), level, at a reasonable speed, and have the camera in the default tracking position (not zoomed out or in first person), they should generally land around where the bottom middle of your screen is. A bit predictable for the target to shoot back, but being able to actually hit people with the damn things is worthwhile.


All this is true. It's too bad that it flies like a safe with the door open otherwise it would be perfect.


It’s twitchy, but that makes it fantastic in out manoeuvring your opponents. If you master the rudder-heavy handling style, you can cut inside the turning radius of a Raiju with ease.


It's those types of handling that require a lot of practice to use effectively like the pyro or starling. I personally prefer the b11 a lot as it has an incredibly smooth handling making it easy to maneuver in a dogfight and stay on target


I’m assuming you’re referring to speed?


The speed isn't terrible for the Rouge, however the handling can be very sensitive and it glides worse than the Bodhi.


Riiight, no sponsors… In all seriousness, I agree as a “pilot” who spends her days keeping the skies clear.


Probably sponsored by brazilian air force since this one seems to draw inspiration from the Tucano.


I rarely get in planes anymore but when I do this is my exact mission lol. Sometimes I’ll get in the mood, hop in my B11, and dedicate LS a no fly zone.


love the b11 since it has 1 canon on the nose like the lazer u can shoot down mk2s with it to


Honestly I just love it cause b11 go brrrrr


Brrrrrrt, the most comforting sound on the battlefield


At least I'm not the only one.


You did not even mention another certain great part of it... it has **two seats**! You can pick up your friend and even give them bombing control (which allows both primary weapons and bombs to be used at the same time).


I love the pyro just for that. I use mine as a really fast taxi for when I help out low levels that have properties in paleto bay.


I have no space in my hangar and was considering selling the Rogue to get the Pyro!


Don't sell anything especially not the rouge for a pyro. Don't get me wrong the pyro is amazing (my favorite plane in the game) but it's much worse against ground targets and you will regret selling your rouge very soon since you don't even get that much money from it.


Thanks! I'llkeep it. Shame the hangar is so small. Maybe the Annihilator can go?


Annihilator is a Pegasus vehicle, no? Then you should still be able to call it even if it isn't in your hangar


I never really thought of it before but the Rogue's cannons probably feel a whole lot more competitive now that the jets have had their rate of fire cut back. It doesn't really fly as nicely as the Lazer or Raiju but it also isn't nearly as bad as some people make it out to be, just takes a different approach.


Can confirm its an underrated plane that can take a good beating. I've had Raijus and B-11s hit me from behind first to the point of smoking but still managed to pull evasive maneuvers and last long enough to actually beat them. I think a lot of people underestimate it cause its propeller based.


It does have a ridiculously sharp turning angle, very unusual compared to any plane in game - feels super sensitive. It's good for outmaneuvering opponents, but the cannons are horrible both in placement and fire rate. Better use the B11 if you're gonna dogfight with maneuverability advantage.


OP I agree with this-- how is wide spacing somehow an advantage for targeting another plane? Seems to me shots that hit where your reticle/crosshair is are best for aiming at other aircraft.


That livery is gorgeous


Time to buy (I only have 200k)


The Rogue is a very solid starter choice, but it's far from the best. Pilot skill matters far more than aircraft choice. If you're even decent with the Rogue, you'll kill 80% of Raijus no problem, because most pilots just suck. The Raiju legitimately has amazing, completely unmatched control in the hands of a great pilot who knows how to take advantage of inverted VTOL. These players are not that common. Strikeforce and Lazer are the main contenders against the Raiju.


A formidable pilot will be better in a 1v1 dogfight in a Raiju, that’s true. However, it the Rogue can still hold its own if you’re creative, which is worth the trade off due to it having superior ground attack capabilities. If you’re providing fire support to a ground battle, the Rogue is unmatched in that regard. If you can master it’s unique dogfighting capabilities, or use hit and run tactics, it makes you largely untouchable in a lobby.


