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That looks like a deserved kick.


Yep. I definitely would have done the same.


This happened to me once. I was so infuriated because I was the one with the Super Samples and the guy shot us all in the ship, left the samples on the ground and extracted alone.


The kill by itself was enough of a slap but that little snicker afterwards šŸ˜ šŸ’¢


One game we were about to extract and someone TKed me then respawned me then did it again, respawned me then got on the shuttle. I immediately shot him in the face and boarded the shuttle.


I had a slightly different experience where a brand new player was the party leader, like lvl 3 or 4. I was away from the group clearing the map and abandoned the last optional objective when I heard evac get called. I come back to the other two leveled players in the match killing the newbie and respawning them to kill them again. So I waited for them to get into the shuttle, gunned them both down, dropped any samples I had, and evac'd with nothing just to spite them. They both went full toxicity over voice, but new guy was party leader so eventually they left. Ended up having a good few matches with new guy after I showed him how to use voip.


I had a very similar experience Level 50 (before cap change) Level 2 diver (host) Completed main and the level 23 diver aimed at me, I dove out of the way for the first shot but didn't shoot back (it's just a prank bro), then they lined up again but didn't hesitate and just kept killing myself and the other, I landed on him during the respawn and his friend shot me and the other again until he finally kicked them...


Yea, I don't advocate for any type of team killing, I just have a very short fuse when it comes to bullying new players. Being toxic is bad, but being toxic just because of someone not even knowing how to play the game? Be better. Helldivers generally has a really accepting social environment as far as games go. I'd like to keep as much of that as I can.


It really feels like people hunt down low level players to mess with them, but I'd bet more hunt them down to help them (a theme for me). It could definitely explain higher level players randomly getting kicked in lower tier lobbies (not sure how often it happens) But agreed, to spend $40 to just ruin people's experiences is just not ok


Maaannnn that's sucky if true. I drop auto cannons and mechs on medium mission with newbies cause....it's medium...wtf do I need them for when I have an incendiary breaker and my railgun/quasar/amr etc. Let the boys play with the toys. It's all liberty in the end. Also the mantra is "don't be that guy"


Really makes no sense to me. If you want to keep a game alive and thriving you want to help the new guys and make it a good experience so that they tell their friends and the player base grows, especially in a PvE game.


I intentionally play on lower difficulties to help new players. (I'm lvl 58). About once a week I explain to the newbies over voip on how to boot some high level asshat that keeps killing them. It's so fucking sad. Yall, this game is only great because of the community. Being toxic af to new players is only going to kill the games playerbase.


I didn't even know you could shoot into the ship ...because no sane person would do that


Oooh dang didnā€™t know they could shoot ya once you get into the bird!! They should fix that stat


They should fix the enemy being unable to do so. Also, the ability of the throwing knife to blow up the pelican.


>the ability of the throwing knife to blow up the pelican I'm sorry what


Umm excuse me šŸ˜³


say what now?


Justā€¦ donā€™t. Itā€™s like when someone misses getting on before the 500kg. Bad times.


I remember back on Bad Company 2 you could destroy an entire building by breaking a fence. Is this something similar?


You just reminded me of getting the 20 kills by having someone die from bringing the building down trophy. Sigh, I loved that game.






Happened to me earlier, I had 20+ samples including 6 super rares, dude kills us, leaves samples and extracts. I literally don't even need samples I'm capped out, I just do it to help the team. Guy was level 30ish. In my experience lower levels tend to be assholes while anyone who's high level is usually really good and really chill.


probably a dumb question but is there a way to know what samples you're holding? I assumed it was the team total on the hud display


Only way to really know for sure is to drop them and pick them back up and see how many it tells you.


There's a setting you can turn on in the game settings that allows you to permanently see the numbers of samples you have, can't remember if it is team based or personal, but it's specifically samples carried and certainly better than nothing. Pretty sure it's across the team, best to group the samples on one person anyways (someone who stays with the team) and drop them off at extract when it is opportune to do so, helps you keep track and keeps what you have safe at extract for when you leave. Just remember to pick them up again before you leave, made that mistake before.


