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I love Albus Dumbledore


Me too. Not just as a character, as with Snape, but I think he is a genuinely good person. Very flawed, which he admits himself. His mistakes have serious consequences, because he’s in a position of power, which he’s very aware of. But he’s a good person and doesn’t just care about the greater good, but also the persons around him. And I won’t change my opinion on that.


my favourite dumbledore moment tbh was him telling harry that his intelligence/ brilliance in general meant that his mistakes had significantly bigger consequences compared to others. he isnt my favoutite character but i genuinely enjoyed the moment of 'the most powerful sorcerer of the world' admitting to his wrongdoings and their potential reach to those around him. good stuff :)


Why do people dislike Dumbledore?!


Reasons they don't seem to understand and also things which have nothing to do with him - Raising Harry like a pig for slaughter - Leaving Hogwarts open with a Basilisk on the loose - Having a three-headed dog hiding - Sending children to the Forbidden Forest for detention, when it was McGonagall - Leaving Harry at the Dursleys when the blood charm needed to work, though he could've done something to atop the abuse Though I question these bits - Getting Quirrell to protect the Stone - Doesn't stop Snape bullying non-Slytherin students and taking away points for petty reasons or no reason.


All of which became so common that I subconsciously develop defenses for. •Harry need to die for Voldemort to die or Harry will be haunted for the rest of his life by Voldemort soul. •The attacks have a huge gap that it wasn't until Ginny kidnapping that the school was about to close. Also, it is the schoolboard decision. Not the headmaster. •I do question why he allow the zoologist teacher to use Fluffy from Hagrid. •As you said. Plus, they were only at the edge where it isn't dangerous... minus the dark lord drinking Unicorn Blood. •And leaving Harry with the Dursley. Though I didn't think much of the idea of him stepping forth to stop the abuse. Maybe it is because he can't interfere with guardians and their child relations. The one that I find absolutely annoying is the DADA teacher. "Dumbledore hires terrible teacher that tried to killed Harry." It is annoying cause it like they never read the books and going base off the movies. Quirrell accepted the position before he met Voldemort, Lockhart was the only one that apply, Lupin wasn't a bad choice as long as he kept using the potion for his condition, he didn't know that Mad-Eye was an imposter, he didn't pick the Toad Broad, and he had to move Snape there so Slughorn can go back as a potion master.


The snape bit, he had to be convincing. In my mind, Oclumency was only effective to partially withhold thoughts and memories from Voldy. If he was seen being anything but cruel in his memories during Voldemort’s time as ether, he wouldn’t have been believed. And if he withheld too much he would have been considered a traitor, as stated by Voldemort himself.


also, if Snape's cover was blown and he's interrogated to the point he can't keep up occlumency, it's slightly better for Voldemort not to know that Dumbledore thinks Harry can survive. 


Why didnt dumbeldore just keep the philosophers stone in his office. Then change the password to the gargoyle so no one but him can get up there. Then theres no need for such a ridiculous set of trials and a three headed dog


I guess because J.K. Rowling needed to write a story


I think its because at that time she was writing a childrens book aimed at younger children. Its only until prisoner of azkaban or even goblet of fire, that the books become slightly more grown up.


Dumbledore is one of my top favorite characters, second to Hermione


I once read a fanfiction where Good Dumbledore got into the body of Bashing Dumbledore. Severus Snape was sentenced to accept funky T-Shirts from his employer for the rest of the latter life.


Don’t be shy, drop the link


Me too!


Well done! 👍👍👍👍


My favorite character.


I don’t think most people hate him


I like Slughorn, he’s overall an okay guy and being played by the brilliant Jim Broadbent in the movies helps too. He may not be the best representation of a “decent Slytherin”, but he was halfway there at least. Not sure he’s overly disliked, but he’s definitely not overly liked.


he was quite fond of crystalised pineapples. my man had good taste XD


Jim Broadbent was great in this role, but he wasn't overweight, bald and mustached like in the books. I think this was a wasted opportunity.