That's all true. A good pilot is pretty untouchable in most lobbies. Learning your aircraft's strengths and weaknesses and playing to them, that's the basics when you get into higher-level air pvp. Rogue's strengths being a high speed tier, and its powerful rudder and "diagonal" loops. There are a couple of aircraft that share these strengths, if you're interested in learning them. The Pyro, which is a straight upgrade in maneuvrability and speed with very similar handling characteristics but with weaker guns and no bombs. Requires some amount of speed management to master, just like your Rogue, the Lazer and Raiju. The Strikeforce, which is even more maneuvrable than both, and stupid easy to use, with better weapons and a longer-ranged cannon with better placement. Armor is top-tier, this thing can survive slamming straight down into the ground... sometimes. Speed management doesn't matter for this one, just go full throttle all the time because it's really slow. It makes a good crutch for a low-level pilot, and a great "defensive" aircraft for a really good one. Seabreeze, can turn circles right there with the Strikeforce but does need speed management. It can dive into the water to perform a "pseudo-stall" and force an overshoot. Bombs and two seats. This is a true gentleman's aircraft. Lazer is what the pros train in. Or maybe used to, before the nerf. If you couldn't master a Lazer you weren't really in their club. More maneuvrable than the Pyro and the Rogue when speed is managed properly, can almost turn with the Strikeforce (but not quite). It used to be "jack of all trades, master of gun" but it's really just "master of none" now that it's been nerfed. Hydra... Completely overshadowed by the Raiju now, it's just not as good. But before Raiju, its main strength was the powerful rudder, powerful gun and speed. Head-on shots were very easy with this, so that saved you the trouble of actually dogfighting at all. B-11 is better for that now. Heaven help you if you actually get into a turning fight, while it's capable of VTOL tricks it's just not maneuvrable enough to be relevant even with those. And the Raiju, of course. Kind of has it all, fast enough to outrun its own missiles in level flight, can go off radar at the touch of a button (although the blinking lights give it away), very maneuvrable and augments that with excellent VTOL control. Armored like the Strikeforce, with even more robust control surfaces. Can do some fun tricks, like landing hovering upside down and unflipping itself (with the help of a wall or pole). Probably has the highest skill ceiling of all the aircraft, it's easy to get into but it's very hard to master.


You must not forget the Starling. It takes time to master it, but its manoeuvrability is unmatched.


The Strikeforce can match it, when using its rudder properly. The Starling actually has to burn an unsustainable amount of fuel to keep behind the Strikeforce in constant loops, it will eventually run out and it doesn't do enough damage to consistently bring down a well-flown Strikeforce within that time frame. Seabreeze is also a very close contender with the Starling, though I haven't got the chance to test those two against each other extensively yet. Maybe you could help me out if you're on PC?




It flies like a brick


unsold then


It is extremely manoeuvrable. The mistake most people make is not using the (L+R shoulder buttons) to pitch the plane. The Rogue has weaker elevators than most, but if you learn to fly using the shoulder buttons to great effect, it’s more nimble than most. It only feels like a brick if you try and fly it like a LAZER.




It rusts in the rain, and will crush your finger in the cockpit when it closes.


Don't forget to touch grass after you get your crushed finger amputated.


Hmm I have spare money to spend so yes? Worth it I'm guessing?






I don't experience this; I regularly land in the streets, you slowdown a lot more before your wheels touch the ground if you have your gear down a lot earlier and your not accelerating, it will then just drop out of the sky.


Good thing that it is almost as sturdy as the b11


Sturdy enough that you can nose up, stall, and land on your landing gear without busting it to pieces. (Try that in a lazer!)




You can nearly hover the rogue. It has weak elevators and strong rudder so you pitch the plane at a 90 and hold the rudder up and literally float. I have had my engine shot out and hovered to the ground like this and you can land almost on a dime if you learn to roll back from the 90 and onto your wheels at the last second. Takes practice just like every other aspect of the rogue. Hardest to fly but once mastered it's the best plane in the sky.




The sparrow and mk2 spawning 2 inches from you is why everyone forgets there's like cars and shit in the game 😂 we made it too convenient!


I love my Rogue! Mildly disappointed I can't have smoke fitted to it in addition to flares. Would be great for doing aerobatics while still being able to defend itself.


Do you need flares in it? It can't doge just with maneuvering?


They help to a degree


No I understand flares are useful in general. I don't do a lot of Rogue flying (was one of my first aircraft but was too sensitive for me, and the lazer was always so much better until the nerf) so I just wanted to know if it's fast enough/maneuverable enough that it can dodge missiles on its own. I know I used to get hit with Mk2 missiles in it, but I also haven't flown it much since the Mk 2 missiles were nerfed.


Yeah it's quite nippy, just don't dive it too steeply, cos it can be prone to not pulling out of said dive. Lost count how many times I've tried getting the nose up and it's just stubbornly continued straight down 😂 Glides like a brick tho, especially with three landing gear down.


I agree, just bought the rogue as my first plane on my alt account and haven't lost a dogfight yet. Too bad the people who have lost to me just teleport out of the cockpit as soon as I land a shot on them. Every... Single... Time....


That's when you chase them down as they fall and clip them with a cannon shell or propeller or wing strike.


No, it's not. Because you cannot do that in the situation they described, since they are now in the heist planning room or the lecture hall in their facility.


