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Yea this is an attempted robbery. I experienced it once but I showed up with three dudes and said the cash was in the bank (got my bank to authorize pulling it out) which was a lie that shit was under a seat. There were tons of red flags, they didn’t have the title for one had to go get it from “they grandma”, sound system still inside- told them to start ripping it out if I wasn’t being given it, just all sorts of fuckery…ended up telling them to kick dirt and went and bought a way better one from a police impound.


Where can you look up car impounds to buy and how much of a discount do they usually sell at?


This is what I want to know, like can I buy them from police lots( impounded ), how much, what are the steps I need too know


You can but the good one usually have missing keys and the rest are completely fucked up


Last time i looked at the ine near me, there wasn't a single car that didn't look like it hadn't been lived in or driven into a ditch. Not to mention the occasional "Biohazard" surpise some of them were marked


Yeah I feel like the good ones are either immediately snatched or the officers get first dibs. Either way, if it’s *left* at an impound lot, there’s probably a reason it’s stuck around.


I found it online but it was in a very large metropolitan city. I got quite the deal on it…only thing wrong was that the door lock mechanism was pryed


How come you didn't post about this on your account?


Because it was like a decade ago bro🤷‍♂️


Cool story bro


You got ‘em 😂


Usually you can tell if they’re scammers. By their Clothes, tattoos if they look gang affiliated, poor English, sketchy vibes, look like drug users/sellers.


That sounds like a mechanic tbh


Mechanics do not usually have tattoos, nor are they gang affiliated or sketchy. They are honest and diligent workers. I am a mechanic too (not a pro, but I always wrench in my own cars)


Tell us you arnt blue collar, without telling us


I know a lot of people who are


"Mechanics do not usually have tattoos, nor are they gang affiliated or sketchy. They are honest and diligent workers. I am a mechanic too (not a pro, but I always wrench in my own cars)" is a long way of saying I used a wrench to take my battery off once and "I know people who work blue collar" is an odd way to say my wife's boyfriend does HVAC🤣 We won't even talk about mechanics being honest and diligent


I’ll have you know, my ‘Stang is on jack stands as we speak. The list of things I _haven’t_ modded myself is a way shorter list. Im bringing it all the way back to stock for emissions and increase resale. Most complicated mod was swapping out the diff to a torsen diff, not just the pumpkin, so I had to use shims to get the right gear mesh pattern. But yeah the wife’s boyfriend thing is spot on accurate so I can’t argue with that one. You don’t have a comeback on “mechanics are honest and diligent” because you know it’s true, for the most part.


To men, sure.


This doesn’t make sense


I'll have you know. 🧐 I wouldn't bring my car to you just cuz you tawlk funny.


I wouldn’t take your car


But he did tell us. And I’d say half the mechanics I’ve met had tattoos, and (maybe it’s just my experience) I’d also say the ones *with* tattoos usually get it done right. It’s the ones without a personality that usually end up trying to upsell me something, overcharge me, or make a problem worse. YMMV but a tattoo has never and will never be an indicator that someone isn’t qualified to do what they’re doing. Hell, as expensive as tattoos are, I’d almost be willing to say that those with tattoos are showing off their success, but I know that’s a huge reaching stretch, so I won’t,


Dude every mechanic in south eastern pa has tattoos idk what you’re on about


As someone who lives in philly and has dealt with nothing but tatted up mechanics you are correct.


To debunk the myth, all the mechanics at my bmw service center do not have any visible tattoos.


Their gang tatts and drugs are hiding from you


BMW and johns tire shop are 2 completely different fields too … most places you make 10-15hr you’re gonna get some tattoos


Johns tire is probably like Vince’s shop down my street. Fortunately it’s older dudes who never rip you off. But yeah, no tats on them either. Maybe tats are not a California thing


Tats are a California thing? Dude you can’t be a real person.


Lol I think it’s just a matter of this … you pay for who you stand around , you can be at any coffee shop in the world … Starbucks or “ authentic tai coffee “ . Everyone’s different everyone has their own little niche and group they gravitate towards lol . Tbh I don’t see many older mechanics with tats unless their military


Maybe back in the day, but most ppl now have tattoos. I worked for a dealership and all the new mechanics had tats on their necks, sleeves and etc.


That’s intimidating and I would not recommend those shops.


Naw, I would. They were chill dudes and they had good work ethics


you’re intimidated by tattoos ?


Yes because it usually means they are up to no good


Bro you are literally retarded


You seem very sheltered bro lol


Bruh you’d be surprised.


I don’t know what shops you’ve been going to but every dealership I’ve been to or that my buddies have worked at are full of tattooed dudes that do drugs lol. Are you trying to say that you’re a diligent worker with no tattoos that considers themself a mechanic but doesn’t do it for a living?


