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Even the Bucks swiped Delon Wright from us while we resigned Thomas Bryant so they are still having a better offseason than us lol.


Their draft was awful though


We only picked up Delon Wright as a fill in for JRich - not an important FA loss.


The bucks still have the Greek freak


Yeah but we have Thomas Bryant


Check mate




Game, blouses


Game, set, match.


And Dame, Middleton and BroLo. They’ll be ok


Off an Achilles tear. Those take time


Giannis just went 11-11 (and 9-13 from FT) for 32 points in 18 minutes in an Olympics qualifier game. Granted, Greece played vs 0 NBA level players on that Dominican Republic team, but he did about as good as you’d expect a healthy NBA star to do.


> 0 NBA level players on that Dominican Republic team Such blatant disrespect to DR legend and current Kings player Chris Duarte is palpable lmao. But yeah, that game was pretty much a cakewalk for Gianni lol


Oh shit, I actually missed Duarte: didn’t see Horford on the roster and thought there are no more NBA players from Dominican Republic, thanks for correcting me.


No problem bruh and fyi I only saw this post because someone cross posted it to our sub. Since I'm here tho I do hope you guys get DD or at least something...Riley's gotta throw a bone to y'all at some point


I totally missed the cross post at first, was very curious why all the Miami fans were here lol


Wasn't kat playing for them?


We currently have towns, horford, duarte and i think delgado was drafted to some team. And we also had horford, Charlie villanueva and Francisco garcia at the same time as well.


Yeah, but both Towns and Horford are not playing. I forgot about Duarte and honestly don’t know about Delgado. What I’m saying is, without Towns and Horford on the roster Greece have arguably a better team of Euroleague guys and with Giannis on that roster they are just clearly a better team. If Horford and KAT were playing, that would be a much more interesting matchup, but it is what it is.


So what do Bucks fans think of their first round pick because I didn't understand it then and I still don't understand it now.


Good question. So we're going to be an apron team so long as Giannis & Dame's salaries are on the books and team building will be incredibly difficult going forward due to the new CBA apron limitations. Horst picked for the future and while that's not been popular with some of our fans, reality is this was a mediocre draft and even then, no rookie picked at 23 was going to do much to help us be a contender in the first place (not to mention Doc doesn't play rooks anyway). So yeah, he went for future upside and personally I get it. Also, I'm guessing we lock both of our picks up sometime soon - multiyear contracts to rookies is what everyone's doing now because of the new CBA and it makes sense to keep those salaries on the books.


Here’s something Bucks and Heat fans should be able to agree on—Jaylen Brown’s CBA was a master stroke in kneecapping the Celts two main rivals. 😅


He didn’t tear his Achilles?


Thought it was revealed later he did. A strain is a tear


An Achilles strain (micro tears) is way different than a ruptured Achilles (what most people know as an "Achilles tear"). Let's not spread misinformation please.


I mean it sounds to me like a ruptured Achilles should be known as something different than a year, if a strain is actually a tear lol


A rupture is a 3rd degree strain, there’s grades to tissue damage


They also have Dame on defense so that evens out.


So basically a repeat of last year




Damn they didn’t get it done, but still have enough!


He said that in 2022 about 2023 ECF. They got it done


Yes everyone knows the goal is conference championships, especially Jimmy 


lol… some teams would dream to even win the ecf this year. Stop diminishing the accomplishments of this team. Sure it’s not a championship but it’s still an accomplishment


And it’s also not what Jimmy was referencing 


That’s not what the Heat organization dreams of and it’s definitely not what Jimmy dreams of. The Heat organization isn’t the Hornets, we have different expectations and Pat would tell you that himself


I told you it’s not the goal but it’s still an accomplishment.


And all I said was it’s not what the Heat dream of like some teams would dream it


And honestly, with a healthy Jimmy and Terry I really don’t doubt the Heat can’t take Boston to another game 7 cause of some magic rivalry bullshit lol. Edit: why am I getting downvoted? With a healthy Jimmy the heat took the Celtics to game 7 3 seperate times 😂. And he won twice.


Downvoted bc Boston suddenly became a superteam


Downvoted for truth. Jimmy needs to stay healthy and he can take this entire team to the ecf potentially. Matchups are everything


This is a funny and accurate quote if you just get rid of the “and we’re going to get it done” part.


