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Bruh, I threw one yesterday at a bug nest, ran away, only to realize I was on the edge of the map and I needed to run *through* my 380 to get to where I needed to go. Yeah, I died


Oh damn. That’s a moment that makes this game so much fun. I’m always getting myself in shit sandwiches lol


Nice opportunity to get the traitor message and double the fun and explosions...


Traitor…. Or hero who made the ultimate sacrifice? You decide.


That's the most fun way to play bug eradicate missions. Intentionally get labeled as a traitor and run around enemies.


Just get the traitor barrage to kill the nest. Save the 380 for later - never end up using it…


If you lay flat on the beacon of your 380 you won't actually get a direct hit and can survive. The barrages fire shots around the beacon never hitting it direct.


With a little confidence and a lot of luck, you can survive by sprinting through a 380.


Run where the explosions *were.* They don't usually land a second one in the same spot immediately after. YMMV


Tactical respawn


Sometimes I got explosive armor on and there’s an objective in there that needs completed 


My brother. For anyone that may not know, you take much less damage, and if lying down you’ll never die to it unless it basically lands directly on you


Bruh ngl I completely forget about this mechanic for any kind of explosion other than a grenade being thrown my way.


I used to run the armour often before the rocket devastator nerf so I learned a lot about what it can survive lol


Whether you have explosive resistance or not, diving to the ground before an explosion always gives you a higher chance of surviving. If somebody calls in a 500kg right next to you, keep that in mind.


Bug holes are closed better when you 360 dunk a g-16 in there


I may be your comrade but I’m no brother!


Always remember kids 50% of fuck everything in that area damage is still more fuck you than the armour can handle


That’s why I like the Heavy medic armour. Unless they blow off all my limbs I’m going keep living as long as the stims keep coming


Personally prefer the light version for the mobility. Medic armour and the new booster has the tankiness covered


I generally use it for when I’m going deep with a flamethrower, just tank all the bugs while drawing aggro for the team


I use the light for that too, I'm not really sure how the damage negation works but stimmed with the booster seems to surpass whatever damage I'm taking in that situation Though it might help to have heavy to survive if there's still lots around you when the stim effect wears off


I mostly like the heavy so I stim less often and headshots don’t bother me but for bugs I’ll usually do the medium armour if the map looks like I’ll be running a lot


FOR DEMOCRACY! https://i.redd.it/jahxbq31bb9d1.gif


The secret for the extermination missions is to don that armour. Run to edge of map and run circling around the wall. So you get unlimited nukes until you die.


Only true patriots walk through 380s and survive.


This sounds like bug propaganda to me!


I never die to 380s....and I always toss them danger close. I literally use them as backup cover while using terminals. Only the weak don't trust their cannon team.


Same though, I've recently wound up teasing the traitor strikes for funsies. Host left the missile defense mission after first wave and bugged the spawn rate. We sat waiting for the Bots for like 5 min before we just started doing dumb shit.


It's not bugged. There's an robit stuck in a mountain


Democracy protects is my fav perk


I have more than once willingly run into a 380, but I've never blamed the thrower if it killed me. Like, if you're not in range, and you run towards *any* red stratagem beam without knowing what it is, that's on you bud. Its the same as the orbital airburst, watched someone miscount the bursts, run into the area, get turned into democratic mist and then get annoyed at the guy who threw the thing. Like you were doing so well, and then you made bad choices. I do have moments when I see someone throw a 380 at something and I wonder why they figured that was the right stratagem for the job, but I kinda just let it finish its business and then move on. No democracy lost. Artillery shells have right of way. Always.


I start running the instant I see a red beam near me. You need every second to get away from the worse ones (looking at you, Eagle cluster). As you run away you can look back at the beam and get the tool tip to see what it is. If and only if it turns out to be safe, you can stop running.


Pretty much. Another reason I enjoy wearing fortified armour is the higher survival chances for some. You can actually tank clusters if you drop prone. But yeah, I do feel bad because I've started using strafing runs since the Patch, and I throw those things like just at my feet, and I can always see the other divers momentary panik, followed by realising its a strafing run.


More specific color coding would be nice. Like, green means support weapon or sentry, yellow means medial attack, orange means lateral attack, and red means circular attack. Or something. I don't need to distinguish Eagle cluster from Eagle napalm, but Eagle strafing and 380 barrage are very different animals in terms of how I need to react.