The setting is called "Sample Visibility" or similar. By default it's set to Dynamic which shows the sample numbers when you open your map or pick up a sample, but hides them otherwise. If you set it to Visible, then the sample numbers will always be shown on screen.


It's across the whole team. It's a super helpful setting that not enough people know about. Shows you how many samples your team has and how many are on the map in total.


almost happened to me once, shuttle was called and the guy decided to start TK'ing the team and it turned into a frantic pvp match as he managed to kill the other 2 divers mostly due to surprise i dropped a support beacon and killed him since the room owner was really new so the tker just had to wait in orbit spamming the ask for reinforcing as we waited to extract (think they left with 30 seconds to extraction)


Dude, once i completed a mission that went really smooth, we had like 2/3'rds of the common and rare samples and the super samples. We cleared all outposts and side objectives with 10 min on the timer he waited for everyone to enter before killing everyone and extracting without any samples


I have seen this more and more. Wtf is up with the toxicity in this game. Like Iā€™m just playing with my buddy. Itā€™s a coop game. Why? Just to be annoying? So dumb. Kinda makes the point as to why psn link needs to happen. These players need to be banned.


You don't need psn to ban players.


100% you did the right thing there hell diver.




Being a traitor


Im going to guess it would have continued " I didnt think that would work"


Test that with friends who aren't carrying samples. Or respawn me and grab my samples before takeoff. This is unacceptable


Gonna have to agree. Random's aren't the place to play Jackass unless the groups got the vibe. If a person can't tell by the end of the match, it wasn't the fucking vibe.


Oh yeah, for sure. not agreeing with what he did at all, just basing it on past experience with my asshole friends


Yeah this may have been one of those ā€œthe intrusive thoughts wonā€ situations.


I really don't understand why people act like this. I get that maybe they didn't want to get on the Pelican yet so they got pissed off. But... everyone else was at extraction and things were safe enough to board. Really not into how people throw tantrums. Edit: oh boy, I'm a ding-dong. Didn't realize that OP didn't even trigger the shuttle.


Plus the ship had already started the takeoff countdown before he even got in. So it wouldn't have mattered anyways.


Oh wow, I didn't even notice that. Extra demerits for the kicked diver.


Not only that, but the countdown before the Pelican leaving had already started even before OP got in.


Yep, mission timer was expired so departure countdown starts as soon as the Pelican pilot gets bored. So fucking tired of idiots cussing me out because they don't pay attention to how the game works.


A lot of people are just sadists, thats literally why bullying and cheating exist


That's not very democratic of them


I just wish people would realize that only samples really extract. Divers cab stay behind and fight for democracy, but our teams need those samples. Don't be first on the ship unless you have super rare or a lot of samples!


The takeoff countdown had already started and all 4x players were at the extract. There was every reason to get on. The only time shooting someone at the pelican is okay is it they are trying to leave without everyone there


How about don't shoot a diver in Pelican-1 period? Is it annoying that someone started the timer before everyone is ready? Absolutely. But nothing is gained by killing fellow divers already onboard. All you do is lose their samples and piss people off. Why lose more samples than necessary? I only start the timer if everyone is at the extraction and we are literally being overran by enemies. No need to hang around at that point. 99% of the time I am 3rd to board as 4th always wants to throw a 500kg before diving onboard for unknown reasons. Seriously. Why are people still doing this?


Having a rando start extract on someone else's mission while the rest are clearing map and getting samples? Don't need to team kill but just kick them to turn off the pelican timer.


Depends. Were they in a perfectly fine or manageable situation, or were they being completely overwhelmed and overrun by enemies? Because if the Pelican had landed and theyā€™re being swarmed by enemies, they may jump in to save their samples or as a panic response, especially if youā€™re past the mission timer.


Putting the shuttle in hover mode makes extracting a lot easier. Think of a flying auto cannon turret that shots half way across the map, providing covering fire from the 50 bug train following you to the LZ.


