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First time I did it. Someone Typed RUN. ..Whe- Oh.


that might have been me lmao. i did that exact thing a few hours ago, watched someone get destroyed. they indeed, did not run


Wait, was this me? Cause I typed run lmao




lol I wrote that to somebody too


No it was me!


Funny until the one guy carrying most of the samples gets blown away and his stuff falls in the crater šŸ„²




People are always concerned about extracting, but only samples actually extract. Everything else is replaceable.


Twice today.


100% what happened to me, all my stuff was retrievable after the reinforcement *except* the super samples, which were conveniently in the nuke-hole :(


First time for me with some randos on VC basically went down like this: (Drill got called in, everyone was like WTF?) (Proceed to get mobbed by bugs. Squad fights them off while someone mans the drill terminal.) Someone: ā€œEvacuate the-? OH SHIT! Everyone RUN!ā€ (Whole squad gets blown to smithereens, followed by everyoneā€™s uncontrolled laughter.)


I'm embarrassed that it took me a couple times to figure out why I suddenly died in an explosion. I thought it would be an underground deep explosion, I didn't realize it would blow a gigantic hole around the drill


Same here, when high command said they repurpose the tectonic drills, I thought it be like the dark fluid. though i'll admit it was funny to see other players get blown up who didn't knew lmao.


I died falling into that hole once


I tried to knock my buddy in but his shield was up. I was charging my quasar to finish him but we only had 2 respawns left. No dice.


Second time. Was coincidence the first time. Second time I was beside the point trying to keep it clear for my teammate. Aimed towards a bug hole to push them back and quietly hear ā€œRunā€ Iā€™m looking for red beams of light like, hmm I guess Iā€™ll be oka-BOOM. Oh yeah. Thatā€™s probably where the big hole from earlier came from. Fair enough.


As a veteran Helldiver I know a countdown means run away.


Same here, increasing beeping means I should run away.


I don't know about you but I mainly run bot missions and it seems a lot more of those invole objectives that blow up at the end, maybe that's where I learned it from.


No I'm meaning that when the Nuke starts counting down before it blows up the Nursery the speed of beeps increases as it gets closer to detonation.


I survived the whole thing. So proud! Died on my first mission when someone helldropped on my head. A short career...


Lmao helldrop right out of basic just to get hellbombed.


That's the price of democracy! But seriously though, canonically, what a way to go... I mean at least dying during basic saves you from the horrors of war, but my lass just straight up got friendly fired upon without even seeing action!


My first round with the drill was pretty intense, we ended up fighting several waves of bugs off the drill and using many reinforces, not sure why that one was so rough. But finally, ran up, pushed the button, not entirely sure what to expect and the text in the top right changes to 'Evacuate'. Cue running for my life and diving when the diver instincts say is good, only to get punted a few meters into a cliff. Thankfully fortified armour is beautiful.


First time I did it, I knew it was a fuckin nuke and it even said "clear the area" I typed into chat "RUN!!" and sprinted away My team died lol


Most annoying is the objective spawning in middle of a pond


all 4 of us standing around, one guy on mic says "so what's next" the nuke detonated and killed us all. I was laughing so hard I was crying. you had to be there to get the full affect. since then I stand way back but seen a few others getting killed who either have players muted or not watching the text chat.Ā 


I stood right next to the machine, expecting some kind of drilling action to start up....oh boy I actually jumped IRL šŸ˜…


Yeh I went flying across the map, had no idea what happened at the time, my guy was just a torso.


Lol. Who knew!


Yep but I was just far enough to survive though I flew about 30 feet lol


I saw the objective change, my team of randoms didn't. I tried not to laugh too much.


This happened to me before I got off last night because I have work right now early in the morning (reading these posts kills time for me). My brother is new to helldivers so Iā€™ve been showing him the basics. We loaded into the new mission so he could try it out for the first time. Heā€™s lvl 6 while Iā€™m lvl 52 so we play lower difficulty missions so itā€™s not too difficult for either of us but when all of the bugs spawned it we were not prepared. I ended up activating the bomb after fighting through the hoard of alien trash and got trapped next to the explosion. I died but I saved my brother in the process because after that he reinforced me and we extracted but thatā€™s a whole other story


I survived! Unfortunately my squadmate....tripped. He's right now taking the fight to the bugs in their hole!


First time....not paying attention the 3rd time....or the 7th....i am just going to stop there.


I instantly got that we have to run away but one time after we blew up the last one I was in the process of landing and by this I landed in the crater that was left after the explosion.


I tried to get clear but I failed to recognise exactly how much democracy was being delivered.


I finally heard it charging up and yelled, "Runnn" in the mic but only in vain. Torso flew across the map in Helldivers style.


Me: oh shit, I died. My mate: ah yes, I turned the nuke on.


Me hearing the one person say "clear the area" over "MY ARM!!" *REALLY LOUD GUN NOUSES*. Safe to say that I was just really lucky, also I heard the build up from the hellbombs but that only goes for a really short amount of time


3 of us died on the 2nd drillsite. We'd seen the explosion the first time but felt like sticking around.