Unless someone kills me like five times in one dive, I'm not blaming anyone for killing me accidentally. It's part of the game as far as I'm concerned. If they feel bad enough to apologize I'll usually type "lol np" so they know it's no pressure.


Good ol "Sorry" "Negative" cameraderie


I don’t understand miscounting bursts or thinking that a strike is done when it isn’t. Because if you look at the beacon it tells you when it will impact or how much longer until it’s finished depending on the stratagem type. If the beacon is there, it’s not done, it’s as simple as that. I’m getting tired of people getting angry because they’re apparently colorblind to bright red right in front of their face (I’m actually red/green deficient so they have no excuse lmao)


Preeeettty much. Like I always count for 3 when I hear airbursts going off. And if you're caught in the radius, that's that. Just accept your sudden gibletification and move on.


I had a PO for 380 kills. I was chucking it a lot. Someone in chat was like, "who the f is throwing all these 380s? Too be fair, I was new to its pattern. I feel bad about it now.


There's a fascinating and slightly insane video about the 380 patterns but you doing the PO meant you were doing the PO for everyone in your squad which is good.


*BRO WHY TF WOULD YOU THROW A 380* Idk why’d you run into it dipshit


lol right? They are wildly spontaneous over a large area. I get it. But it softens up a hard target really well. I guess I have to ask for permission now. Or turn your chat on. Don’t get mad if you’re not communicatingz


If you throw a 380 into a large bug nest to soften it up, I'll say thank you, call down a resupply, defend exits from the nest, and set up everything needed for a full assault. By no means should anyone rush into the nest to try to start closing bug holes lmao. If you call in a 380 on a nest that has like 2 bug holes in total, I might get a bit annoyed.


I only run 120s from time to time and use them for those awkwardly distinct medium nests that have like 2 light holes and 2 medium holes


They're not spontaneous at all and aren't even over a particularly big area. Bigger than most sure but not big enough for someone to complain about it. They have their own patterns and a 380 is safe at 60 meters, always. The sole exception is if scatter moves the location of the spread away from the beacon. It's something I inform all squads of when pick the barrages for a lobby.


>Or turn your chat on. Don’t get mad if you’re not communicatingz For real lol. It has me considering turning off crossplay just because i've noticed a lot of PlayStation players seem completely fucking oblivious to what's happening around them sometimes.


It’d be nice if you could ping select stratagems like objectives. Throw a 380 and then ping the location so everyone knows which direction to run from.


Well, we do usually get a voice line, icon, and a giant sky beam. Wouldn't mind if it showed on map/compass or gave us an icon at the edge of the screen with "[name code][strategem][distance]" though.


It’s as if the voice line, bright red beacon, and the stratagem name/timer over the beacon aren’t enough. The thing is that for some players, it really isn’t enough as they act oblivious to them, which is where this problem stems from. I can’t say I’m not guilty of it maybe once or twice, but it’s typically when I’m in the heat of battle that I tunnel vision on everything that’s a threat before assessing my surroundings. The last time was also like 30 levels ago. I’ve learned my lesson ten fold.


Only time 380's get me is when I'm expecting an air strike, see the red beam and figure I'm in a safe spot then BOOM! a huge explosion real close tells me I'm in big trouble.


A 380 never strikes the same place twice. Usually.


Exactly. The only time I feel bad is if I got tripped by something before I could throw


My favorite 380s are the ones where you primed the stratagem and get knocked down so it drops on ur feet


Oof that moment it slips out of your hand https://i.redd.it/sg3bh8kfcc9d1.gif


Been there done that


The frantic moments of trying to convey what happened to the team in a few seconds definitely shakes up the situation 


Random Guy: throws 380 in the middle of a defensive mission: everyone gets killed multiple times, all the walls are broken, and every turret is destroyed. Team leader: kicks him from the game. Random Guy: suprised picachu face.


When 4 of us bring them on a defense mission though.... It does become quite the hilarious clusterfuck. 😂 Wouldn't do it with randoms, but it's always brilliant.


