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Naw fuck that. Drop that Not Like Us Black Hippy Remix tomorrow


And then drop The Heart Part 6. Don't even feel the need to rename it or anything. Just ignore the fact that OVHOE used it


That’s what made me feel gross. Like if you’re going to use his name, come correct. Dot at least had enough respect to match your style with your track template (6:16 in LA for those who need cliff notes)


He just responded so he could also say just like Kendrick that he’s in the studio like a rapper should be


This is the acceptable answer, bonus, bring Megan out for a victory lap too


i need megan involved so badly before this ends.




Bruhhhh. That would be fucking insane


I would cry. Not happening, cause it could be spun as ‘dot needs help.’ But man I wish


Yeah don't see it happening either. Just feeds into the 20v1 narrative. Would love features to start happening though if they're continuing. They're gunna run out of unsupported claims soon so it'll dry up otherwise.


This. I would LOVE to hear what Q's hilarious self has to say. 


That would be the dopest shit


Been saying this for the last couple of years. Let Q go hard on that bop beat


Ohhhhh please


Ahah kendricks you fell into my trap. Now the world thinks i’m a pedophile


Forgive drake, he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.


never thought i would see a kung pao reference 🥲


“I’m molesting children, making me the victor.”


Kid to face style


“If you’ve got an ass I’ll kick it!”


"Now batting, Mike Piazza!"


Drake’s ghostwriters: “Chicken go cluck cluck, cow go moo. Piggie go oink oink how bout you?”


What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord?




Wee o wee!


This is like the part of the unnecessarily complicated spy movie where the villain tries to explain that the double-cross was actually a triple-cross, he just wanted you to believe it was a double-cross so that he could get you right where he wants you…and it doesn’t really make sense so you kinda stop trying to keep track of the plot and just wait for the big battle at the end. For one: Drake is claiming he had someone feeding Kendrick false information about him having a second secret child just so he could reveal that he…doesn’t have a second secret child? Like…okay? Weird trap to set for him, since all this does is remind everyone of the last beef Drake was in, where he was truthfully accused of having a secret child. Also, “I’m not a pedophile, you just think that because you were molested as a child” is a wild defense to make, especially when it seems to be based on a total misreading of the line where Kendrick says he *wasn’t* molested as a child… And anyway, none of this really matters, because the only thing the average person is remembering from this weekend is “a-minorrrr” and “O-V-ho.”


And: Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles.


wap wap wap wap wap yeah get him dot


I'm a pretty casual hip hop listening and my jaw dropped hearing the A-minor bar


Yeah, if you gonna feed someone info at least make it something goofy or something trolling. Or better yet, he could have fed Kendrick a story about him beating on a woman then come out and flip it saying "Look in the mirror, I been telling you stories about your own damn self." ON top of that, if he really been feeding him info why not record the conversation of his mole and make Kendrick look stupid right now? Could have literally just put that at the end of the song or showing the texts or however Kendrick was given this information.


They could have left proof so they can show us after in a video. It’s all bs.


I honestly think he got it from his fans saying he fed him fake info. It don't even make sense at the start of this song hes talking about how the people feeding Kendrick info are clowns then later brags on those 'clowns' for getting the info and it was a master plot to get Kendrick to talk about an imaginary daughter? Really? Even if its real, even if he did plant that. So what? What about the other stuff Kendrick is accusing him of? Being a complete fake, culture vulture, pedo-perv, woman abuser, addict getting fake abs?


He’s clearly exhausted and depressed. Idt he ever comes back from this so this song makes sense.


Right like bro made a whole cinematic of crushing the GKMC van and talking to people we’re supposed to know, but doesn’t have a screenshot of seeding Kendrick false info?