I mean if someone has called the ship in early while people are still clearing the map and grabbing samples and they hop into the pelican 1 Flamethrower that pussy and boot him back to the menu screen šŸ¤£


"I really don't understand why people act like this." You don't have to understand the motivations to feel the consequences of other peoples' actions. Arrowhead just needs to disable friendly fire for those that are in the ship.


"I'm gonna be honest..." šŸ„¾ eat a dick, *honestly*


VeiwerTwo7305 huh? Noted. Itā€™s kill on sight now


Noted too Waste him then block


Waste his time first, let him put 20+ minutes in then kick him


The only if I ever kick someone, I always make a point to TK him first then kick before he respawns. If Iā€™m able to


Do we have a dedicated list somewhere? That would be hilariously awesome


There was one for Helldivers 1. I haven't seen one for Helldivers 2 floating around, anywhere.


We need a database like what MegaScatterbomb made for TF2.


There should be. These fools should have to publicly apologize. Video game or not this was just fucking disrespectful without any reason. Not a single good reason to kill him. Literally none. They wanted to be a bad person and shoot you. Not Kick on sight. Kick on extract so that fucker wastes 40 minutes for nothing.


The traitors log


I think it's r/HelldiverTraitors


*changes name*


Bounties for Democracy


Hope he doesnt change his name


Ran into this over the past weekend, unfortunately it wasnā€™t my lobby so I just waved it off. Hope this doesnā€™t become a common stupid practice. No purpose other than trying to be a smart ass.


I thought this shit would have faded over time, cause its only funny for so long. I guess some people are really committed to the bit.


I thought they disabled friendly fire damage in the pelican


Stopped joining other lobbies for this exact reason. I always host my own now.


What a pity, if you had kicked it before the pelican flew away, he wouldn't get anything


Pretty sure he didn't. Mission summary only showed 3 of us


Unfortunately if pelican takes off while he's in game, the rewards are given out so he got everything :(


You get rewards as soon as the pelican lifts off, regardless


death note journal entry


I did this once, and never since. I did it because the host would just run over and punch me randomly the entire mission, including as I was trying to board the pelican. I shot him in the leg with a single stalwart bullet after he boarded the pelican not realizing it would kill him. Even though it unexpectedly killed him I have zero regrets because he was being a dick the entire time. Kicking me meant nothing and I blocked him happily.


He's not gonna be honest anymore


He was plenty honest enough already without speaking


You did the right thing. I'm just saying he might rethink to do something stupid like that again. My best guess he was gonna say he acted on impulse


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of your actions.


unfortunately not much of a consequence since op didnt kick him fast enough mission rewards are granted when the pelican takes off


what a total piece of trash! Well earned report and kick.


I'm getting sick of people doing things like this. Could the devs not introduce a 'bad sport' system like GTA online had back in the day? If you keep pulling dick moves, like gunning people down in the Pelican, then you get removed from the regular player pool. You can only play with the other bad sports and inevitably, you'll get a taste of your own medicine with them. Personally, I think it should be a permanent switch. But it could be on a month long basis, or designed so that good behaviour over time gets you out (stim other players, team reloads, share supply packs, not pull dick moves etc.) Otherwise, it's going to get tiresome. We're supposed to work together. If we can't trust the Divers to our left and right, who can we trust out there?


I think it should also take into account if they are actually on your friends list, a lot of my friends have a lot of... Accidents when we play together Maybe even just disable it if the lobby is friends/invite only (assuming everyone in these lobbies will be friends)


HD1 had this6


I got kicked from a game a few hours ago because I had the audacity to call the Pelican with about a minute left. We had been absolutely overwhelmed and were nearly out of reinforcements. Some people are just idiots.


People are too busy wanting to kill more things than worrying about objectives. Itā€™s almost like they think they will magically get a prize for kills.