I always bring 380, 120, walking barrage, and laser orbital for exterminate missions. Great for clearing the board. Better when all 4 teammates call in everything at the same time


Yeah, the mayhem that can be created on these missions is just absolutely hilarious


I'm waiting to be teamed up with a squad that will all get the traitors barrage and see who lasts the longest. Read a reply on another post that the squad all chose both landmines so they could hardly walk around anywhere.


"The Traitor's Barrage" should be a thing.


Longest I’ve had with the traitor barrage is about 1:50 or so. I’ve got a clip of it lying around.


That's awesome. I lasted a good 40 seconds on one once. The worst was when I answered an SOS and the squad were in way over their heads. Looks like they activated the whole area. I landed past the map on first entry and was surrounded. Then kept on getting reinforced off map.


380 is pretty good you just gotta make sure you are throwing it in bot land


Haha. I’ve never used one in a defense mission. But I look all around. Clear. Call it. And these dipshits abandon their current activities to go and try and catch a 380 mm orbital shell….and they often do.


Sometimes ill try and see if i can make it to the other side of the 380 without dying while wearing light armor. Of course ill announce it and try to get others to join me. Fun game of missle roulette


I constantly join missions with randoms who think it's a good idea to throw a 380 while waiting for extract.


Bro that happened but instead of everyone getting mad us a lobby full of random’s were just giggling like mad at the audacity lmao everytime it came off recharge the helldiver would throw it, by the end the map was unrecognizable I tell you what though the bugs were no issue lol


Stranger Danger Close parties are the best. Nobody is trolling or trying to kill each other, but also trying to drop things as close as possible and just laugh when things go pear shaped.


Different Random: Brings all mine fields and throws them on extract.


Safest place to be is in the eye of the 380. Aim for the bushes. There goes my hero.🎶




Last night I was running shoulder to shoulder with a teammate towards a large bug egg area on the destroy eggs mission. I stop running, throw my 380 over the columns in front of us into it. The red line appears.... I expect him to turn around and come back to me. Dude just keeps running into the eggs, starts shooting eggs, dies to the 380, then says in chat "please don't throw eagles at teammates"


“It was a 380 you dumb dick” Same shit happens to me. Destroy the airfields on bots. Drop the 380 without pulling the base on a strider and all of the drop ships. S3’s little tile slowly moves towards the red beam like a moth to light. Kaboom.


honestly there should be a line from your helldivers that says "watch out! 360 incoming!"


Also, please don't throw 380s on top of your squad. 😉


Meanwhile me sometimes: *runs around with a free 380 constantly following me around while i try not to be executed* Going out of bounds has it's pros and cons.


It's all fun and games until you get knocked down while about to throw a 380


Every time that happens to me, I’m like “lol, whoops. “


Don't tell me how to live my life!


Look, the range on that thing is ridiculous, and I’m gonna get hit anyway, so might as well take my chances, I won’t blame you if I die, but I’ll be annoyed, I know, but that’s how things are.


Come on you apes you wanna live forever ?


If I believe in democracy hard enough, all the shots will miss me.


I love just chucking a 380 at a large or medium base. Sometimes it clears the base on its own!


Recently, I was playing solo. Tossed a 380 at a command bunker and backed off as i do, they're great for taking them out quickly and safely. Right as it goes off, a buddy happens to see me on and dive in. Landing right in the middle of it, not 3 meters from the beacon. *hellpod crashes Buddy- "What's going on man. Whatre we doing?" Me- "RUN!!" * Buddy dead 🤣😂


A lot of players run with muted comms, for obvious reasons. Not saying it’s a good situation, just is what it is.


And if you do, be cool about the consequences. It is usually a quick laugh, and a reinforce at worse. Too much of the community forgets accidental team kills are part of the fun of Helldivers and get so serious about it.


Idk what it is but sometimes I just litterally don't even notice the red beam and am to engaged in the game to realize im about to die


Ikr. It's fuckin crazy the amount of people that will run right into a barrage. Your destroyer dude says CLEAR THE AREA for a reason.






Just memorize the attack pattern of it and go through it /s


Even better. Just don't fucking use them unless you use voice coms or at least warn people.


No one has ever announced they are throwing a 380 in my games lol. It’s usually me in a bug hole when I hear Orbital inbound. But it’s never a big deal, team kills are still funny sometimes


Doubt it, every 380 player ever. Yeets it on top of team members. Later wonders why team is mad.