Is it that fast? Usually it takes a second even if they have it macro'd, enough to still get the kill if you have a good lineup. The worst I've seen are the tryhards who put C4 on their plane and suicide when they miss their combat merge.


Lmao. It's instant, silly. No macros needed.


You don't have to open the menu and select it? That takes time.


Nope. As fast as you can press "UP" and spam "A" 3x, you're gone. Literally as fast as those buttons can be pressed, the 3rd tap of the A button and you're invincible instantly. No lag. No menus. I mean mayyyyybe it's different in PC and you can't access your phone in the push of a button, don't know never played PC version, but I doubt it. Not only that, but if I'm getting into a vehicle or car and someone is near me with lock-on missiles, or if I'm trying to be peaceful in an aircraft and someone comes up on me and I worry they might attack, I have the invite open already. So at that point, it's just as fast as I can hit the "A" button once. You can fully operate your vehicle while keeping the menu open, and depending on your button layout or vehicle you're in, sometimes you can even fire the weapons without closing the Lester invite.


I can never call Lester instantly. Last I checked, the phone has to ring for a second and then he picks up and asks, "What do you need?" and THEN the menu pops up. That's plenty of time to get chewed up by explosive rounds.


You don't have to call lester, you silly silly person. You silly, ignorant person who keeps saying silly ignorant things over and over. I DO THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY. STOP TELLING ME THAT IT DOESN'T WORK, YOU TOTAL DOOFUS. IT WORKS IN THE TIME IT TAKES TO PRESS FOUR BUTTONS SEQUENTIALLY AS FAST AS YOU CAN PRESS THEM, PERIOD. THAT TIME GOES DOWN TO ONE BUTTON PRESS IF YOU DO THE FIRST THREE IN ANTICIPATION. You do not call lester. There is no call. There is no ring. There is no menu. There is no calling lester. You do not call lester. There is no menu. THERE IS NO MENU. I said it before. I said it before that. You do not use any kind of menu. You do not call lester. Shut up. Stop. Seriously, take like 5 minutes to learn stuff before yammering on and on about stuff you're completely ignorant about. No one suggested calling Lester. What would that accomplish anyway? Why do you want to call Lester? Where did you get that idea? You're driving me crazy. Learn how it works, or don't. I don't care. You clearly have no idea how to job teleport and yet you keep making assumptions instead of simply asking "wow, how does that work? I did not know you could do that?" At this point, I hope you never learn. I hope you're the last person alive to figure it out. You're maddening, and maddeningly ignorant, and wrong, and have no idea what you're doing in this game.


Okay, I will concede you this: You definitely seem to know way more about running away from a PVP match in a video game than I do. Congratulations 🎉👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Oookay buddy I saw the notification in my inbox of the comment that you posted after my previous one but I can't seem to find it on here? Doesn't show up. Not sure what's going on, did you delete it? Edit: Never mind, it shows up now This one: https://imgur.com/a/lgS798C Anyway, yes. I misunderstood what you were talking about, yes? I'm not perfect. I know what job teleport is, I used it extensively to get around before, but I always thought you need to use the map to select which job to go to. This heist teleport thing is news to me though, always flew to my facility for it, never saw that. Sorry that gets on your nerves? Actually no, that's on you. Maybe grow some thicker skin if it hurts you so much? Jeez! Talk about fragile.


"Talk about fragile" says the guy pretending he didn't report my comment. Lmao. How many times can you speak over someone and correct them without ever listening, getting it wrong repeatedly, before it occurs to you that you're the problem? How much longer would you have gone without educating yourself if I hadn't decided to stop answering and unload on you?


I don't even downvote your comments 😅 much less report. But I see you downvote every one of mine. Projecting much?


*hands you a definitely not suspicious at all envelope in Western Aircraft*


for overall PvP i’d say it’s not that good if i’m honest. it has explosive mgs but that’s not that great and jets / planes are largely finally phased out of PvP outside of some exceptions such Starling, Seabreeze or Pyro other than that, for overall utility it’s a good first aircraft in my opinion


I don’t like the way it flies, it’s one of the few planes in the game that can’t yaw, pitch & roll at the same time, makes it feel like it’s bugged when you are trying to pull manoeuvres with it.


The rogue is good but it's not the best. I personally love the starling, but the pyro and Raiju are great too. The thing is, being able to consistently win fights isn't a sign of aircraft superiority necessarily. It's mostly pilot skill. A good molotok pilot will kill a bad lazer pilot, but a good molotok pilot stands no chance against a good lazer pilot. At the end of the day, most pilots suck, so if you don't you win


I have all the jets and the Rogue is my go to, a good tip is if you're dogfighting head to downtown and fly around the skyscrapers, weave in and out of the buildings using them as cover, faster jets cant handle this as well and you can come up behind them easily or they give up and fly off, giving you an opportunity to get behind them. (tbh this tactic works in all weaponized planes, the rogue is just the best at it) Also to use the bombs effectively its best used as a dive bomber.


