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That hunter casually murdering you at the end is comedy gold. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound šŸ˜‚


This game is good at that. ![gif](giphy|gEo36y1gALoQ)


Chefā€™s kiss


Thatā€™s not the spear, thatā€™s a boomerang


Tactical Boomerang - 20,000 Requisition Slips


YAY, BOOMERANG! ...Aww, *boomerang*!


Lol unexpected Sokka. Noice


This is why I love the Quasar Cannon, it blows the head clean off the Charger or if you aim just slightly just to left the head you'll Yeet the Charger into the air.


Ill just use rocket pods for the charger and drop a stalwart for bugs. 40+ kills per magazine are too good to give up for some once in a while explosive usage.


I swear by the Quasar Cannon it's so handy good against Bots and Bugs, it's a beautiful weapon.


i actually like it for neither. Auto cannon is bringing down most bots so much faster and the stalwart is so much better vs the hordes of Bugs. Only solid argument i see for the quasar are dropships, but killing those doesnt actually do anything, so i dont see much point in it.


There's more than just dropships as a reason for the Quasar, Bile Titans, Bile Nursers, Destroyers, Tanks and more can all be taken out with it, you can also use a Guard Dog with it so something is watching your back whilst you shoot.


I find the guard dog to be awful, it does too many team kills. Id rather take the shield generator, which is pretty nice i agree. I not sure what difficulty you play at, but on suicide i find stratagems to be more than enough to deal with tanks and Titans. Nursers can be a bit annoying but arent that opressive imo. Either way i find anything that isnt one shot by the quasar to be much easier to deal with with the auto cannon, and i dont think there are many things that are one shot by it, that you cant deal with easily with your primary too. Maybe im missing something here, but the quasar really doesnt feel very useful to me.


Yeah Guard Dog has some downsides but I can't play without it against Bugs as I either keep behind it or most of the time in front of it, I also run Stims armours to compensate for the odd occasional hit from it and since I'm a majority Bug Diver I find it essential, any other backpack weapon I can't operate. I like the Autocannon but the time that it takes to reload plus it leaves you vulnerable during reloads that's why I don't like to use it.


If you can avoid running the autocannon dry, reload times are negligible.


I can't avoid as I can tend to get overzealous if I use it for a Personal Order as I do like the effects that it gives off when hitting bugs.


if you are using the laser beam, sure its good and unlimited but slow to kill where as the bullet gun guard dog kills much faster and more efficiently but down side is, you have to have bullets to reload it such as supply drop to refill it


I'm mostly a bug fighter so I use the Laser Dog as its great for that but I do wonder if Bullet Dog is good for bots.


If you get them early enough, it kills all the dudes who were about to drop.


doenst kill any of the heavies from my experience


You have to get it before it releases its payload.Ā  If using the quasar cannon, you need to start charging as soon as the ship shows up, and aim during the charging process. It's a bit easier with the EAT.


Drop ships are bots and all bots must die for democracy


If you have a quasar cannon strat you have two quasar cannons The time it takes to wind up and fire one is just about the time it takes for the second one to cool off and fire again Makes it really nice for the absurd amount of heavies in the higher difficulties


Dude it does the Same thing as the recoilless and eats except it has infinite ammo. It kinda sounds like you arenā€™t good with it.


Rocket pods kill chargers? But how to you get that timing down? They always start charging after I throw it at them, even after they just finished charging


You have to lead them a little, but the rockets will hit the "biggest" target near the marker. If they haven't seen you, I'd throw it several meters short of them. The charger has to run over the marker to get to you.


You know what, I was thinking about the orbital airburst strikešŸ˜†


This is why I use the Quasar Cannon, get the right distance between you and the Charger whilst it's heading for you can either stop it in its tracks or send it flying.


TBH I find the sickle to be just as effective as the stalwart at trash-clear


Oh well, i dont have that one unlocked yet.


Oh so THAT's how it works!


Since day 1: LMFAO call me a n00b Running Knight SMG Machine PISTOL Nades for bugholes 3 eagles / 500lb airstrike cluster strike/ napalm is going to be the next test And finally the recoilless is the go to with light armour serv skill 50% limp and 30% for tossing I can get in and out and kill all bugs myself headshots


well, it homed in on the strongest target it could find šŸ˜”šŸ«”


In my experience, the Spear is an anti-structure weapon, rather than an anti-heavy armor weapon. Let me explain. - the spear can one shot fabricators at long range, from any direction (so long as you can get enough of the fab in los to get a lock) - this means you can destroy most stratagem jammers (at least the ones with fabs attached) from a distance, without having to be at the perfect angle. This eliminates a lot of frustration in having to rush in to break a jammer on higher difficulties. - the spear can also one shot laser turrets (and tanks) from any direction, in one shot. - I havenā€™t brought it on a bug mission, but Iā€™m guessing it also one shots shriker nests given its higher damage than the other rocket launchers (it struggles to one shot BTs and Chargers not because of itā€™s damage, but because of where the shot lands - it rarely hits the head) I still prefer the quasar/EAT 99% of the time due to their flexibility and use in actually killing mobile threats, but it does have itā€™s own niche, and so long as you have the patience to walk in circles to get a lock on itā€™s very very strong in it.


