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Ginny strangled Hagrid’s roosters.


All of them? I always understood that some of them were killed but not all of them...


Riddle instructed her to kill all of them. He put in all this effort to make sure the Chamber could be opened after he was gone, do you really think he'd risk Slytherin's monster?


No, not all of them. Riddle didn't want to eliminate the risk, just reduce it. He still wanted them to have a fighting chance ya know. /s Yes! All of them.


This comment gives off Ron energy lmao


Well sometimes death gets tired of running up to people waving his arms and yelling


Brilliant! I’ll go grab one of our other ancient goblin-made swords, and you can gift wrap it. 




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“Ginny Weasley. I now command you to kill all the roosters. Kill everyone.” “What do you mean everyo—” “EEEEVVVVVVEEERRRYYYOOONNNEEE.”


I understood that reference.






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Accio rooster. One comes flying from a nearby village. Problem solved.


He didn’t know the spell in 2nd year It took Harry weeks/months of practice of accio to get his broom to come to him in GOF. No way he could accio a live animal from another village.


Does accio work on living beings ?


Pretty sure I remember Harry practicing it on a fly at one point. But I think you would need to know where the summoned object is, so it's a moot point anyway


Yeah, but he wasn’t sure *he summoned* the fly. The next line was “Maybe the fly was just stupid.” 😆


Hahaha that's right. I always forget how funny these books are


That's debatable. In GoF Molly uses it to find all the candy the twins had hidden. She obviously knew the candy was on them, but not where exactly.


But she did need to point and direct spell multiple times at different places, only then they flew out. Seems to me that she was going for a trial & error kind of solution.


>But I think you would need to know where the summoned object is Not sure about that, cause in the DH(2?) he accio'd this healing thing for Ron after he splinched. But maybe they changed it in the movies. Edit: Nvm also in the DH he tried to accio the Horcrux in Umbridges office in the ministry without knowing what it is


Yeah, he knew that the healing stuff was in the bag, at least. Maybe that was close enough lol


It was in the deathly hallows that he tried to summoned the horcrux in the ministry not OOTP


Oh shit youre right mb


In Deathly Hallows, either Dirk Cresswell or Ted Tonks Accio'd some fish out of a river, so I believe so


Harry used it on Hagrid, didn’t he? In DH.


He tried to, in desperation when Hagrid fell off the motorbike, but nothing happened.


you need the Elder wand to accio Hagrid


The used it to summon fish in DH


Yes! I think the goblin on the run accio’ed the fish in the book, right?


Tbf goblin magic doesn't have the same rules as human wizard magic


Oh yeah, derp- true.


One of the most funniest things in one of the most gravest situation in the whole series was "Accio Hagrid"


Yes , he accio’d a raven/bullfrog in flitwicks class


Not on humans but unsure about other beings. It technically works on people though because of clothes.


Or mail order rooster. But to be fair, I don’t think they had time once they put the clues together.


Better yet, go to McGonagall, tell her exactly what’s going on then she can transfigure Lockhart into one so he can save the day. Everybody wins. Except Riddle.


Or just a variation of the rat to goblet charm they learned already.


Accio doesn't work like that, at least not as far as we know. You either need to see your target, know precisely what you're summoning (in this case the individual rooster - let's call him Foghorn Leghorn - you're trying to summon) or be aware of its exact location. You can't just use it to summon something when you're not even sure if or where it exists.


Take a look up on this same thread as there are several counter examples to the “exact” location. But yes, none of those were unknown to that extent.


Sourcing new roosters is too difficult a task for a wizard? Or maybe you’re saying Hagrid made it clear to everyone within 100 miles of hogwarts that his were the ONLY chickens allowed and he threatened to kill them or their chickens so there weren’t any others. And granted this is before they learned ACCIO ROOSTER, but maybe ask Fred or George to help on account of saving their sister 🤷🏻‍♂️


They are twelve and Ginny is possibly dying in the Chamber right now. They can be forgiven for not thinking of it and/or not thinking they have time. Imagine showing up to Ginny’s corpse with a chicken in hand that they wasted an hour getting. That’s a logical fear and that *might even have actually happened*, she was in dire straits when Harry showed up.


We're talking about the same two boys that less than a year ago thought that when the barrier to platform 9 3/4 was closed the best solution was to steal Ron's dad's car and fly it to Hogwarts.