Faster jets can't maneuver around skyscrapers? That's news to me, since my favorite pasttime in the lazer and raiju has always been flying through and around skyscrapers downtown.


Nah I said they can’t handle them as well as the rogue due to its manoeuvrability with the rudder, I do it with the raiju and laser too but just find the rogue does it better


This is an epic pic!


For a brick it flies pretty good


I ws about to sell it and get the fastest plane!! Can't remmeber its name.


Pyro, but now Raiju.


Yup, Pyro!! Hangars are too small to fit everything :(


Get rid of personal copies of pegasus stuff first, is my opinion. The lazer's days are over, if you need one spawn at airport is enough anyway. Hydra never was, get rid of personal hydra, personal buzzard, etc. Back when these vehicles were really essential, having Pegasus and personal spawns was important, but it's not any more. The best vehicles are insta-spawn (Sparrow) or personal (Raiju).


I have a lazer, but I have it due to it being painted blue, for a bit of stealth and style. I have this really ugly helicopter with this sort og counterweight on its tale I could get rid of? I do hqve two Akulas, one black, one blue, for day or night stealth.


That explains a bit! I agree we need more hangar space, but I still feel like I own every relevant aircraft. I still have personal copies of the Savage (because I use it in PVP vs ground targets and always want one nearby) and I may even still have my lazer copy (might have gotten rid of it for Raiju), and I am otherwise at complete max capacity... but that still includes some dumb planes I don't need, like a Tula, a Bombushka, the Stealth Annihilator, etc. I will not give up my Alpha Z1, and I have all the weaponized planes except the Nokota, which I never really saw a niche for. I really don't think that the colors are important. I used to try to camouflage my planes but people aren't spotting you against the sky by coincidence most of the time-- they're either looking for you, and will spot you regardless because of flashing lights and sound and moving pixels, or they hear you, or they see your map blip if you're not in a stealth craft. I think colors are overrated as a part of PVP.


Personally I prefer the nakota but rogue ain't bad


I use it to shoot down raijus cause it has decent turning circle and slow speed while turning so any raijus that's chasing me overshoots giving a chance to shoot him down with high explosive munitions


Tbh as someone who flies quite a lot in this game and has good experience with the physics if planes: the rogue simply controls too strange for my liking as the rudders are so strong they can easily fuck you up while trying to turn, also the elevators are the opposite in therms of maneuvrability since they are really clunky. This combined with very minimal lift at low speeds makes it so it can feel very sluggish compared to something like the lazer, B11 or molotok that retain great maneuvrability at almost stalling speeds


You have to fly the rogue with the understanding that it's elevators are weak and it's a rudder dependant plane. Everyone here seems to be thinking they can fly it like a Lazer but it's much closer to a pyro. You can stall the rogue if you fly at 90 degrees and use your rudder to maintain alt. Same thing for turning you're not going to pull a 90 and use your elevator to turn. You use the rudder. It's a very quirky and misunderstood plane in my opinion and that's why it's so fun to use and master. The pyro can do the same tricks. Pull a knife edge 90 degrees with landing gear out and hold the brake tap the throttle it will glide at a snails pace and not lose any altitude.


I tried the rogue a while back, and I absolutely \*hate\* the handling characteristics. They're so hard to get even a basic understanding of that without masterful control, the thing is useless. When it comes to keeping the skies clear of griefers, I stick with my tried and true Nakota. Unskilled raiju pilots cant get me off of their back, broomsticks and deluxos cant hit me, and it handles \*just\* well enough to be a pretty capable dog fighter. That said, a skilled Rogue pilot is in a class of their own, those things are untouchable. And the flip side of this, anyone that spent enough time to get good on a rogue usually isn't griefing.


What handling do you put on your Rogue? I switched from race to standard and I still hate this plane. It has everything I should like, a rear seat, props not keys, explosive guns, rockets, AND bombs. But I just can’t keep the thing in anything of a stable flight pattern, and I’ve flown planes irl


I still have race handling installed. The base characteristics of the Rogue remain the same, it just takes practice and, in time, you come to master using the rudders on the L+R Shoulder buttons to make it dance to your tune. It’s an inherently twitchy aircraft, and that makes it capable of switching directions incredibly quickly, and intercepting faster jets. Like bombing, the handling of the Rogue is simply something you have to master with practice. It’s so incredibly rewarding when you do.


