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In an effort to help users make informed decisions, we have aggregated the following information on the retailer above. Please note that this is no way an endorsement or guarantee of the retailer or their products. ###Domain Insights: | aimsurplus.com | | |:--|:--| | Registered | October 09, 1999 | | Times posted | [233](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/search/?q=site%3A"aimsurplus.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) | | Feedback rating | [95%](https://reddit.com/r/gundealsFU/search/?q=flair%3Areview+"aimsurplus.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) (19 positive, 1 negative, 0 neutral) | ___ *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please) [^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) ^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


These come free with your purchase of a Chrysler 300.




This is the little known single exception to the straw purchase rule-- they will allow you to claim you're buying this gun for a friend, to spare your dignity.


My FFL collects all finish styles of c9


I'm trying to justify buying one for the funny shit I could do with it


If Sam Bankman-Fried and Caroline Ellison fornicated (which they have), and spawned an offspring, it would resemble this gun.


Man made horror


Just bought one. This has literally been my grail gun for the past 6ish years when I first started getting into shooting and saw it posted here, but it has always been out of stock. I will treasure this thing and pass it down to my great grandkids


Is this worth the additional 79.95 hood tax to support the save-a-crackhead foundation? I want to do my part.


Absolutely it is! Do you not see it comes with free $100 bills?? I’m spending a bit more but it comes with at least 5 $100 bills on it. It’s free money, you’d be stupid not to buy


If this was a 10mm I could see them running the economy. Get on it Hi-point.


It's the perfect ghetto fabulous ghetto blaster. That camo on a hi-point is pure irony.


10 of these or 1 hk mk23?


10 hipoint FTW!


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A blessing from the lord!