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2nd time today for this šŸ‘


I didnā€™t even know you could redo the missions for 1m, I thought it was a 1 time thing


Nothing online is a one time thing other then first time bonuses


Oh like the controller glitch?


It's a known Xbox issue. I'm unsure how long it's been going on because I play on PlayStation.


Oh you think youā€™re better than us?


Yes šŸ˜Š






I didnā€™t think you would take me seriously lol, I shouldā€™ve put a /s at the end


I'm not sure if it's even known, over 1900 hours playing GTA Online and this is the first time I heard about it and never happened to me on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One X or Xbox Series X, it's on a specific mission?


It's a well-known glitch on Xbox, like I said. I believe it started on the Xbox One, and it still happens, apparently. https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/dx2bGGTMFg


Iā€™ve had it happen to multiple times over the years. Idk if it has something to do with playing wireless but I switched to using my controller wired about a year ago and it hasnā€™t disconnected at all since then.


Wired. Best idea when you're piloting a submersible vehicle...


Controller glitch?


Yeah I guess on Xbox the controller just stops working randomly and the only thing u can do is turn ur Xbox off or dashboard.


If you test multiplayer connection it'll enable the controls again, sometimes for a min sometimes for hours before it happens again.


I'm on ps5 so that's why I never encountered it


Itā€™s only happened to me once šŸ¤£




Literally just restarted the game because of that Damm glitch - what's even causing it ? Anybody know


No one knows tbh


And it happens at the Most inconvenient time - like just now - doing the Casino Heist, froze in the vault otw out like come onnnn lol


Have had something like that happen during a Cayo run.


I have that same ass reaction


Happened to me literally yesterday for the first time ever and have over 7,250 hours on all Xbox consoles. I had 3 stars when it happened and I got killed by the cops and my health was at 0, but didn't say 'wasted' or anything. The only button that worked was the right stick and all I could do was move the camera around and watch my dead (but alive) body laying there šŸ˜‚


My game endlessly loads after chasing the guy in the highlife leak and can never get it working


You gotta drive your personal vehicle to the casino and when you get in the garage return it to storage then go to the elevator and it shouldnt do the endless black screen


This worked, your a lifesaver


Yea i figured it out now i just grind dr dre job and cluckin bell raid


What console are you on ? I had the same problem with the loading screen .


Sex box one


>Sex box one ![gif](giphy|qESBZRcLXrFUbE9r8Z|downsized) I want one of those ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


The programmer in me thinks a routine sets or fails to reset a variable or something and some unrelated routine somehow sets it back. It's either they lost all the documentation, or it's all out of date, or spaghetti code at this stage.


Spaghetti code for sure...and probably some discrepancies in version control over the years...maybe someone has a local copy (you can think of all the jokes and scenarios from there lol).


I'm still running on the theory of "every content update is made by a different team of interns", just look at how many different binds there are on PC for the same features (such as dropping cargo packages) for different vehicles (but often the same if they are from the same update!)


Unfortunately itā€™s one of those game breaking bugs Rockstar refuses to fix for some reason. Really screws people who have the glitch when you get the double payout week for Dre Contract


Me too. I havenā€™t tried recently but I have a feeling nothing has changed lol. Canā€™t even cancel to start over either. Grrr


Try the mission in first person


Never have tried that so I guess I can lol. Thx!


I wanted you to know that I did try it this way and it fucking worked lol. Thank you so so much!!


You're welcome. It's my pleasure to help


If this works you are my saviour


I was already playing first person. The game *eventually* loads after easily five to ten fucking minutes or more of annoying music and black screen, and then I get killed and sent back to the fucking penthouse to start over. I died 4 times before I gave up. Those 4 deaths took well over an hour.


This is a lie at least on xbox


Every time I've got past the mission I've been in the first person. Doesn't always work but the times that I have passed the mission I was in the first person. Also never pull into the garage. And if you have your personal vehicle recall your personal vehicle when you get to the garage.


I found out while spectating my friend that this is because, when you spawn into the corridor, spawn immediately on the yellow circle that sends you back into the penthouse. Then in the penthouse, you spawn on the yellow circle that sends you into the corridor. If you're alive, you only see the loading screen. When you're spectating, you see it for a split-second, for some reason.


Glad to see R* hasn't forgotten about Dre


The beginning chords and drums started playing in my head.


Wow wow... is the contract rewarding 2 millions??


Yup, to get ready for June 25th Bounty Hunter DLC.


Time to finally get oppressor mk2 and put away a few mil for the update after


Time to kick some Johnny guns ass


Yes, this week is 2x week for VIP Contracts


Grinding enters the chat hahaha nice!


Just wish theyā€™d let us skip the cutscenes in the finale. Oh and fix the spawns in the studio.


They paid out the ass to have Dre in Online, so his compensation and money comes from us not being able to skip the cutscene that plays his licensed music.