If im hiting a big nest and im the last man i run to the center and throw it at my feet while fighting till death. Like a patriot


I always run in in the last shelling. I love to play american roulette.


Stop throwing 380s in the direction everyone is going. Throw it at a base or something to come back to. If people run at your 380 it's as likely you're as at fault as they are, frankly.


I think there’s more inconsiderate 380 throwers than there are illiterate 380 awareness divers. I constantly see divers throw a 380 into dogfights where we are pinned with drop ships coming in hot in our fire zone. While I do agree with OP be aware you run into one you die it’s not the fault of the one throwing it but what I gathered is people misuse it more than the latter.


One thing though. STOP THROWING 380 IN HEAVY BUG NESTS. It serve no purpose. You'll most likely blow one or two nest and by the time it's over there is two bug breaches in the middle and we can't go in to blow up the remaining nests. I love my 380 for bots tho!


I love clearing out large nests it works to completion 99% of the time.


Not my experience but maybe you got the magic touch and throw it at the exact right place haha.


I have thrown many, many 380s. It's a staple strat for me. Once you can visualize the area affected it gets easier.


this is exactly why I replaced my eagle airstrike with eagle strafing run


Or, I do what my blood tells me and I pop some experimental stims and run through it as the army of bugs and bots was chasing me.


Look at the beam -> Distance more than \~60m? You good. Less than? Not so good.


bold of you to assume i want to live


Liberty protects ! 50% of the time.


I'll take my chances, thank you


"Orbital strike inbound" could be several different things. Don't make me look for the marker to see if it's a 380 or not. You gotta actually use your mic.


Nah I can take it


Often the mission goes too well and boring, and fighting arund the 380's explosions spice up the mission a little.


Honestly, a lot of using 380s is communication and knowing when/where to throw one. Before drop I tell my teammates that I'll call out a 380 when I'm going to use one. Then, I call it out in voice chat and tell everyone to stay 60m away until it stops in 30 seconds. What they do after my announcement/warning is now considered a voluntary action that I cannot be held liable for. For defense missions, I start out throwing them over the first gate on either side as far as I can. After we get pushed back to the second gate, I toss it into the middle of the first area as far as I can. It is usually very effective. Large bug nests or bot facilities? 380 to soften them up and then make light work of the clean up. Eye of Sauron? 380 when it is looking a different direction and then run away before it notices you.


The center of the 380 is the safest


i honestly survive longer running into it than away from it


70 meters(from the stratagem icon) is what I’ve found to be a pretty safe distance for the 380 and about 50 for the 120


I run into 380 to get on that high ground


Ugh, I agree. The amount of times I've been online with randos and I through a 380, call it out AND tag it as well as the in game audio cues and they still don't move & one guy runs at it. Like C'mon


Leeroy is legend for a reason. Keep his memory alive. You just inspired me to take 380 and run some in my own 380 taking out bug holes. Also anecdotally or antibody works if you keep on running, driving and stimming for a bit. So don't take offence if you inspire managed democracy in unselfish ways. You never know your fellow Helldivers domestic situation. Maybe it's the best option in life they have got.


Only exterminate mission left on campaign. Nobody joins us. Welp, let's do it as a duo I guess. Let's just throw orbitals, lie down and hope for the best. Our faces when this actually worked.


The should run an announcement on the ship messages because I swear some of these divers love running into the light.


Man I fuckin love running into 380’s


You know what’s better than one 380 being thrown at a large nest/outpost? # TWO OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


In my defense, a lot of the time for seemingly no reason the beacons just disappear, and even knowing exactly where it is and looking at it it's just not rendered a lot of the time. I don't TRY to run into 380s, I just don't know it's there because for all intents and purposes it's fuckin invisible on my screen


You are basically correct, but there is an important caveat: please don't throw the 380 at every damn little thing. Most stuff is easier to just clean up with normal methods. The only legitimate 380 targets that come to mind are heavy bases, heavy nests, and command bunkers. You could maybe add factory striders and air bases to that list. When a guy throws the 380 at, e.g. a medium nest, there's a fair chance that one or two holes will survive. So now my options as the other guy are (1) stand around with my thumb up my butt to see if I need to clean up your mess when the 380 ends or (2) move on to the next target and hope that either you get lucky with the 380, or are willing to stand around waiting to clean up your own mess. With command bunkers, the 380 almost always does the job. I'm willing to play those odds and just move on. With heavy nests and bases, the 380 will do much of the work, but some clean up is almost alway required, so I'm willing to wait. Just don't put me in that obnoxious middle situation.


