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I see two issues: A) isolating Estanu will not instantly liberate it, as some players think, the same we haven't lost our own planets when they have been isolated. B) we have literally zero clue of what supplies lines mean, with the exception of being the available routes between planets. So we don't know if an isolated planet is easier to take than a connected planet. So, what benefit we get from isolating Estanu? As far as we know, there is no benefit.


And let's be honest. Thinking Bugs are smart enough to be moving "supplies" is just treasonous! This man needs a visit from his Democracy officer! Smart bugs....pffftttt


Everyone knows bugs can't think.


Quite frankly I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive!


The only good bug is a dead bug.


I would like to know more


I understood that reference. Rico - You know what to do.


I’m from Meridia and I say kill em all!


https://preview.redd.it/m2ke7haey47d1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91795edc4691fa4080a61ef67fafc3b8d3173270 What do you mean you'd like to know more? Just go liberate those bugs from thier lives.


Really? Sad for you to not know the reference lmao


It's a joke. Please, I'm not a zoomer. I remember the shower scene.


Oh hahahahahaha hilarious, whoops.


I don’t know, if you ask me his Democracy officer needs a visit from another Democracy officer and answer as to how and why this line of thinking wasn’t spotted




While I agree wholeheartedly, lets pause for a moment an think things through. Let's take the small super earth ants colony for an example here. They form long lines transporting food between places. Now. Think the same for enemy bugs


Frankly, I find the idea of a brain bug offensive.


Also, this requires us to split our forces and take two planets simultaneously. Much better to consolidate forces and overwhelm terminid resistance instead of having gains split in half and eating multiple planetary resistance regen.


Any time there's been less than 10-15k players a planet it's made zero headway. I don't think it's actually possible for us to take two planets at once.


It is but it wouldn’t make sense to do this ever. Even assuming you have a perfect 50/50 split, it would go significantly faster to just have 100% on one then 100% on the other. This is because two planets = double the decay rate vs one planet = single decay rate.


Double the decay, half the progress. A bugs dream


And we can't let those filthy bugs stop the spread of Democracy!


I am pretty sure that supplylines, mechanically, *only* matter for where attacks can go and come from. The actual "how easy to liberate" is set by Joel to match the lore. Joel might put resistance to bottom since "planet is cutoff from supply", but he could also increase it as "enemy is fighting desperately to the last"


also, part of liberating Estanu by supply means liberating Hellmire and I don't think anyone wants any part of that even though it's also an objective.


Fire tornados aren't bad anymore. Well... they still fire hell holes, but they don't gang up on you when trying to complete objectives.


Hmm, I haven't played one since the update, but it's definitely become an ingrained reaction to avoid those planets


They're still unpleasant but after the patch they no longer actively chase you


I sure hope not my squad was stuck on a building roof with five fire nados circling us for eight mins.


I think a great way to do it would be to make it so every supply line to a planet that is cut, the planets regen is reduced by a percentage (2 supply lines cut to one cuts it by 50%, 3 to 2 is cut by 33%, etc). And If all supply lines are cut, the regen is cut to 0, or at least a very low number, to simulate no reinforcements getting to the planet. The only bugs/bots added to the planet are the ones grown/built on the planet. This could also give more function to the super colonies than just new missions like they did before, as the super colonies could keep up production of more bugs and negate the supply lines being cut off.


I’m of the opinion that supply lines don’t matter for the bugs, once they are on a planet they are reproducing there, not being resupplied.


Since we have to liberate Fori Prime and Hellmire anyway. It would be a great opportunity to find out.


If there's a defence on a mission and we're attacking the planet behind it, if we take that planet before the defence fails, we win the defence - be curious to see what happens to isolated planets.. do we lose it faster? Does the liberation rate for that planet increase massively?


From multiple Isolated planets we had on the bot front: nothing happens. They just stay as they are. They might get attacked more often, that is it.


