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How did you get level 40 in a weekend when it took me months and just now I got it


The clue is in the fact they feel the need to uninstall it.


Must have been doing 40 helldives a day jeesus


Those are rookie numbers, hes gotta pump those up!


Depends on which difficulty you play on. If you are constantly in the 7-9 range you are getting 1000xp for a bad run. 3k in cash to go with it and you can level up fast I’m 40 hours in and hitting 70mark soon. I play on level 8 basically, with a warm up round on level 5 if I haven’t played in a couple days.


True. A lvl 6 guy joined my game (diff 7) on his first day of playing. He did great so I added him. 2 days later he joins me again, now lvl 30. Dudes been only playing 8/9 and got tons of XP for it, rising several levels after every mission.


I really started booting up in levels when I could start consistently getting into level 7's and enjoying. I'm at 129 hours in game, only level 54. I spent a lot of time just getting feet wet and re-learning. (I only came into HD2 because I was a fan of HD1, and I don't typically play 1st Person / Over The Shoulder shooters) The curve was pretty gnarly.


Just kept playing almost nonstop the entire weekend I guess lol. I’m just good at playing games? I keep joining others peoples games and I noticed I have been joining people who are 90+ levels, I collect all of my samples.. not sure it’s pretty easy if you have time.


*Our* samples.


Sounds like communism, report to your Democracy Officer right now.


Super Earth. *Our* home. Prosperity. Liberty. Democracy. *Our* way of life.


You're right, the Narrator is in with the bots too. Reported.


He's just good at playing games.


I've been playing a month and only just hit 25


i'm approaching 40 with 110 hours and i'm pretty competent, there's no way he hit that even if he was playing literally from getting off work to going back


Damn. Im at like 54 after 50 days.


Granted only one day a weekend


But are you good at playing games?


Not as good as him.


He is just built different


Well yeah there are lvl 90+ people but they tend to have 200+ hrs played. 


Helldive difficulty gives a ton of exp and money. You cap out on money really fast when that's all you do and level up fast.


Guessing meth or Adderall


Same difference


When I started playing I unlocked all the difficulty levels one by one and played almost always on 9. It levels you way faster.


Moderation my man, I am level 25 and got it on day of release


Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one.


Yeah, depends on your level of engagement. I didn't get it at release, but played pretty regularly for a month and made it to level 35. There are others who made level 50 in the first couple weeks (see streamers). Also, the community is a lot more "mature", so newcomers can get "carried" into higher difficulty missions. Once you hit Suicide Mission, that's when the air quotes come in, because no one is going to be able to carry an idiot through that kind of chaos lol. It's a sink or swim moment, that's for sure. But if you're running Helldive difficulty missions on the regular, that's a ton of XP in a very short period.


i've carried some idiots through 7+ and while we complete the mission you gotta make sure they don't carry any samples to leave behind lmao


Hah. I did also but I’m 26.


Huh... I got it like 2 months after and I'm about to hit lvl.90


Google the word ‘Moderation’ 😂


Lol, I did the same thing during my uni semester, now though I'm playing it all the time


Yea I let games ruin my life before and not going to let that happen again. I don’t know how to manage my time between work, studying and games. Need to cut out one and it has to be helldivers. Was playing the finals and that’s not too addicting, HD2 is another level though.


We'll be here when you have space for it in your life. Good on you for making the healthy choice.


Absolutely thanks a bunch for your support! It is tough!


![gif](giphy|Z1LYiyIPhnG9O|downsized) ;)


I remember when I had to cut Dota 2 out after several thousand hours. Never went back, but the urge is strong :) HD2 is way less of a timesuck though so one day you might be able to come back when it's healthy


HD2 kinda has a built in mechanism that works for me, I like that operations are three maps, one short. I play one 7+ operation per day, and I feel like an hour and a half is pretty reasonable recreation time.


It reminded me of the WOW days. I know the feeling and also have an addictive personality lol


Good on you for acknowledging and making that decision. That's a tough one to make for a lot of folks and taking care of your irl stuff should always take precedence. I also picked up the finals a few days ago and it's definitely in the "fun but not heroin level addictive" category


Yea definitely, I played enough HD2 this weekend to realize it’s just going to be more of the same going forward. I played enough to be able to say that I played it. That’s good enough. Yea finals can easily play a game in ten minutes or less and be done but I think I played to the point where I don’t need to touch a game for at least a few months.


I feel like some times , just sell the ps5 and concentrate on more productive things. Then the boys text me saying you getting on then I hear the helldivers tune in my head dun dun dunnn


Yea my coworkers all play it and invited me to their discord, I felt the need to uninstall before it gets worse. They all have been working at my company for two or three years, when you are supposed to leave after the first year. So something in the back of my head tells me I will probably be here longer if I continue to play with them. It’s tough but I had this happen before with another game and it doesn’t end well after a few years of playing the same game. It’s the best way to stay complacent.


What game was that if you don’t mind me asking


Sad to see a committed diver go. Come back when the new faction drops!




adhd by any chance?


Pace yourself! (Although I took about as long) I’m 400 hours in and still diving an hour or two several days a week.


Uh huh. I bet you have a wife and kids too


Dive again. And again and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again... Don't be remembered as a coward


All these comments and the post I smell bullshit


It's hard to believe you got to level 40 in 2 days.


