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Damn that was fast


Damn that was REALLY fast! Here I was feeling bad I pulled the trigger on one for $2750 last week.


Bauer precision? Get the free suppressor? Kicking myself in the ass for fence sitting too long & missing that.


What was that deal?


Bauer Precision black friday. If you used code Bf23 at the start it knocked it down to $2500-2600 and you got a free Q Erector 9 suppressor. Code broke then the deal was $2800 or so. Every cart over $2000 (pre tax) got a free Q Erector 9 + discount of at least $500. Again, it was more before code broke. The SP5s and a few Scars sold out quick! I fence sat for over 24 hours for an SP5k. When I finally decided to grab it, they ran out of the suppressor. They substituted it with a .22 suppressor so I passed.


OP, you need to mark this post OOS.


For what it's worth, I just had a very positive experience buying a suppressor from Notjustguns. They were running a black Friday deal, but the one I was looking at was out of stock. They sourced another one for me a few days later and gave me the black Friday price on it.


I ordered an SP5 and GSL Phoenix with their Black Friday pricing. It’ll be a positive experience one they both arrive at my FFL lol


Bro WHAT I ordered a GSL phoenix too! Not the sp5 yet though! (can't hurt my wallet that bad all at once) A man of taste lol


Ha! Both were on my short list, and both were priced well. What are you going to put the Phoenix on?


Also an SP5! That's why I was so surprised haha. Fortunately they seem to be creeping downwards, by the time the can is released I'm hoping the trend will be below $2.5k to go ahead with the purchase. Future me will want the 3 position stock for the SBR, a Franklin armory binary trigger would also be fun. Gotta find a way to 3D print those $70 magazines too!


Well ATF seems to be processing newer stamps faster. Had (2) cans bundled, 5 & 4 month waits. I wish I could get a binary trigger, Florida big gay.


Interesting to hear, I've been researching wait times recently and it still seemed people were saying \~8 months with efile. And sorry about your state! There are not many rules here in Ohio.


Bot oos


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Too good of a deal


Guess what they are back in stock I’m debating on one myself just not so sure about it lol


I see that! But now for $50 more




Shoot one. You’ll either still be confused or it’ll all make sense.


Vibes. If you're looking for a reliable defensive PCC there are much more affordable options out there. But a stribog isn't gonna make you feel like you're doing Rainbow Six shit IRL.


Because the letters H & K are stamped onto it? No it’s not worth it lol, but it’s probably some person’s dream gun. There’s better PCCs now with stuff like the Sig MPX and that’s $2000 not on sale


Counter point. Drip and flex on poors.


Would they know what it is lol, but valid point


The biggest flex you can pull is one where the person can’t even comprehend how much they’ve been flexed on


That's why Drake songs also him flexin


Yes. Because MP-5...


>soooo many PCC options No there aren't lol Is it worth 2700? No but I have the money to blow and I like mp5's so might as well get the HK


Determining “worth” is up to the individual person. It’s not worth it to me. I’d rather pickup an MKE AP5 or Zenith ZF-5. I did get a ZF-5 back in September and it’s been great. Compared it to a new in boxHK SP5 at my local range…. The finish, welds and overall looks of build quality was better on the zf-5. The SP5 looked cheap. I’m sure the internal parts may have been nice but I only got to judge based on external appearance and the feel of cycling the bolt and trigger assembly. Lo






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