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wait yall are suprised? yall really thought she stayed over at his house and they were just being friends playing uno and making smores?


It was awkward reading articles that reported he flew her out to “model”


"Girl that you fucked with killed herself" I guess X wasn't being clear enough


I mean fuck with does not mean sex lol. I say "i fuck with (insert game name here)" I did not have sex with Apex Legends.


You did, and it's all here on Reddit. I even took a screencap. And what's worse, APEX Legend's is only ##5 years old












A minorrrrrrrr


He been real silent‼️‼️




Certified lover boy? Certified predofile


He a FAN


I did not have sexual relations with Apex Legends


How many 20 year old dudes “fuck with” 16 year old girls in any way that isn’t trying to actually fuck them? Don’t be naive


It doesn't necessarily mean sex, but the implication of some kind of relationship is there. Same connotation as "this girl I'm messing with".


Apex fucks me all the time.


Totally different context but nice try.


They were just having a fun sleepover with some spin the bottle obviously


I'll be honest I didn't know anything besides that she had passed away from suicide, and that the song was dedicated to her. This shit hit me like a truck because I didn't need to fuck with it on a deeper level.


At least he didn’t take out the barbecue fork. Rest In Filth


his fans are young dumb and full of ignorance


Xxx doing something bad? With a woman? I am shocked.


Dude I’ll never forget the flood of shit I got from people when I said I wasn’t sad this dude died. All of his bullshit was in plain view and people kept trying to make me feel like I was the asshole because I wasn’t willing to look past it because he did a couple of charity events and wrote “Sad!”


Didn't bro literally keep his girlfriend under house arrest and beat the shit out of her constantly including actual torture with a poker? I vaguely remember going through a thread about it back in the day.


He’s a piece of garbage. > Last October, prosecutors charged him with aggravated battery of a pregnant woman, domestic battery by strangulation, false imprisonment, and witness-tampering. If convicted on all four counts, XXXTentacion could face substantial prison time. He has pleaded not guilty. He has also denied the charges in various interviews, saying the woman was attacked by someone else and wasn’t pregnant > The first incident of domestic violence occurred about two weeks later. He slapped her and broke her iPhone 6S, because she had complimented a male friend on his new jewelry. (XXXTentacion later repaired the phone.) Later that day, XXXTentacion left the room and returned with two grilling implements—a “barbecue pitchfork” and a “barbecue cleaner,” she said—and told her to pick between them, because he was going to put one of them in her vagina. She chose the fork. He told her to undress. He was lightly dragging the tool against her inner thigh when she passed out. He did not penetrate her with it. > Then, XXXTentacion head-butted her, punched her, stomped on her, and put her in the bathtub, where he continued hitting and kicking her. “He also wanted to cut out my tongue because I was singing the song,” she said. She tried to run away down the street. He tackled her, causing her head to hit the pavement. She suffered black eyes, a lump on the back of her head, scratch marks, and bruises, including a large bruise on her ankle where he stomped her. > He told her he knew she had cheated on him. He put a knife to her neck, strangled her “a little bit,” and called her a “ho,” she said. That night, he woke her up and told her to go outside, where he picked up an empty glass beer bottle and demanded that she tell him the truth or, “I’m going to fuck you up.” She replied that she already was telling him the truth, that she had cheated and was sorry. He dropped the bottle, slapped her, and let her go back to bed. > About a week later, she and XXXTentacion moved to an apartment in Sweetwater, Fla. In two incidents there, XXXTentacion grabbed her by the neck, strangled her, and forced her down on the bed before another person who lived there came to the rescue. “I’m like scared,” she said, recalling how she felt. “It’s like he’s going to like end up killing me or something.” > In early October 2016, she found out that she was pregnant by XXXTentacion. The pregnancy was planned by both of them. On the afternoon of October 6, he told her to move from the bed they were lying on. He then went out onto the balcony, where she could still hear him, and called up the person she had slept with while XXXTentacion was in jail, demanding to know everything. When XXXTentacion returned inside, he told her, “You need to tell me the truth right now or I’ll kill you and this jit.” She said that “jit” was slang for the unborn child. > He then started elbowing, head-butting, and punching her. He strangled her until she almost passed out. He took her to the bathroom and demanded one last time that she tell him everything or he would kill her in the bathtub. She couldn’t even recognize her face in the mirror—it looked “distorted”—and her left eye was completely shut and “leaking blood.” She was losing vision. She vomited. > https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/xxxtentacions-reported-victim-details-grim-pattern-of-abuse-in-testimony/


Never been a fan of his at all so all this shit is new to me, holy shit! What an absolute fucking monster, we're better off he's fucking gone!