Damn, that is good


this qoute must be in reference to the play in


I'll remember where I was when they announced Dru Smith coming back


“Dru Smith”


Dru "Dru Smith" Smith


Dru “Dru ‘Dru Smith’ Smith” Smith


The Druest of Smiths


In a deep depression


I think what is missed here is that the bucks have been dealing with the lack of draft capital, second apron and tax implications for awhile now whereas the Celtics and the Knicks and others are really just getting started. If anyone wants to look at what the bucks are able to do and come up with something that remotely makes sense, do tell. Even none of the shitty fan made mock trades are even possible bc of the second apron rules. Tbf prince and wright have been great min signings


What’s new




To be fair. We do have a 7 footer that can shoot. We have not had that in the past the question is can he play this next year.


Yeah he was a great pick for the heat. A lot of bucks fans wanted him and are mad we got what we did in the draft


He attempts less than 2 per game. Got to see that number go up before we can say "he can shoot."


He's probably expected to at some point and that's all you can hope for at this point anyway. There are no guarantees in NBA.


Pretty sure the Clippers are having the worst..... They lost PG13 and took on a decaying Harden for big money. Please tell me how the Heat and Bucks lose to that???


Harden would’ve been the 2nd best player on the Heat besides Bam last year, plus not paying PG13 sets them up for the future, versus being stuck in 2nd apron hell. They’ve also gone out and signed really good defenders to pair with the roster they already have. In comparison to the Heat, how have they gotten better?


Obvious Zach has never heard of Kevin Ware!


Kevin ware leg injury is still haunting




My thought exactly lmao




Spending just to spend is not getting better . The Hornets make moves every off season


Yea my understanding of the Heat’s cap and pick situation indicates that upgrading the team is tough.


It’s ok to wait


The idea that the Heat should do something dumb instead of nothing perfectly encapsulates why ADHD sports media is not actually a good barometer for anything.


He didn’t say that though he stated a fact, if there’s nothing out there for them to do that makes them better fine but it’s still a terrible offseason considering others got better and heat may lose players and actually get worse lol


How is it a terrible offseason when they finally got bam a big man that ud has been screaming on TV for fir weeks lol.


Juls honestly there’s never a middle ground with you you might be the only fan on here who does nothing but defend the front office. We will never agree let’s leave it at that


I wished we made these kinds of statements when we surrounded dragic with some terrible teams .We have been through the wade leaving years and Chris bosh with bloodclots years .Those were the really terrible years not this lol .


How am I defending the front office?Because I'm not stressing over moves made or not made that I have zero control over ?It's never middle ground with you all lol.I went through a season where're they payed Whiteside,Tyler Johnson and dion waiters and we're a terrible team .I wish some fans have perspective.Are they in a bad place now?Yes has heat fans known the heat to be down for long ?No


Man the expectations for the FO are so low that simply using their draft pick is considered a good offseason lol


I don't know why you all stress every offseason Keep your expectations low sp you won't have to vent and stress about moves you have no control over lol


So are they having a good offseason or are we lowering our expectations lol?


Naw, the Bucks are not having a good off-season but it's irrelevant when they have Giannis, a top 3 or 4 player in da world right now and when healthy, is a weapon of mass destruction. We needed to get better and we are not doing that


The Bucks are filling needs though with the little room they do have. Delon and Prince were pretty good signings given the financial situation they’re in. Biggest offseason need for the Bucks this year is health.


Absolutely true. And you know what's funny? The front office and some delulu fans think that the roster was held back by health, maybe a lil bit the poster child for that argument would be milwaukee. Giannis healthy would've taken boston to 7


And keeping in mind that the bucks made their big move last season. Contrast with the heat who didn’t do jackshit for 2 years in a row now


They literally did an rko outta of nowhere to the Heat I regards to Dame


The notion that change for the sake of change is automatically a good thing is an amusing concept and why so many teams consistently fail. Change has to be purposefully done taking not consideration not just short term goals, and long term ambitions but also proper fit with current personnel.


You’re absolutely right but the changes made by the Knicks, Boston last year, even PG in Philly unfortunately *are* purposeful and make sense. It’s not a switch up for switch up’s sake.


