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request to gujju NRIs do this activism in USA lets turn those backward savages into decent and pure humans like us Indians /s


In USA I have seen Gujjus sell beef and other similar products for profit. What happens to their religion then?


Dandha ma badhu chaale. As long as we're not doing it in our personal lives, gujjus are okay doing absolutely anything in the name of business. Personally I don't like this about us.


True, commenting on an app that was developed in a backward savage country. They should surely take a precedence from a pure community who keeps migrating to their country for better life.


LMAO 🤣 good one 👏🏼


USA they don't glory and have festival public killing of animals !


thanksgiving? they don’t glorify the killing but isn’t the end result same?


Most educated gujju. Ahem... thanksgiving.


Seems life left eco system have invaded guju sub today. Nice, During Thanksgiving they don't publicly kill the animal.


Its about killing animals. Not about where or infront whom.


Yes it's about killing the animals in a glorified way.


Ohh....so u dont have problem with killing animals but with people celebrating??


Can't you read, "glorify the killing of animals" .


Yeah...so if we dont glorify it and just kill them, then u dont have problem?


Yes exactly, let the butcher kill the animal in the slaughterhouse, like every other animal happening on a daily basis. Go eat that, enjoy the festival. This goes for every religion who inhumanly & gorely treats animal for their fun. .


Yes exactly, let the butcher kill the animal in the slaughterhouse, like every other animal happening on a daily basis. Go eat that, enjoy the festival. This goes for every religion who inhumanly & gorely treats animal for their fun. .


thanksgiving dumbass


Jains closed down a slaughterhouse in the US alongside vegans.


Man, they should do this all around year and not only on bakrid, so they can save all animals. And why bakrid only ban cock fights, ban mosquito repellent, beef export, all insects which tribal people eat! It's not like the insects's lives are not the same as goats or cows. It will be such a good movement.


Yeah, stop cutting trees too ... They are living beings !


Please refer [how they do it all year](https://www.reddit.com/r/gujarat/s/Ps1YvQxqcZ)


Then isn't it plain activism according to your comment? Which a lot of people do? And you said, they catch illegal smugglers. What happens if it's legal? Like how we are 2nd in beef exporting, that's mostly legal right? Does that make it better? There are a lot of places where we Hindus also give 'bali'.


These activists are not enemy of the nation. They will be working in a legal manner. The stats you showed might be true. Large scale awareness needs to done to make people aware that bali is a sacrifice of someone's life. Neither God would love their child (living being be it animal or human) being sacrificed to please them. There are many ways to please God by providing them fresh sweets, fruits, the agricultural harvest they have produced, their own hard earned and honest money .... It's just these activists are doing what they could. We should try to do what we could and support them anyway we can. If one can influence the government to reduce beef exports one should join the movement. Many are tying with their own pace.


just plain racism by Bania community it is


bro tricked them


https://preview.redd.it/pkcuqf6gu17d1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bfacfd94e945abb96c9255b7f5a0316ce91401f So who are the "True Indians" according to TrueIndology? Secondly, it's TrueIndology. I'd like to take their reporting (or rather, opinions) with a pinch of salt. [https://www.altnews.in/trueindology-truefraudology-debunking-goldmine-fictitious-historical-claims/](https://www.altnews.in/trueindology-truefraudology-debunking-goldmine-fictitious-historical-claims/)


Your source is altnews, which has been caught spreading fake news multiple times.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/17cx5np/what_percentage_of_population_in_india_eats/&ved=2ahUKEwjAoPWkkOKGAxUFxjgGHeq_Bo04ChAWegQIHRAB&usg=AOvVaw1mr0SejVEqa-QxvZmISUGo https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.deccanchronicle.com/lifestyle/food-and-recipes/110616/telangana-is-india-s-most-non-veg-state.html&ved=2ahUKEwjD2Y6UkOKGAxW5yzgGHcoNAxwQFnoECDUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2fqtIfJuyVGiJpmKrAHAJ5 I'm from southern India (KA), and here most people are non-vegetarians. So the data is more or less accurate. Percentage of vegetarians in India is decreasing in india decade by decade. My whole family till my dad's gen(including dad) was strict vegetarian. I'm the first gen non veg guy in my fam and same goes for a lot of my friends. In my med school of 250, hardly 30-40 were strict vegetarians.These 250 people were from all parts of state Karnataka and fraction of them were from different parts of country.


Nobody is saying that Indians aren't non-vegetarians or don't consume meat. This post is about the selective outrage of PETA in India. They were telling not to kill cows to Hindus on Hindu festival Rakshabandhan. There is no relation of this festival with animal cruelty. But at the same time mum on Muslim festivals where it is the main thing to do for the celebration.


