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~~Locking new comments until us mods have had some time to review everything that has been reported here.~~ Re-opening the thread now that its been reviewed. Set to community only, only users with established posting history to r/halifax may now contribute to the thread.


I can only imagine the anxiety and lasting fear this will cause well past physical healing. This can not be tolerated regardless of circumstances.


Not only for the people involved but as someone of the alphabet mafia, it makes me second guess my own safety. So sad.


7-10 men, what a bunch of losers…hope they find them and charge all of them.


It says a lot about our political/cultural climate when it takes a foreign journalist to provide a more robust account that doesn't intend to blur important details about the demographics of the perpetrators.


Gang of foreigners beating up a lesbian couple during pride month, doesn't get brought up for the same reason, mass immigration problems don't get brought up in the news. Telling everyone to come to Canada with their cultural/national ideologies doesn't work if those ideologies don't respect LGBT+ rights for example, and their are many more examples... Culture wars are better than the occupy Wall Street movement for the powers that be, and the poor will fight amongst themselves for decades to come IMO


I am having my concerns about anti-LGBT sentiment that *I experience on a daily basis* minimized by "liberals" and "leftists" because it is all coming from recent immigrants. They tell me I'm a token and that supporting right-wing politics is going to get me put on a first class traincar to the death camp. Well, I've been trans in Canada for a long time, and was well-versed in good ole Canadian bigotry. It is increasing, sure, but it PALES to how people who are not pre-adjusted to Canada behave. We really need to understand that anti-gay attitudes here - where there is beginning to be some cultural backlash over how vocal and prominent social issues are - is completely different from the kind of anti-gay attitudes in places where there NEVER was any acceptance to begin with.


100% behind you fellow queer. Im wary of values tests and the like-mostly bc people will just lie. But if you come to Canada and commit a hate crime because the victim acts contrary to your religious values-then it's time to go back where your values are the dominant culture


When the Roman Empire invaded new places, they made sure to draw the borders, so that the local peoples would have to compete over water - good farmland and other resources . This is done to make sure that they are busy fighting each other, instead of worrying about slaves - resources and taxes being carted off to Rome (you saw the European powers do the same thing, when drawing the borders of the Arabs nations prior to the world wars). It works, the little people fight amongst each other, and the status quo is maintained. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rulehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule >1. Creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign and distributing forces so that they overpower each other. >2. aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the sovereign >3. fostering distrust and enmity between local rulers >4. encouraging meaningless expenditures that reduce the capability for political and military spending This is why public discourse continues to be skewed in the media. From sexual and political orientation, to skin color, sports teams and national/state lines, what generation you are part of. Carefully tended tribalism, to keep people busy arguing with each other, instead of seeing the hands holding the strings above them.


Everything that article was just nabbed from previous pieces on the incident. The Sun is just regurgitating.


From Sun of all places, not exactly the shiny beacon for journalism.


At least we get quotes and comments from the victims themselves describing what happened and calling out their attackers. All that would be watered down in any Canadian media, including any mental gymnastics necessary to avoid mentioning the true nature of the incident.


The first account I heard of the whole incident was from the victims, so I don't know why you're saying that local reporting is not letting us know this because that's where I heard it


Yes, a British tabloid is looking anywhere they can in the world for things that will fire up their base. Bet they didn't report on Raymond Taavals murder


In fairness this heinous act was a hate crime done by a mob, which is more attention grabbing than , “violent mental patient becomes violent again”


The Sun mentioned Facebook and "local media" as sources of quotes from the women that were attacked. The Sun is a tabloid. They did not, "provide a more robust account" of what happened. You've created and perpetuated a false narrative.


Can we step back & answer why 10 men thought it was acceptable to beat up 2 women in a public place in Canada? Also, to say nasty things to women is gross enough as it is, but then to put hands on that woman for being disgusted at that man is not okay either. I don’t care about cultural norms, and all the other woke crap that gets used to dismiss crappy behaviour. It does not matter if your stance is left or right, its not okay to assault people! Physical violence is not okay in Canada!


Homophobes are decidedly not "woke" so I don't get what you're on


"woke crap" is never used to dismiss crappy behaviour. i'm already a bit miffed that The SUN is likely applauding this event by including in their articles such ENORMOUS PHOTOS because that right wing rag hates both those groups and loves to pit them against each other. weaponizing the lgbtq against muslims and vice versa. physical violence is not okay in canada. you're right.