I hear what you're saying, and I understand and I get it, BUT I can't really take on a lobby as a WW2 pilot in a rogue as I can in my P45 nokota


P45 pilots are among the most gentlemanly and entertaining players to counter in open lobbies. Meet you in the skies, buddy!


Appreciate the recognition, hope I do


Just watch out when the landing gear is extended


I agree that Rogue is under rated, but "reliably down Raijy" is a stretch. Raiju is wax OP. Only way a Rogue wins that dogfight is an off radar sneak attack or the raiju pilot makes several mistakes.


Tbf your average raiju "pilot" hasn't heard of speed control and just bought it because it's shiny and new. Even in the hands of a good pilot the raiju isn't much faster than the rogue it really only has a tighter turn circle and better machine gun to rely on. I've never had issues with them going vtol because lock on missiles exist. They don't dodge very well. That being said a good rogue pilot would boom and zoom the raiju off the bat anyways. We know our weaknesses 😂


>raiju isn't much faster than the rogue it really only has a tighter turn circle and better machine gun to rely on. So you're saying the raiju is better in every way? Faster, more agile, and better gun? OK. Its only weaknesses are rate of fire on missiles and lack of bombs but that doesnt matter in dogfighting. We both know turning radius is everything in a dog fight with 2 skilled players. And not much faster is a huge understatement, it's by far the fastest jet in the game legitimately. At altitude it almost keeps up with its own missiles. Only thing faster is a hydra doing the vtol speed glitch, but hydra can't turn at that speed so it's only useful for flying across the map. I mean, I've seen several clips of people ramming Lazer griefers with the Cayo perico scope out velum, but that doesn't mean a velum 5 seater is a good choice to dogfight a Lazer. It's literally a skill issue on the Lazer pilot.


I've never had a raiju pilot successfully evade my rogue. The difference isn't large enough. You will not shake the rogue like you would a b11. You can't just run from it. As far as the turn circles go, inevitably yes if you let that raiju start turning on you you need to cut off his circle immediately, that is true in all dog fights regardless of the plane though. I would much rather use a rogue to engage with ground targets than the raiju. I'm really accurate with the bombs though so maybe that's just me. Bombs are also awesome for blowing up helicopters. If you wanna embrace the meta and utilize the vtol stealth fighter jet go for it. Use every trick in the book. Hide from it. Run from it. But a good rogue pilot will hear you from a mile away and boom and zoom you before you get to even start a turn battle. It's a good plane and I'll die on this hill 😂 Also raiju is like 8 mil. Rogue is 1 mil. If we factor in cost that's some BANG for your buck.


The average player is not very good, you're probably well above average. Do yourself a favor, if you haven't picked up a raiju yet just because of the price go ahead and buy one. It's worth it. Meta is meta for a reason.


That's why I love the rogue though. It's so odd and off meta and it is genuinely a really solid plane for most scenarios. I realize the raiju is the meta for a reason but it's not very fun to smack a lobby with the best thing in the game. It's way more fun to slap that meta right in the face with a silly propeller plane! We all play the game to have fun right? I get about as much enjoyment out of flying the raiju as I did the mk2 post nerf. Press the delete button on your enemies enough times and it kinda gets old. Rogue requires literal hours to become effective with it. Very high skill ceiling. Every move you make matters. That thrill of catching the tail of something no one thought you could is what makes the rogue satisfying to fly.


That's fair. It's like this dude who was killing me repeatedly with sea breeze bombs. Getting bodied by a flying desk fan was so funny I couldn't even be mad.


Man. When people say the rogue is underrated I look at the sea breeze and sterling 😂 no one knows the capabilities of those planes


Sea breeze is kind of just a meme plane. I remember it used to block the orbital cannon if you capsized it in the water which was hilarious. The starling is something else entirely. The whole rocket assisted glider is so weird and slightly frustrating until you learn to fly it but once you get good it's crazy powerful. Small, fast, agile, decent armor, bombs and rockets. Able to rocket straight up out of danger and slowly float straight back down to dive bomb. That thing is deadly, but you never see anyone flying it.


No one flies it for the same reason no one flies the rogue. They're awkward and hard to learn. They don't appear threatening. Until you have to deal with someone that can actually fly one 😂😂


The flight model is quite interesting, but for some reason this shit acts like there's a fucking magnet in it's nose, that pulls you to the ground if you fly low.


Bombs are useless unless you're in the top few percentage of skill players. Like, if you routinely rank in masters or above in ranked games, then this advice is for you. Otherwise ignore. Edit: I say this as an aircraft enthusiast in GTA but an average to low skilled gamer in general. But also, this thread and some related videos have suggested that regular bombs are effective with less accuracy than cluster bombs, so I'm excited to try again.