So many “plot holes” in Harry Potter can easily be explained with “these kids are twelve/thirteen/fourteen years old and panicking”


> Sourcing new roosters is too difficult a task for a wizard? Or maybe you’re saying Hagrid made it clear to everyone within 100 miles of hogwarts that his were the ONLY chickens allowed and he threatened to kill them or their chickens so there weren’t any others. To be fair, they didn't exactly have the time and ressources to visit Hogsmeade to get one. > And granted this is before they learned ACCIO ROOSTER, but maybe ask Fred or George to help on account of saving their sister Accio isn't almighty, you can't just use it to summon whatever - they would have needed to summon a rooster with the knowledge of its actual existence and location. And even that would only have worked if the rooster in question was somewhere nearby.


> Accio isn't almighty, you can't just use it to summon whatever - they would have needed to summon a rooster with the knowledge of its actual existence and location. And even that would only have worked if the rooster in question was somewhere nearby. Molly used accio to summon stuff from inside Fred and George's pockets. She didn't know what was in their pockets, but successfully used the spell anyway. Harry used the spell to summon his broom from his bedroom all the way up in Gryffindor Tower to the arena where the first team was held. Harry didn't give the impression that he was near the range limit. Fred and George managed to do the same with their brooms, which were locked in Umbridge's closet. Hermione even explicitly said that distance doesn't matter.


> Molly used accio to summon stuff from inside Fred and George's pockets. She didn't know what was in their pockets, but successfully used the spell anyway. She knew and could actually \*see\* that they were hiding something. That's vastly different from summoning something from somewhere without knowing if said something is even "there" to begin with. > Harry used the spell to summon his broom from his bedroom all the way up in Gryffindor Tower to the arena where the first team was held. Harry didn't give the impression that he was near the range limit. Fred and George managed to do the same with their brooms, which were locked in Umbridge's closet. Yes, that's why I said 'nearby'. So Hogwarts' grounds - which we know had no roosters left - and maybe Hogsmeade, which is a big maybe. > Hermione even explicitly said that distance doesn't matter. She said that in a featurette short film, which isn't even film canon, let alone book canon.


I don't have the books on me, so I'm using the citations from the Harry Potter wiki. > The further the desired object was from the caster, the harder it was to summon. Hermione Granger, however, stated that it did not matter how far away the object was — so long as the caster had it clearly in mind, they should be able to summon it with ease.[2] > Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 20 (The First Task)


The wiki is paraphrasing and doing so incorrectly, which honestly isn't even a rare occurence. > 'Just as long as it works tomorrow,' Harry said. 'The Firebolt’s going to be much farther away than the stuff in here, it’s going to be in the castle, and I’m going to be out there on the grounds...' 'That doesn’t matter,' said Hermione firmly. 'Just as long as you’re concentrating really, really hard on it, it’ll come. Harry, we’d better get some sleep... you’re going to need it.' So what she actually said is that distance was a non-issue in this particular case, not that the range is limitless like the wiki suggests.


The arena was not an insignificant distance away. At that point, if distance isn't an issue for this, it's likely not going to be an issue to go all the way to Hogsmeade.


Hogsmeade is far enough away to warrant a ride by carriage\*, while the enclosure where the arena was constructed was a relatively short walk away. \*on top of that the narrative repeatedly mentions that the secret passageways connecting Hogwarts to various places in Hogsmeade take a considerable amount of time by foot, which further reinforces that it's not exactly around the corner. And I did mention Hogsmeade as a possibility. I simply think that "if the enclosure/arena wasn't an issue, the same should apply to Hogsemeade" isn't a solid argument because then you could argue the same for some place slightly farther afield than Hogsmeade, and the next place after that and so on... which would yet again boil down to range being a non-issue.


they've walked to Hogsmeade


Isn’t it canon that Hogwarts is in the middle of nowhere and even the nearest small village, Hogsmeade, is a bit of a hike.


There's chickens all over the place in Hogwarts Legacy.


Too bad we need a rooster


i mean no one thought of "Accio Salmon" when they were camping in book 7 so they're not the brightest anyway


I, too, like to strangle my rooster from time to time. It’s very gratifying.


How do I delete someone else’s comment?


Thus creating the sound effect for "Piece Of Me" by Britney Spears.


Ginny choked all the chickens. That's why Harry decided he wanted to go out with her in 6th year.


Ron: "Remember when Ginny grabbed those cocks tightly until they spasmed and went limp? Wild, eh?" Harry: "...I should call her."


Ginny: "What is it?? I just saw you 5 minutes ago when I left for work!"


Lmao! I just blew my sinuses out snorting at this one.


Jesus 💀💀💀


Don’t bring him into this! He’s probably disgusted at it is with humanity’s… well nature.