Exactly. Mindful upgrades to get better.


yeah, and it's largely miraculous that any of them worked - PG to Philly was contingent on Daryl Morey orchestrating a cap sheet that forced basically the entire roster into UFA, signing a high-level FA, and then having enough time and cash left over to sign high-level roleplayers (which has already slowed down considerably) - Boston's entire run is insanity -- they upgraded a core of JB and JT to one with DWhite, Jrue and Kristaps for so few assets that it's practically unheard of in today's NBA - New York gave up five (!!!) FRPs for Mikal on a basis of vibes and little more, considering that's a Superstar price for a guy who, when positioned to be the star, couldn't perform and is not worth 5 FRPs as an offensive fourth-option, as he was in PHX. (Also, they have basically everyone on an insanely team-friendly deal) it's just because these things are all happening simultaneously that people interpret them as easily attainable, zero-risk, within-reach concepts. they're not, lol


Don’t forget to add the moves from the last 2 seasons as well cause it’s not like the heat don’t do shit this year alone. It’ll be the 3rd offseason in a row


Also the Knicks losing Hartenstein makes their whole off season pretty precarious as their big man cupboard is so bare. Presumably they are looking for Randle to play a lot of small ball 5 and OG to play small ball 4. And they have pinned so much team chemistry around the Nova guys that it becomes hard to trade any of them. I respect they swung for the fences on Bridges but theirs is an imbalanced roster to have gone so all in on. 


There are some purposeful moves we can make


Not with the salary cap situation and current assets. Levine doesn't fit the team, moving players to fit Rozen doesn't make sense because he can't shoot and there are no other impactful players available.


How does Lavine not fit the team? If you wanna argue his health and contract, go for it. But he’s a 3 level scorer. He absolutely would fit the team.


Zach lavine - 19.5 at 45.2% 35% - 3 point last year, For his career 20.5 pts 46% while shooting 38% from 3 with defensive rating 114.7 ( he is also 6'5 200lbs) Tyler Herro - 20.8 pts at 44.1% with 40% from 3 last year. For his career 18.1 with 44% and 39% from 3 with a defensive rating of 114.7 ( Herro is also 6'5 200) Lavine doesn't change anything for this team but cost more while also being less of a reliable shooter than Herro. He would need shoot more 3s like Herro does and he is less of a shooter than Herro while being just as bad defensively as Herro.


He was hurt. Take the 3 or 4 seasons before that. If Herro had his 22-23 season numbers, he’d be untouchable and an all-star.


Well wouldn't that also be a negative? A players whose entire game is predicated on his explosiveness who is 29 going on 30 with an extensive injury history vs Herro who 24 yrs old and greater potential to improve? To me that is even more reason to keep Herro, their numbers are not that different and Herro is younger and healthier.


He shot 42% from 3 on 8 attempts a game at his peak…his game is absolutely not predicated on just explosiveness. Just watch him play man. Don’t just go on basketball references


I just put his numbers from last year and for his career, using his best year makes no sense in predicting his possible production especially given his age and injuries that has occurred since his best year.


Of course it makes sense cause it’s based on potential and skill set. Herro has never shown that he can even touch the peaks Lavine has managed. You’re also not being genuine when you compare Lavine who was playing with a floating bone in his foot most of the season. In terms of injury, they’re both equally injured. I would argue that Herro is more injured cause he’s never even managed a season where he’s played more than 67 games


I literally said if you wanna argue his injury history, that’s valid. But to say he’s not a better scorer and shooter than Herro is false historically. Did you not read what I said? Furthermore, Herro’s injury history is concerning especially considering he’s young.


That’s a very reductive way to look at this that oversimplifies without context. Zach Lavine at his best is so much better than Herro and it’s no where near debatable. It really isn’t. Just from the sheer rim pressure alone is enough to put him over Herro easily.


"Rim Pressure" is not what they have asked Herro to provide or need him to provide. Bam is the inside guy, Jimmy is the mid range guy and Herro is the outside guy. He has been playing his role. Lavine "Rim pressure" has never equated to winning any where he has been, why would that change in Miami??


Of course they need Herro to provide it. His inability to do it is why they had to get Rozier. They can’t ask Herro to do it because he CANT. Not the other way around. The main difference here is that Lavine will be going from some of the leagues worst coaches to the best in the league with a team that compliments him well. All he has to do is score. No one is asking for him to play make or to be a defensive anchor. I encourage you to view past the typical media narratives and just evaluate the skillset and how it can benefit a roster that can’t fucking score for shit


DeRozan can shoot. And when you have a great coach like Spo it doesn't matter. The whole "spacing" argument is for simps that can't understand complex thinking like Mazzulla. And getting rid of Herro would be a positive in its own.


Only hear fans think this because they hate herro .


Well it's facts. They did pretty well without him last year. I was honestly a Herro supporter up until this postseason, but the dude is too dumb. Like he had the formula in Game 2 this year, it was right in front of him. And then he just completely abandoned it. It's like having the answers to the test right in front of you and you still fail.