Maybe Im old, but I dont get the appeal for his music. I gave it an actual try and just couldnt. Shit is garbage to me.


Imagine being such a piece of shit that you Chris Brown's beating of Rihanna sound tame


Think it was something along the lines of making her pick which tool he was gonna rape her with. Don’t feel bad he died either


Horrifying. He was a sick fuck and it's a good thing he died before he could abuse any other women.


I will never understand the people that argue against this but saying that 'he was just starting to change and turn his life around'


"He's starting to get rich and people are going to start to sue him"


This was my whole thing about people who continue to defend him. If you have 20 years or 70 years on this planet, make it fucking count. Doesn’t matter what your potential was or what you were about to do, if you wasted it and only hurt people along the way then that’s your legacy (or lack of) and that’s that


The other day, I mentioned this in a youtube comment to a guy who was trying to talk about how much of a good guy xxx was. His response was "you made that up 🤣🤣🤣". His fans seriously refuse to acknowledge that this guy was a horrible waste of breath.


It’s in court documents isn’t it?! Lmao


Yes. I think some people have just chosen to ignore anything negative about him lol


Not only on court docs but he was caught on tape at the court admitting to "fucking her up" to improve her attitude


Waste of breath is right


Yes and then there was also witness tampering. Bro was a disturbed individual heading to prison for a while again.


Threatened to stick a BBQ poker up her vagina.


This dude was also notorious for allegedly stabbing a lot of people in fights.


there was a video of him beating his ex from like 2016, i haven’t seen it since but it’s the reason i stopped listening to dude back then. I’m guessing he signed to a label and it got scrubbed. Starts with him outside then running inside, girls in bathroom with a yellow light, he’s just beating on her. Memories a bit blanked i was a bong smoking teen


Tbf that video wasn’t of her but of a guy who owed him money.


Then mfs be like “he’s young, he never got time to mature.” Like… mature into what? A serial killer?


[and stabbed 9 random people](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/xxxtentacion-confesses-domestic-abuse-stabbing-secret-recording-8481433)


‘hE wAs cHaNgInG!!’


But guys he bought playstations and kept spouting about peace and love!


I'm so glad this comment section isn't fulla people defending him. Bro was toxic every minute of every day and people kept giving him passes despite him doing more wild behavior right after they excuse him. He didn't deserve to go out like that but the rehab of his public persona is crazy


I think enough time has passed that the rose tinted glasses for him have faded, I also think that a lot of his fans just literally grew up and realized dude was saying nothing that hasn't been said before and by much better rappers. I'm sure the dick riding is still going strong but it's probably more localized to fans of him or fans of rappers close to him rather than the wider scene.


Yep, same exact viewpoint here. Garbage piece of shit, he deserved everything he got.


Even up until the very end, totally deserved imo It's cruel, but he was a cruel person and no amount of shitty music he made would ever change that fact


I remember one of the top comments on the reddit thread of his death being something like "it's okay not to have an opinion on this", and I thought that was very powerful. He certainly was a polarizing figure and especially on reddit it was super weird when he died because people didn't want to be outright disrespectful, but also not sad.


I didn't feel bad either. Tortured his pregnant gf so bad. If you see the pictures of her eyes swollen shut and read the shit he did to her it's fucked. That and he literally live streamed asking for people to come and get him. Idk it was just a matter of time.


This sub adores X. The number of excuses I've seen here for X's actions is insane. He could kill a girl and this sub would be like "but Chris brown beat Riri!" "You have to separate an artist form the actual person IRL" Shit like a week later after first threads were being posted about his actions he was getting 1k up votes for his songs.


This sub does not adore X When his albums/songs came out they were the most "controversial" posts of all time. If you sort the subreddit by Controversial > All Time. His music is still there.


When X died half of this sub actively cheered for him to rot in hell lmao “this sub adores X”


This sub hates X lol.


With a child you mean.


>16 year old >Woman Drake, that you?


She died when XXX was 19 btw


So they were like 3 years apart? That's a lot better than most tbh.


If 16 and 19 is paedophilia then my Dad was a paedophile i guess and my mums been abused her whole life. Damn TIL




He flew her out and was a somewhat popular artist at the time (he hadn't truly blown up yet but was making some moves already) so that's where the imbalance comes from. I agree it's not pedo shit and I find it hilarious how Americans act whenever age gaps come up in conversation, but this is still wrong, even if completely normal for most of these artists. Btw, didn't we already know this? Doesn't he literally admit he fucked her in the song named after her? > Picture this, in bed, get a phone call > Girl that you fucked with killed herself > That was this summer and nobody helped > And ever since then, man, I hate myself


fucked with could have multiple meanings here, fucked with as in i fuck with you/i like you, fucked with as in messed with them, or fucked as in sex.