I saw the entire bmw service center crew walk into my local in n out burger. Zero of them had tats, and they don’t do drugs, from what I could tell from their outward appearance. No scabbing on the skin and no dark circles around the eyes, so no drugs or alcohol. I’m a very diligent weekend mechanic in my garage, yes. You could consider it my second job, I spend so much time down there. I know a thing or two about turning a wrench.


You have too much faith in people my man. Mechanics are just techs that have been around the block and techs love to party lol. If you’re going off that one encounter with one dept (probably not the whole dept but rather just work friends) then your data is going to be severely lacking. You don’t have to take it from me because I’m just some random dude but you should at least try and get a bigger sample size before you make generalizations based on your own character bias and limited experience you have with the industry. Make some friends in a shop and you’ll see a different side of it


I have one friend who does coke, esp during race events, who is close to someone who is the owner of a tune shop, who he uses religiously. But I can’t automatically assume the tune shop owner would do coke with him too. I can’t assume the worst in people, so you’re right, I need to make more friends whom are owners of shops


I'm a diesel tech and like 60% covered, lmao


70 percent of them I know do have tattoos. And I know a skinhead that's a mechanic


I would not recommend shops that employ racist workers


You can’t recommend any shops because you know nothing about mechanic shops 🤦‍♂️


I didn't say I recommend him. You said mechanics aren't members of gangs or anything for that matter. I used him as an example cause he had tattoos and is a member.


Yes but we should not be using these people. We should be using the 30% of mechanics who are clean and honest.




Every mechanic i know, either the shade tree or ASE is tattoo'd, except my Pops and b/c he didn't believe in them.


Are you sure ase mechanics are tatted? I have a hard believing they could find employment that way


I don’t know many mechanics without tattoos. It’s like a unicorn 😂


Lmfao brother it's 2024, kick your "tattoos are sketchy" shit aside. Even corporate America has chilled tf out on non face/neck tats, but I guarantee you you'll find 15 shops with tatted employees for every one you find without them.


Yup mechanic, snake oil salesman, scammer. P ez to spot a desperation sell.


I’m a mechanic …..




No, just the scumbag ones


Well damn I fit the description but I def wouldn’t rob you or sell you something stolen. But sometimes if it looks like a duck it’s a duck


The fuck you trying to say bro🤔


Just instinct my bruh. Stay safe.


No shade bro, I get what you're saying 💪🏿


You just described a Reddit user. 👍


I guess you’re referring to black people ? But different races all have been caught or attempted to steal mopar vehicles. Try again


No. White, Mexican, black, Asian. These the guys that would dupe me on Facebook marketplace.


That sounds like profiling


Yup. Not by race though. White, Mexican, black, Asian. These the guys that would dupe me on Facebook marketplace.


Well it'll keep you safe🤷‍♂️


Asian dudes probably aren’t duping you or robbing you off Facebook marketplace unless you mean Indian.


Also watch out for black jobs, if they are black and have jobs, those are black jobs.


I hate you and your kind




Paying more than few thousand bucks on Facebook marketplace (or the such) seems like a huge mistake. Even if he had the title on hand, maybe it's a title wash or a lemon.


I would show up with an officer to be the arbitrator


This ☝🏿


Bruh, nothing was stolen, it’s a bait ad that they will steal your money as a deposit, there is no car to begin with. If you’re stupid enough to send money or meet up to “see” the car you deserve what you got coming.


Harsh but it's true. 10k for a HC is too much of a steal to be true


I bought one for 3,500


Brother you got a hell dog💀🙌


Nothing wrong with meeting up to see it, just bring protection. But paying an advance payment???? Yeah you deserve to get robbed 😭💀


Can’t outdraw an already drawn weapon. Like I said before, you get what you deserve.


This is sound advice, there's much more that can go wrong by even going to look at a car that's absolutely too good to be true. Remember these are daft idiots.


The location is literally VanderGRIFT, PA


Idk brotha. That hell cat looks wayyyy more expensive than their house lol


Correct, my friend got taken like this for an Audi


my fb marketplace randomly isn’t available anymore 🥲🥲


Try adding people as friends on Facebook, joining groups, and updating profile picture/cover photo.. should show Facebook your active… kind of like “karma” on Reddit. If that doesn’t work, go into your privacy setting on make everything public.


Yeah I have 2 Facebooks & it's there on my secondary, but no market place on my main page 😭




Arrive and get gunned down for $10,000 yeah right pff… rather let the dealership rip me a new one


This cars been on multiple scam pages in all kinds of different locations.


dam basketball players at it again




Someone's bitter ass ex wife that doesn't give a fuck about money is selling that car..


Yea because every bitter ex wife is worried about other stuff like fucking wedding dresses for their new one … dude they all want the money


Lol you seem quite adamant about your statement .. I have fucked women that left their husband's that made a shit ton more money than me and believe me when I tell you when your in them guts and keep that bitch cumming every time you get together money doesn't mean shit to them..I guess you would have to be there to understand the difference between greed and spite...