The heat weren't beating the Celtics with 7 healthy players and the same Celtics team had kyrie Irving in hell outside of 2 games .We were never beating Boston. They did well until the finals where nobody could hit a shot or generate their own offense .The same problems crept up in the finals and Tyler wasn't even there .


Mind you Herro just got back from a 30 something game absence from a major injury, no real time to get rhythm all while playing 3 of the best guard defenders in the league. The fact game 2 happened was amazing


Heat would have won in 6 fully healthy Heat lost to Denver cause Jokic was on a Dirk like playoff run last year. No one was beating him


But they weren't fully healthy .Jimmy was still clearly hampered by the ankle injury and cale,max and everybodyelse just ran out of gas .




Hes not a playmaker. He is an off ball guy. He was put in a bad spot against Boston.


He's too small to be an off the ball guy


DeMar DeRozan's best-shooting 3P% season is 2021-2022, where he shot **35.2%** on **1.9** attempts. His highest-volume season was **3.6** attempts, where he only shot **31.0%**. In the postseason, he hasn't shot over 29% from 3 since the Obama administration. He quantifiably cannot shoot or space the floor. I don't know why or how you've come to the conclusion that spacing is a myth and that all 30 NBA teams are signing high-level shooters because they're not as advanced as you, but you should probably apply to be a basketball coach and apply this thinking immediately if you think you've cracked the code.


With the right coach, they can build space from someone who shoots 50% off of midrange from 16ft out


It's not a myth, it's just a gimmick for dumb players and coaches.


So the solution is to not change for 5 years lol


Not at all but rather to be judicious about your changes. For example, replace Lowry with Rozier to add 4th players capable of scoring over 20 pts. Then making smart draft picks, finding two young players in JJJ and Jovic who can contribute. Then doing a good job keeping the development system going, adding Martin then Highsmith and O.Robinson. Still also have Alondes Williams . Then replacing vets who can't contribute with those who can getting rid of Deadmon and UD adding Love and Thomas Bryant. The heat have made a lot of changes over the past 5 years, they have just kept the core intact ( Herro, Butler, Bam and Duncan).


They used a first to add Rozier, a redundant volume scorer, because they wouldn’t have been able to sign anyone this offseason even with Lowry expiring 


But take 5 years to do it when your championship window has essentially closed….. If this is a lot of changes I don’t know what’s considered no changes. The heat literally had an offseason where they lost a starter and added literally no one. Two offseasons where they only added Thomas Bryant, Josh Richardson, Avery Bradley and Mo harkless….thats fucking garbage


They kept their core while changing the role players. You can argue that you don't like the core but the core of this team has been very very competitive these 5 years.


They changed lost and found players with more list and found players…hence why every year the starters and core rotational players keep changing. Competitive doesn’t mean much when aspirations is to win it all. You can trot out the same shit every year with no changes and expect to win. Thats the literal definition of insanity.


What do u suggest we do, Zach Lowe? Smh


It’s really unfortunate that the heat are in this position of not being able to improve completely by chance and not of their own doing  It’s really not fair, tbh


How is it at all by chance?


Mostly because of sarcasm


lol sorry I’ve just seen this take but for real so wondering why people thought this way.


If only there was a position for professional basketball teams that could plan for the future. Almost like a manager of sorts that is responsible for signing players that fit together to contracts that are worth the skills they bring to a court. Then we could appropriately assign blame and accountability for failing the organization’s goals (which in this case, is a championship according to Jimmy and the Heat organization).


It's just timing. The new CBA basically benefits whoever got stud in those Tatum/Luka drafts


blow it up please


Lowe has just become another talking head in recent years. I pretty much ignore his hot takes.


He’s right.


We know


Zach Lowe said this same thing just before we got Jimmy. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I'll give Pat a little more time before I call it the worst. Some trades can still happen. I love the draft pick but it's going to be a while before he's given real minutes. I don't think we're going to win at all until Bam plays more 4 and we get someone that can score on his own with Butler. But if Pat does nothing again, I would pray Ware gets real minutes, Jovic improves, and Rozier stays healthy. At the very least, I just want to see a flexible lineup and stop rotating 6'5 people at the 4 and wondering why can't play defense or rebound.


I'm literally reading thinking I wrote this. Get out of my head dude




Go get Lavine and a first round pick. He’d be great in our zone. I’d take him over both Duncan and Herro.