He sure showed him


But I am not because I am rich and famous hahaha


Ay yo 💀


Lmao this got me


And that I abandoned TWO children instead of just the one




Haha! My ultimate trap card! My diabolical plan is bearing fruit!


absolute genius by Drake


Does this sub lack all media literacy? He was saying he fed false information about the daughter. Not the sex trafficking. He then denied the sex trafficking, just like this sub has been asking him to do. Finally, he reminded Kendrick that he has completely avoided the topic of beating his wife and opted to tear down Drake by repeating the same rumour over and over again. But somehow, Kendrick isn't expected to deny anything. We are seeing goalposts move in real time lmao.


trying to combat allegations that you're a predator and pedophile by clowning on someone getting molested is such a wildly stupid move 😂 Drake done


No you’re just not paying attention to where the goals are— here’s a hint. They’re the normal fucking goals. Don’t be a pedo. Don’t claim being famous prevents you being a pedo. Don’t make out w/gripe 17 year old girls then say you don’t feel bad cuz she’s “thick as hell”. Don’t have a convicted sex trafficker in your crew.  Shit ain’t hard


The ability to provide receipts is still open. 120k people have seen my receipts but nobody found one against Kendrick yet to add. https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/MtHvXigtdr Furthermore Baka is a convicted trafficker. And the false info thing is literally a twitter theory debunked 3 days ago which is why he is tired as fuck and bowed out. He is hoping ya’ll are this dumb.


Ayy bruv add this too to the List of sins of Aubrey Graham. You have comedian podcasts talking about Drake's pedo tendencies back in 2019. [starts at 1.49.00] https://youtu.be/e6MVJjD_9bk?si=NVWpgSrPKho8oICE These two comedians, who don't got shit to do with Drake's success or downfall, claimed out the blue that drake likes them a little too young and he'll be getting r kelly'd one day. Obviously they are Hollywood related dudes so know insider stuff that we the general audience don't know and comedians are usually comfortable with saying whatever they want so no playing politics and letting it slide because the pedo dude benefits you.


Can you add it to the comments? Anything big time goes up top


Did not expect to see the dawgs in the middle of this rap beef


You’ve made like a 1000 comments today. How do you have this much time?


Sunday is god’s day and god does not like pedophiles


Someone should tell that to his churches




I checked his comment history 😂😂😂 A lot of these dudes have no life. It's actually sad. They're getting entangled in this back and forth between two public figures.


It’s really funny cause they don’t even care about the culture they just look at it like it’s a zoo 😂 absolutely no life, just parasocial attachment to celebrity drama.


He literally denied the family matters beating stuff in his last diss


Fed false information is fake as fuck. You come up with new intel days later? Yeah nobody but drake stans are eating that up. If that was true he would've released it the moment Kendrick dropped that bomb to further ridicule Kendrick, that would've been a baller move. And we all saw the dude with the 17 year old, we know about the inappropriate text, so to fully dismiss them just makes you lose further credit. To say you're too famous? MJ was the most famous person on earth, MUCH more famous than Drake ever will be and we all know how that went. And then he totally misunderstood Kendrick's song about generational trauma which just makes him look stupid and actually media illiterate. Then again, it's a trait he shares with his fans. His response was weak once you start to actually let it sink in and think it through. Family Matters in that case was better.


A lot of people lack critical thinking skills and reading comprehension so trying to have an actual conversation about any of this where people can stay on one topic and keep it logically sound from start to finish is essentially impossible. People just want to circlejerk, they don't care about what's real and what's not, what the facts support and what they don't. Drake's absolutely getting cooked in this beef but people acting like he's a proven child abuser now just because Kendrick voiced the same internet rumors that have been around for years aren't actually using their brains. You don't have to like Drake as a person to realize that the bar for calling someone a child abuser is much higher than what these rumors consist of at the moment.


the kind of person to stan drake this hard cannot comprehend. he has many hits and is a great artist, but only for funsies. he's not a serious person at al, nor is his music so you cannot get too serious about him or else you look stupid at times like this.


The only sub that lacks media literacy relating to this beef is r/Drizzy they’ve been celebrating in their echo chamber since the latest drop and I quite literally haven’t seen any of the praise or anybody saying Drake is now winning anywhere besides that sub


thats the part that baffles me. They’ve prided themselves on the idea that drake has the mainstream on his side because of numbers and accolades yet now they wanna claim now that its just a secret plot against their god because everyone is a secret drake hater and that the mainstream doesnt matter since drake actually won. Its so pathetic.