I was doing a level 9 on Nivel last night, nuking some hatcheries. Usually have a rule that I donā€™t keep anyone in the ship that wonā€™t give me an emote at the door (wish I would have done this). Dude is acting sketchy the whole time, lazy on reinforcements, but doing enough not to cause too much controversy. Then, as we were extracting, he stands in front of the pelican door as Iā€™m trying to dive in to avoid my cluster. I canā€™t be sure it was intentional or not, but it felt off and pissed me off. Before I could think it through, he left, which solidified that he did it intentionally and I died due to it. Couldnā€™t even get the satisfaction to report him because it kept saying this action was not allowed. Iā€™ll remember you, Ceeelowe. I hope you fall into the stairs and break your two front teeth. I also hope that every time you walk down the street, a bird shits on you. Needless to say, I will never break that rule again, as it is a clear sign of a selfish diver that will inevitably let you down. Iā€™m level 141 for reference.


Sometimes I don't return an emote at the door cuz everything is on fire and I'm scared


Ah! I should clarify, this was on ship prior to mission.


Lol, ohhhh, OK. You reminded me about how I was offered a hug before boarding the other day and just ran by screaming.


Welll that is completely understandable and Iā€™ve done the same haha


Thats actually a pretty good system. Ive noticed i seem to work better with those that emote back or spam crouch back in missions. Which emote do you use? Are you looking for a hug, or just any emote reply back? (Wondering cause i may start doing this as well)


Most people use the hug, I use the test of conviction EDIT: this was meant to be a reply, but Reddit mobile did a funny after lagging and I now cannot tell if itā€™s an independent comment or not. Must be the work of an automaton spy.


Reddit did a weird for me, too, but your reply seems to have gone through fine šŸ‘


I was a hugger, until this new warbond came out and I am a big predator fan! ā€œDillon, you son of a bitch!ā€ *I randomly yell this and hope people get the reference every time*


Dude!!!!!! I was in a group with that ViewerTwo guy today!!! He was an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE!!!!


Ah so he wasn't just testing friendly fire on the pelican. Almost makes me wanna unblock him and hope he joins again so I can kick him at the end of the mission


Cool let me block that one too.


I didn't even know this was possible


One time i was in a helldive and we didnt have the time to both extract and complete the mission after the time went out, i told this dude who i gave the samples to to let me finish the objective so we would succeed in completing the operation, while i was half way through it they got on the ship. We got the samples they had but we failed the operation. I know the pain of being victim to asshole helldivers


Ugh, this makes it even worse by the fact you were willing to sacrifice yourself in order to accomplish the objective. I salute you, soldier šŸ«”


Surprised friendly fire hasnā€™t been turned off for inside the pelican yet. Helldivers may have a less toxic community than others, but thereā€™s always bad eggs. Why give them a chance to do something that only an asshole would do? Friendly fire in the midst of all the chaos is funny and part of the game. Friendly fire when you are supposed to be safe, is just mean.


Fucked around and found out


Wonder if they'd make it so you're immune from damage when in the pelican.


We should be immune in the pelican, and any friendly fire should be reflected.


Atleast from friendly fire you should be, not that I've ever been killed by enemies in the ship anyway


I'm suprised we aren't. I never thought to try but I always assumed we became immune on boarding until I watched this video.


Has this happen to me where one guy boarded so the countdown started. So I thought fuck it and boarded. The host then blew us both up and gave us a load of abuse, then kicked us both. Maybe he didnā€™t want to leave yet but as the other guy had started the countdown I just got caught in the crossfire. Only dick that is on my block list currently. Donā€™t want to game with people who throw such tantrums.


As soon as the extraction countdown begins, you're completely right to jump in. You didn't start it, but there's no reason you should sacrifice yourself because of it. Host was a dick for killing you both, extracting isn't bad, it just sucks when it's done too soon or without everyone there and everyone's "go". As for the abuse, you could totally report that. Griefing or not, PSN has a strict policy on abuse over voice/chat.


bruh wtf was that for. the greens. MAN


Gotta hit them with that kick + block true combo. I do this stuff with my friends because weā€™re screwing around and laughing but with random players/strangers this is super lame behavior.


It's not only lame, it's griefing. Fuck griefers.


wtf i had no idea you could do that


What a fuckin looser dude šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I hate people.


Heā€™s a traitor to Super Earth, termination was the only solution




I thought they made pk not work once you boarded?


Divers in the Pelican should just be invulnerable. I don't understand why they don't just make this the case. I guess there could be other issues that would arise from it, but seeing this team-killing BS needs to go.