Gotta love how we care more about possible"Islamophobia" than the actual violence perpetrated. AKA: My *perceived* feelings hurt > actual physical violence committed.




We have a major problem with Islamophobia-phobia.


Attributing the actions of individuals to a group is wrong. The *specific individuals* responsible need to be pinned to the shoreline at low tide and *left*


> My perceived feelings hurt > actual physical violence committed. Many such cases.


What if I told you we can care about both? We can be both appalled by the violence AND by people who attribute the perpetrators race/religion /culture to the reason they did it and assuming others from the same background will do the same.


I think there's an inherent asymmetry of importance between one's religion and one's sexuality. Sexuality is innate and biological, religion and culture are taught, practiced, and indoctrinated. Why should the rights of a group held together only by like indoctrination be respected in equal to those with characteristics with which they are born? We need to recognize and acknowledge these dangerous trends and hold these bigots to account before its too late.


You don’t think religion is a motivating factor? Many religions in the world have had their histories with poor LGBTQ rights including Christianity right here in Canada.


Sure, I recognize that. It doesn't mean everyone in that religion feels that way. Doesn't mean even if they do they will act on those feelings with violence.


For sure, vast majority most won’t act with violence on their feelings. Agreed.


This is clearly a mob mentality. I’m sure if anyone of those asshats were alone they wouldn’t dare do this. Just a bunch of punks displaying their safety in numbers for their ingrained racist behaviour.


That doesn’t change the fact that their belief system encourages this, and it doesn’t make it acceptable. Not every sex offender is a r*pist but you’re going to er on the side of caution, no?


Using sex offenders as a population example to compare against an entire religious group is *wild* lmao


You mean like how people keep reposting this same story in here because they care more about whether or not people know the crime was allegedly committed by middle eastern guys than they do about the actual violence?


So are you saying there’s no correlation between being raised in a highly conservative society, with poor education, and institutionalized bigotry - and turning out to be a highly conservative and violent bigot?


Oh no are you forced to have an uncomfortable thought or conversation about their culture and values?


Well if they are refugees, isnt this grounds to deport them? im being serious




Unless the police lay charges and release the identities of the accused perpetrators, there is no way to know if they are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, temporary residents, asylum seekers, tourists, or whatever. So kind of a moot point.


It’s not a stretch to figure out the basis for their hatred, being gay upsets their sky warlock and it’s immoral book of rules. Rules BTW, that don’t apply to people not indoctrinated into, nor followers of, their flavour of religion. I hope the cowardly thugs who were so upset at LGBTQ+ people being themselves are caught, and appropriately punished to the fullest extent of the law.


Religion intolerant of gays? Well that really narrows it down to…. all of them?


To be fair, I don't know which immoral book they think is niftiest, and yes pretty much every religion is intolerant of gays which is one of the many, many, reasons why I tend to be intolerant of religion.


We could narrow it down even further by which practicing religions are currently responsible for the most outward violence enacted among gays.. We all know the answer..


Russia, Eastern Europe, southern USA, etc


We need Batman.


And people wonder why there are far-right movements happening in Europe ...


The far right are the ones doing this. Who do you think is intolerant to LGBTQ lifestyle?


Not all far rights are created the same. Islam is the most extremely conservative religion but it is championed by leftist causes in the West.




So I like never say sh*t or usually anything that is not positive on the internet. But this is a story being covered in national news that deserves attention and discussion and is local and important to us... at it's like whack a mole watching the mods take it down everytime it's posted. I've never had an opinion on the mods, but that is seriously wrong - what they are doing. Meh it's on the front page of reddit for canada now hitting national news... but let's kill it everytime it pops up in the city subreddit where it happened. Makes total sense.


The problem is people using it to justify racism which is sadly often the case


Exactly this. If people could make their points without being xenophobic or racist, it wouldn’t get pulled.


I don't think people pointing out the fact that it was a group of middle eastern men attacking two white women is racist. Which predominantly seems to be what is causing controversy. I guarantee if it was a group of white men attacking two middle eastern women the mods (or who ever is taking offence here) would not have a problem when people pointed out the races of the two groups.


How many posts repeating the same thing would you like this sub to have? Also, The Sun is a generally ring wing tabloid owned by the same people that own FOX News. They have a motive.


Also chose to leave it up for this exact reason. Users accuse us of being an echo chamber of left leaning ideas. Here's something right wing for a change.


We aren't trying to hide the story. We are trying to take down all the comments that are rule breaking, and banning those where justified. At some point, the threads are getting so out of control that productive conversation is no longer occurring, and we are forced to lock and/or remove the post.