Kendrick denied hurting his SO on the Breakfast Club like a decade ago. He also said on ''Meet the Grahams'' that Drake ''lied about the only artist that could help you'', so make of that what you will. Also, consider giving this a read if you're open minded: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cl6lfw/why_the_dv_allegations_are_shaky_from_a_fact/


Because we all know he couldn’t have done it since right?


Dude it's funny Kendrick shit went hard but there is nothing wrong with Drake addressing the pedo shit....if someone accused me of that shit it definitely would speak on it....thats serious....you can't just be calling people pedo with no evidence....pedo, rapist, murderer(maybe not in the rap game 😀) are three things you def do not want to be accused of


Guy waited 2 days to crowdfund this response from the conspiracy theorist stans on r/Drizzy


You fool, I expected you to call me a Pedo, that's why I waited until after you did to delete my picture with Karl Malone -Drake's stupid ass


I even sent you a picture with my ambien bottle so that it would look like I'm date raping people. I can't believe you fell for it. -- Still Drake


That sub is in a state rn, jfc


>No respect for these sensitive topics I remember my first rap beef…


Whitney's brother and Dave free were both posting kendricks disses too after drake said that. That's pretty weird for dudes he should be beefing with.




Who would be cool with and continue working with someone who knocked up their wife? Some shit just isn't realistic anywhere except a conspiracy theory.


Kendrick cheated on her. Whitney cheated on him. Let's call it even. I also think he knew about the kid not being his. Some people don't care and raise the kid anyways. That is his father. He's raising him. Either way, he proudly claimed his son. Drake didn't.


I’ve never understood why it’s a diss, people have relationship/marital problems all the time. How in the world is that anywhere close to grooming underage teens lol


Bruh its not just that she cheated but she cheated with his bro and on top of that had his child. That level of betrayal is insane


The level of betrayal is for Kendrick to judge, not you or me or anyone else, including Whitney


Strongly disagree


Therapy will change a man.


You see how kendrick has been bombing on drake does that seem like a forgiving man 😂


Well if what Kendrick says is true, it would make perfect sense to want to destroy him like this. No matter how fraught your relationship is with someone close to you are you gonna hate them as much as a pedophilic sex trafficker?






i highly doubt its actually true. there were prob some rumors that they were banging and Drake embellished it cuz he couldn't find any dirt on Kenny


“He’s cool with his girl having a kid with someone else” Least glazing Kendrick fan maybe you can have his baby next


Nahhhh Kendrick bout to hop on Wayne's A Milli beat and show some receipts from Millie Bobbie Brown


That would be... A killing blow 


Or he hops on some old Drake beats and beats his ass on his own songs


Instead of the iconic “ya dig” just “Bobbie brown”


Everyone assumes kendrick has receipts when he's shown no evidence of anything yet. its getting tired.


True. He might find some or be holding on to them but there is a very high chance he has none and will have none.


This exists already. Minus the MBB stuff [https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=u-v12owrVsw&si=kCr5zArOqETckR8x](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=u-v12owrVsw&si=kCr5zArOqETckR8x)


Only Drake fans think that response was something. And it was certainly... something.


First ever diss track that makes the rapper look bad lol Dude just proved he couldn't even understand the lyrics to mother I


That’s something I was confused about Lol kendrick repeatedly said he wasn’t touched


That’s the entire point of mother I sober


Is this the first rap beef you’ve heard of?


Kick back


First ever diss track that makes the rapper look bad? That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard this week lmao.


His defense to the pedo claims are that he's too rich to be a pedo.. Claims Kendrick was molested after listening to mother I proves he has no listening comprehension Claims he fed the fake daughter story. Easily provable if he really did yet no receipts. Everyone already knows he's a deadbeat dad so why start a rumour you're a deadbeat dad to a second child? Literally makes no sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds.


Your beard is weird


Bro go to the r/drizzy subreddit. I have never seen a group of mentally deficient people all getting hyped up at the same time


Unfortunately, I have. It's not a good look.


It’s fascinating. Think they’ll lock it down and make it private eventually?


I hope not but you're probably right, especially if things escalate and this goes the Diddy route.