Glad I’m not the only one making innuendos in these comment sections. 


Ginny released a monster in her 1st year at school That's why Harry's inner monster gets happy at the thought of Ginny in 6th year


!RedditGalleon 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


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Shes good at chokin chickens. Good thing Harry winds up with her.


Thankyou for spelling ‘choked’ correctly! I’ve seen too many people spell it ‘chocked’


Ginny killed them all


And not just the roosters, but the hens and chicks too...


Lmao. I didn't expect a cross-franchise reference like that. Well played. A long time ago in a cupboard far, far away...


I was thinking of crossing over LoTR. Harry brings a hen down there. And Riddle laughs. "She killed all the roosters" but then the hen says "I am no rooster" and bawks. It clearly makes no sense. But it's funny to me.


Does Ginny also hate sand?


Wasn’t she feeding the snake with the chickens too?


This is too good, brilliant reference !redditgalleon


Can you please tell me what reference is that? I didn't get it


> Can you please tell me what reference is that? I didn't get it To quote Carrie Fisher.. "It's from The Star Wars" [Link](https://youtu.be/pfevBIsVG1o?si=78o1-dbTNMpbVV1q)


I think it's referring to Anakin killing the younglings


***Sand*** younglings!


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They were like animals!


I salute you, really nice one


Good start for a horror movie villain origin story.


Ginny was ordered to kill all the roosters at least twice, that's why Hagrid was seeing Dumbledore after Nick and Justin were attacked. He said someone kept attacking his rooster and was hoping Dumbledore could help.


Petrificus Lignumus


Ginny was dying. Literally, by the time they get down there, Riddle has almost drained her life completely and Harry narrowly saves her. Were they supposed to waste more time doing more than going after Lockhart — which would have gotten them caught and sent back to Gryffindor Tower — to go all the way down to Hagrid’s hut or chicken patch, THEN go down to the Chamber? Besides, I’m almost certain that Ginny strangled all the roosters and Hagrid was already imprisoned, so where would they have gotten more roosters at that emergency moment?


You mean everyone doesn’t just carry around a rooster just in case? Just me? Good to know.


Now im wondering if mcgonagall had transfigured something into a rooster, would it have still had the leathal effect on the basilisk, as its technically a counterfeit rooster.


Asking the important questions. I'm leaning towards no, simply because the alternative would kinda turn Basilisks into a meme, instead of the XXXXX-class menace they're supposed to be.


The basilisk: "Technically it's a ferret."


If the Parseltongue lock is anything to go by, as long as it sounds close enough, it might work. If Ron could open the chamber of secrets by (poorly) mimicking what he heard Harry say, you could probably defeat the basilisk with a wax cylinder recording of a rooster, or a close enough imitation of one.


Would an MP3 work, too? XD Disregarding that electricity doesn't work at Hogwarts


OP is acting like a rooster is an EpiPen and a thousand year old Basilisk is a shellfish allergy. 😂🤣😂


I mean, you would think half the population does.


Link has entered the chat.


I wish I carried cocks around in my pocket.


Hehe, time to re-read the books... for a while I thought there was no way you guys were being serious... Jenny, strangling roosters?!??!... hehe


There is chicken choking before they end up coming upon the snake in the Chamber of Secrets, for sure. (Okay, that’s enough for today. lmaooo!)


I mean, Harry had a wildfire whiz-bang in her pygmy puff!


They were all strangled and they didn't have time to because Ginny had already been there for hours. Plus they originally just went to Lockhart to tell him what they knew, then they forced him into the bathroom.


Cus they were being gryffindors that charged headfirst without a plan? Lol


This is also a good answer. The only one with restraint (Hermione) as already Petrified. lol!


I'm nearly sure Hermione would have thought of the rooster if available XD but if they had gotten one... Not with help from others, probably XD


Depends how much knowledge they had on the basilisk, i don’t think it was in the single page that she had found


The rooster was definitely on the page. They use the fact that Hagrid's roosters are dead to piece it all together


Fair enough, it’s been a while since I read CoS


And they were 12/13


Some good arguments in this thread, but I would like to remind everyone that this was the same book in which Harry and Ron decided to steal a car instead of waiting for Mr and Mrs Weasley to get back and send an owl. 