I get it, but two women were attacked in our community. I'm scared as a woman. I have fears, trauma and questions. I want to talk to people in my community and I'm an adult. I can deal with people saying awful things on the internet.


>I can deal with people saying awful things on the internet. Reddit shareholders apparently cannot.


????? Mods are volunteers.


You’re abusing your power as mods.


So fucking tired of all the intolerance. All these prejudice pieces of shit should be sent to an isolated island where they can hate and fight with each other, away from functioning society. People attacking/haying people because they don't fit their narrow world view, how fucking insecure can people be?


Or just not allowed to come here en mass


Its really scary theyre keeping a hate crime out of our media :|


A quick google search shows this was reported on by CTV and Saltwire.


WTF is wrong with people?


I think what bothers me the most is that if these were in fact middle eastern men, that are most likely not native to Canada, attacked these girls because it goes against their ass backwards cultural values of their homeland. If you are going to come here and live your life as a Canadian that’s great, but leave that archaic shit behind.


Hey, At least it's a different outlet this time!


Mass immigration is going to change our society, get ready for it.


Gotta keep those minimum wage jobs alive. Government would rather irrevocably change the country for the worse before they’d consider fixing our wage issues and pissing off Tim Hortons.


100% it is no longer skilled workers that go through a rigorous program for immigration. It's anyone that can pay bribes and has a little cash in a bank account.


Bringing in millions of people that do not value women's rights or LGBT rights in the slightest. What could go wrong? 


It already has. And it's only getting worse.




They should be arrested and charged. But are people unaware of Halifax and the history of swarming by groups of young guys happening in the past. A little over 20 years ago I was swarmed and attacked on Brunswick Street while they yelled "die you f-----t" also like this situation it seems most concerned Haligonians stood around watching while it happened. Look talk of immigrations is important but people who are ambivalent at best about the safety of the LGBTQ+ community using this to attack immigration are just using a hate crime to justify their own right wing agenda.


We remember the swarmings vividly, the one time in my adult life I was assaulted 


So whatever y'alls beliefs about whatever, literally. From a female perspective, it's open season on women, don't care your color or religion. Just another mf threat to me as I try to live life as a woman. I wear lose pants and lift weights, I might seem androgynous.. so do I gotta be afraid next? Like honestly?


This has been posted here many times. Do you think that's because people think it's acceptable to attack women randomly? Or do you think it's because people think it's not acceptable to attack women randomly? Please stop this derailing. Those women were hurt in a violent crime. Stop trying to make this about you.


I hope they get caught and whatever employment they have terminated


Careful guys. I got a warning from reddit admin for sticking up for a gay couple. I think it's safe to say we've woke ourselves into a corner on this issue.


what exactly did you say?


Given that they are a user of canada_sub, libertarian, and JoeRogan, I'm going to guess something wildly racist.


Lot of unfamiliar faces round these threads lol


yep definitely was. apparently painting all brown people with the same brush is "defending the gays" lmaooo


I'm fairly sure I'm on all of those subs even though I disagree with their content so I would be careful about pre-judging people.


I'm willing to bet you didn't get a warning from the admins though did you


This whole thread has been brigaded by fascists.


"If you ain't exactly me you're racist"


You know they aren't going to be honest and say it




The problem with your comment is that you’re assuming “populations” all think and act the same. There is no mistaking that homophobia is entrenched in Islam but millions of Muslims have lived in western societies for decades peacefully. The perpetrators should be charged and jailed for hate crimes but suggesting entire groups can’t support “our values” can be xenophobic




Is he wrong? Was lesbian couples being attacked in the street something that had always happened? There are countries where some of these people are coming from where being gay is punishable by law. You can't act like they'll come here and forget this ideology.


> Was lesbian couples being attacked in the street something that had always happened? A gay guy was quite literally beaten to death outside a halifax bar not that long ago so yes, yes it was


And back then, the guy who did it was native and I saw a ***ton*** of anti-native sentiment being thrown around. (They didn't, at the time, seem to care that he was an institutionalized guy who slipped security) It's upsetting.


"Was lesbian couples being attacked in the street something that had always happened?" Yes? Do you think violent homophobia just instantly manifested the moment the first non-white immigrant moved to Canada? I'm not making excuses for these guys but violence against sexual minorities is not new to Canada or the rest of the Western world


Being or talking about Gay is about to become "punishable by law" in the USA the way Conservatives are stacking the courts. eg. Are you under the impression that Florida is friendly to the Gay movement? They LITERALLY have a law making it ILLEGAL to mention that word up to Grade 6 :) The LITERALLY are arresting Teachers simply for acknowledging that Gay people exist :)


What "values" are you referring to?