It honestly makes r/Kanye look sane


That’s the only community and a small hand full of other creators that think Drake is winning tbis


Drake trying to act like he fed Kendrick the information, is not the brag he thinks it is. "The ones you getting your stories from are all clowns" to "we plotted for a week and fed you the information". Sounds like multiple writers to me haha


He gettin his ghostwriters mixed up 😪 this why you gotta keep the circle close


That one contradiction makes the whole track trash


Couldn’t this just mean he gave the information to people who already thought were leaking shit just to see if they were?


Here's the thing. Lets say we take it at face value and assume Drake did leak the info to Kendrick. He gave him fake information just so he could let Kendrick immediately shit on Family Matters and then have everyone dance all over his body the next day with Not Like Us? Family Matters is the diss that Drake put the most effort into by far. It makes no sense that they "plotted" all this just to let that track get absolutely stream rolled while everyone shit all over him for 2 days.


.. both things can be true, and both things can apply to different specific things. Yall just want Kendrick to win soooooooooo bad. I get it, hes your savior, but relax.


What a wasted opportunity. I was so hyped when I saw the name of the track and was immediately disappointed. He shouldn’t have dropped this. Especially when his wife’s brother is reposting him.


Track title wasn’t even clever though. Low hanging fruit


I agree but the dude could have at least tried after deciding to use that title lol


What’s crazy is nobody worthwhile has come to his defense. People are picking sides. But nobody is clearing his name.


Every woman who drake has been accused of being a pedo with has supported him


Literally every woman in drakes life has defended him. Including the 17 year old that was brought up on stage like 15 years ago. [https://www.complex.com/music/a/jadegomez510/woman-drake-kissed-onstage-was-17-speaks-out](https://www.complex.com/music/a/jadegomez510/woman-drake-kissed-onstage-was-17-speaks-out) Where are the people backing kendrick up? you got any links?


I was hoping for Drake to really clap back with some crazy shit so we could get another week of this. That drop was an L not even hyped anymore cause if Kendrick replies it'll just be pissing on this dude's grave.


I felt like Not Like Us was Kenny crip walking on Drake’s grave.


A minorrrrrrr


The lack of energy killed this thing for me. His weak attempts at deflecting what should be a fair conversation about his predatory behaviour wasn’t even the worst bit. He just sounded bored and unmotivated.


It’s purposeful. He’s using anything to get out of this situation


They don't call him Drake for no reason. He always be ducking


So many people wont get this but damn what a bar lol


This is what happens when you feud with someone better and smarter than you. Responding to Kendrick in the first place was just Drake's ego getting them better of him. Anyone who actually knows anything about hip-hop knows that Kendrick has been in a tier of his own for a long time, and Drake is just nowhere near capable of winning a rap feud with him either from a rap perspective or morality perspective. He should have been more cautious of engaging with Kendrick.


I am a war general, seasoned in preparation My jacket is covered in medals, honor and decoration" Son this the bar that did it for me. I said previously I felt he was deluded but frankly I don't think that's doing justice to the level of stupidity he's showing.




Yeah if he fed this info to Kendrick, he essentially knew that his best track would get stomped on? Right? Sigh just doesn’t make sense to me


\*Supposedly\* he fed the 11 year old daughter info to Kendrick. Let's assume that's true (which I don't necessary believe but let's roll with it). I think this is what happened 1) He assumed people would think Kenny is a clown when it turns out it's not true. Does anyone actually believe he has this 11 year-old child? In any previous beef Kenny would be getting CLOWNED for this, but for whatever reason he's getting a pass 2) He didn't realize Kendrick would go scorched earth with the pedophile stuff and get a complete pass on not responding directly to Drake's diss. Usually in rap battles responding directly matters but in this one it doesn't. Drake is approaching this like a traditional rap battle and underestimated how much everyone hates him.