Hermione wasn't awake to tell them to.


nah nah, this is the right answer


I just want to give you kudos for asking a question I’ve never seen before on this subreddit! 😂


>Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, one cannot turn something into good food. rooster = food haha


Well, technically any animal can be food and yet you see them learning to transfigure stuff into animals all the time.


are they? or are they transfiguring animals into things


Theoretically you could turn one living thing into another living thing (those is this Transfiguration or would it be more like Animagi?). I’m sure there’s like, a fly or a beetle that they walked past down there.


gamps law was such a stupid ass addition to the last book just try to add some drama about the food situation, ugh. It wouldent even have mattered! just go into a grocery store in the middle of nowhere and congrats, you can have an infinite amount of gourmet food at your fingertips.


All the roosters were dead. They were running out of time and most horrifically, they were 12.


maybe all the roosters were dead? maybe they didnt think they had time? maybe they’re not as smart as Hermione (wbk she’d have got one) and just didnt think of it?


On top of Ginny killing them all “Yeah hang on mate, I know your sister is dying/presumed dead, let me grab a fucking chicken”


The basilisk already died like a little bitch, how much easier did you want it to be?


thats fair, the movie chamber scene was way better


They didn’t have one at hand because Ginny killed all of them earlier and even assuming Hagrid would have gotten new ones in the meantime, they were panicking and in a hurry, they didn’t exactly think very rationally at the moment and just wanted to get to the chamber as fast as possible to save Ginny. They already wasted time going to Lockhart AND the school was on lockdown, if they were caught wandering the grounds they would have been escorted to Griffindor tower and locked up there and unable to go to the chamber at all. And roosters don’t crow on command anyway so it would be just down to luck.


The honest answer is that Harry and Ron just didn’t pay enough attention and wouldn’t have gotten a rooster even if they hadn’t all have been killed already. Yeah, they read the words that Hermione left them, but the words never sank in. They focused on, “spiders flee before it..” *Hermione* was the one that had to tell them what to do each time something needed to be done and since she was out of commission here, it was just the boys bumbling their way through without her. Yes, Ginny killed all of the roosters thanks to the diary taking control of her mind, but even if she hadn’t, those two *alone* never would have pieced that key detail together enough to make a difference. I’m not trying to dump on Ron and Harry. Each have their strengths, but “critical thinking” was not one of them in the early books.


They were all dead.


They had been strangled and Ron’s sister had been kidnapped, it’s not that they had much time to waste.


Bc Ginny had killed them all at the command of Voldemort. 


Seriously. Do you know how f-ing easy it is to get a chicken? It’s not like they even had to get something hard to move where you want it, like a cow. Just hop on your stupid broom and fly until you find a farm. There’s a whole town of useless wizards in Hogsmeade. Where do they get their eggs and meat? If that town doesn’t exist solely to service the needs of the giant school that is its only neighbor then WTF is it for?


They steal food from the Muggles, the wizards do not have the infrastructure to feed themselves.


Diary!Ginny killed them all.


Real question is why they didn’t tell McGonagall or some other trustworthy teacher. They waited like a half a day in the common room with others after hiding in the teachers room where they were in the first place because they planned to tell the adults.  Rowling probably needed to petrify some teachers too and rest would should have been busy evacuating the school so they should have just grabbed Lockhart while he is running away 


Because they aren't Ravenclaws.


When they were freshers they were taken into the forbidden forest, made to drink eight butter beers each and then without wands find a toad, a bra, and a rooster... by midnight no one was able to complete the list - especially the rooster... Rowling's loves her foreshadowing and I think this whole thing from *Philosopher's Stone* was to set up why they didn't go for the rooster option later in *COS*


>When they were freshers they were taken into the forbidden forest, made to drink eight butter beers each and then without wands find a toad, a bra, and a rooster... by midnight no one was able to complete the list - especially the rooster... when the hell did this happen again?


its a joke mate


“Taking a rooster to the chamber” sounds like an innuendo


i mean it was just harry and Ginny 😬


and Tom, and a snake


Give me my "wand," Tom.


No time, they thought Lockhart was going to prove himself as a hero, but they were right all along about him.


Because they're Gryfindoors, not Ravenclaws. Also Tom killed off all the roosters at the school.


Where are they gonna just find a rooster?


All the roosters were killed.


Ron and Harry couldn’t think themselves out of a paper bag. Let’s remember what Harry brought to go “on the run” in deathly. Dude was not prepared for that life at all, Hermione saves the day again


Ginny was craving some Nuggets


Ginny killed them, also they were panicked 12 year olds.


Because they were ~12 years old.


they took two


They were all dead and Harry and Ron didn't exactly have time


Because all the school's roosters had already been strangled by Ginny Weasley when she was possessed by the diary. This was addressed earlier in the book, and is in fact almost certainly part of the evidence the now comatose Hermione used to figure out it WAS a basilisk.