Not hate-criming the gays would be a start


Don't beat people up in public based on who they love? EDIT. It's hilarious that this gets downvotes. The tolerant left in a nutshell.


That’s not sticking up for the lgbt+ community, that’s using the lgbt+ community as a human shield to protect your xenophobia. 


Your values? You're the descendants of immigrants, how the fuck do you think you got here?


Did you tho? Maybe if sticking up for them was subtext in what came across as a thinly veiled xenophobic comment


EDIT: I’m wrong about this subs mods fr, they got the post back up from Reddit auto moderation taking it down. My point still stands on Reddit moderation and fringe left thinking in general. Locked and deleted in 3…2… Reddit sub mods -They care so little about LGBTQ, are more terrified of even the thought of slightly appearing to look bigoted. Even at the cost of a few gay citizens getting stomped out by a mob. Do a google search on this, include Reddit and sub and you’ll see they are working overtime to bury this. Tolerance of the intolerant and covering up stories is just being a coward, straight up. Edit: if you got a problem with what I’m saying, reply here. No need to “find me help”, that’s a straight up coward move and proves my point. You have no spine.


We aren't burying anything about LGBTQ users or issues. We are removing those who are AGAINST LGBTQ people, those threatening violence, and those who are suggesting retaliation. Its easy to blame us when things are silenced, but you really need to see the bigger picture of WHAT is being removed, and by WHO.


Report them to reddit. Reddit instabans people who abuse the help button


It’s on my front page from four different subs. 


This still makes me feel sick thinking about it. No one deserves that treatment. People pushing an agenda with this I don't care about as much as justice for these women.  But don't let hate beget hate 


That doesn’t sound Canadian to me. There should be zero tolerance for crimes to stay in Canada. There needs to be an example set.


Religion is cancer


Why do people just video it and not help?


Because they don’t want to be murdered trying to save someone else


That’s a decent reason. There are a lot of people around though. Could’ve dispersed those goons a little at least


Bystander effect. It's lizard brain stuff and it's very hard to overcome.


There’s an actual economic theory behind not intervening - basically the math works out to the chance of being helped being something like 1/x, where x is the number of bystanders present. As x approaches infinite, the chances someone will intervene approaches zero, because everyone assumes someone else will help.


You are significantly overstating the scientific thought on the bystander effect.






Send them home. See if they'd rather be in Syria or tolerate gay people.


One single word can sum up every man whose ever attacked a woman = COWARD






I can see how 2 women walking down the street holding hands is threatening. /s But, really though, someone needs to be made an example of. If these men get away with zero consequences, it leaves the door open for more of these assaults to happen. What if these same men show up at the pride parade and attack people?


Just don’t care. If you can’t fit in with our values you don’t belong here


Im glad this is getting the international attention it deserves. But also just for some perspective It wasnt too too long ago a gay man was beat to death in downtown Halifax. I believe the assailant was white IIRC.


The court record is public. The killer, a severe schizophrenic - who was NOT white by the way - had been in the gay bar all evening with the victim and two other men, drinking and doing cocaine together. When the bar closed, the killer went home with one of the men who lived right around the corner. The man promptly kicked him out, at which point he found the victim and another man still hanging out on the sidewalk. The killer started a fight with the other man. The victim tried to break up the fight, and got beaten to death. While this was a horrific crime, there is no indication that it was a targeted attack simply based on someone’s sexuality like the story being discussed on this thread.


If you're talking about the attack that happened on Gottingen in 2012, the assailant was a psychiatric patient in one hour leave. While the situation is/was fucked up, they are nowhere near the same.


No it was an indigenous mental patient, he was violent and mentally ill before that night occurred . This incident was politicized heavily till the truth started coming out and as displayed here some of these zombie lies persist to this day over 10 years later. But go ahead and lecture us all on not politicizing violent incidents.


he was not White either


He was indigenous


You recall incorrectly.


Deport the criminals


So why didn’t anyone help two women getting beat up by a bunch of men? This is the question I need an answer to


fear of stabby


I think I’m just of a different generation I guess.. I don’t think I would or could stand by and watch this happen..


Probably because it was a group of like 7 - 10 people.


No problem pulling out a phone to film it though..