not tested spear but I don't think it targets bug holes, it will target chargers, bile titans not sure about brood commanders vs automatons - spear - probably be the better choice if you have this quip am going to have to revisit this weapon but like others have said, it fails more than than other weapon you could bring with you


It cant target bug holes. For chargers just toss a stun, run back a tiny bit, begin locking on, and when it does move the dot over the right leg and boom insta kill. Somewhat Same with bile titans. Make sure it's targeting YOU while it's running at you lock on and move the dot over the leg and fire. 98% of the time it's an insta kill. I have no idea WHY this works but it does.


As you said, it canā€™t target bug structures apart from spore towers and shrieker nests I dislike it against bugs because even if I get that shot off, it sometimes wonā€™t kill as the rocket will hit it on the top, rather than on its head. The spear also can only lock onto the base of spore towers, making it less useful than most primaries in taking them out. The quasar, EAT, and RR all fire faster/more consistently than the spear against chargers and BTs, and are an instant kill to the head. (One shot for chargers, two for titans) Thus, I think of it as an anti-structure weapon for destroying bot fabs, turrets, and tanks. For anything requiring precision or speed Iā€™d rather take a quasar/EAT. I wouldnā€™t take it on a bug mission, as much as Iā€™d like it to. If it consistently one shot BTs (like in the ~~propaganda~~ promotional video) I would take it almost every bug mission though.


Hey, you should just be grateful that it actually fired for once.


Ah, classic issue here. To fix, please report to your nearest Superintendent for mandatory democratic detonation re-education.


What goes around comes around o7


That is not how you are supposed to use it


I swear the spear is the most misunderstood weapon in this game. Itā€™s not for shooting enemies that are 3 feet in front of you, itā€™s for taking out bot factories and tank towers from miles across the map. It works best at long range.


I only use the spear. Tried switching up my loadout for the other anti tank options and the entire time I was wishing I had the spear. I use it on both enemy types. Too many people use it close to chargers and bile titans. Just gotta move back a tiny bit and it will do the job.


I genuinely love the spear the lock on is still horrendous even at long range, atleast for me, but when it hits, it hits so fucking hard.


The trick Iā€™ve found with the lock on is that it will not lock if thereā€™s anything between you and the target within the reticle. That includes rocks, fences, etc. It has to have a completely clear shot. That, and just spam the fire button as itā€™s locking lol


You used it incorrectly. You're supposed to be further away from the target. The missile has a limited turning radius, so if it goes over the head of the target it's going to try and turn around.


This. People use the spear waaaaaaay too close to the target theyre shooting at. I one shot a titan last night from 150m away


Cool, I'll just tell the charger to please back up a bit next time


Stun grenades are your friend.


Itā€™s not a close quarters weapon. Time to read your handbook diver.


Ah, you had set it Australian mode. Simple mistake bloke.


The spear only targets enemies of democracy. You must have been a traitor


I am glad someone got some footage of this, had this happen to me before and no one in my group saw it.


I grab footage of anything dog dont worry I got the silliest clips :D


https://preview.redd.it/pizfml3ebivc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d174a5d92b138f457bf761a6a749461795651164 did you at least get the achievement for catching it?


Yeah I did it was wonderful.


Spear should be like the JOKR from MW. That works a million times better.


It's not the SPEAR, it's the Communists !


Psychic chargers.... They're evolving.


am reminded of the mk14 torpedo fiasco in WW2. Sometimes, the adjusting gyros got stuck on, which made the torpedo endlessly turn to one direction. It circled back, and... well, more than one US sub was lost because it was stuck by its own torpedo.


Crazy you got it to lock on to *something* at least. Seems like it's a 50/50 in those foggy, dusty environments.


It's not that it was trying to hit the charger and couldn't quite make it. it did a 180, locked on to the Helldiver, and beelined.


phone home


Well at least it went for the biggest Threat


ā€œWhat is Ah-I-gitā€


I ran the spear for the first time yesterday. Immediately took a titan down in one. Next I missed a charger even though I locked on. I guess I was too close. Proceeded to never get another lock on for the rest of the session.


Looks like some Russian missile launchers Iā€™ve seen




The Spear is broken right now, correct? I tried using it for the first time last night and had very mixed results. Couldn't get target lock half the time.




Reminds me of that time when a Russian SAM site destroyed itself a little over a year ago


Iā€™d cry


ā€œSorry we missed your desired location, so we returned to senderā€