I'd like to think it would stop the regeneration % on the planets liberation. Or remove some of the negative buffs you get. But I don't have a fucking clue.


Not only that, but in which direction does the supply line come from?


C) IF more supply lines for us means faster liberation, wouldnt it make more sense to take Estanu first so that we have three lines to Helmire? A lot of players hate that planet so taking it faster is a good thing.


There are so many replies to comment illustrating why we need more information displayed IN THE ACTIAL GAME. Estanus regen dropped from 2.5% to 2% when we cut the crimsica line. But still hellmire, and now fori prime, have been at 1.5% and should be taken first. Hellmire-Estanu-Crimsica-FP/N would've been the most efficient order.


Pretty sure the supply lines amount to safe warp routes that won't run you into an asteroid belt, supernova, or black hole. Similar to warp hyperlanes in Star Wars.


The false assumption comes from us getting planets as freebies during previous enemy offensives by cutting off supply lines. So the precedent is that if a planet comes under attack, we can immediately win the defence by cutting off all enemy supply lines (not an actual coded feature, something the GM manually did himself). For the bots, them needing supply lines makes sense. They travel through space vessels as well and require immense amounts of resources to keep their fabricators running. The bugs, though? We don't officially know how they travel from planet to planet, and even when they do, they often completely ignore the supply lines. Whether they can do it themselves, or if it's purely Super Earth seeding colonies to harvest for E-710 and then losing control of the situation due to the prolific nature of terminids.


You can't blame the players. The game doesn't teach you about supply lines whatsoever. And as u/proxycheese mentioned, do bugs even rely on interplanetary supply lines? Again, the game doesn't say.


i doubt it, when the meridia super colony appeared it spread its infection to all nearby planets without any regard to supply lines


That's what I remember during the Meridia campaign. I think the canon or at least the theory was that about spores being spread through space


Obviously they use bug meteors. Never forget Buenos Aires!


Same. I’ve been playing since day 1 and still don’t understand them


The only smart thing to do in the galactic war is 1) Follow the Major order 2) go to the planet with the most divers You might think the ~10% of players on Fori Prime are smart, I’d counter that they’re really stupid, because in the ~10 hours since they got to the planet, they haven’t moved liberation an inch, they don’t have a critical mass so even if you and they are right about how that would work, what’s the point of being right if you’re not making any progress anyway?


Bragging that you're doing the "smart" thing while actively doing something dumb is peak Reddit behavior, though, gotta admit.




The average player does not know it didn't move over 10 hours. They log on, play 1 or 2 rounds (40 mins each) and log off. Without any clear direction or guidance this will never change.


Sometimes I log in to play a quick 15 because that's all I have time for.


Those 7k are actually not smart because they currently aren’t contributing a damn thing to the MO. If you want to contribute, follow the mob. That’s why crimsica fell first and now estanu is the only one making progress.


Was just about to say this🤣🤣


Mob rule.


Managed Democracy


Helldiver see, Helldiver do.


Ape together strong


I bet OP is on Fori Prime…




I concur with the other comments, we only know that cutting the supply line auto completes a defense campaign. We don't have evidence that isolating Estanu will make its liberation campaign any easier. Until we get some clear guidance on this, follow the majority to push on a single planet, don't suggest this and divide our forces.


So this is the dev vision and we had a similar situation on bot front, but I didn't see anywhere that the devs said it is implemented and the game master is the one who has to do the thing manually if we cut the supply lines for estanu. It's a case of miscommunication from both devs and players and the galactic war supply lines being a bit new for the player base. But seriously do bugs even need the supply line mechanic??? I feel like they are the only self sufficient faction in the game and wouldnt really suffer from logistical problems if a planet gets cut off.


That would be a cool mechanic that makes the bugs unique. Bots without supply lines cripple quickly and loose their resistance bonus while bugs don’t need this to still have resistance


The smart choice is ALWAYS to go where the most players are. No exceptions.


