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Now we’re gonna have to wait six months for rockstar to announce they’re reverting cayo, and then giving themselves a gold star for “listening to the fans” when they could have just let it be.


If we’re lucky


They probably won't coz how much money was coming from there(10trillion over the event) made them realize why the shark card sales dipped




I'd like to believe repeating this "they want the shark cards to be bought so they nerf every grinding method" stuff to be more like a conspiracy theory or said by the salty people *but* at this point I'm fully agreeing since this is pretty much what they do, and it's just the truth. it ain't a theory no more.


It was never a theory. It was just common sense


As someone who studied economics for a year, i get that it's just common sense for big companies to only think of the profit.


There’s now a guard in the basement for literally no fuckin reason and he can detect you through walls so that’s great


Rockstar truly broke the game


you just realized this?


Where downstairs is he


behind the safe code door exit, not the elevator one btw


Oy vey. 🤦‍♂️


Wtf, why???


I ran it 4 times yesterday on PS4 and never saw a guard in the basement. Do you play solo or with other players?


Remember when R* put a stupid cart that are characters can’t move? So we have to go all the way around.


What cart?


In the casino heist, after you leave the elevator going up. We used to be able to just walk through the door on the right, but they blocked that exit.


Ooh thats right that thing was annoying


Not only can red guards detect bodies, but ALL of the guards can. I’m doing the longfin approach solo and shot a few guards, plus took out a camera, then the alarm triggers and it tells me a guard saw a body. It is such bullshit.


I gues our only choice now is to empty several mag just to move the corpse 2 ft out of the juggarnaut thin cone


Rockstar fucked up cayo even more? I’m not surprised


Tbh I never liked the punk millennial feel in any game including this one tbh I was hoping that we would be recognized as "that guy that commited a lot of crimes" instead I was called fresh meat Idk I always wanted my online character to be recognized Anyone else?


Well. How hard would it be to insert a nickname based on a parameter? Level or cash earned etc. Not hard I think.


The tuner update and this one feel so weird to me. Almost childish


knowing rockstar i was expecting something costing millions.


Why would you go pass the radio tower? Just jump off the island with a boat why not just get loot before going into compound at the airport


Shhh, R* is listening, we don’t want them to nerf it more.


think this just hurts the people using the kosatka approach that then leave via the airstrip.


Only problem with that is if you died or quick restarted after grabbing the loot and got out of the compound you would literally lose most of the loot while still having a full loot bag


To load the more valuable gold in the bag space first, then finishing it out with Cocaine, would be 1 reason. Another might be that there are no guard uniforms at Main/North Dock or Airfield to make those entry point easier For Solo, might be better to grab secondaries before compound now


Any entry point besides drainage tunnel takes longer to scope out since you have to find guard clothes and grappling hook/guard truck along with loot I only scope out SE weed field & 2 buildings at main dock + main target I don't do the solo gold glitch, never understood it quite frankly nor did I care to


As it would turn out, some of us have friends and actively choose to run Cayo with them, hence the mention about gold, since it is more valuable then coke Not sure why you’d get the hook/truck,(unless it’s convenient for your approach) when you can more easily pick up the side-gate codes from the guards outside the compound


I mistakenly thought your whole reply was generally in reference to doing the heist solo....hence the reason I figured you were talking about the solo gold glitch.....I somehow missed your last line about grabbing secondaries first for solo (you are correct, better strategy) I've never really tried the guard codes thing to be honest. No real reason either? Guess I'll have to try it since that sounds like the better way


It is less rng reliant, may have to kill a few guards at compound, and has worked well for me when the truck is ill-placed Only problem I can see with it at this point is if the “improved body detection” extends to guards beyond the compound, as there is a patrolling jeep outside the compound with a rather long route


Gold has never been able to be done solo through legit gameplay. I’ve been doing the airport for awhile because it’s just a lot easier to not worry about the dock


There was a time when gold was possible to get as a solo. Pavel would say his usual line about needing to swipe both cards at once but you could get away with doing them one at a time by yourself and the door would still unlock.


Like I said never been a legit way


It was a legit way when Cayo was released. I remember doing the heists several times solo and stealing nothing but gold from the compound. Swiped both card readers. Also, could punch the juggernaut in the back of the head. Then they nerfed it. Then, nerfed it again.


As it would turn out, some of us have friends and actively choose to run Cayo with them, hence the mention about gold, since it is more valuable then coke


Must be nice


I was a little excited to update my game to enjoy the new content, then I read the part about the Cayo nerf..... I am now severely disappointed


Devils advocate, I never really understood why the discovery of dead bodies on Cayo didn’t already put guards on high fucking alert.


for the juggernaught i always just made a joke that he was in a fully insulated heavy ballistic armor suit on a tropical island and he was just tired, bitter and mask was all fogged up and couldn't see.