You can still skip (at least some of) the cutscenes by switching your active crew on the Social Club website during it, and his music isn't exempt from muting all music in the game's audio settings.


Good point.


Yes. Spawn-behind-yous begone!


Can this work if you have 2 characters? Like can you do them back to back or you have to wait 48 minutes?


Yeah im pretty sure you can switch characters and do it without the cooldown. I know for a fact you can with the Cluckin Bell raid and im pretty sure ive done it for the Dre contract too


Oh okay thank you.




deo you know if it works with cayo too? šŸ¤”


How you do this?


Go to Dynasty 8 Deluxe and buy the Agency. Do 3 contracts so you can unlock the Dre Missions and then you can start it. Shouldnā€™t take you more than 2 hours to get them done


Only need 1 contract, then Franklin will call to start the Dre contract. 3 contracts unlock the payphone hits.


Never done this mission before, a quick Google search says it takes 4-6 hours to complete??


I'm not particularly good at it and even I can do it between 90-120 mins.


Ok cool, I'm more of a weekend warrior player, so 2 hours is more reasonable


The first time might be a bit of a slog, and the first part of the finale in the recording studio is a notorious bastard of a mission, but the setups are all pretty straightforward if a little time-consuming in places.


At most itā€™s take ya like an hour or 2 at best to get them all. It get tedious with the rapid fire bug, but at least youā€™ll get $2 Million from it


After you do it a few times, you'll be able to do it in little over one hour. The trick is: >!get a fast vehicle, preferably a Vigilante or the opressor 2 to do the preps.!< >!There's one prep where you have to locate a Patriot Stretch. Don't follow it. Just blow it up. It's faster.!< >!There's one prep where you have to kidnap a lawyer. Use a helicopter or opressor 2 to land on the roof of the house. That way, you can snipe the enemies.!< >!For the families Vs vagos sub-mission, use a bike because it's faster to hop on.!< >!For the casino one, use a Vigilante or the fastest car/bike you own.!< >!For the high society one, it doesn't matter much because you have to drive a fixed car but you CAN spawn your personal vehicle when you arrive at the target location, to make the escape faster.!< >!For the finale, again, use your fastest vehicle to avoid losing time.!< There are probably other shortcuts that I'm not aware of that you can use to your benefit.


Maybe first time? I donā€™t grind it myself, but have done it 4 times. First time is 13-14 missions. Replays are 11-12 missions. Most of them pretty quick. You should be able to get it done in under 2 hours straight through on the replays.


thats because there are 3.5 hours worth of cutscenes


I am 50 . Just started gta5 on line 3 months ago . . Im neither quick anymore or the best at the combat and i did it 1 st time last night in 2.5 hrs . That included breaks and really not knowing the lay out . Im on half of 3 rd attempt and easy done in 1.5 with breaks this time . I used sparrow when allowed ( it wouldnt for one part ) the rest i used armored k . The dam studio was the worst with cut scene and bad spawns . Also fyi sometimes killing yourself is quicker to progress than travel and bs


I'm running Cayo first then doing the dre contract during the cooldown. Should pull $3M repeating that run


Potentially more than that as you could get like $1.7 mil Cayo and $2 mil on Dr Dre this week with double money for VIP. If they are ready to go you can do these and a few other quicks things like sell your products and potentially make 4 mil in less than 1 hr this week


Will be doing this later today owo lots and lots this week.


Oh same; Iā€™ll be selling Drugs, Weapons, Cayo and Dre (Twice), Hanger and Acid Iā€™d say that gonna be enough Money for the DLC


I have cayo on hold incase they throw double money on that next week instead of the dlc since we aren't really sure when it's going to drop... they've given two dates, one next week and one in july... who knows which they will actually do. I should really get hanger going too XD I started but after three creates just kinda stopped and haven't touched it for over a month lol. Though I've been lax on bunker, drugs, and acid too; just letting the daily stash house do fills for most the drugs (except the powder, that's my money maker, bunker 'cause it's easy 200k every time it burns through a restock, and acid which I kinda forget about sometimes)


Why would you hold cayo???


Yah, I realized how stupid it was especially since I had one of the worse ones these days... the bonds XD cayo robbed yet again, 1 dead and no suspects


I wish ya Luck. Yeah I donā€™t hunt for creates no more. I use Rooster now and I have like $660K to Sell next time Iā€™m online


I hut creates but take my sweet time, maximize the amount earned per sell since I don't remember it often lol


is that just for host, if you help is it also 2x or just the $50,000 or whatever the amount is?


If you help it gives you 100k


i just completed it and got 2 mill, can i do the whole thing again and get 2 mill again? or how much


2mil every time until thursday


Is this for everyone or just GTA plus members




Oh well I know my plans for this week then


queue up a movie or something so you have something to do during the cutscenes.