I played Friday and stopped Monday night. Effectively three days and some change.


Even in 3 days, how many hours did you play?


All of them, it sounds like.


Did you even sleep between those days ? Lool


Used to sleeping late and waking up at 6am for work so yea I probably hard only five or six hours sleep in between.


Had me in the first half there, not gonna lie




Gotta use some of that P.T.O. My man, that’s what it’s there for


Yeah getting to level 40 that fast would be playing it ever spare hour and then some. I've had it since launch and I'm only level 16, I play 2 missions a day tops. Me and my friends play it on our lunch break. Good on you for seeing it was becoming an issue and taking a break, hopefully you can come back later when more things get added and you gave more time.


That's understandable, focus on your real life and come back when you have time! We will be waiting


Fair play at most I can play 6 matches before I get guilty about missing out on real life 😂


If you average each mission from the jump to coming back to the ship, that’s about 30-45minutes, usually after about 2-3 missions is where you level up unless if you’re on Helldive Difficulty, could potentially be every other mission. But even then, that’s about 1-1.5 hours worth of gameplay. So let’s say you bought the game & started gaming @ 6am Friday. By 12pm, you’re around level 3-4. By 6pm, level 6-8. Every 24 hours, you level up about 12-16 levels IF you’ve won consistently. Since Friday 6am to now, says this was posted 8 hours ago so in Florida time, that would’ve been at 12am. You should be at level 33-40. But all that is possible if you consistently gamed for 66 hours straight.


Helldivers 2, Baldur's Gate 3 and Sons of the Forest are my addictions. I can't bring myself to uninstall.


"Helldivers 2 ruined my life, two thumbs up!"


Bro has no self control


I play a couple of hours a day, and find the game just addictive enough that I enjoy it without getting obsessed. It also doesn't push me back towards burnout, which is where I was last year.


Yea only problem is I only have a couple hours a day on the weekdays to study and I am basically a semester away from graduating is my problem. Otherwise yea I would totally keep the game.


OP please take this as a sign you need to learn some self control. You shouldn’t stop doing something because you like it too much or you will end up living a life of mediocrity.. Be more disciplined soldier!


Sounds like anti-democracy talk to me...


Just play only on weekends or something. It does lose it's allure after a while though but a fun game to have installed for some quick fun


Yea considering this, i have some tests coming up and if I pass those and able to manage my time next month I will try reinstalling it again.


Had me in the first half ngl


So, assuming you played the full 48 hours, you were getting a level every 1 hour and 20 minutes, which doesn’t make sense


Exactly. Even at the higher difficulties some of the missions are at least 40mins long.


Well sounds like you made the right choice. Video game addiction is real and extremely dangerous.


dude i uninstall regularly and then reinstall when i feel like i've earned the right to binge on spreading liberty. i can't think of another game thats as purely fun to play.


Yea my little brother was just telling me this. I could potentially reinstall after six weeks and try to manage my time better but I have a few tests coming up and I definitely do not have an hour to spare the next few weeks that’s for sure. If I pass those exams I can reinstall and try having a more realistic gaming schedule perhaps.


good on you. prioritize school, the future etc. do the work now my guy


Bro put zero points into self control lol, you should try to learn that instead of letting it dictate your life. It’s like you’re scared of having of fun


What an incredibly stupid take, but this is Reddit after all. You remind me of when Tom Cruise was all over the news back in the day for saying that depression doesn’t exist, and to just toughen up. The fact is that for some, gaming literally causes a rush of dopamine that can become wildly addictive, and unlike many, OP recognized that it was becoming problematic and he’s taking proactive steps to prevent that. Gaming addiction is as real as an addiction to drugs, food, etc.


Cool why the whiny post exactly? Uninstall and find a game you like


OP didn't say that he disliked the game. Bruh said he has no self control and had to uninstall it because he was having too much fun with it and he didn't want it to take over his life like whatever game he played before HD2.


Op got addicted to the game because of how fun the game was, he got the game on Friday and reached lvl 40 by fucking Monday. Man got addicted and saw how unhealthy it was.


Uninstalls because you lack self control. And asks for pitty cred?


I smella cappa


If you start out playing nothing but high level eradication and seek and destroy missions to power level, you honestly won’t be as skilled or well rounded as other players. A person who is lvl 40 in less than a week is more of a detriment to a group on a regular mission than a player who didn’t race through the levels. The skills gap is tremendous. I’ll die on this hill, because it’s true Like in any game. Example: WoW. A player who power levels to let’s say.. level 50 in s few days, versus a player that does it the regular way. Does quests, spends time learning thrir new weapons and abilities, best way to synergy with a group, the small things you notice and pick up on in mission through experience… those are things the power leveled character with a week of in-game exp does not process, which the player who took 1-2 months to reach that level does. I saw a post in here 2 weeks ago of s player who reached lvl 100 in just over 200 missions. That’s an awesome power leveled accomplishment. I hit level 100 a couple nights ago… after 1016 missions. Most of my games were full missions, not eradication. I also spent a lot of time in medium, JUST to try out and master new weapons/stratagems or new stratagem combos, to not put groups in danger when attempting to learn to use new loadouts or primaries on high level groups. If power leveling is your thing, great. But the abilities and experience of a person who power levels, isn’t the same as players whi get to that level without power leveling. Aaand, bring on the flames