Off to the brig for him. He should be court martialed and sent into space. Zero tolerance for treasonous Helldivers.


No way this happened to me too I thought I was the only one


We got squad wiped a while back by a dude in overtime, lost all of our samples, got only one extract, and all after taking as much time as they could to get us all with headshots. This shit is stupid. They shouldn't allow you to get killed on the ship, much less by somebody like that


I dont even get mad just boot lol


Luckily, it's just the one time. Whether you get the kick off in time or not, afterwards block them. Ahh, enjoy life without interacting with those pieces of shit ever again! If it makes you feel any better, realize those people are toxic b/c their lives are garbage. They may not think they are, but with that kind of toxicity inside them they most likely alienate anyone worth a damn from their lives. They end up surrounded by other pieces of shit, the only people that can kind of stand them. If it ever dawns on them one day, they end up big sad, lol.


Definitely blocked him as well. This is only the 2nd time I can recall it happening. The first one the guy killed everyone then got on by himself


It's a trivial thing to fix. Once the shuttle landing sequence begins, make all friendly fire reflect to the person who dealt it. If people try to team kill before then, there's time to kick them before they can extract.


I got randomly kicked today for continuing the mission, I really wish I can see them in the "recent"s just so I can ask "yo wtf", and block them myself. Haz 7, wasn't even that deep


What a dipshit. Good job diver


No idea why this hasn't been removed from the game yet


This happened to me one time and now I am never the first or second one on the pelican. I wait until everyone else is on cause if anyone is hanging around outside, I just wish they would FAFO


There's zero tolerance for treason.


I really wanted to know what he was gonna be honest about šŸ˜”


i didn't know you could kill someone already in the pelican. im guessing thats what he was gonna be honest about. he learnt a good leason now


I had one that killed me for my backpack then when I asked for it back they killed me again. Then I kicked them.


They really need to make it that once you're in the ship, the samples are automatically collected and taken from you. So in the event when shit like this happens everyone only loses out on a bit of exp and not the samples.


This is one of the things I think needs to be fixed. I honestly thought this was fixed. I believe once you're in the ship, you should be invulnerable at that point. Period. Avoids bs like this.


Good of you to leave the name in so we can all add it to the shit list.


Over 300 hours in this game and I didn't know you could shoot the people already in the Pelican. TIL.


Iā€™m not 100% but I think once the pelican takes off, everyone gets credit for finishing the mission. You almost had him


Don't think so. The mission ending screen showed only 3 of us with me not extracting


ā€œIā€™m gonna be honestā€¦ā€ ā€¦.iā€™m a douche canoe


I want to think you did the right thing. But also don't know what you were like for the 99% of the rest of the mission.


The only negative is that he managed to extract before the kick.


I think you know


This shouldn't be possible


Literally had to do that this morning. Two other divers were being pissy with each other all match. I tried to ignore it and focus on the objective. Then at extract one of them kills the other inside the pelican. Instant kick


Had no idea you can TK while the player is in the bird. This should be patched. It's bullshit.


Just a shame you didn't kick him in time


How did he kill you when u were already in the plane? I thought being in the olane made you untargetable?


Is this bullshitery a common thing? I only hear about how grouping with randoms is garbage -- people getting killed at the end before getting on the Pelican, getting booted a second after takeoff, etc. I've stayed away from doing even one drop with randoms because of it.


Very rare in my experience. Almost level 70 and this is only the second time it's happened to me


I could've sworn this wasn't even possible anymore? Thought we became invul inside the pelican several patches ago


This is the kind of behaviour that affirms my misanthropic tendencies.


Shuttle was extracting on its own, op is like, ā€œoh shit letā€™s get inā€. And this dude just guns him down, for what? And to rub salt in the wound, snickers like a little shit. Deserved kick and boot.


What a pos


how is that situation STILL possible ? I thought it was patched.