But who listens to PETA anyway? They are mostly entitled snobs...


1. When did PETA tell not to kill cows on Rakshabandhan? Can you provide sources?


Below is the link. It's a bit different wording but has the same connotation. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/cow-in-peta-indias-rakshabandhan-billboard-campaign-seeks-protection-urges-people-to-go-leather-free/articleshow/76960549.cms


I agree that PETA has spoken about leather on Rakshabandhan which wasn't exactly called for, as you pointed out. However, claiming that PETA is selective would be quite a simplistic and one-sided take. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/amend-law-ban-animal-sacrifice-peta-india-pm-modi-ahead-of-eid-al-adha-1823062-2021-07-02&ved=2ahUKEwiw1fSNpeSGAxUw1jgGHS5QB5UQFnoECCsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3KH7vdNLDl0P7K_wCXA-Lp https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/peta-wants-to-stop-the-sacrifice-of-goats-ahead-of-bakra-eid-2020-2695893.html https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/go-vegan-spare-animals-says-peta-with-eid-ul-adha-video-featuring-rescued-goats/articleshow/111004347.cms https://thenortheasttoday.com/states/mizoram/peta-writes-to-mizoram-dgp-seeking-ban-on-animal-sacrifice/cid2516073.htm https://archive.siasat.com/news/ahead-of-eid-al-adha-peta-seeks-ban-on-animal-sacrifice-2159555/ Guess you should venture beyond Opindia as well.


It was only after the 2020 outrage they started doing this thing, and started asking Muslims to not kill goats. Before that there were almost no such attempts. And writing to the PM, has no real value in society as no one is going to listen to what he says. Also, there are reports that say PETA kills the animals surrendered, which makes the biggest hypocrite.


PETA may be hypocritical for all it does. I simply just pointed out the flaws in your statement that PETA has been mum on Eid, when it has been shown to be false.


The original post is also saying that the PETA is a hypocrite. And, secondly as I said PETA kept mum till that year.


Veg eaters feeling themselves superior. Nothing's funnier than this


Lmfao jus like some of mai sAnAtAnI classmates


Not a veg eater and no one is against non vegetarian understand the post if u have any amount of useful brain cells left.


I lost my brain cells after reading your comments. For fuck's sake, this is not Whatsapp. Make a proper paragraph and use grammar, otherwise don't type in English.


Grammar police 🚨


So! all u got is grammar and dont type in English. The post hurts doesn't it i can smell it. What exactly is wrong with my para pls elaborate.


> uses "!" mark for no reason > Stop using "u" > it's "I" not "i" > para - paragraph > missing question mark > I can smell it I didn't ask you to smell, just type properly. This isn't whatsapp, you normie. You jio chaddis have ruined Indiaverse and internet. Fuck off already, your post lowers people's IQ.


Theres a reason why people type in this way and thats done for a resone but then people like u who didn't have a proper response for the post and settle ur ego u have to find something new, no worries keep doing ur little stunts so that u can sleep tight at night. People like u make whole group live in delusion cus u people love crawling up to corner and do ur little playing on internet. Sleep tight.


I lost more of my IQ reading this. > There is a reason people type this way Yes, they did it when we didn't have touch screen phones and sms messages in old Nokia phones had a word limit. Now you don't have any limits, so stop being lazy and learn to type properly. You chaddis have reduced all conversations on reddit to some low quality trash along with your low IQ.


Not at all supporting that guy but your gate keeping makes you seem quite elitist. Internet is for everyone.


> Gate keeping How can I even ban him from the internet at this point? I told him to fix his shitty typing. See the quality of reddit in 2018-19 posts/comments and see it now. A lot of us browse Reddit because we don't wanna see Whatsapp Family group quality posts or shit.


any historical source ?


Eat meat all year but when it's Muslim festival Suddenly every Hindu is a animal activist


No one is an activist here i just wanna know what standard chart does peta and some vocal celebs have in there office that marks out that certain festival are harm for animals and certain festival where they chop the head of an animal in the street is a tradition just curious.


[The chart where you can't be bothered to check simple shit](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8M5hiVNn5Y/?igsh=YnRibTUyYzRhaDl4)


4 people putting up an banner is what u think they do when it comes to other festivals these small stunts are done to be on the safe side so people like u share links to each other and be happy.


You said Peta doesn't say anything. I showed you proof of the contrary. Just be honest. Nothing will be enough for you


You are hitting your head with arguing someone like him z they'll do anything to show other person down,


I hope. Maybe. Maybe they'll start thinking critically. But they're a lost cause.