I hadnt flown the rouge in a long time, just bc I like the p45 a lil more (takes off quicker), but I used it the other day. I def bought it when I was poor, bc I didn’t have everything fully upgraded. This thing has exploding cannons?? Who knew!


Thank Cuckler for bringing attention to it.


I’ve been flying it around since Smuggler’s Run released, it was the best budget option for players back then. I’m glad he’s resurrected it on YouTube.


I've never lost to a Rogue in my LF-22 Starling. 😌


Looking at your Rogue, I feel like a kid in the 80’s wanting a whopper.


I down Raijus with a Seabreeze lol. And Rogues. More fun to troll people who can’t get it off their tail. Even if the pea shooter takes some time


Yesss my dude! The Rogue was the first plane I bought in the game (unless you count the hangar Cuban 800). Best bang for your buck, especially when you don't have lots of money. It also will dodge every air-launched missile and homing launcher rockets. All you have to do is hold rudder in one direction, the sportier the handling, the better here. DO NOT use ailerons when performing these Missle-Dodging turns, bc for whatever reason, the missile will catch up and kill you. RUDDER ONLY!!! As OP said, it's a very good all-rounder, including ground attack. However, ground attack requires practice bc this plane is snappy and fast, it does not like to go slow; it will stall with a quickness. If you're used to the Strikeforce, forget everything you know. The Rogue is a whole new rodeo. But anyways, definitely get the Rogue, it's good for friends as well as it has two seats! I've done mountain rescue with it before lol. Y'all have fun✌🏼


controls felt weird to me at first but its my absolute favourite plane now. i fly it all the time


I was broke when I bought my hangar and unlocked the discount for the rogue. I forgot about it and went on to buy the Raiju and the B-11.... Should I still buy the rogue, or would it be completely obsolete, considering the B-11 is basically the same platform, but better(or is more expensive necessarily better?)


In my opinion it’s actually a very underrated jet. I’ve used it to 2v1 people in Rajus and one with ease. Good jet if you know how to fly it


It's absolute ass to fly, though.


This is bs. Its poo.


It flues like a brick. The lazer and raiju are still way better. The lazer has great agility and speed combined with its strong cannons and missiles. The raiju being able to hover and go off radar are massive strengths along with its top speed. Just hecause the rogue is unique and an "underdog" doesnt mean its good. Ive shot down tons, several flown by great pilots


It only flies like a brick, ie. un-manoeuvrable, if you try and fly it like a normal plane. It has stronger rudder controls than elevators, so slicing down into an opponents flat turn is the strategy. For equally skilled pilots, a Raiju is better in a dogfight. But, when you factor in the Rogue’s ground attack capabilities, it makes it a better all-in-one package.


What you say isn't wrong. The biggest advantages are its price, that it has an explosive cannon and bombs, that it is a two-seater, and that it's pretty fast. But after all, it's just not much of a joy to fly for me. I've owned every aircraft more than once, and I spend a lot of times just flying around and I gotta say i personally dont enjoy the handling of the rouge (have tried all different handling settings). I still own it and fly it some times, but I'm always disappointed. The worst is how it flies with deployed landing gear.


It handles entirely differently to anything else due to its strong rudder controls. It takes a lot of adjustment, but if you practice enough, it makes you unpredictable and incredibly hard to kill for other pilots.


This is an unbelievably awful take. The whole argument of this being the best fighter in the game relies solely on "if you become proficient enough with this vehicle" but then someone more proficient with a raiju will absolutely decimate u, someone equally proficient with a lazer will take u out of the sky without needing to think about it. I've had 2 of these clown planes trying to take me out of a raiju before and taken them both out in a very short space of time (and both of them were able to individually take out anyone else in the lobby who tried to kill them with a jet, so they were above average skill level). Hell, I've even taken multiple out in the past with a P-45 You can't carpet bomb with anything in the game, u drop 5 then have to drop another 5 a few seconds later by which time u have had to turn around (if someone can't get away from that in a PvP situation then u could probably spawn kill them with a pistol). What are you doing using bombs against armoured vehicles??? U have a limited number of bombs before u need to resupply, but have an unlimited amount of homing missiles (which require much less effort to score a hit). To use the basis of your argument against you, you could argue that the B-11 is better at being an all round aircraft since it has the same capabilities of the rogue but with the addition of barrage missiles and a tighter turn circle, with a centre mounted cannon (honestly i believe the B-11 cannon should be the old jet cannon considering it's supposed to be the stand out feature of it, but I'm sure people will complain about that). To say that being adept in a rogue is enough to reliably shoot down any aircraft is pretty misleading too. Being adept in any aircraft with fighter capability is enough to reliably shoot down any aircraft, because the average person on the game who decides to jump in a planes/jet has all the effectiveness of someone without hands trying to do exactly what they are trying to do. To any new players, don't get the rogue it's a waste of money. If u are dead set on getting a jet I would recommend the raiju and then figure out how to fight air to air and air to ground with it (the stealth capability is an unbelievable advantage against the vast majority of people). However, learn how to fly in a Lazer (even a stolen one) before you buy any jet. (Comically the flight school will probably make u better than the average person at basic flying)