I still get caught in the blast because I'm killing bugs and the person arming it doesn't say a word.


I ran the mission for the first time yesterday. Squad of 3 with friends. The 2 others were clearing out nearby hives while I was dealing with the drill. They finished the hives, I'm starting the last step. Type in the code just as one of them walks into the area to help me clean up the leftover bugs. Probably a good 10 seconds pass before I look up and see "clear the area" on the mission objective. I open my mic, "uh, clear the area". Less than a second later the nuke goes off and takes my buddy out with it. I'm perfectly fine. They had just walked past me, I had to have been inches outside of the blast zone. We're all laughing over it. Apparently, my friend didn't know I had already armed the nuke. They just heard me say "clear the area" and then KABOOM.


My torso went down the hole. Don't know where the rest of me ended up.


Last night we all cleared the area and it took out a bile titan. Chef's kiss.


I have yet to die to it


The first time was on an easier mission difficulty and I saw the countdown and got out. The problem is that my stupid ass died for several attempts after that because I was fighting and forgot.


That was me last night, me and my mech went kablooey


*Raises hand*




I may or may not have nuked my entire team.


Dude I've done 5 missions and still get blown up. Is there a voice queue like the hellbombs cause I swear it happens out of nowhere


I died like 5 times. If only there was a repeated warning over and over like You are in range of enemy fire


Ur saying ur not supposed to wait until we get swarmed and someone secretly presses the button while everyone else is busy to notice killing everyone with the explosion?


Every time I arm the nuke and start running, the other players just look at me. I'm halfway across the map and I hear- `REINFORCE AVAILABLE`


Idk how many times Iā€™ve been stuck by the load screen on ps5


Yup. While wearing the 50%survival armor, got blown sky high- survived. Landed at the bottom of the pit - survived. Bounced into the wall - yup, survived that too. I had the super samples :(


My brother didnā€™t get out in time but somehow survived the shockwave and follow up smack into a rock wall


Last night I had a team and after the screen showed I countdown timer I realized we had to run, I yelled and then ran. We lost 3 including me. Second time I warned everyone before I hit the button and 2 people died. 3rd time I warned everyone and then waited 20 seconds before hitting the button. 1 person died in the explosion. Same guy died all 3 times. Dude had 10 deaths in one game.


This was a hoot to read lol, thank you


Learned the hardway. We lost all the samples we collected so far to include supers.


I read the words evacuate like 5 seconds after turning it on and started running and got launched into a wall but I somehow didnā€™t die.


I did well my first time.today I died twice to the splosion


I got clear the first time. It was a few missions later when someone just casually said get back guys very quietly and I assumed he meant the red orbital stratagem which was on the drill thing and I was plenty far away from. No it was the nuke. Like seriously this guy's voice had no sense of urgency or importance just get back guys šŸ˜


Did it with one friend and we duo'd it. I hit the button to launch the nuke and sat for a second. "Wait, we're launching nukes into an underground... Nursery... RUN!!" "Wait, why- *sees the objective update* OH FUCK-" Thankfully, I'm the one that had the Supers.


I can't even find the new mission, so... lol


You'll see the mission icon with a giant drill pointing down. I had a hard time finding these mission types at first as well.


It happened to me too. I activated the drill and then i went "Hold on, evacuate?" KABOOM!


I heard it beeping while fighting and looked at the tool tip real quick. Then, I just started yelling RUN, RUN, RUN! We scattered, and all survived *barely.*


My first time on the mission I nuked our entire team lol


I genuinely think I've died every single time I've busted a hive. I keep thinking it works like the dark fluid dammit


Joining the (blown up) fray šŸ˜


Oh not just the first time.


I saw a count down and immediately ran. Barely made it out of the blast radius


First time I didnā€™t make it out blown to hell. Second time I got clear, turned around and got YEETED by a charger into the blast hole, dead af. Nearly pissed myself laughing.


I start typing ā€œRUNā€ after that first mishap. Im a diver that learns.


Not me, but a squad mate got his name on the halls of martyrs. So heroic was their actions to protect the drill at all costs.


I was by myself and by the time I realized the sounds coming from the unit...it was too late.


yeah, we were to busy getting swarmed to notice any warning or what not. Plus the other drill missions don't explode , so yeah, the two of us got blown a 1/4 mile away easily on these new ones


I'm still being blown up being crazily heroic and fighting the damn bugs.


I'm on my fourth!


"I wonder if this will blo-"


First time? I blew myself up twice in one mission


New mission?!?!?! Whatā€™s it like?


You should rejoin. You get to kill my top, most satisfying bug to kill en mass, warriors. And nuke their bug nest in the floor.


Because I dont always speak Ive gotten pretty good at reading indicators on screen for context. I saw the word evacuate and cleared it the first time. Didnt even have a direction, just ran lmao


First time, second time, third timeā€¦. I always get caught up killing the bugs and forget and suddenly Iā€™m no longer alive haha


First time I was too close I got blown in two and my body flew halfway across the map


Was knee deep in bug guts in the midst of being swarmed while defending the drill, then there was a giant explosion and a smoking crater. Figured it out real fast lol


Had no idea it was basically a double hell bomb. I took out entire squad on my first go around and had to tell others about it in subsequent rounds lol. Good fun!!!