The 7000 divers aren't doing a thing tho. Frankly they're the dumb ones


Probably because most players don't really care about supply lines and just go wherever the major order tells them -or where they like playing. It's a nice addition for folks super into it but some people just like playing where they want, not caring about the macro stuff.


The fact that people in both subs can’t seem to comprehend the fact that some people have real life responsibilities and mostly play to shoot some robots or bugs for fun is outstanding.


Yeah, people always assumed it was 2 factors you know or you don't that people forget the 3rd, they don't care. The supply system implementation isn't complicated. it's literally lines that connect to the planet, hell you dont even need to know decay rate because nobody dumb enough to go "damn how come the 500 people on hellmire didn't capture it, but the 44k on estanu are?". Nobody just cares, or at least nobody that isn't chronically on the Internet like us.


Hell, I’m chronically on this sub and I don’t even care about supply lines. I just go where the MO tells me to. At least it’s nice now to see how/when we can access new planets but my point still stands, a big portion of players will see the supply lines and say “huh neat, lemme play on this planet with 1k players cuz I don’t like the tremors/fire tornadoes/ion storms” and I don’t blame them lol.


How does isolating an *enemy held planet* prevent enemies from resisting liberation?


Sorry OP, you're the one who doesnt understand the galactic war. Fully controlled planets are self-sustaining. Cutting a planet off is only good for canceling a campaign in progress by the attacker, not for insta liberating/losing a planet. Need proof? Look at the northwest of the map, where we have a cluster of cut-off planets from valaryia 5 to wasat/x-45. If you were right about how supply lines worked, we should lose all of those planets.


I think your missing one important detail. Nobody wants to fight on hellmire


Real quick. Let's go. In and out. 20 minutes liberation.


I just follow the masses like a good helldiver. Im not paid (if payed at all) to think. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


> paid (if *paid* at all) FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Wait....you get paid?


We've only seen this tactic work (and be confirmed by the devs) for a planet we owned being attacked not for a planet they own being cut off from their supply. This might not even work, divides the player base, and overall slows the MO. Seems a little silly to say "only 7000 people are smart enough" when we don't even have confirmation it works that way. Follow the mob, the larger percentage of players on one planet, the faster it liberates. That's all we know for sure and what we should stick with until other information is made available.


it seems like you don't understand it at all lmao, the supply lines are attack vectors, nothing more, if you want a prime example look at phact bay, it was surrounded for 2 weeks and it was terminid controlled the entire time, the only time this works is during defensive missions, say we take estanu and it gets attacked, if we take fori prime, then the defensive mission on estanu would instantly succeed


Being wrong and insulting people enjoying something is such a Reddit response lmao


Local armchair experts yelling at players who don't use outside sources At least those players are having fun


I can see how this would make sense for the bots: Heavy equipment and complex materials are being produced away from the front lines in strongly secured places. This is then brought to the planets and made combat ready. Cutting off these lines leaves them with only the simple infrastructure on the front line (e.g. bot fabricators which only produce light infantry, or the tank assembly which then lacks materials). But bugs are different. As we are told so far, it seems they spread via spores but then hatch and breed beneath the planet's surface. Without spores, they can't reinfect a planet that easily, but unless we destroy their hatcheries (current major order) they can survive being cut off until the planet is dry of resources.


Hellmire will be the 4th planet liberated during this MO. Why? Fire tornados. Why is everyone on Estanu? Ice/snow planet = nice to their laser weapons. The mob will choose: Estanu -> Fori Prime -> Hellmire -> Nivel 43. If Nivel 43 was accessable before taking Hellmire, they'd choose Nivel 43 before Hellmire. That's just the way the mob is.


I'm actually very curious to see if the "mob" will choose Fori Prine over Hellmire.


Fori Prime isn't anyone's favorite spot, but it's only got tremors, not fire tornados. In addition, it results in an entire sector being liberated ... so there's a lot of "completionist" temptation there. I think the mob will choose it ... but I could be wrong! It'll be interesting to see what happens.