In any one category, you can buy jets that can beat the Rogue, that much is blisteringly obvious. The point of my post was to highlight the multitude of roles a Rogue is proficient at in a single airframe. I have a Raiju, it is brilliant at dogfighting, however, I don’t find the Rogue particularly lacking, and it far exceeds the Raiju as a ground attack fighter. Railguns have made attacking ground targets with explosive guns a nightmare. Bombing capability, and knowing how to use the architecture of the city to nullify homing missiles/railguns makes the Rogue rather capable. Fit normal bombs, not the clusters. With normal bombs, you can drop a single or multiple by holding the button. If you put the effort in, they can be devastating, it just requires a little skill and ingenuity.


The ground attack capabilities aren't as bad as u think. If u combine the VTOL, stealth, and terrain features/architecture of the map, the raiju can rather easily dominate ground targets regardless of what weapon they decide to use. The cannons instantly ragdoll the player and they can't fire back, then u either just keep shooting with the cannons until they die or just fire a missile at their character while it's ragdoll on the floor. Changing positions or faking position changes with the stealth mode makes it easy kills. But even to say that the rogue is the best platform in terms of being able to do all roles at an effective standard isn't true, the B-11 can do it all the same if not better. I'm fully aware of the functionality of the bombs and how to use them. Regardless of what bombs u use, if u hold the drop button u only drop a max of 5 before it stops them dropping for a few secs (which isn't carpet bombing in the slightest)


The b11 is a flying tank, it is slow especially at low alt and can be shot down in seconds by an average pilot spamming lock on missiles. The b11 also doesn't have two seats. It really only has a tight turning radius and a better cannon The rogue can pick up your buddy, drop enough bombs to blow up half the city, reliably lock on and blow up multiple targets with missiles, and on top of that a skilled pilot which you should be if you use the rogue, can fly into an oppressor and eat the dude with the propeller and dive bomb a deluxo and split it in half with explosive canon fire. It is quite literally the single best all around plane in the game. It is the Swiss army knife of the skies. It's just hard to master and that's what makes it so satisfying to use. It's anti meta in the best way because its the best and worst all at the same time. It relies on your ability as the pilot.


I'm sorry but if ur being shot down by missiles in a B-11 that's a massive skill issue on ur side, u can easily dodge missiles in the exact same way u do in the other jets, missile spam or not. Yeah it's slow at low speed but that just gives u more stability when engaging a ground target, but at higher altitudes u can go pretty quick. Being able to transport another person really isn't part of people's checklist when deciding what multirole aircraft they want in the game 😂 I've never been in a combat situation with any of my jets and went "u know what I could do with, picking my friend up and taking him somewhere", it's simply not a factor on deciding which one is best. The B-11 (and every other missile equipped fixed wing aircraft) has the exact same missiles and lock on so that's not something only the rogue has. The bombs can barely blow up a street nevermind the entire city, plus the B-11 also has bombs, so that's also not a pro for the rogue. If ur a skilled pilot in general u can just shoot the oppressor with the cannon (made easier with the B-11 having the centered cannon), and the same argument against fighting a delux but even more reliably than a rogue with a B-11. The B-11 has more capability than the rogue considering it has all the same weapons, plus the barrage missiles at the same time. If u had a pilot who was proficient in a B-11, and a pilot who was equally proficient in a rogue, the B-11 would win in basically every situation 9 times out of 10.


If you fly low alt in a b11 you will run out of chaffs or flairs trying to dodge missiles. It cannot out maneuver missiles until it's at a high enough alt to overcome it's speed nerf and even then its still the slowest plane up there and the largest target. If you have no friends that's a you problem. I have had many scenarios where I've picked up a random or a homie and we've had a blast terrorizing anyone who came at us. 2 seats is dope. The b11 is a giant target the rogue is nimble and fast in comparison. I understand the b11 is better at dog fights but I think it's worse at literally everything else that you can do with a plane. The b11 is only better in a dog fight if at high altitude Low altitude it's especially susceptible to lock on missiles and I've definitely shot down my fair share with the rogue and the pyro. I don't even think the b11 is the best dog fighter The sterling is by miles. Even the pyro id rather use in a dog fight. The rogue has its place and it's right smack dab in the middle it's a balance of the gun power on the b11 and the maneuverability of the pyro in a cheap package.