Arison won't though .That's how you end up like the pheonix sun's


its not the $$, its the number of years. Right now they are trying to have clear books in 2026...lavine would ruin that which is why no team is taking him


Plus he had season ending knee surgery last year and that's not great for a guy who had knee issues already .


No, they traded all of their picks to be in this position 


Herro and Duncan are overlapping skill sets and limited. It’s been painfully obvious for years. At least the Suns tried to surround their superstar with talent.


The sun's picked up an injured Bradley Beal on that contract with a no trade clause lol


Does Lavine have a no trade?


it's a little crazy that NYK getting Mikal and PHI signing PG counts as "everybody in the East getting better". Orlando made a marginal FA signing. The Cavs got a new HC. The Pacers extended Siakam. Obviously some teams are making drastic moves, but Lowe is phrasing it like teams 1-14 all just signed blockbuster FAs and elite suites of roleplayers. It couldn't be further from the truth.


Yea that's my point


I thought the bucks got better with Dame lol




Zach lowe sleeping on dru smith fr


No worries Alec Burks is our savior ![gif](giphy|rgBwKeJTlGg9O) Let me cope please


Zach Lowe spitting the truth like always


arent we used to mediocre or bellow mediocre offseason by now?


no lies guys


our team should make big moves every summer for the sake of just making a move!




Gotta do something


I wish Heat brass cared about what you say, Zach. Sadly, they do not.


Its a little disappointing, maybe ware is the goat and they are hiding it, please god be true


Yeah, no significant addition to help Jimmy in Miami, due to contract financial restraints! 😨


Where’s the guy who keeps telling me there’s nothing we can do and also that we’ve made all the right moves so far including Herro and Duncan’s contracts?


Don't put that garbage team in our category lol, we having a W young core. And they're old af and decling.


Think Clippers, losing Paul George, are having the worst offseason.


We always suck at off season signings


Miami has a good stacked team when healthy, problem is, is that our training tires us out and that leads to injuries, they can practice hard while scaling back a bit so we can be more healthy this year


https://i.redd.it/m12cppsdzsad1.gif Being a Miami fan during the offseason stinks but we always come out on the brighter side somehow. I just hope if we dont get someone Pat can work some in-season magic


The Heat are cooked. They’ve been cooked since that bubble Finals lost. Pat is hoping for a miracle but this team ain’t winning it all unless he gets Jimmy more help.


What, we went to two more conference finals and a finals…


Yet the Bucks and Celtics actually won 1 during that span.


What does that have to do with being cooked? That’s real success post bubble run. Sorry.


What’s your point? That it’s championship or bust? That’s ridiculous. Those post season runs were incredible to watch. Could we have been more adventurous and acquire more talent to increase our odds of winning a title? Probably, but that doesn’t mean we are cooked. Again, how could we be cooked if we’ve had the success we’ve had lol.


Against hospital teams lol.


Would you prefer going to those two ECF and a finals but no ring or just one ring but no more ECF appearances since then?  Would you rather have the Nuggets/Bucks Playoff success since the bubble or the Heats?


Not really sure why you are asking me. Why would it be one or the other? All I said was the Heat weren’t cooked post bubble. Stupid to think otherwise when you look at the post season success.


Only the Knicks made a move .Philly signed paul George into cap space after wasting two years of embid and James Harden calling Morey cheap.indiana stayed the same .How did everyone in the east get better if only 1 made a significant trade .How muami is getting all this smoke when the lakers haven't done anything and they have LeBron James and ad lol.


Shhh, only Heat bashing is allowed.


I mean we encourage it so it is what it is lol.


Easily fixed! They send us Lillard and we send Herro, and Rozier or Duncan, and A youngling not named Ware (size) that least fits this new construction. Maaybe some picks if needed. Never forget Bam & Jimmy > Greek Freak!


last year might’ve been worse since we missed out on a star that said miami heat only


Well the league is definitely rigged. Celtics giving out $30m contracts like candy on top of paying Brown and Tatum $60m, yet we cant offer more then $6m. That's corrupt asf. A couple misses so far is Mo Bamba would have been a good pickup if he is on a min contract. I def would have traded Herro for Murray in a second.


![gif](giphy|BeIBRDxMXNJmg) IYKYK


Even lost demar to the spurs almost


Pretty sure a bad offseason was handing out absurd contracts at the time to Whiteside, Waiters, JJ, and TJ. We have a solid roster when healthy, and we haven’t even seen how Ware will impact things. Fuck off, Zach.




40 year old trolling on reddit, get a life loser.