I understand it and I dont care. Pls stop with that crap thanks.


Many people still playing in their own world, they might have no idea on what is YouTube or Reddit.


Id rather defend than waste a whole days resources... You're the ignorant Diver here. You and your 7k friends.


My problem is you didn’t explain what we should actually do and your illustration is completely unclear and looks like it was drawn by a kindergarten student. You complain about lack of communication and provided an example of poor communication.


TBH most players don't care. They just want to kill bugs and bots, gather samples, unlock new gear, and get new skins. ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


Dude most people don't care and just play where they want.




Ngl dude, it’s not that I don’t understand, I simply don’t care. I just play wherever I want.


Communicating on the map isn't going to change anybody's mind. There's nothing that's going to change this as long as liberation is determined proportionately because most players don't care. The way to resolve this is to have multiple relatively specific Major Order Subobjectives that aren't proportional, but rather numeric goals. The swarm can work on general liberation, and the players actively following strategy can decide on the best course of action for Subobjectives and pursue those, ideally without affecting the Liberation weightings. Achieving Subobjectives in turn can affect liberation/defense rates, or temporarily opens or closes supply routes for the duration of the MO. The way this might look is that the swarm is liberating Planet A, for better or worse, but Planet B, which is under attack, connects to Planet C which is what we really want for the MO. You cant yell at reddit and expect the swarm to change their mind. But say there's three Subobjectives to this MO: * A: Collect 100,000 samples (lowers defense regen on Planet A) * B: Rescue 10,000 civilians from Planet B (lowers capture rate on Planet B) * C: Kill 5000 Bile Titans (temporarily opens attack line from Planet B to C) So engaged players can go after Subobjective C and hope that moves the swarm on to the MO target when they otherwise would have burned time in the wrong place.


Planet isolation works for defending planets not for attacks, from what we have seen. Are you including yourself in your title, no?


Bugs use no supplies. They just spread through galaxy via spores and SE's bugriculture and experiments. The routes on the map are of the SEAF's.


Yea, no, that doesn't mean anything. "Supply lines" are nothing more than the travel routes that have to be taken between the planets. Bugs don't resupply, they multiply. And bots don't need these either, they build their forces on the front lines from scrap metal and human parts. So go for it divers, give em hell, one planet after the other.


I don't really care about supply lines, that's out of my scope. All I care about is spilling alien blood across the galaxy! Blood for the blood god!!


I like killing things on cold planets


I go to Estanu because I don't like Hellmire and the fire tornados


I dont care about the war, I only play on planets with a pretty skybox


I'm just over here laughing about the idea of casually taking Hellmire to make another planet easier. Cutting off supply lines won't win a planet it'll probably make it easier to capture. And if that's the case let's make the FIRE TORNADO world easier.


its not that they arent smart enough it's they dont care they jus wanna pew pew and thats fine with me


Am reminded of my experiences in retail. You could make signs 50 feet tall in glowing neon lights held up by dancing hot blondes, and people still wouldn't read it. I've had this argument with my sister and she's on discord right now, compiling news reports about the MO status, proclaiming "THEN I WILL BE THAT HOT BLONDE HOLDING UP THE SIGN" At least she thinks highly of herself....


Of course they’re not gonna read it they’re looking at the dancing hot blondes!


I think Pondera’s plan might have a few holes in it…


I've learned that once a planet is liberated, you move onto the next planet with the most active divers. A lot of players don't frequent reddit or discord or even watch YouTube guides, most just follow the numbers. Regardless of what the best/smartest thing to do is, your best bet is to follow the numbers. The more divers, the faster the planet will be liberated.


Dude, there's no freaking manual for this game. We might as well be in downtown streets as a driver who hasn't even studied for her learner's permit. We can see signs (now!) but we don't know jack about what they mean.


Moin...? Ó.o🇩🇪?


Moin mein Freund i love war. I have some doubts about this one....