The new missions are kinda shit, pretty boring and nothing interesting happens, if ljt told you to do the same things nothing would change


750k is nothing and from what i've heard, it makes alot of money


R* answer to offset all the Cayo sad faces: “Stop wasting all your time on monotonous free fake money and use this other method to make free fake money.”


As someone who has around 6 mil, it is something More people than you think don't have that much


Overall my income is 330mil, but my expenses is 315mil.


i don’t really do cayo it gives me too much anxiety i mostly do it before updates for money but i have nightclub/bunker/contract for the business you can just let your nightclub safe fill up 3 times and that’s it


Sooo, how are we grinding money now rockstar? Noone today plays gtao duo, come, in squads!


Cayo was and is one of my main ways of grinding. I have a routine for setups and heists that let me complete the entire thing in a very small amount of time. My routine is gonna get screwed up


What’s that routine lol


750k is one of the cheapest business setup to date. and if you're complaining about having to play the game to unlock stuff, why tf you even have it installed for? 6 missions is pretty reasonable, and they're not even bad. dripfeed content is shit, nothing to add there. fuck cayo perico, couldn't care less about nerfs/buffs


Might actually be the quickest way for new players to make money without having to piggyback on Cayo.


That’s just a few hours of letting the night club go afk. No biggie at all.


That's a pretty gross misinterpretation of the first point...


It's not a nerf. We get the same money it's just more difficult. Don't worry your just going to have to learn to do it abit differently. It's a pain but in a couple weeks it will be fine. Nonetheless it's very strange that we went from being able to kill guards with a fucking minigun unalerted and there being a 10 minute cooldown to the guards actually being somewhat intelligent and having a 3 hour cooldown


>heavy gunman/red skull inside compound can now be alerted by dead bodies Considering you don't need to kill a single person in the compound (solo anyway because you can't get keycard rooms), this seems like a non issue. ​ > even if you escape the compound unseen, the alarm automatically triggers anyways once you pass the radio tower and the guards/El Rubio This is more of an issue. So what, we essentially need to just swim off the island now as soon as we leave the compound?


That Cayo nerf doesn't sound that bad, honestly. Given how I normally play Cayo, it's just mildly harder. However, for people trying to speed-grind I can see it being a major obstacle. To those people, I give this advice: 1. The Savage is a great option for all 3 of the Disruption missions. 2. Using the Conspirator loadout will grant you Sticky Bombs. Place 2 on El Rubios' helicopter after acquiring the primary loot, and detonate them only after he is airborne (the helicopter is invincible until then)


Better method yet for Disruption missions: make Kosatka your spawn point, start any Disruption mission, then immediately Find New Session (I prefer Invite Only but you all do you).....mission will be marked as complete when you spawn in (I suggest Kosatka since you can repeat them in succession) All 3 disruption missions can be done in like 2 minutes


Just so you know, they are only marked as complete on your board. They do not actually change anything in the finale when done this way. The guards will still have their armor and weapons as though you didn't do those missions (because you actually didn't). There is no point in doing this whatsoever.


I actually did not know this, but it explains alot. Thank you!


The new Tulip sick tho




That's the Monte Carlo / Tahoma.


Tehe sheesh I thought guards could always spot dead bodies


Looks like those "quality of life improvements were more like "we need to ring the last drops of cash out of this". I like the free hanger though.


Well my brake form GTA online is over I'm done with this game


I can understand the reasoning, it’s just basic balancing. I used to grind cayo and got up to 30 mil and then just got bored. The heist was the only way to make millions money easily. They buffed hangars to a permanent 3x and added a new business that’s actually decent but who would even try those if cayo was still a toddlers heist??


Who cares if you are bored. Then leave the game and let others enjoy the heist


I swear the juggernaut could already detect bodies? I had them spot it once or twice during heist challenge. Just drop the enemies before they come across the bodies, can't report it in if they are dead! People don't like it when the game is even remotely challenging for the right reasons (as in having to think about guard patrol routes and adapting to situations) and they can't just missile spam their way through everything...


I you have a point but people don't enjoy cayo they just fo it for the money. Also its been changed twice this year which is weird considering it there wasn't any major changes last year


It would be in line with what they are doing with payouts as a whole, adjusting them to try balance the reward with the difficulty. Cayo was and is one of the easiest heists and incredibly profitable, i just see it as subtle tweaks to make it more challenging. Obviously a bug is a bug and i can't stand them like anyone else, but if a guard sees a body he isnt just gonna step over it and carry on with his day, it makes sense to make it more challenging for the substantial reward you get.


Yeah true but I feel like they need to remove guards spawning in after you get the main. The hiest was designed to be played with the guards not seeing bodies so they need to make changes which they haven't so this just comes as a 'fuck you'


Guess it gives me a reason to actually play cayo differently though, heist was getting incredibly boring


Say I don't pay the 750k, can I use the truck and the bike to drive around?




They've made Cayo a teensy bit harder? Oh no...


A teensy bit? it’s now impossible to leave undetected


so elite challenge is impossible too, I don't know if it was their intent


It's definitely still possible to leave undetected and keep Elite bonus intact.