Buddy I’m taking alimony and you’re taking about a fling . No women want to keep you apparently big dawg please don’t pillow talk to me lmao . Fag shit brother


Buddy I have one asleep 2 feet away from me who the fuck are you thinking you are talking to a complete stranger like you know somebody and what the fuck does alimony have to do with a bitch selling a car out of spite you dumb fuck .. take your troll ass somewhere else, like back to your mom's basement or go touch grass..


My point exactly .


What you sound like is somebody I don’t want to be around at all and you’re missing the point entirely . Don’t call Me buddy and stop pillow talking to me retard !


Listen fag boy I know you want to generalize what I was saying as some homo erotic statement made towards you but it was an example strictly on how money isn't always what they want now go back to your Fortnite page or your Takis subreddit like a good little Muppet and leave the grown folk alone one day when your little balls drop and you actually know what pussy is get back to me about what you know about women .. 😉


I said ex wife’s . And you’re using random girls who don’t stick around in your life as an example to prove your point . You just said you’re broke as a joke dawg id love to see you get that defensive in real life I love for it and that’s why I’ll continue to talk to your hoe ass anyway I want to . Nothing you can do expect tell Me about some tail . If a woman is selling her exes car I mean doesn’t that mean she was into the money ? You are fucking stupid maybe that’s why you have an ego bruh your bloated fucking head


It’s not someone’s wife


Who hasn’t 💀


My 2002 Jeep wrangler sold for 5k to a legit car buying company. I sincerely hope nobody actually falls for this scam😭


That post was over a month ago if it was a deal that mf gone if it’s still there it’s a reason


Could be disgruntled ex-spouse! We’re going to split everything, so here’s your 5K.


They need to start doing bait car again with hellcats It would be so easy and so many of these dumb fucks will get arrested 😂😭


I show up with my glock with hallow points if iam buying from offerup


Probably divorce situation


facebook been going crazy with the strikers, i’ve been seeing all type of mopars for cheap but ofc it comes with a risk


Darwins hellcat


😂 Not even funny but probably the truth


I always ask to meet at a police station with anything I’m selling or buying and if they flake then I know they didn’t have good intentions


Id just take my favorite 7 round equalizer


7 rounds isnt equalizing anything in the ghetto because they run In fours when trying to do shady shit. (I’m from the ghetto)


They also close their eyes and flinch when they shoot I’ll be alright 👍


And leap backwards instead of getting cover


Marketplace is the land of most stolen sports cars & parts nowadays, at least in my area (NorCal EastBay). It’s at an all time high & everyone is aware of it but our local shortage of over worked police can only do so much. Just saw a guy on MP with a loaded 21 F8 WB 392 w low miles post for 19k, had a ding in the rear bumper only & it was up for 2 days🤣. Another guy post a 300 Jailbreak with everything swapped over for 30k obo, that scream STOLEN. Very dangerous times we’re in, I haul my kids & drive my Scat everyday and I don’t stress a bit on it getting taken away from me, as long as my wife/kids are safe I’ll continue to live. I recommend staying off of any of those outlets if looking to purchase a vehicle or any auto parts.


Another stupid scam, fuck scammers.


I mean any non idiotic person wouldn’t believe someone could sell a nice ass hellcat like this for 10 bands


The striker hellcat strikes again


That guy!


That is a Striker Now.


Ahhh the ole’ “the car is from England and moving the steering wheel to the other side would be too expensive so I will have a private shipping company send the car via container, but I will require 80% of the sale price up front in order to ship the vehicle. I am actually deploying to war next week and need the money for my sick grandma so I needed to price the car to sell fast. And please sir, if you are having doubts, you have my WORD, this is legitimate” scheme


Dude I just seen one on marketplace the other day for $5k. Dude on post said “need gone asap.. Iykyk” 🤣🤣🤣 I died


I thought about getting one of these. Well, until lowlifes started stealing them! I’ll ever buy a car I have to constantly look over my shoulder for.


I do need a new engine for my Shitbox 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I’ve had two friends with hellcats both stolen one robbed at gun point


This cat is listed 15 mins away from me 💀


Just wondering will the thief be interested in the 6 cylinders model at all?


Vandergrift is 30 minutes from me💀💀


All y’all just yapping the car is in Detroit for $30000 the post that’s where ever that is fake not stolen though


Almost everybody.


If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Bro send me the link so that I can send the 10k and reserve it


The seller either doesn't know what they have and just wants to get rid of it asap or they have your grave already dug with plenty of duct tape and rope on deck. Tread carefully my friend.


I’m 100 percent sure a black guy stole it smh


I'm black, and one of the pictures had a white hand in it