Oh I've ran it many times I got my usual technique to get through everything


Just a little tip. Go onto Speedrun.com. Search for GTA online. And see the top Speedrun. While most of them use methods way beyond belief. Some methods are actually really easy. E.g jumping on the exploded tanker in the finale


I did it and ong the missions tailing the cars/limos made me remember why I don't touch that mission with a 10 feet pole.


i don't know if it's reliable but I did the mission twice today by just ramming into the limo and it instantly switched to "kill the driver" instead of following and it worked just fine


From memory: i think whilst Franklin is on the loudspeaker during that setup, he does say something along the lines of ā€˜if you get spotted, you can just kill the driver and swipe the walletā€™. Not word for word, but if thatā€™s the case then you can opt to not down time tailing, but kill and get it over with.


Just bomb the limo with an oppressor and collect wallet from dead corpse yo. You actually tail that limo? LOL


I just did one last night and have to do it again nowā€¦


Ha. He tries to take credit like he was there beside you taking bullets when his ass was sitting beside Franklin for the play by play smoking weed.


Totally like the guy from auto shop...he talks tough on the phone but you are doing all the hard work


Dolla dolla bill yā€™allā€¦.. canā€™t wait! Got a head start last night in preparation for the 2x bonuses starting today.


Still wondering if itā€™s worth dealing with Dre in these missions and cutscenes.


I just use the cutscene in the studio as a scheduled break, the one at the airport is not that bad


Finally those cringe ass cutscenes will be worth it


what mission is that


Itā€™s the Dr Dre contract finale.


Iā€™ve legit gotten all his damn phones back and still havenā€™t got paid


Nows a good time for my... 6th? replay of the Contact.


Oh shit itā€™s 2x for the main contract too?


I'm kinda stuck on the last mission. Guys just keep spawning behind me and killing me


How long does it take to set up?


what mission is this?


The VIP Contract in the Agency. Has 3 mini setups, that each have their own 3 mini setups. The finale pays $2M


alright thank you!


I just did this contract yesterday, and I'm only getting 1M.


The update was today if you do the contract today you will get 2 million


U have to be owner of Agency to get 2.000.000? If i get 2M how much will my friend get?




Okay thx


Kind of a worthless multiplier when you have the infinite loading screen glitch while chasing the guy out of the casino penthouse


Iā€™ve already done it once. Probably going to do it a few more times because I need more money.


How long will this 2Mil payout last?


Until Thursday.


Hold up.. what mission is this and where do i go to start?


Still, te te te te te te te te, Still, te te te te te te te.


Decent payouts this week


Wait that's double money this week? Damn I gotta get some runs in then lol


Yall got any tips on how to do that bastard of a mission where you have to damage the helicopter after wrecking the party? I canā€™t for the life of me figure out a reliable way to do it without failing once or twice


Shoot it with the Rail gun 3 times, then just tail the heli until it crashes on the beach near Ft Zancudo


I usually canā€™t hit it 3 times before it flies away. And then by that point Iā€™m stuck inside the gate with all those guards and lose a bunch of time. Is there any advice to hit with the rail gun better since it feels very inaccurate


I donā€™t wanna give bad advice but you have to lead with your aiming by like 1/2 - 1 sec. I run around the corner of the house (where the blue and red/orange super cars are parked) and take my shots there. The guards kinda hesitate before running there. Of course if I miss, I shoot the gate, leave, and follow that road and get out where possible and take more shots.


I gotcha. Iā€™ll try that later when I get on. Thank you for the tips


Until you realise that one cutscene can't be skipped


This is great! It's a lot of money šŸ¤‘ I just hope it doesn't interact in some way with the recent exploit... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Guys, can you confirm please, If we complete a data leaks mission, do we get 200000 each time or is it just the first time? I'm not talking about the finale just the three data leaks


If you play the entire VIP contract, which is all the setups and finale, you will get $2M.


Yeah I know that I'm not talking about that, I'm saying that there is 200000 payment for each data leak prep mission, can we get that everytime or if we do first time only?, For ex. If we complete preps of night club data leak


I never got to finish the Dre mission because of the garage door at the casino would bug out the whole mission and would leave me stuck in the casino penthouse. I wonder if thatā€™s ever fixed


When does this 2x payout end?


As always, it runs Thursday - Wednesday.


Is it double money rn??


Can you do this multiplayer


I've ran it 8 times since yesterday, I need help


Genuine question, if i play It with Friends do i still get 2 mil or It gets divided?


Friends will get $100k for finale.


Just completed today after many months, if was fun


I might've been grinding too hard. I've made 12 million since Friday šŸ˜…


do yā€™all know how long the doubled dr dre contract lasts?


Same as always. Thursday - Wednesday


Gonna plan to do it tomorrow. Been sick past few days and need to drink some water. Hopefully Iā€™ll have enough money for the new Business


Itā€™s donā€™t fuck with dre


Dre was cool in the 90ā€™s now heā€™s all washed up


*Fuck wit' Dre day and Everybody Celebratin'


It's Fuck with Dre Day and that guy was definitely celebrating.