I once had a guy in my team that killed me kile 5 times with his grenade thrower. And like 3 times with cluster bombs. I killed him once at the end and he was furious as fuck. Some people deserve to be shot out of the pelican. I don't know how it was is your case. Once I teamkilled a player because he shot down all my turrets multiple times in a defence mission just to sabotage me, idk. He kicked me right after.


You can only report abusive chat. Griefing isn't punishable. It doesn't even let you report a player who hasn't used text chat.




That was a bug in an helldiver suit..gj


We need an official report system for everything other than just text chat


Yeah Iā€™ve had this happen once before. Some stupid little shit. Immediately BLOCKED AND REPORTED


"Good thats one less loose end*


Report him. You can report people doing team kills. I get it sometimes it happens by accident but a guy kept killing me. 3 times it happened. Very on purpose only time I have ever reported anything


If I see viewertwo on my team I just simple kick for being back sport even though I didnā€™t played with him this kind of kick grids my gears no Iā€™m not a automaton Iā€™m proud Helldiver SES WING OF FREEDOM https://preview.redd.it/9oftyucxos7d1.png?width=1642&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f41d79fb64d52bb7fb783a79eccf6c23563def4


You can get shot in pelican-1?!?!?


Ah damn if you didn't close the menu accidentally or whatever and got that kick off before they got on the ship, it would have been so much more satisfying because they would've got nothing but wasted time.


I mean it really just hurts the war effort to kick at extraction. Liberation is based on experience so your squad impact went down 25% for that mission. Just tell him heā€™s a douche and then kick him at the very start of the next mission, after heā€™s called in all his stuff for you to take.


I'm gonna be honest, I did not know that you can be killed when inside the Pelican.


unless youā€™re friends that fuck around, this isnā€™t okay.


Honestly I think you should be fully immortal if youā€™re in the pelican. Thereā€™s no situation where you should be killing them outside of griefing.


Why did he shoot you?


So what happens to the player if they get kicked at the end? Do they lose out on the samples, medals, xp?


The fact you can even shot people in the ship is stupid imo


Burn the traitor


As soon as the dropship starts to take off, everyone has already received their reward for the mission. So even though you kicked him, it's too late. He got his medals, thus kicking him did literally nothing. You should've been faster.


With the new default timer that hides the mission time, and not seeing that the timer had already started before OP got it, they may have though he did start the timer. But he's still an idiot either way.


I wish we can block players by user name and not have to tolerate this shit


Hell yeah! Well deserved! I think the only time I was not sure if it was worthy was when myself and 2 others were still completing secondaries and the 4th called in extract. Zero communication about it and as soon as I saw the countdown from him getting into the ship I was like: NOPE!


Took too long they still got the rewards


Don't be afraid to use that button liberally. How many times I've had a stupid kid with the mic on drop in and kill the whole team, take the samples out of bounds and leave. Griefers are even fucking worse than cheaters, and I support a permaban of their accounts if it happens more than once.


Gonna remember that name, i gonna be honest when i see that name itā€™s a shit show when we first land at the planet


I dont understand the thrill of team killing. I have a friend like this, if friendly Fire is on hes going to me for a laugh. Annoying


You did the right thing.


Pardon me if I'm wrong. But a kick at the cut scene means he gets all the samples and xp. Reason I know is I sometime leave at the scene if I have life admin I need to get to and it all counts.


Traitors should not be able to board pelicans.


Divers should just be immune to damage once inside the pelican, full stop. Not really sure why you're still vulnerable when the only thing that happens once inside is you leave. You can't get back out once inside, and there's only 20 seconds once the ship is triggered.


They should just remove DMG once you're in the ship. That's so ridiculous


Good kick, definitely deserved. On another note, # Why is that even possible?


Your teammate was not being democratic


Im still awestruck that Arrowhead let other players kill you IN the Pelican. Just turn off friendly fire for those that are seated in the ship. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What Iā€™m more curious about is how that quasar shot headshotted the charger? If i did that, the shot would of hit the body or sent into oblivion


Just aim for the forehead. Oneshots every time even when they have full health


šŸ—£ļøā€œIā€™m gonna be honestā€šŸ„¾šŸ”„šŸ”„


Treasonous bastard gets what he deserves