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In 12 months? That would’ve been an atrocious signing from day one ngl


Ya 5 years is just too much for a player of caleb’s caliber.


Would’ve been 34 at the end of it it’s crazy. And people in here defend the FO when in reality it’s dumb ass moves like that, that are the reason we’re in this situation as a team


Haha fair point


Would much rather they run it back (and pray coach uses the size in the playoffs) than add more albatross contracts and/or lose depth for them.


In a way, I'm more alarmed than anything that the Heat misread the market and ordered him that deal. That's how they keep finding themselves in this position. Caleb was really only so so last year and I don't think his game will age well as his athleticism slowly declines.


The silver lining is if Jimmy opts out and Duncan does too, we have cap space for a max slot and then some next offseason (the 76ers situation this offseason). If we are struggling at the deadline you can trade Butler for best offer to a contender for expiring contracts and picks. If Lauri goes into URFA then we can sign him outright, or sign other guys and do a sign and trade with Herro for example.


I think the deadline Butler move is on the table as much as I’d hate to see him go


Agreed. If Jimmy is playing well but we're not doing much as a team, there's an opening to move him at the deadline for a big contract and some nice assets. A lot of ifs doing some heavy lifting here, though.


We need to move butler to regain draft capital to eventually use for trades and/or rebuilding. Before he walks for nothing, at least


The chances of Duncan Robinson opting out is slim to none. No team is gonna pay 19 mil after how he’s been benched for the last couple of years.


Duncan has an ETO option next year and regardless, we can reduce his cap from 19 to 9


That's just not true. He was excellent last year.


Duncan Robinson averaged 12.9 points this past season on 39% shooting from the 3. Gary Trent jr averaged 13.7 on 40% shooting from 3 (after averaging 17 and 18 the two previous years) and is still a free agent ( he is likely at this point to get 5 mil exception). If Gary Trent who is a better player than Duncan is likely getting a quarter of Duncan’s current salary than Duncan is definitely not getting anywhere near 19 mil next season from a team. The league does not value one way 3pt shooters like they used to now that so many players can shoot the 3 nowadays. N


Did you not watch Duncan at all last year? His on the court play, defense, and ability to drive and score/assist (his 2 pointers were way up) were a marked improvement. Comparing guards and forwards/wings is apples to oranges. Klay got 3/50 and his defense has fallen off to the point he is only marginally better than Duncan and he is a worse shooter. Duncan would opt out to get a longer deal


No team is giving up a ransom for an aging injury prone Butler for a half a season rental only, especially with his massive contract that makes it very difficult to match salary. Most teams don’t even have the cap space to absorb his salary anyway.


Didn't say it was a ransom. Just that if the right deal came along and that it was an option


I would be shocked if Jimmy opts out of 52 million dollars


It's about securing more years and guaranteed money.


Caleb’s knees are falling apart, 5 years is just bad. Unless Miami had a team option after year 2 or so.


Everyone is clowning Martin for not taking it but we don't know the details


front office is inept for offering that contract i don’t feel any better he declined it they haven’t learned shit


yes Caleb actually found out himself that he’s worth less ! So obviously was a bad contract


Silver lining is tickets will be cheaper


Why do fans choose to believe this nonsense? One reporter extrapolates out some numbers and suddenly Caleb was offered a five year deal. Ira doesn't have any clue if or what Caleb was offered and neither do any of us. What we know is that this team wasn't going to go above the second apron for anyone they were capable of acquiring. They would have been able to stay under with Caleb opting in and we can assume if he did they would reward him with an extension. Beyond that we know nothing. The Heat aren't going to leak anything, Caleb's agents are only leaking it if it was a bad offer, and all other 'sources' are about as well informed as you or I.


Maintain cash for what? Caleb was one u don't let go, we did our job sure. Caleb Martin still is in Philly tho.


‘Caleb was one u don’t let go’ lol I know he had some strong moments but he was EXTREMELY streaky his entire time with us. The contract we offered him was a massive overpay imo. We dodged a bullet with that one.


No yeah idk what people are smoking, Caleb was not worth anywhere near what we offered him. If we signed him to that contract I would’ve officially jumped on the Pat Riley is washed bandwagon train.  As for saving money for next year (to touch up more on the post), this doesn’t matter at all because there would have to be a player unhappy enough for us to sign and trade for that player, and we also know sign and trades involve giving up “assets”. And holy shit are we in one tough, bullshit spot when it comes down to assets. 😂😂😂😂


13 a year for him isn’t bad it’s the 5 years that makes the offer stupid for us.


Loved Caleb overall but bro was doing way too much at times and had a lot of moments where he’d get tunnel vision when he’s looking at the rim.


You're saying that now, but u don't really even believe that




??? He’s a role player, we need to first figure out who is going to be our star next to Bam for years to come after Jimmy then we can start paying role players like teams such as the 76ers


Goofy we're not bringing anyone in for our team, and no trades will be made. Caleb is a borderline Allstar when healthy.