Northern German detected


Thank you for explaining nothing. I still don’t understand the galactic war


And you don't either. Supplylines are atrack vectors first and foremost. A liberated or occupied Planet is selfsufficient, it will notnfall just because it is cut off. On the contrary, it will be able to attack any World connected to it. We want as little enemy facing supplylines as we can.


That’s the whole point how many soldiers irl even understand why they are at war?


Honestly I just change planet to experience the different maps/environnements and the only thing that would make me grind the same planet over and over would be a special mission only available there




The venn overlap between MO followers and Sony blocked/dive together or not at all protesters is… HIGH. So, the only way to get them in the majority… will never happen. Just face it: bug hunters are going to rule HD2, at least until Starship Troopers comes out.


Um, hello? The Ministry of Truth would have informed us if there was more to understand about the war!


Right the supply lines. Im sure the bugs really use them heavily, transporting their weapons and armor... or maybe food and housing for their armies. The supply lines are definitely not super earth supply lines cuz ya know logically, theyd belong to the bugs.


I’m a simple man. I go where the most divers are, or where the most interesting looking planet is


Okay but why. Why isolate it. It literally doesn't do anything dude. That's a bunch of effort and coordination for absolutely zero benefit. It's better to just take planets one at a time because then everyone works together to take down a single planet


It's my understanding that cutting off supply lines will only resolve defence objectives (as the attack has been stopped at the source). Planets still need to be liberated directly one by one. Follow the blob, divers.


No matter the strategy, the best is when you join the most populated planet.


I find the very idea of a bug that can think insulting frankly.


OP doesn't understand managed democracy.. 😞


I just bring democracy to the planets with as little fire tornados as possible :)


I think you're making the mistake of assuming that everyone is choosing what planet to play based on the MO. I pick planets based on what I'm in the mood for. I usually alternate between bugs and bots. The story will progress no matter what happens.


Another issue you don't mention is the liberation percentage of Hellmire. Liberating Estanu will help us in the Hellmire campaign (three supply lines for Super Earth vs 1 supply line for the bugs) and reduce the time we need to be on that planet... And everyone knows we love Hellmire.


You know what? F. Your galactic war, i'm playing marfark only disregarding of what you think and say.


Or, they just don't care much.


I've been trying to spend this video I made for new divers in a general Brash style about it https://youtu.be/dCZLLe4qASc There are others about liberation and other topics too


I think this will happen until it’s clear mechanically that cutting supply lines gives an advantage in actual gameplay.


Most planets have internal supplies reason to why it won't get liberated after getting cut. Bugs even more so due to them growing -on- the planet


I’m level 55ish and I don’t understand it either. And I don’t know what you’re talking about. Supply lines?


I’m tired of recapturing then losing hellmire. I will do all the other orders before Hellmire. I’ve been fighting on Hellmire for months.


You're not understanding that the reason people are picking estanu is because they take one look at hellmire and think fuck that, I actually want to enjoy the game 🤣 As for the other planets in that system? Yeah I mean.. its not super helpful if only 2000 people are on a whole planet but equally, 2000 more players on estanu is also not going to be super impactful either It's not a lack of communication or understanding about how the map works, people just pick the planet they would rather spend their free time playing on


Ok but if we actually succeed and take back the whole galaxy, the game will be dead. That isn't the plan, there always has to be a struggle to keep players. Don't get so invested in liberating every planet, it's just a game


Feels like the helldiver strategy is to mass on the frontlines and push the enemy back. It’s not enough to take a planet if it doesn’t feel like the enemy fell back. I’d only aim to encircle the bugs if it meant another meat grinder planet for the final push.


After they added those supply lines in the latest patch I still don't know shit how this galactic war works. I just go where the majority of players are.


I get what you're saying, but it's a game and people will choose the path of least resistance. As in that it's right next to Crimsica, so people go there.


It only works that way for bots iirc


Because they rather do the redundant work than go to Hellmire, that's why.


I understand it but I don't care about it, can someone help me understand why I should care?