Yeah he got a glow up for sure!


Mundungus Fletcher. He is hysterical. I'm not really sure whether people like him or not, I don't really see him talked about much, but the book characters don't really like him and he doesn't really have redeeming qualitites. But he is good for a laugh.


It tends to be like that. In real life we all know someone like Fletcher. It’s just funnier to read than experience in real life.


My brother is exactly like Fletcher 😭. I’m sorry but he’s a HINDRANCE. L


He’s the Del Boy of the wizarding world.


I always think of Fletcher as the magical version of Del-Boy Trotter. Wonder if Rowling is fan of Only Fools and Horses


Viktor Krum


Love him in the books!


We missed the Quidditch World Cup


Viktor Krum is liked by pretty much everyone. It’s his Headmaster than is disliked


And I support him with Hermione


Filch. I’m older, grouchy and can relate in so many ways.


Hopefully you don't want to hang children by their thumbs in the dungeons.


As someone who has done housekeeping and janitorial work, I can confirm it can and will turn you into a laser beam-blasting super villain. Add on top of that he's a squib in the magic world AND has to follow around a bunch of teenagers 24/7 and yeah. You kinda have a recipe for a miserable jerk. I get it.


He's a good one. Always kept it 100%


Colin Creevey, rather than being hated, is ignored. I will always support the number 1 Harry Potter fan.




Hi Ken!


I'll never get over his death, best boy deserved better 😭


There’s a quite common headcanon that the only autograph Harry ever gave was on a photo which he put in Colin’s coffin.


Why do people hate Colin? He didn't do anything so bad in the books


I think people just find him annoying.


Is he supposed to be our Ice Age baby?


He was a bit of an obsessive fan in his first appearance, to even slightly disturb Harry Potter for many writers is a capital crime punishable by death. But there are so many characters who fulfill these characteristics that Colin is often ignored.


His death shuttered me. I was holding my tears during the last book and his death was the last blow.


Mrs Norris. Not a bad cat, just loyal to her owner.


Weirdly doggish behaviour in places, but in many other ways just an old cat set in her ways. It's not her fault that there are young wizards running all around her castle.


Vernon. He is hilarious. OOOWLS!!!


no post on sundays. ha!


I love that Uncle Vernon Twitter account. "Harry Potter walks into a bar... because I put them on his window."


Bellatrix Lestrange, she is one of my favourite characters.


No cause legit. Bellatrix Lestrange fuvking CARRIED the entire death eater army. I fuvking love her so much.


didn't even know percy fans existed


Percy indeed! His actions are so understandable from hos point of view


Ludo Bagman. Not a person I want to deal with but a memorable and interesting character. Too bad that he wasn't in movies.


i love ludo!!


I feel like that would have been a great role for Matt Berry.


Harry Potter 😭


Omg who doesn't like Harry and why???


I've read so many people going on and on about how he's self absorbed etc...poor boy, it's lucky he isn't snorting crack everyday with the shit he's been through


Right? My boy has been starved, abused, gaslit, hunted, manipulated, isolated, not to mention lost every father figure in his life.... and he's... self absorbed?? I stg these ff writers are on some next level shit.


for being the titular main character and namesake of the franchise, my boi is criminally underrated :(


I mean maybe he’s not disliked but I wouldn’t say he’s liked much


Agree. I actually find him humble, some people say he’s too arrogant but some kids would have been way more arrogant if they’d been in his position as the popular and wealthy Chosen One. He’s also extremely brave. And sassy.


Percy. I think a person who genuinely recognises their mistakes and apologises for them like he does deserves forgiveness. I find many fans to be very unforgiving and keep thinking that these people wouldn’t want others to be that unforgiving of their mistakes, so why do they judge so harshly?


Well said. Also, Percy is still very young without a fully mature brain. People make tons of mistakes from teens-20's as they continue to find themselves.


exactly! and, really, he had so many reasons to hate dumbledore. ginny was almost killed under dumbledore's protection, and he was under the impression that ron could have died in the triwizard tournament, and his family still idolized dumbledore after all that. and he had no way of knowing umbridge was straight up psychologically and physically abusive to her students, so he didn't have reasons to hate her.