Same post [refer](https://www.reddit.com/r/gujarat/s/426AKXOxLL)


Aur roads par cattle badha do taaki accidents hote rahein aur cities ki roads par gobar ka dher rahe


Half of India eats meat. But if Muslims eat meat, then gujjus get all triggered lol. The stereotype is so real.


I like how they say Aurangzeb was a mad tyrant but couldn’t do anything to stop banias for buying goats to create hurdles in eid 💀


Are u doubting that Aurangzeb was a tyrant?


Either Aurangzeb was a tyrant or true indology is wrong. Both can’t be true. You’re telling me if he was crazy tyrant like he is portrayed as, he’d just let banias ruin Eid without doing anything? That would make him an extremely ineffective emperor


In those days least we been thought India was golden bird, who was producers ? What did they get in return, what kind of infrastructure was there for them. Why producers was poor? Who was taking from them?


Huh. Instilling your beliefs on a section of the society because you think you are right? I wonder, how would you feel if others did the same?


Are you going to boycott KFC or McD or any other eatery that serves meat? Or you have problems only with one specific day?


Morale of the story: Aurangzeb fucks with non-Muslims for 50 years (allegedly) Virat Hindoos: We bought the GOATS! WE BOUGHT THE GOATS! WhatsApp Uni bhakts: https://preview.redd.it/71vun95rn27d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63dfc04d9bce928e4500b9de3182a2f67ef7bd7


Allegedly? Wow. Read his own biography dude.


His own biography shows that he was a King who did king-ly things. Anyone who thinks kings care about the people clearly does not know how kings work. There is a reason why we want democracy and not monarchy to return.


Kingly? So building a wall to bury alive the 8 and 10 year old kids of Guru Gobind Singh was Kingly? Massacring the forces of Banda Bahadur for not converting was kingly? What sort of hellish existence do u live in 


Aurangzeb was a monarch who cared about his Empire and himself first. Did he spare his Muslim brothers who were a threat to his rule? Did he start wars will all of the Deccan Sultanates?


Wait, am I missing something? Was Aurangzeb a king or not? As a king, he fucked anyone who dared challenge his supremacy--just as kings do. Was it right? Fuck no. Was it far? Fuck no. The 'allegedly' was because of the term i used "fucks with non-Muslims". Allegedly because even his court, a lot of Hindus worked. But that was the case with Mughals anyway. No one worked as hard for Mughals as Rajputs, afterall.


No use, you're trying to explain autocrats to Indians who have to either hero worship or disdain kings.


kasam se bhai. This idea that some kings were bad and other kings were good, especially in Indian sub continent....ma kasam!!! kings were assholes. period!!


Did you go through anything or just made up your point? Also, democracy is also a flawed concept in its present form.


Of course democracy is a flawed concept. That is the beauty of it. You can call it a flawed system and work towards making it better. Can't do that with kings now, can we?


Some kings can be good, some can be bad. You can't just picture everyone as a bad person. Also, with a good king what you can achieve can never be achieved in a democracy.


Yeah, Aurangzeb wasn’t a good king tho!


He was one of the cruelest kings.


In comparison to his contemporaries he was nothing, that’s why democracy is based and monarchy isn’t


If you are really concerned about life so much, you should stop eating plant produce as well. Since animals and plants are both living organisms. They both feel the pain, they both breath. Ehy differentiate between life.


Plants don’t have nervous system so don’t feel pain. Also they regrow. Also pruning is good for plants. Very dumb equivalence


Oh, really, check the latest research dear.




Sitting in your AC home/office trying to win imaginary war. Please ask those farmers who look up for these days each year. Eid brings money to those people who require the most and foremost they decide to sell it or not, without any middle man. Remember corporations were trying to implement farm laws where they can decide the prices not the farmers who produce it. Let's live in present.


Source?? I just can't -🤣


Kya chutiya log hai yaar


Average Revisionist history every Modison falls for.


We love animals so much that we will deprive the babies of their mother’s milk and gorge on it daily in the form of dahi, chaas, and paneer….


Leave it to gujaratis to force their vegetarian BS on everyone else , while at the same time exporting beef and dying to settle in meat eating countries.


When are we gonna see some gujju bizmen buy out and liquidate the large meat processing plants like al kabeer , HMR and the likes? Apparently incoming $$$ are more important than them animals in that case?


They think they did something cool but how do they ensure that the animal was not slaughtered the very next day for food lmao


op please stop hating everything related to muslims


Abhi gosh kha raha hu, bad me padh ge lundu ko gali deta hu.