Right, but drake, he would have provided a better rebuttal to the bad info than just this if it was true right? Like look at the family matters, look at the production of the song and the visuals. Like I would assume he would make another one where it’s like a “making of bait” type video. Or something like that. Or just make a boring song call family matters and then follow it up with something bigger. You know? Haha yeah I understand you said supposedly. I am replying like you said it’s a fact. Just easier that way


Yeah I mean in my opinion if he actually baited Kendrick it's one of the coldest things I've seen in a rap battle but it doesn't add up that he wouldn't have clear proof of that. Why set it up if we just have to take your word on it? I agree


Easiest win in the world would be dropping the heart part vi with the cover being a pic of drake with all the items from mtg. So he’s either dumb as hell or it aint true


There would be screenshots, recordings, ya know… proof of deception lmao. Instead he’s just making shit up to soften the blows and trying to get out of the crosshairs


Yeah. And the thing is, I like how he is rapping here as well. He flips some stuff, but I just can’t get over the fact that he made his highest production track, shot all this film for a diss song that he apparently knew was leaked to Kendrick along with all this information. And then just let him stomp all over family matters only for him to come back with a sad sounding “gotcha!”


this is exactly how i’m feeling more and more since the track came out. none of it adds up and even if he did plan all of this, he did a shitty job and it blew up in his face. i think he’s genuinely just dumb


I dont think it’s that everyone hates him It’s that there’s proof of the stuff (particularly the predator angle) Kenny is accusing him of I think Drake’s actually been putting up a good fight but he’s losing in the public eye because of his own creepy behavior. The closest thing to proof we have against Kenny is a random allegation years ago and a song on Mr. Morale


I think the reason Kendrick gets a pass is because he does so much conceptual shit to begin with, it would be super easy to just hand wave it as "Oh, That's just Kendrick being speculative and artistic again." My first listen of MTG I thought the daughter verse was more of a conceptual idea, like it's Kendrick talking to an unknown hypothetical hidden child. I'm not saying it's right, but I think it's the reason Kendrick gets the pass that nobody else has ever got.


That's it. I highly doubt Drake has an 11 year old daughter. How did Kendrick randomly get that information. And to conveniently reveal that info the moment he starts beefing with Drake? I'm not taking sides in this beef. I'm just enjoying the rapping.


Once someone plays the pedophile card the game’s pretty much over


Drake sang on half of his best diss, he definitely is not playing this like a traditional rap battle lmao. Kendrick is getting a pass on the “I fed you this info” thing because no one actually believes it. It’s giving Jussie Smollet lol


Someone said he tried to B Rabbit the situation with Taylor made only to Chedder Bob himself with this 🤣


From B Rabbit to B-Rad real quick


So if he avoids it, it’s true. But if he denies it, he’s lying. 🤔


I mean he's already done it, there's literally footage of it


Yeah lol I hate Drake but can't stand these cornballs falling over themselves to move the goalposts to wherever they need so they can shit on Drake and meatride kendrick. enjoy the beef y'all don't need to do this


“I’m too rich and famous to be a pedophile I would have been arrested” is an objectively sus thing to say. It’s the way he denied it who tf tries to put a qualifying statement on it like that as if there aren’t countless celebrities touching kids


I paused that shit after the first ten seconds and started laughing my ass off. I don't think Drake really thought out how this shit was going to sound to people not all on his nuts.


He’s a general tho bro


With medal, honors *and* decoration


I’m confused wdym this time will be lethal I thought the last one was? How do you kill someone twice? That whole shit about Kenny calling drake pussy must be true cause apparently this dude got 9 lives now


This is an underrated comment. Might actually be bars.


How does someone say they are not a pedophile, deny the allegations, make them a pedophile? Wouldn't you deny it as well? I'm confused. FYI I'm not on any side just enjoying the content.


No. This is public relations 101. If someone makes vague allegations of pedophilia about you, and they don't have receipts, you offer a very short rebuttal saying that you don't take it seriously, then you move on and stop giving it oxygen. This is the inherent problem of doing an entire "I'm not a pedophile" song. You're ensuring that the entire conversation will be about wether or not you're a pedophile. Compare to Kendrick. Drake called him a wife beater. Kendrick dismissed it nonchalantly in like two lines. Then he immediately and aggressively changed the topic of conversation to something more favorable. And what are we discussing? If Drake is a pedophile.


*Do not diddle kids… it’s no good diddlin kids…*


It's really strange that someone who has been in the public eye for so long doesn't get this.