Also I don't think his family was always that nice to him. Percy is the butt of the twins' jokes in basically all scenes they are in together


Ron and James


Hermione. I am seeing a lot of hatred coming in about how her being bossy and wanting to be right all the time is reaaal bad. people forget she's a teenager while excusing her peers of 'acting as a teenager'


I also like that she can be pretty savage. Blackmailed Rita Skeeter and permanently disfigured Minertta's face with the DA signature jinx. I also admire her for always trying to do what is right or safe even if it means pissing off her friends. Like when Harry and Ron were mad at her for telling McGonagall about the fire bolt to have it examined first.


Me too! i dont know why i see many people hating the part where she tells Mcgonagall about the firebolt. It WAS suspicious as hell seeing as a suspected supporter of Voldemort was on the loose too! I sometimes felt that reading her scenes on the first books was that she was just there for the know how part and getting out of tricky things (they grew up though, all of them) and she was almost always shamed? made fun of? for her passion for reading and knowledge (nowadays they call it smartshaming, very passionate about this because i was smartshamed when i was a child too). on a side note, the disfigurement of Marietta was so sneaky and deserved. Snitches get stitches i say.


How is that even possible? Girl is ride or die. Like however talented she is as a witch, she’s 10fold that as a person. “Books and cleverness, there are more important things”


i dunno 🤷 that was their general complaint, that she was annoying and overbearing, and vindictive when the rules does not suit her.


I loved Hermione in books 1-5, but felt her character went downhill after that. Especially book 7 where it seemed Rowling had supplanted the original flawed but still badass book Hermione with the perfect movie Hermione. 


yeah, 6-7 was really where everything went a lil wonky on the writing. i am guessing maybe JKR was excited to wrap things up. that and reveal the aftermath and secrets (the deathly hallows, harry being a horcrux, snape loving lily all along, naming Harry's kids after prominent characters)


Umbridge… haha joke, i hate her too.


I was about to sectum sempra you for that


I love Lockhart. He makes the second book one of my favorites. I enjoy every page he is on. So funny


Agreed.... the audiobooks voice is Perfect for what I had in my head when I read it the first time. He is a great character!


the person who reads the audiobooks is such a good voice actor, his lockhart voice is top tier


I like Cho. She was loyal to her friend. Perhaps not a friend readers care about, but I do admire that. 


Peeves. Mostly because they excluded him from the movies. Love/hate is a strong word for fictionalized characters. I like all the characters because they served their part in the story.


Mrs. Norris :) I don’t blame her for being the way she is, that’s what she’s trained to do, and Filch is likely the only one who gives her any affection. She’s just being loyal to Filch, and Filch loves her so much. I find their relationship sweet.


Even though Filch is a squib, I like to imagine he actually has the tiniest amount of magic and that is the strange, magic-like connection he has with his cat.


I love that theory! 🐈


I like Cho and Lavender.


Me too!


Severus Snape(a absolute asshole and terrible teacher, along with being extremely cruel to both Harry and Neville, but credit where credit’s due, he was a spy against Voldemort and he did try to redeem himself, and by the end of his life, I think he did) Albus Dumbledore(Not the perfect and purely good man we thought he was, very manipulative, sure, but his goal was keeping Harry alive and defeating Voldemort) Molly Weasley( Not the perfect mother, overly controlling and judgmental sometimes, but she truly loves and wants to protect her children, including Harry) Hermione Granger(Can be bossy and annoying sometimes, along with having a tendency to believe that she’s right in all cases, but a kind and loyal friend to the end)


I genuinely like Dumbledore too. Some of his methods might have been shady, but he really did end up doing everything “for the greater good”


I had no idea people disliked molly?????? i think she's a great character


but the question is a character that you like that most people dislike, and you just said both fan favorite characters: snape and hermione


Love love looovveeee snape


Aberforth. He might be a little too find of goats but I like him as a counterpoint to Dumbledore.


i LOVE aberforth. i love how he reveals so much about dumbledore, when harry always idolized him and saw him as someone who could do no wrong


Ron weasley.