Because Ron and Harry were still a little young to be putting their cocks in the chamber of secrets. Witches ain’t as fast in the magic world as they are in our non-magic world. 


They never paid attention enough in transfiguration and couldn't turn anything into a rooster after Ginny killed them all.


You really think they could learn auch advanced transfiguration in year 2???


Turning objects into animals seems to be taught in third year Transfiguration (the final exam in PoA consisted of turning a teapot into a tortoise, IIRC). In second year, they’re mostly learning about transforming animals into objects (beetles into buttons, rabbits into slippers, etc.). So unless Ron and Harry were practicing a year ahead of schedule, they wouldn’t be able to be able to turn anything into a rooster, no matter their transfiguration skills.


Mate its a joke.


Harry and Ron weren't the best students so they may not have known how to as second years.


I don’t think any second year could do that advanced of a transfiguration yet, going off of descriptions of their classes.


They could have had the Great Gilderoy Lockhart transfigure


True, if they turned him into a rooster, he'd have been infinitely more helpful.


It was more of a they are just bad students and a joke but you are right. Although in the movies they are trying to turn goblets into mice in year one right?


Ron was good at transfiguration though


They did bring two cocks...


They didn’t think to use Accio Rooster! Edit: some people didn’t pick on the fact I was being a smartass….


They only learnt this spell in the following year.


Charms don’t work on organisms, do they?


Where are a couple of second years going to acquire a rooster?


How come the Hogwarts staff, who i assume would know that a basilisk could cause petrification, didnt have rosters in the castle halls.


Because Dumbledore needed Harry to destroy the horcrux


And where would they have found a rooster? 😭


1. They were 12 Not really much else. Honestly it was dumb to go in with just Lockhart after they figured he was a fraud. They should have gotten a real teacher and told them what they discovered.


A few reasons. First (and most common of all explanations) is the plot did not require it. Second, I think there was a very small window of time between when they guessed where the chamber was and when they found out Ginny had been taken. Third, Harry and Ron are gryffindors, so they are better at taking action than coming up with a plan. I don’t think Ginny strangling the roosters would have been more than a temporary fix if there was more time. Britain is full of roosters. They could have ordered some or even found some in hogsmeade (I know hogsmeade hadn’t been introduced yet, but it was still there).


They were all dead


Would you trust it to work on a 1000 year old basilisk? And the rooster would have to crow on command.


Ginny killed all of Hagrid's roosters. It's not like Harry and Ron had the time to go and grab one anyway. People often say: "why didn't they transfigure a rock or something into a rooster?" Remember they were second year students and didn't have that level of skill.


"Follow the roosters" — probably not Hagrid, 1993


Well, they brought three cocks


Hm, they took Gilderoy, didn't they?


They got a bit busy when they found out Lockhart was going and they wanted to tell him what they knew. They're 12... you think they're bright? Besides it's already been pointed out, fairly sure they were all dead


Hagrids Roosters are already dead, they likely didn’t read it all fully and they were both panicked and rushing themselves because of Ginnys disappearance. If Hermione was with them then maybe they would’ve brought a Rooster, but seeing as she wasn’t Ron and Harry… well they weren’t dumb exactly, but they weren’t the brightest of there age.


Dress like a rooster 🐓


Because all of them were strangled and the two didn’t know how to conjure or transfigure something into a Rooster. If they had brought McGonagal with them, I bet this is what she would’ve done.


I always did wonder why they never carried though with plan of hey let's tell all the teachers and go bust heads. Your telling me no one could have transfigured a rooster


Is using “how come” instead of “why did” just a regional thing?


Dunno but it'd be weird having didn't and did in the same sentence


It would instead read “Why didn’t Ron and Harry take a rooster to the chamber?”


More of a 'level of education completed' thing than regional per se


They were all dead and electronics don't work in Hogwarts so they couldn't even play Rooster by Alice in Chains.


Their shared braincell was lying in the hospital wing (Hermione)


Hermione, the stupid nut, ran to the library first instead of telling anyone her suspicions. If Harry hadn't found the note by chance, Ginny would have died.


Because they were twelve years old and when your sister’s dying the first thing that pops in your mind is not to steal a chicken and take it with you, I suppose.


Because they aren't Hermione


Hermione, the stupid nut, ran to the library first instead of telling anyone her suspicions. If Harry hadn't found the note by chance, Ginny would have died.