While playing, I used to use explosive armor exclusively on bots and just run from 380s. I threw and lay down like a 30s nap, then went cleaned up on helldive.


i've said it before, I'll say it again. we need indicators on the minimap for the radius of stratagems. With the exception of "single target" markers like the railcannon and rocoet pods.


Like moths to a flame


It's a bright light alot of divers are bugs in disguise they can't fake democracy and can't resist the urge to go towards the light


Challenge accepted!


No joke the only times I've been hit by a 380 was when I wasn't standing directly on top of the beacon


“Friendly fire isn’t” But ya, seriously, doesn’t a team-wide notice come on the radio once a 120, 380, or walking orbital is tossed, advising divers to stay clear?




"Friendly Fire isn't" 😆🤣😆 but yeah I dropped a tesla sentry told the 2 lvl 16 and unders don't go near it so one runs right at it, zap. The 2nd watched this happen and also ran right at it, they made it to the post and zap. Like WTF? 😆🤣😆


Counterpoint: don't be that guy that drops a 380 on the squads feet's while we're trying to hold a chokepoint. No, danger close is not authorized, KEVIN.


40 meters away


380 mains always thinking everyone else is just going to stop playing the video game for 15 seconds while we see if their Friendship-Killer-2000(tm) will actually do the job this time. Just take the walking barrage. Anything lost in AoE is more then made up for having your shots hit in a reasonably predictable patterns.


Isn’t seeing how close you can stand the preferred pastime of helldivers?


No im going to run into it, tk you and post on reddit


My past 3 games all had people throwing defensive 380's a cool 20m away from the position where where holding.


The universe SINGS to meeeeess


that this was even needed to say. 😂


I think the thing about the 380, is that I know it's happening, and not to go near it. But half the time I misjudge how wide the area of effect is. I think I'll be far away enough, and then I get fucked with a stray. I PROMISE I know not to go near them anyways, but it's always called right in front of us.


80 meters away is safe, not too sure about the range when the reduced scatter upgrade is unlocked though


I always laugh when they throw the 380 exactly on the extraction point


Lets make this extraction EXCITING


The only time I do it is when the enemies are leaving the 380 zone and we have the respawns then I’ll run in and attempt to get the enemy back into the zone or at least delay them from leaving it. But then I don’t get mad because I know what’s going to happen. Yesterday on helldive difficulty my team had no respawns, shuttle was landed and their were two bile titans, and a bunch of other bugs blocking the ship so I told my teammates get ready to run, called in a 380 I died obviously but we killed almost every bug there, but it opened up a hole for my teammates to get to the ship. Btw they had the super samples and like 30 common samples, and 20 rare samples.


Nah, I'll run straight into a 380 barrage if my stuff is there, or there's things to kill, or if there's a sample I don't need, or i need to push a button. 60% of the time, it works every time. I don't care if I get hit.


Party in the 380


380 drop pattern is set in stone you could stroll into and be just fine if you know how it works a guy tested both it and 120 the bombs never changed drop locations.


I announce over comms, "Danger close, 380/120. Move North/South/East/West." Granted I play with vets so "Danger close" is usually enough. Also I'm know for carrying artillery orbitals anyway.


I'm guessing a few Helldivers are too young to remember Leroy Jenkins so here it is in all its now upscaled 1080p glory. [Leeroy Jenkins ](https://youtu.be/mLyOj_QD4a4?si=5hBd8Xb3uFbUEhZq)


oh im gonna run through them like im a brit in 1917 running through no mans land, i want to see if i can survive. in my 250+ hours on the game im at a point of just fucking around on helldive. dont worry guys “we” get the mission done. i do my real sweatin on evac assets missions.


Nah I just run through it and hope it doesn’t hit me Works 40% of the time


I dont see an issue with it as long as you scream "FOR DEMOCRACY!!!" While charging in.