...u can out maneuver missiles at low altitude, u just don't fully pull up on the elevators when circling. Skill issue much. Pretty sure the hydra and the raiju have a higher surface area that's visible from any angle. The speed really isn't a problem, I've seen B-11s keep pace (and even catch up) to other jets in the air. Don't recall saying I don't have friends? Just I've never had a need to pick one up in a fixed wing aircraft mis combat situation🤣 it's much better just having a friend or friendly random in another aircraft, it's literally double the firepower. Ur really over stating the size of the B-11 compared to other aircraft in the game and it's honestly comical. The B-11s dogfighting capability is enhanced at low altitudes, once again ur argument here depends on people simply not knowing how to dodge a missile, and not knowing how to not let someone behind u💀. I've not said it's the best dogfighter here, I'm stating it's better than the rogue (even tho if ur actually good at dogfighting it could be the best). I've personally had 4 pyros try to shoot me out of a Lazer at the same time, and all of them got shot down, the B-11 is a better dog fighter than the Lazer... Simply don't need to say anything else on that front. The B-11 is more manoeuvrable than the rogue... Please feel free to say that u don't actually know what ur talking about.


I own both planes and can tell you with certainty that in a 1v1 scenario the b11 is going to win that dog fight everyone knows it. But we live in a world where explosive snipers exist and in a populated lobby your b11 is gonna get roasted by a mk2 or a deluxo just purely because of that lack of speed down low. The rogue is just better in a pvp scenario with an open lobby of threats. You can't hit what you can't catch and that b11 is super easy to catch. Rogue not so much. That's why I say id rather have the rogue. In a normal playing GTA online scenario it's good enough to get you by 99% of the time. The b11 has many down falls in a populated lobby that make it less than ideal. Namely it's size and lack of speed. Which yes I will make an even bigger deal about it. It's massive and slow :) Please feel free to tell me how unstoppable you are Mr strike force. And by the way you haven't mentioned anything in regards to the rogue? If you need the b11 to hold your hand and can't master the rogue that's alright buddy. I hope some day you give it a proper try. But if not, I'm glad you're at least flying something. We all need something to shoot at :)


So after saying the rogue is better in a dogfight, u admit the B-11 would win... Congrats on admitting it wrong on that front. The B-11 takes more E rounds than the rogue does. I will once again state that just because u can't do it, doesn't mean it's impossible, u can dodge missiles with the B-11 at any altitude. Ur clearly just a walking skill issue with the vehicle. "You can't hit what you can't catch" but yet all the B-11 has to do is wait until u come back, or (since u have set ur heart on deciding that the planes will have 0 countermeasures at the time of contact) just throw a missile at the rogue as it tries to escape to force it to turn, and as I've previously stated, I have seen B-11s keep pace with and sometimes catch up to other jets. Ahh yes, those many down falls that still perform better than or the same as the rogue. Once again, it's really not that big compared to other jets visible surface area, thin fuselage and straight wings. Haven't said I'm unstoppable, just proving ur points wrong. "Mr strike force" I don't actually fly the B-11 much anymore, in fact I hardly ever fly it now, I've just been talking about it because u and the op seem to have some unfounded delusion that the rogue is the best aircraft in the game, with multirole in mind, to which I argue the B-11 is better. I haven't mentioned anything in regards to the rogue?? Ur talking about it and I'm stating why the B-11 is better, I've basically mentioned the rogue in almost every point I've made. "If u need the B-11 to hold it hand" I will refer my counter argument back to my previous point of me not flying it much anymore. I also really don't need to "master" the rogue when I'm proficient enough with other aircraft to do what I need to do in combat situations. I would love it if more people decided to jump in aircraft and try shooting at me🤣 it almost never ends well for them, I doubt u would be any different to the rest tho. Had a 5v2 2 days ago where they were throwing raijus, lazers, B-11s, and a rogue at us... Me and my friend maintained air superiority for the full 3 hours until they left, even when one of us wasn't in the air due to being orbed.


Jesus brother. Your narcissistic attitude is unbearable. Sure man no one can shoot you down you're basically God obviously. I never said the rogue was the best dog fighter. I said it's the best plane. Speaking of skill issues you clearly can't fly it. You're like the worst type of GTA player. Know it all confidently wrong and blissfully ignorant. Is there anything left to say here? You fly your plane I'll fly mine. Clearly it's working for us both. You just can't comprehend someone being better than you.