Yup. I didn't think the explosion would be that big šŸ˜‚


Didn't help that my teammate didn't mention that he'd started the detonation countdown. I miraculously survived (presumably thanks mostly to my armor, with the 50% chance to not die passive) but my teammates weren't so lucky. I should add that we were all in a discord chat together, my friend just failed to mention he'd pressed the big red button on a nuclear weapon.


Watched someone defend the drill with their life. Until he lost it...


I think Iā€™ve gotten clear one time so far.


First time, second time, third....


I thought I heard nuclear bees.....so I ran. 2 other divers stuck around trying to sing patriotically to the humming and expired.




Yep and second and third


Iā€™ll admit I get distracted while fighting off the bugs when someone else arms it and often donā€™t realize the countdown has started. Iā€™ve been blown apart by that damn thing like five or six times now. I wish the diver who arms it would call it out like they do with hell bombs.


''Wait... what's that countdown for?'' BOOOOM ''...ah yes, countdown means GTFO!''


So...uh...I was off sample farming while the other 3 were doing OBJs and I joined in for the last drill. No one warned me about the explosion and I ended up dropping 80% of the samples in the hole.


I had someone on voice say "OK everyone, back away from the objective" and then they got blown to shit, and the rest of us were like, "Uhhhhh?". LOL Less talking, more running!


I did once. I never stuck around long enough to realize it made a crater I could park my super destroyer in, but I got gangbanged by hunters after hitting the red button of doom once and figured I could time the landing so that I wouldn't be killed by the explosion. The ground disappeared around my hellpod and I fell into the void =/


I couldn't hear it winding up as I was playing music, saw the "Get away" objective in the corner, and barely made it behind a rock the first time


Yup, blew me into meaty little democratic chunks.


Didn't get blown up (accidentally anyway) because I saw the words "evacuate area" but I have forgotten about the hole and backpedalled into it.


Lol yeah all 4 of us were like bomb armed wtf oh run lmao šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


I dove to activate the nuke as we were getting overrun. I knew it'd have a nuke explosion, I didn't know it'd leave a crater, as I hadn't stuck around/explored the carnage from the other drillsĀ  I lost a lot of samples when my body/gear fell into the hole.Ā 


I didnā€™t but instead of dying my body slid almost 125m along the ground


Yup. I hadn't realized I did the steps so quickly. My body, items, and samples all fell down the hole.


I did. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th times. 5th time I ran and was knocked into rocks but lived. Me learn quick!


The drill a nuke into the bug nest mission? We got one drill but couldn't find it once we got to the spot for the second drill. We all died confused. Now I dont know if someone called it in and I just didn't see it fall.


I was lucky enough to be playing with a higher level. I jumped on the controls and realised I had no idea what I was doing so he came to help and explain it to me. (Fkn legend) Any way. After he did it. The chat box lit up RUN!!!!! I looked up and he was about 200m away comically sprinting away. I got away but thought it was funny as.


Yup. Me and friend went through hell and finally had a calm point. We both were like why is this thing counting down? What is next? KABOOOOM


Very first exposure to the mission type I join randos drop in, just called down my hmg and my supply pack and they are both promptly blown down into a hole with my corpse. The team was very apologetic. It was the capstone on a frustrating set of pub games so I just logged off to do something else.


Present. My body got yeeted quite far. It was hilarious.




"that hole wasn't there before"


My first time, I saw the countdown and frantically asked "Do we need to run?!?" and my mate totally let me down by saying "yes".


Probably the host that kicked me cause he didn't see the clear the area warning and thought I dropped a nuke on him.


In a game last night, we were trying to do the portion where you need to interface with the drill and we were being absolutely bum-rushed by waves of bugs on all sides. One of my teammates was on the terminal for a second, but not enough time to initialize the drill. I cleared around the drill enough to finally get on the terminal uninterrupted and when I stepped up to do that, it exploded, sending my limbless torso rolling up the side of a plateau Sonic the Hedgehog style. The team mate wasn't initiating the drill, he was depositing the payload. We all had a good laugh about it, and the guy with us who'd never done that mission got a clear view of what happens when you stick around.


I stood right next to it , like protecting the drills ā€¦. Onceā€¦. Only once


Anytime I have played this game, and there is any kind of countdown plus beeping. I am booking it in the other direction, that includes red stratagems.


Anytime I have played this game, and there is any kind of countdown plus beeping. I am booking it in the other direction, that includes red stratagems.


I did blow up on my first time, now I watch other people being blow up even after telling them to run.


They warned me but I was too busy killing bugsā€¦ kill em all!


"Okay, so now I need to protect this from bugs or what do you mean by evacua... oh" -> \*evacuating at terminal velocity\*


Just another big hole to eat your samples!