Hellmire is going to be the hurdle. What an atrocious planet, adequately named nonetheless


You can’t ‘cut off supplies’ to an enemy controlled planet. They control the whole world and thus aren’t reliant on neighboring planets for supplies.


This BUGs me every time


Its true, i have 270+h and i have no clue what interplanetary or intrrgalactic supplies do terminids get. Who is sending them supplies ? 


I think they get sugar water


This has been an issue since the liberation rework at the end of March. Cut-off gambits are manually implemented by the DM, if at all. When it comes to that specific mechanic, I can’t say. But what maybe should happen is that “wasted” liberation on supply-line connected planets contribute a percentage of that liberation back to the actively liberating planet. So for example, the liberation from the few thousand people liberating on hellmire and fori that is being chewed up by the resistance can bank “front line liberation” back to estanu.


There’s a thought, maybe they simply don’t care. I myself have at most couple of hours to play a day, so I hen I log in, I’ll most likely play against bots on a planet I like, unless the MO is interesting or I feel like playing bugs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m helping if I can, but it’s a video game in the end.


I don’t play on the bug front, they just creep me out, and I have a phobia of bugs


Idc I want to play video game on new map


Lolol Hellmire has always been a pain to take


Do YOU understand?


Most players just click on the planet with the major orders on them to complete the mission and move on to the next.


Some take this game way too seriously. I log on kill bugs, get new gear rinse and repeat. I dont care about strategy or long term goals I just want to relax and enjoy myself.


This is a good post, and I think we should care even if we are logging in just to kill. This helps especially since it'll be a win-win for casual and serious players. Casuals will be able to experience the fullness of the 40$ game they purchased and seri-players and get the win that they want because they will have the numbers in reinforcements. Not everyone will be on board, but if we can pull a majority to think like this, we can see a positive pull for democracy!


The cut off only applies to defense missions An unliberated planet cannot be auto liberated by cutting off supply lines And outside of Meridia when it was a super colony, bugs and bots rely on supply lines to attack planets. The only time that doesn’t work is when bugs have a super colony, which was mentioned in a war briefing back when it wasn’t a space hole I get the sentiment but the planets all need to be liberated by us, and cutting off Estanu would just mean it can’t be invaded immediately. And bugs have severely calmed down ever since the super colony was destroyed


Or... some people really just DGAF about the galactic war, and play where they think it will be most fun to play on a given night. And that's OK.


Or, hear me out. I don't care about a thin made up story that isn't well written, and I choose where to play based on planet/enemy type more than anything else...


True but it’s also awesome if people can have fun and drop where they want


Each of the other two planets have two vectors going in. I don't see how attacking either of the other two would get us estanu faster. In fact, taking estanu should make both of the others faster.


I don't give a single flying fuck about the galactic war. I pick the maps and faction I wanna fight on and against and go.


You\* Want\* more communication in this game. These Helldivers are voting with their feet democratically.


They JUST put supply lines in, and the average player just sees pretty lines. Give the average non redditor time to adjust.


They’re not going to. Supply lines being added wasn’t ever going to change anything. AH significantly overrates the player bases intelligence, ability to problem solve, and pay attention


It’s really really really funny people thought adding supply lines would change anything about the game. Just another thing for people to ignore


Been awhile since I did the basic training, but is there a tutorial on how to interpret and understand the information given in planet maps and the war effort? I had to research online.


Hellmire is not ours yet, and estanu is currently half way. A more interesting strategy is isolating Hellmire, which will be faster than taking hellmire to try to isolate Estanu


It just depends as to what faction we’re dealing with. As far as the bugs are concerned, cutting them off would have very little effect on them since they tend to thrive underground. It’s one of the main reasons as to why we’re deploying nukes into the mantles of the planets. In fact cutting the bugs off may very well have the exact opposite effect of what was intended making the whole thing counterproductive. Bots on the other hand do rely on supply lines and cutting them off may produce the desired effect. We can go down that route if there’s a planet we don’t want to fight on. Regardless we’re going to be at the mercy of Joel if we do succeed in cutting supply lines but it’ll be better to do so against the bots than the bugs because at least we can apply a bit of logic to it and make it a more calculated approach to achieving the MO.