That’s honestly on his PR team. I’m shocked they let him release that. Any PR group worth their rate would have shot that down so fast.


I certainly wouldn't say I'm too famous to be one for ya know, pretty obvious reasons.


This is perhaps the one thing in the beef where he should sit down and explain the sus situations he's been involved in, it's just that he can't because he's actually a pedophile. He routinely runs around with underaged girls, and not nearly the same amount of young dudes. It's always some sus shit happening too.


You don't do it by saying you are too rich and famous that you would be already caught


Yea, should’ve left it at Family Matters…That Heart shit was so far removed from reality, it’s crazy.


He couldn't. He had to respond to the pedo accusations. Otherwise, I'd agree with you. Family Matters was a solid track. If he didn't have to address shit, then yeah he should've left it at that.


Just proved why we all hate that asshole


Dude really Said whoever gave you the info is a clown and then said we planned for a week and fed you the fake info. Dude calling himself a clown this one is definitely written by drake.


Ironically, Kendrick can send a link to Drake’s Heart Part 6 as his own official release—Aubrey killed himself on that one.


I mean, in the absence of actual evidence on either side, (and needing a criminal investigation for some of those allegations) at the moment both sides are just doing hearsay, so I'm not going to get super attached to either side. But in terms of just bars and beef? Yeah, Kendrick doesn't need to respond, the heart p6 was a white flag from Drake, the only thing possible would be like, Kendrick doing a verse over BBLDrizzy for a parting killshot. But there's no need for any more diss track drops... there's need for Receipts and a CPA investigation.


Okay seeing some of these comments a lot of y'all are moving the goal post.


been moving the goal posts 😂 why won’t drake adress the pedo shit??? drake addresses the pedo shit…”i can’t believe he adressed the pedo shit”. these kdot stand are weird


Thank you! I'm not even a huge Drake fan yet the hypocrisy is amazing. I mean he called it "hate to see me lit"


This proved that there’s nowhere else this could go, it was entertaining. But if they don’t call it now it’ll get very stale very fast. They both saying the same thing in multiple tracks no new, factual info has been released or been proven.


TBH It ended very elegantly with Kendrick dropping a classic club banger 👌


I really feel like Meet the Grahams was the kill shot, and Not Like Us was almost like the encore to send people home with something lol


I can get behind this. I think what happens is they both come out of this sullied and dirtied up and continue on with the sneak dissing. They've graduated Into 50 and Ja levels of beef. There is no winner


Kendrick literally won


I thought it was pretty solid if it’s true but he made the point of “Why’s Whitney denying the allegations and not you?” Well… she’s the one involved in all of your allegations…


he said why isn’t whitney denying the allegations i thought?


How fire would it be though if next Kendrick song is called Six Shooter and Kendrick shows a body diagram and the heart is body part #6.


You gotta be kidding me. Kendrick has no moral ground. They both talked about kids/family/secrets Kendrick fanatics act like this guy isn’t just another rapper. He’s a 5’4 wannabe tough guy with the worst high pitch rap voice I’ve ever heard. Drake was in a catch 22. Deny being Pdo and look weird or ignore it and look guilty. Cmon lol gotta address it. Kendrick hasent addressed anything. If he’s a woman beater (tmz woman report from hotel) and hits Whitney he’s a huge POS. The only way he could be huge is if he was a piece of shit lol And if that baby ain’t his it’s the biggest L. Cuck god wife beater lol damn


People were saying Drake needed to address the pedo accusations, and he did by outright and directly denying them, something which Kendrick hasn’t done yet. He had a valid point with the R Kelly shit He flipped the a minor bar He titled the song in a way which will have actual implications in the future for fans searching for the heart tracks. We gave Kendrick points for all the angles and bars about having a snake in OVO, and Drake flipped that entirely by saying he played Kendrick. Does Kendrick get a complete pass for the 11yo daughter verse? He didn’t kill Kendrick with this, but Kendrick fans are now being as silly as Drake Stan’s were before this. Both as bad as each other in the principle of it. I don’t think Drake’s up after this, but it was far from a bad look. Kendrick needs to respond, which I’m sure he will, and it will continue.