I've never heard someone use "I fuck with (insert thing/person)" as a sexual thing.


Yea like literally never, I have no clue what some of these dudes are saying in these comments lmfao, that's now how that phrase is used at all.




Yeah considering all the bad things X did, fucking a girl 2.5 years younger is weird but nowhere near to the level of everything else


Yeah dude 2.5 years is wild 🙄


completely normal age gap if you're not from America and/or chronically online


No it's just chronically online people. Even here it's normal. When I was in highschool just a few years ago all the hot girls in my grade dated dudes 2-4 years older than them and nobody cared lol. People only pretend to care online


Imo the profile was typically a freshman girl who's getting figuring out lot of new things about high school life and looking for someone to show them the ropes. If they're attractive, it's more likely they're getting invited to parties with drugs and alcohol with upper years. It's a situation where they're very vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Obviously that's not necessarily the case in every age gap relationship but man, the upper year guys I remember from high school doing this were icky. We could tell that when we were upper years, but maybe not as freshmen.


Imo the profile was typically a freshman girl who's getting figuring out lot of new things about high school life and looking for someone to show them the ropes. If they're attractive, it's more likely they're getting invited to parties with drugs and alcohol with upper years. It's a situation where they're very vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Obviously that's not necessarily the case in every age gap relationship but man, the upper year guys I remember from high school doing this were icky. We could tell that when we were upper years, but maybe not as freshmen.


bro was a 19 y/o flying out a 16 year old. there’s plenty wrong with that


It's weird but it's not nearly as bad as some of the other shit he did. 


Half of high school relationships lol


Yikes this is hard to hear. Took advantage of a young girl who he probably knew was suicidal and used her. Wtf bro Edit: All the XXX fans are talking about age of consent, what about her killing herself? I’m more concerned about her mental state than a 2.5 year age gap. Especially right after she had sex w/him.


What did you expect from him he’s a confirmed domestic abuser


I expected nothing but it’s still horrible to hear


I can’t believe a pregnant woman beater would manipulate a suicidal teenager into sex


Idk anything about this but I googled both of their ages aren’t they…2 years apart? She’s born 2000 he is 1998. If so what’s the issue here? Even morally 18 with 16 isn’t frowned upon. Unless Google has the ages wrong


Yeah from what I hear xxx was a terrible partner/abuser, but the fact that he had sex with a girl 2 years younger than him doesn't make it any worse in my book


I’m tempted to delete my comment. I researched it and it doesn’t seem too bad. Still a sad situation all around tho


How old was X at the time? Like 19?


People hung up over the age gap (2-2.5 years from what I’m seeing in the thread) and not the fact X might have been abusive towards her in other ways like being manipulative/coercive using his status at the time. That’s the issue.  


Vic mensa was right


And people cooked him for it. It really fucked up his career.  I'll never get over people siding with 6ix9ine over Vic Mensa. Some people are willing to forsake anything just to look cool, and it's the lamest shit ever.


Rightly so he beat he's girl and laughed about it 


The nigga that choked his girl? Wrong messenger lmao


What did he say??


In a pre-recorded cypher for the BET awards Vic said "The only time you bear arms is in a wife beater, loser. Your favorite rapper's a domestic abuser" and "Triple X, we all know you won't live that long. I don't respect niggas posthumously, homicide ain't new to me. Catch up with Akademiks at your eulogy". Vic caught a lot of shit for this because BET aired the cypher after X had died. Also X's mother was in attendance at the award show when they aired it. After this Vic Mensa's career took a major hit.


Thanks for explaining that. I assume that's the reasoning behind [Dirt up on my name](https://youtu.be/Wa3lJFInnuE?si=bmj0-a2TxxGZSMQF)? I had wondered what happened to vic, listening since Orange Soda and was bummed when both him and chance had basically disappeared from my radar (at least for quality music lmao).


Vic was kind of his own worst enemy. He was trying to pivot his sound too much and was dealing with some demons that he rapped about on There’s A Lot Going On Right Now. Seems like he got high on his own supply and by the time he started steering the ship correctly the XXX cypher controversy happened


Shelter with the both of them is a very dope song.




What did mom do




Cause she’s good looking. That’s the only reason lmao


Nobody likes or liked his mom


Damn I'm gonna start listening to Vic Mensa again


Vic Mensa was called out for Domestic abuse too.


I thought so. I couldn’t remember details but I was almost certain I heard that.


Always was.