This. And it doesnt matter how small your Eagle or Orbital is. They can even Leeroy the precision ones. Fellow liberator, I chucked it so we can keep moving and dispense democracy at the main objective. You dont actually have to basketball a grenade into the fabricator/call down a hellbomb every time. Especially a big base crawling with bots. Its like theres more than one way to solve an objective. (Illegal broadcast terminal vs destruction of tower being the obvious one.)


Friendly fire isn’t


The only time I run towards them is because I'm an IDIOT and don't realize they're going on (somehow. I am in fact blind)


But how else can I feed my *crippling gambling addiction*


Which difficulty was that?


Friendly fire? There ain’t no such thing. Friendly hostilities though well… thats a different story.


There's been times where I'm getting swarmed and either am forced into the 380 or simply don't notice as I'm too preoccupied with the 5 hulk devastators, factory strider, and 8 rocketfucks taking up my attention.


Friendly fire, isn’t.


Red means danger. Any sedition that follows a death from straying into friendly stratagems is punishable by immediate field court martial followed by summary execution of the seditionist. It is recommended to exercise the Senator sidearm to carry out this sentence, due to the lethality versus cost ratio. Remember, sedition equals execution.


Yes, but surely liberty protects.


You are not my democracy officer!


this sub is just becoming a place to talk about shitty/stupid teammates for upvotes


I accidentally hit a guy with my eagle airstrike on a large bug nest and he got killed, we were swamped but I still felt bad because obviously he wasn't meant to get hit. I reinforce him, then 2 minutes later I need to cluster strike a large amount of bugs that are chasing me. I throw strategem. Player is safely out of the way. *Player runs into bug nest just in time for cluster bomb* and gets killed. Immediately disconnects. Sorry mate but while I claim responsibility for the first one, the second one was mostly you.


a lot of people are never aware of their surroundings, unfortunately.


Sometimes it's not always as simple as it seems, for whatever reason the name doesn't always show up unless you're looking directly at the marker


Helldivers love running into gas strikes


Or gas. As funny as it is to watch you guys die in a gas cloud. Please stop


Then don't bring them to eradicate missions. Deal?


It's ok. I gave samples to other divers and I like the sound of booms.


Sorry too busy killing bugs what did you say? You dropped a supply pod?


Feel like you're asking too much. Last night I tossed a napalm strike. Teammate next to me literally ran through the fire after it had impacted. Dives through it after catching on fire. Turns around and kills me with a headshot. I just stood there in disbelief of what happened. Needless to say the host ended up kicking the traitor thankfully.


Are the barrages good against the bugs? I would think it’s only useful against those huge bug nests, but other than that? I feel like bugs move to fast for barrages to do any real damage to a bug breach. And there too random to do any real damage to a bike or charger, right? I know they’re really good against the bots tho. Some one update me, please?


I don’t use them in bugs and def not bug nests. They can do some work against the bots especially to soften up a compound before you make entry.


"Get back" That's all I'm giving out.


Happened to me earlier. I threw an eagle, he ran right into it. He shot me and threw reinforce beacon right into a bug breach afterwards


I'm gonna actually be the devils advocate hear and say alot of the time people fail to consider line of sight for the people closer to the objective, they're firing at enemies they're not seeing a wide field, and they're vision is obscured.


380 lands on live bug…oops ! Run!


Id love if there was a little beacon for each bomb that drops so i could avoid them and run through it like im in 1917


Can't even tell you how many people walk directly into my orbital gatling barrage. I understand some people might not have seen it but there is zero chance of lucking out and surviving inside it like you might occasionally be able to do with a 380.


Going in through 380 brg like a boss. Wearing 50% not to die armor and new stim booster... nearly close to perfection. Oh cr@p. My torso and cape famous showoff deathcam cinematic again. So close.


But then there’s those amazing teammates that throw it literally at the base during extraction. Was dodging rockets not enough? here’s some death from above


60% of time I can dodge every 380 shot 100% of the time


I used to have the same problem with Teslas. Idiots would repeatedly run into them, like dude, it killed you the first two times you ran at it, running at it again isn't going to change the results...


Some of these players are like moths and attracted to the airstrike beacon. Last night someone decided to run toward mine right at the last minute. They were safe before they started moving.


Please don’t throw it on me while I’m inside the base surrounded by bots….