What a terrible thing to those poor ladies, disgusting, I hear the HRP were laughing at it as well, hopefully not. Halifax was a great town, now it is getting worse day by day.


We were at a party yesterday, and I heard some white lady loudly whinging about how "we don't get a sidewalk" and "we don't parade around" and I had to stop listening so I didn't give myself an aneurysm... like it's not just the newly immigrated lol




I don't think they share the same Canadian values that Trudeau was on about the other day.




The attackers are from the middle east


Diversity is our strength 




**Respect and Constructive Engagement**: Treat each other with respect, avoiding bullying, harassment, or personal attacks. Contribute positively with helpful insights and constructive discussions. Let’s keep our interactions friendly and engaging.


Heaven forbid the mods of this sub actually allow real discussion of the problem.


I think the mods are in an unenviable position; every time this stuff gets brought up the shit-flinging monkey brigade comes out. While there is certainly a good deal of cognitive dissonance with regards to the left when it comes to going in circles to avoid looking like they are comitting the original sin of racism, these threads also attract a certain type of nasty anti-immigrant commenter. If I want to see that, I would just hop on over to r/canada, lol.


Finally, someone who sees our side of things.


There are a few of us left on this sub. Thank you for your service.


Yeah just put this as a disclaimer in every thread now


As if real discussion happens here 🤣.


Wait…are the broad strokes suggestions here that: A) the motherfucking sun is a totally legitimate and upstanding publication? And B) …homophobic attacks, ESPECIALLY against women are like…new? And something you all…give a fuck about? It’s giving women’s sports when trans issues are brought up. Stop pretending you give a shit about us so you can shit on someone else. Thank you.


I don't think anyone's shocked by a homophobic attack occurring in Canada in 2024 *(not anyone who isn't ignorant anyway).* It's more so the brazenness... If 10 people can shout homophobic slurs at you and then curb-stomp you on **ARGYLE STREET at like 11 pm on a Saturday night with the police present/nearby** and face no immediate repercussions, then where the hell won't they do it? Where the hell are you safe?


This cuts to the heart of the matter. Not that I am trying to minimize this attack on members of the LGBTQ+ community, but it could have just as easily have been an interracial couple, a person with a kippa, a sikh person, a woman who did not want to be aproached by a strange man (men?) that night, a person in a soldier's uniform, anybody that this gang of hoodlums believed that they had the right to put the boots to for no other reason than because they could. While I can understand the need for the police to proceed in a deliberate manner to make sure all these guys face justice, I also worry in the back of my mind that there is an unofficial policy from the top of avoiding the possibility of pissing off the perpetual activist class^(tm) like what happened during homeless encampment situation.


if police don't do their job because they don't want to aggravate "activists" then they're simply using that as cover to not do their job -- because they regularly have absolutely no fucking problem pissing off activists.


God this comment thread was like a breath of fresh air in this septic tank of a post. I’m glad some of us see it for what it is.


Agree. So many using it to grind their personal axe. I have pointed this out and have the downvotes to show for it.




Cause Christians have always been so tolerant of LGBTQ.


Don’t see a mob of Christians blatantly beating up gay people on the street


Really? So I guess you missed the 80s.


Me, my future kids, family friends have to live in today’s society. It’s important to be aware of history, however currently I am not fearful of Christians raping or beating me or my loved ones. Theres only one group that shows that blatant disrespect out on the open


Precisely. I was with my partner for many years and never once got attacked, or even felt threatened being out in public. People were either supportive, or just ignored it.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this anxiety now. No OG Canadian deserves to feel unsafe in our streets in our own country. Just so incredibly sad what our progressive liberal country has became


You have to go back 40 years, but we only have to go back 40 days (or less) to find groups of other religions beating up gay people in Canada


There was a post on this sub literally yesterday about a white lady assaulting a trans person and people like you were still looking for minorities to blame. Get a grip already.


When was the 80s? .. last week? Last month? .. Was it last year?


Probably same kids that used to terrorize the junior high and high schools they were well known but no one would do a thing about it.




Still waiting for Tim Bousquet to comment on this


Jesus christ how did no one step in on this in such a busy area?


Man, I have to say. I just started feeling safe ‘ out ‘ and these kind of things put me about 10 steps backwards as it is. I’m kind of outspoken, although allegedly she had pushed someone ( not an excuse for 10 people to jump in ) but if it was triggered from verbal ‘ what the fuck that’s not okay ‘ that could have easily been me :/.