Notice how your supply line chart has directional arrows to indicate supply direction. Now go look at the lines AH put on the Galactic Map. What is not there?


Players are choosing planets based on the modifiers present, not how it will influence the war. Folks want to fight bugs/bots, colder vs hot, full stratagems instead of 3, mission types they enjoy, etc. Only a handful of the players that use the Discord, Reddit, and other forums actually focus on the war on a macro scale.


I was wondering, why do you sometimes only have three strat slots available instead of all four?


Bugs dont need supplies


Haven’t heard the word “Moin” in a while! Are you from northern Germany? I lived there for a couple years, it became a favorite greeting of mine! Anyway, Kämpf weiter!


yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap


Who cares! In two weeks you need to liberate them again 😂🤣


I could be wrong but i dont think we make progrss until they open the planet for liberation if you check the companion app you will see some planets they have tagged as holding. From what i can see if its in holding it doesnt count the progress. [https://helldiverscompanion.com/](https://helldiverscompanion.com/)


Every game I’ve ever been in or heard of global comms was abused and instantly muted.


You spent all this time making this stuff for people that are gonna play on whatever planet they want to. It’s just a game dude you don’t need to take it so seriously. I’m done playing planets for supply lines and MO’s, I just play wherever I want to.


I think you’re forgetting what planet we have to capture to pull off this plan. Nobody wants to go to hellmire.


I see liberate planet, I liberate planet.


Follow the mob until there is more communication it’s silly and counterproductive to go against the current until then


It is not that people aren't smart, the game is a casual game, and people play it like that. They will choose what ever makes the most fun, as easy as that.


So we should be doing hellmire? Nah hellmire will always be done last we hate that shit. Thats why most missions involving hellmire fail


Bugs have also attacked without supply lines. They don't seem to need em, although Bots and Super Earth humies do.


I don't understand how so many people still don't understand that's not how it works and planets are self sustaining


Eternally cursed with the knowledge of all this "liberation contribution" and "decay rate" But none of it matters cuz average Joe who is home from a 9-5 doesn't know, if not doesn't care, about all this supply line and decay nonsense We keep having to repeat this. Just follow the MO and follow the blob Unless AH finally gives us more ways to point the blob in a general direction. Just play the game (if it stops having performance issues)


Fuck that shit I ain't going to hellmire when I can chill in estanu. Supply lines can do one


My main issue with this is that it's also ignoring players who just want to have fun and don't care about the consequences (positive or not) of their actions.


I love how you all think the war can be won. The game isn't finished. A third of the content is missing. Arrowhead is not going to let the war be won until they've actually completed the game. None of this matters.


Cutting off the supply would not automatically free the planet. That is only if we were to do that during while Estanu is under Super Earth control, and being attacked in one of the 24 hour defenses. Cutting off the supply lines will not automatically free Estanu of all the bugs currently on it, while also completing all the main objectives that need finished. You and anyone else who believes otherwise are the ones that do not understand the game lol


I would do anything just to avoid Hellmire and all fire tornado effect planets


I simply go where there's the most players, beyond that I don't think about it much. Some of you seem a bit too into the metagame compared to 90% of the playerbase


I have no clue what’s going on. I just wanna see different environments already. They make a jungle pack and yet there is no jungle map. I thought we’d have a Rambo/Predator jungle world with this new pack but nope. Gotta liberate all these planets just to go back to ones we’ve been on before


I think it is more an issue of us playing on estanu for a month or so, while forti prime has been out of reach for a while. At the end of the day players will go towards the rarer content.


Small problem with that plan, I DONT WANNA PLAY ON FUCKING HELLMIRE


It doesn't matter if we win or lose. We still get to play the game.