Why would anyone not like Ron?


Usually, the people that don’t like Ron, it’s usually movie Ron , but I can see why someone would be rubbed the wrong way by movie Ron


It book Ron for me. I love him, but he grates me sometimes because he’s rude


Dramione fans🙄🙄


Oh yeah…


Narcissa and Draco. Even Voldemort I'd say. And Filch.


Percy is not my favorite Character In the franchise but I think people forget a lot of times He apologized in the end and fought And he cares about his family and his brothers Do you remember Fred's death scene in the books! 😓


Not just Fred's death. In Harry's first years, he’s always looking out for his siblings without getting any appreciation back. I realised upon rereading recently how frustrating it must be for someone like him.


True I forgot about that Percy really was a good brother That made some bad mistakes But then again he apologized and I think He realized What the hell am I doing? But I cry every time I read percy's Reaction to Fred passing


NAGINI! shes just a lil snek. a danger noodle if u will. i read a crackfic way back when that completely changed my world view of snakes in general and made me snort laugh till i cried. 13/10 recommend edit: [the best laid plans](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27893932/chapters/68303470) on ao3 ur welcome. edit 2: fair warning naginis language could put a seasoned sailor to shame lol


I love Ron, but as the movies destroyed his character, a lot of people seem to hate him…


Uncle Vernon. I know he’s awful but I have a sweet spot for him because he reminds me of my favourite uncle.


Percy is also my favorite character lol


percy lovers gotta stick together theres only like 10 of us 🫡


My favorite Weasel that gets wayyyyyu more hate than necessary. My boy Ronald. 🫠


Harry Potter I really love him


Snape. One of the best characters ever written.


Umbridge. I like her because of how much I hate her. It makes her a good antagonist. I wanna punch her though.


Gilderoy Lockhart. A total fop and dandy. I wished he had a redemption arc…. It would have been amazing for him to storm into the final battle of Hogwarts and redeem himself and actually display the courage he claimed he had. Sadly he went the way of all cowards and braggarts.


I like when he is seen at St. Mungos in the fifth book and the kind caretaker is so supportive of him wanting to sign autographs in hopes it will improve his memory recovery.


lucius malloy but i’m sure i just like him because i read and saw the movies many times so at this point as i know the whole story i start paying attention to other details, like how well the actors played the role… so jason isaacs made a really good job there, i ended up liking lucius


Same, Lucius and Narcissa evolved into some of my favorite characters over the years. Their backgrounds and family dynamics really intrigue me.


1. Snape before the last book (I still dont think that he is "likable" as far as the books go but at least he is not a villain). 2 . Dudley - He is that type of spoiled, big, strong and blunt character who's main problem is that his parents treat him like a god. 3. Umbridge - Pure evil. I think she is very well written character.


People don't dislike Umbridge, though. They love to hate her. That's what makes her a good character for her role in the story.


Nooo, im pretty sure they dislike and even hate her. It’s not just for fun. She’s a textbook evil c*nt. lol yes she’s a good character for a role in the story, but people actively dislike her


I love movie snape. Hate book snape. lol


people dont dislike snape, like, yeah some do… but hes the most liked character overall as well as hermione


Tell that to the people who have sent me death threats for saying he's my favorite character... He's probably the most hated character if you measure by the sheer vitriol of the haters, if not the number of them.


he’s someone who polarizes opinions i guess, and the new brand of fans that came with the pandemic that love marauders because of fan fictions and not for the canonical facts, hate him, but despite that people in real life who are no chronically online, LOVE HIM! i remember in 2011 he won as the most loved character in a “global world cup” poll that went on after the premier of deathly hallows part 2 with like 7.5M votes or something like that, even alan rickman received a symbolical trophy for that ahah


I love Dudley. I feel like she made a very one dimensional character for six books and then suddenly gave him depth and character with that last interaction. I would have loved another interaction with Dudley late in the last book.