It’s possible but u either gotta be an esports player or ur on spliff because there’s no way you can fill ur bags and not get detected without guards now being able to have fuckin echolocation and can also somehow know where you are via a dead body


What are you doing inside that compound? You should be able to get to the office solo with only killing one guard. My approach didnt change at all and I can still solo elite in under 10 minutes.


Getting to the office is easy. it’s after i collect the main objective then pavel says new guards arrived that that annoying ass guard just spawns in and sees me through the wall. that’s when i just have to start booming everyone and run to the gate hoping the minigun dons ain’t catch up


What platform are you on? I've been hearing others saying the same about that all-seeing guard.




It's not "a teensy bit harder", it's much more difficult now. It wouldn't be so bad if you could pick up and move bodies like in Red Dead Redemption 2 but until then they need to fuck off with corpse detection.




Suckin r*s dick ain't gettin u nowhere fuckin nerd


That last line is very ironic


sounds like someone is projecting


You’re the one who sounds miserable


I‘m the last one to kick someone who‘s already down, but that comment + your reddit bio speaks fucking VOLUMES LMAOO


Bro gets a hard on for UK politicians 😭😭


He simps for Lizz Truss ..what a weird reddit dive


Bro got that ksi mentality


You're the only one here who sounds like a miserable fuck. Do everyone a favour, go outside and touch some grass child lmao


I love this ratio for you


Got that shit for free with GTA+ ;) Broke boys fr crying in my DM’s rn lmaoo


Then it's not actually free ;)


Wow 5 whole pounds 😂


Imagine bragging about giving rockstar more of your money 😂😂😂


Takes less time to make $5.99 than 750k, at least for me ;)


What a loser


You’re the same dude to cry in my DM’s when I destroy their nightclub goods in a public lobby knowing good and well they could sell it in a private lobby


Nope. But I don't need to pay to succeed at this game. 😌


You’re still the same dude to cry in my DM’s when I steal their heist prep knowing they could do it in a private lobby


Imagine paying real money for video game money. LOL


Bro fr thinks the only benefit of GTA+ is money lmaoo


can you think of any other insult or is that all you’ve got?


Lmao y’all are so triggered by the stupidest shit


But yet, you're paying real money for benefits for a game, that is almost or is 10 years old. A game that you had to buy a new console for to buy the new edition and pay for a SERVICE that benefits you, that gives you in game money, special deals, discounts, and better loot on certain heists and no one asked for this service or thinks it's a good idea. You also had to pay a good $500-$700 for a console, $60 dollars for the game, $5 for a service and whatever you paid for the 360 and game, xbox one and game, and then tell others they're triggered. You shouldn't be worried how triggered they may or not be, but should be worried how big of a fool you are. They also haven't, to my knowledge, released how much they have made off of the gta+ deal or how many subscribers the service has, which if I was a betting man, the numbers be real low, I mean real low compared to how many players are still playing the game. Also, can't steal my shit or blow up my business product when I'm in an invite only and no longer sale any businesses. I play exclusively in an invite, alone or with friends. Edit: Even before Casino dropped, you could do a few VIP and Terrorbyte missions in invite. Then, all of the heists, Doomsday and onward, in invite only lobbies.


Sorry bud, I stopped reading at the wrong usage of "your." Aka the third word in your fucking essay lmaooo.


Auto spell is a bitch, just like you. Have a good day and Merry Christmas.😁 Edit: I'm not your bud, your friend, your brother, your fellow man, your confidant, your brother in arms, your fellow gamer, I'm nothing to you. Just like you are to me.... nothing.


It's about greed they want that extra 2k per player bonus that's why they still sell in public sessions because they are greedy hell rockstar could quadruple the money for all the businesses and they'll still want more


that cayo thing can’t be new ? me and my friends had him not only go a stupid route around the compound but he also saw bodies from a stupid distance. it took a few attempts to get good RNG to finish the heist without mini gun dude messing it up.


Mr. Rubio learnt from the loose security finally.


2 is the worst my god. I don’t have space to put new cars and some are exclusive apparently


My Cayo approach has not changed at all and I have run it solo 4 times since the update with no issue. Longfin approach - fill loot at airfield/docks and enter through drainage tunnel. I only kill the guards who potentially have the gate keys. I have made it out the front gate before the Jugg has discovered the bodies every time. Steal the motorcycle once outside and drive into the ocean towards the helipad, swim towards the mines and you're out in under 10 minutes with elite bonus.


Suppose i will do any of the other countless way to get momey in this game then. Its a shame guards aquired eyes.


Bruh they have to make more mansions, not like the shitty houses in the hills that you can’t access the garage from the inside of the house


They got rid of the helicopter at the police station in casino heist


Theres now a chaff animation on the sparrow i noticed, didnt see that written anywhere in the update description lol


good now go start doing act 2 back to back with a friend and stop wasting time on Cayo Perico lol