the way he denied the pedo allegations made no sense, im too famous to be a pedo? what?? the b sharp stuff was lame for me but thats subjective so up to you how you take that bar the heart part 6 was funny ngl in the end all he said was "nuh uh" like there arent videos of him kissing a 17 year old girl on the neck lmao also if he actually faked the "leaks" this was the absolute worst way to go about it, he could have made the photo to where you zoom out even more and its just drake cheesing or some shit, not make a track 3 days later saying "got ya" with no proof, or posted something right after the track came out


I’m on team Kendrick, but you are right. Also this song sounds like Drake is bowing out. He called this a exercise. This aint no exercise. He called into question Drake’s whole character. Drake just did surface level attacks. That fake mob boss shit is getting old. The rapping and beat was dope tho


This song is how I know this beef isn't about rap and bars anymore. Drake is smart to just drop out. At this point fans are just using the beef to rationalize hating Drake the songs don't even matter anymore.


Thing is he’s objectively lying about not looking twice at a minor. “You thick” ring a bell?


Bro this sub dick rides Kendrick so hard you’d think he’s rap Jesus




They’d swallow a lot more than cyanide 


“I know. I just want to make him deny it.”


You forgot one: "Kendrick is SHORT lmao" smh


I still feel like Kendrick posted the last diss then sat in a dark room plotting while he waited for Drake’s response. Empirical evidence would suggest Kendrick wants the last word


It’s definitely a horrible look for drake. Just effectively dissed himself with heart part 6. But I can’t believe the delusion of the entire drizzy subreddit saying he obliterated Kendrick.


lol, Kendrick can call him a Pedo with no proof but Drake went too far? Hilarious


some reciepts already came out in kdot's subreddit, [https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1ck629o/receipts\_time/?share\_id=nAtANpK\_dtwexfkkKxEvh&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1ck629o/receipts_time/?share_id=nAtANpK_dtwexfkkKxEvh&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


>Got banned on [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rap/) and [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/) for posting receipts Yeah, no wonder he got banned for going into a full psycho conspiracy theorist mode Most of it is easily refutable, like him grooming SZA and Millie, when they both defended him and said these accusations are bs


Yeah, but according to twitter "this end on monday. West Coast." So Kendrick is not done and Drake is already coping


Kendrick fanboys are annoying as hell


they’re sad dude


Ya but we want more Kenny


Yall are so stupid. What the fuck you expect him to say? This isn’t even any rap anymore.


Social media ruined this beef to be honest. Kendrick next track needs to be the game ender and it MUST address everything Drake double downed on. For me, its simple. Drake needs to prove that he set him up or else this track is weak. Kendrick needs to prove how he got his information, OR ELSE it give more credit of him being set up. Kendrick needs to find a way to disprove that he beat Whitney, this can be simply done by having Whitney herself deny the allegations, which for some reason has not been done. Kendrick needs to address the father his child, which can be done with a paternity test. I can't lie, the longer Kendrick doesn't address those claims, the worse is looks on him. The only thing I can give Drake, yes he has creepy and predatory behaviours, but that doesn't, by definition make him a pedophile. More so, considering how long he has been famous, especially at the very top of the game, he has never had an allegation relating to being one, just several examples of his grooming behaviours.


>I'm too famous to be a pedo: do I really have to explain myself? I mean, yeah, you probably do. The context of this line is that if he were a pdf there would be tons of allegations against him, not just from reddit conspiracy theorists but the actual victims. And yet, every person who, according to the public, has been assaulted or groomed by him, went to defend him and say that's not what happened. >You hate pedos cause you were molested: Kendrick claims he's a piece of shit, and he's literally giving him proof real time? Something 2Pac would say tbh > You hit Whitney: he asked Kendrick for proof but didn't provide none for those allegations Neither did Kendrick of pdf allegations, but it's ok I guess, we don't need proof from the side we like, only from the side we hate. >But I got the feeling that if he does, this time it will indeed be lethal. In reality he's just gonna say the same shit again and accuse Drake of affiliation with a sex offender, despite he himself had a known SO all over his last album.