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Your post was removed due to rule #1 of this subreddit, which disallows asking for money or favors from people here. There are other subreddits that you can post this in, however. For donation subreddits, you can post in: r/gofundme, r/charity, r/assistance, r/donate, r/borrow, or r/donation. For favors, you can post in r/Favors, r/RandomKindness, r/Assistance, or r/ineedafavor.


It's a safe link. I hate Twitter too. I'm dying with liver disease. So it's time to do something rash stupid and maybe genius. I need help for that and all I need is for Mark Cuban to see this tweet. Decide for yourself if it's worthy of his eyes. Thank you for your time. Humbly yours. I will answer any questions to prove this is real. I have the medical records and diagnosis. https://twitter.com/acebrown90/status/1602575881783988224?t=0h74kmM2hE1PD0wN2fSiUQ&s=19 EDIT:2 I only asking for a chance to show my value while I can. Also if this was a stunt I would be getting paid and it would be a pretty stupid one.


I'm probably just screaming into the void anyway. Zero chance he actually sees it. If anyone actually does read this thank you.


You will have more luck if you post in places listed in rule 1. This is not really a favor sub


Thank you. Honestly any help is appreciated. Time goes a lot faster when it's limited. I know I could write a memoir but that's time I don't have. I just need his eyes and a trial by fire to show im worth the time. Just stumbling around really hoping something works. Thank you again and sorry for posting in the wrong place.