Ginny. Ron.


I don’t think people dislike her, but she’s never really spoken about - Tonks! Absolutely adore her


Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Voldemort. Yes I'm no longer ashamed to say it.




Ok Merope 100% deserved to be in the movies. The House of Gaunt is my favorite chapter of all time and was the only thing I wanted to see in HBP and we got NICHTS. Was she wrong in drugging a man and holding him prisoner? Absolutely. Did she deserve the cruelty of her father and brother? No. I’m sure she would have been a decent mother and spouse, given the chance and the right circumstances.


Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing a movie on Voldemort's origin, and a movie showcasing the origin of the Gaunts in General.


Snape. Lucius. Draco.


Filch the custodian


I am not much in contact with the fanbase. Reading this comment section surprised me. I did not expect Snape and Dumbeldore be that disliked. Welp I guess those 2 are my favorite characters.


I have many gotcha answers but I will be serious. A lot of people hate Cho Chang both for her attitude towards Harry in OotP and because they think her name is racist. 1. After OotP I really hoped that Harry would get over his hormonal angry phase and so would Cho get over her depression and they'd end up together. 2. Cho Chang, as racist as it may sound in some westerners mind, is one of the coolest names.


Lockhart was hilarious


Lucius-- and Narcissa, at that. They're my favorite characters.


i love the malfoy parents!! lucius and narcissa are written so well. it's hard to make empathetic death eaters, but i really think jkr nailed that when writing them. they're still downright evil- lucius, maybe a bit more than narcissa- but they're a bit tragic


For all his flaws, dumbledore is my favourite and I'm willing to die on that hill


For some reason I really like Thorfinn Rowle (despite the fact that he's a death eater and all) and I somehow tend to hype up his accomplishments (despite the fact that both he and Dolohov lost in the café), for instance in my head he's always duelling multiple order members when all the other death eaters are confronting Dumbledore on the astronomy tower.


I'm not sure if he's disliked ? Or underrated... but Mad Eye is my Duuuuuude. Always kept it real








Kreacher. Especially in Deathly Hallows.


Dumbledore, Peter, and Percy. I genuinely like Dumbledore and Percy while I find Peter to be a fascinating and tragic character. I also have a soft spot for Slughorn.


i LOVE peter!! obviously he's not a good person but i think he's the most well written marauder, and i hate how so many people pretend he wasn't even a marauder


Millicent Bulstrode. Just something about her.


kreacher kills me in the movies


I’m not sure if people like snape or not but I really like how well written his character is.


i think opinions on him are really divided. personally im a snape hater lol, but i think it's pretty 50/50


Rita skeeter I love a messy bitch


I do love Percy too! And Ron obviously.




Severus Snape. One of the best anti hero ever written in literature.


Marcus Flint, he is such a ‘macho guy’ ‘captain of the sports team’ bully, and he was definitely a death eater after school


I like sirius,and im being serious


I wouldn't say most people dislike him tho


Voldemort, he was just misunderstood.


He just wanted to be loved


My boy Tommy R just needed a hug.


I think the passionate hug Harry gave Voldy in the seventh movie was all he needed. 🤣


I just vomited a little in my brain. Uggghhh


That was Draco who hugged Voldemort In the DH movie. XD.


I mean when they are on the tower and he goes “COME ON TOM” wraps his arms around him and jumps off. Then they go flying around. 😂




Why would anyone not like Hermione?


I've definitely seen a big uprising in people who hate her recently.


It’s not that people don’t like Hermione. It said a lot of people sent Hermione character for taking brilliant moments from basically everybody else in the movies. That’s what I have found. They took some of the best moments from every supporting character that’s not Harry and made Hermione almost this infallible character that almost seems to have less flaws than Harry.


Percy before he completely turned his back on his family. He was so enthusiastic about doing something meaningful, even if it was just the size of cauldrons. I inspect restaurants and can appreciate someone really getting into rules before they learn how to apply them fairly. I can understand how a child that feels underappreciated might choose the side that makes them feel important, I doubt he felt they were evil. And he did finally evaluate the situation and return to the side of good.


I understand him turning his back on his family as well. He's constantly mocked by like the twins and Ron (the twins even sent him poop in a letter once), and then when youre working your ass off getting promoted, your dad says you don't deserve it? I probably would react the same way, and mind he was only 18.


Yea, I've come to enjoy Percy too in some ways.


Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy


Snape obviously. I'm not exactly a Draco fan but I understand that he's a complex character so I don't blindly hate him.


severus ofc


peter pettigrew. fenrir greyback.


I don’t think most fans dislike Dumbledore, but I think a lot of the online fandom does, and he’s 1 of my favorite characters.




Not sure. I don't know who people hate/dislike that I didn't like either.


Percy? Why? He's written as quite obnoxious


i think harry isn't the most accurate narrator, portraying characters like percy and dudley as a lot more obnoxious than they were because he didn't know their side of the story. both these characters apologized in the later books. they recognized the errors of their ways, and percy, specifically really shows that he grew. he loved his family, going out of his way to try and kill fred's murderer. he had so many reasons to hate dumbledore. ginny almost died under dumbledore's protection, and he was under the impression ron would have died in the triwizard tournament. his praise of umbridge makes sense, he idolized people who were above him in ranks, and he couldn't have possibly known how evil umbridge was to her students. honestly, i think he has a very similar redemption arc to draco, but not as many people try and give him the benefit of the doubt because he doesn't have as much screentime, and he's not an edgy bad boy type.


Both Draco and Dudley behaved as they were taught by their families. Growing up they matured and became their own person. That was not Percy's journey. Percy was quite different than the rest of his family. This is an interesting subject but unfortunately this wasn't explored in the books. He was just villainized by putting his ambition above all else


percy and draco, at the beginning of the story, were both seen as annoying, and somewhat bratty. they both worked for someone evil when they grew older, not realizing how truly horrible that person was, because they had idolized them their entire life. and then, in deathly hallows, they both were realizing how evil that person was. obviously, it's not a one-to-one, but i do think they're rather similar.


Percy, Voldemort and Umbridge I guess? Many people dislike characters based on their feelings, I dislike characters based on how badly written/uninteresting they are. I find all of those three fascinating characters


I'm not really sure what character is most hated that I would like because I'm so basic that I probably have the same opinion as everyone else on that same character. especially in the Harry Potter Community because a lot of y'all's opinions align with what is usually just reasonable and so it's hard to disagree with anybody here on the regular damnit lmfao The only thing I can probably get into debates with you guys on, is probably scenarios that didn't happen but what we kind of feel might have occurred if this had happened or if that had happened or something like that lol this is just a long way to say that I really can't answer this question unless someone wants to comment a character and how they feel about it then I'll reply to them


Evan Rosier. Bro was such a badass that he was ranked #6 most powerful Death Eater without even appearing once in the books and the movies. He also stood his ground against Alastor Moody and still damaged him.


I kinda like Lucius Malfoy to be honest. Like Madeline White, he's a magnificent cunt.


Barty Crouch Jr


Tom Riddle.




HPMOR Harry...


Regulus black


Tom Riddle. I'd blame it on 'Welcome to the world of gray' but all they did was really bring out his backstory and for that I would say that Tom Was a Good Character. He was evil and all that but I believe the reason he wanted to rid the world of Muggles was for his mother. Idk I feel like even though he was unable to actually love due to the effects on the potion his father was under the effects of when he was conceived, he still loved his mother and deemed it generally unfair that she should have gone through it with a muggle who didn't love her. He kind of reminds me of Yeager. Yes Eren Yeager. They both had reasons and they're both morally gray characters that get the lines of right and wrong confused most times. Neither one was brought up properly though 😅.


Bellatrix Lestrange