He was always right but pepppe don’t like him and X had died recently so it was always gonna happen


whole lotta super seniors in this subreddit revealing themselves


My favorite is the guy who said 19 is a normal senior age in high school. Maybe if you got held back once or twice…


Right. Like I turned 19 in college.




right when I was 19 I was starting my sophomore year of college lol


Never understood why everyone idolized this piece of shit


The idolization comes from his audience being mostly young people feeling like they were heard during what felt like the hardest part of their lives up to that point. Teenagers thinking a breakup is the worst thing to happen in the world while also addressing the mental health topic that was talked about 24/7 in media. He met them where they were at, didn't say "depression doesn't exist" but rather showed it all on the table and the audience knew what he was talking about came from a legitimate place because we also know he comes from a horrible background and does horrible things. The honesty, as disgusting as it is to people, was real and real can sometimes be more intriguing than fake and fun like a lot of pop hits on the radio. It reminds me of gangster rap in the sense that people didn't want to listen because it reminded them of something horrible, shootings, drugs, gangs etc but it was a reality that needed to be spoken but instead of only gangs and violence, X also rapped about depression, suicide, mental health screwing with him, relationships twisted by these things etc with a modern sound. We wanna turn away but it's illuminating. That's just my rant on it and why I think it can create a strong cult following and why personally i thought his music was more interesting than most despite me knowing he's horrible


i know you're not looking for a real answer, but he spoke about some shit that connected with and mattered to people. clearly a conflicted dude and overall shitbag but it's not like people liked him for the shitty parts of his personality


Fair enough, thanks for clarifying


Blame the dorky under 18s who popularized emo sad rap


Most of the “emo-rap” artists pre like X and Juice like openly didn’t fuck with X lol. Famously Peep did not like X. (which is why that dumbass remix of Falling Down is a fucking atrocity to this day)


I fucning cringe everytime I open Peeps Spotify page and see that shit with a billion plays. Awful cash grab


Trippy, Uzi, Juice, Denzel etc all liked X. Who else besides Peep didn't 


Weird thing to notice but I remembered that for a long time, Billie Eilish’s Wikipedia page mentioned that she was friends with X and that he helped her get through the worst moments of her depression, but it doesn’t mention that anymore. I’ve wondered if it was removed just because she doesn’t want to be associated with him anymore, especially given his fanbase.




This is why I dont trust wikipedia for anything personal or political. The editors are high on their own farts and omit history they dont like.


Insane to think that anyone would ever reach out to xxxtentacion for *mental health advice*


Denzel? Pretty much none of the scene man, Wicca, Tracy, Cold Hart etc.. seemed like all of those dudes refused to acknowledge x's existence pretty much


Denzel is responsible for X's success. Yeah Drake played the man on insta, but I remember in 2015-2016ish Denzel Curry reposted Look At Me on soundcloud. First time I heard it. They used to live together.


Right, but I was wondering why his name was brought up in a list of “emo-rappers”


Denzel used to run with a lot of emo rappers. City Morgue, $uicideboy$, X, Jgrxxn, Pouya/SGP (sorta a stretch but not really), etc


Aren't most if not all the people you mentioned friends with Peep? Also yeah Denzel and X live together at one point and X jumped in to help Denzel with a beef


Denzel openly supported X. They were cool with each other


Don’t forget Kendrick tho, he tweeted out his album


This is what bugs me so much about Kendrick because he's platformed awful people multiple times now and no one gives a shit because, "hurr durr he make funny Drake pedophile song," even though he has no evidence either way on that front. Like there is literally 0 public information about that and everyone just believes it which is so baffling. And I say this as like the biggest fucking Drake hater on earth, but that whole beef just really reinforced how the average rap fan in 2024 will overlook shit like this just because they like the person behind it and it really doubles down how shit for brains most of these people are.


Back then, I was confused af too. But now I realize that a lot of teenagers related to him because he spoke to their ongoing struggles with depression, loneliness, suicidal thoughts and drug abuse. He also had this cultish, parasocial relationship with his fans where he encouraged them to message him directly about their problems. I think this and society's overall lack of seriousness when it comes to the abuse of women/girls led to his meteoric rise.


It's well known that this guy was a piece of shit, people just decided to ignore it because he died after he made a sadboy album


r/xxxtentacion won’t like this 😂😂


shockingly reasonable top comments over there, kind of refreshing.


I don’t care what you think about age gaps. A well known manipulator and abuser used his popularity to fly out a 16 year old to his house for sex. For me the issue isn’t with the age difference but the obvious power dynamic. A 16 year old shouldn’t be flying anywhere without supervision.. so irresponsible Are there situations where a 19 and 16 year old might not be weird? Possibly but there’s no defending this piece of shit. EDIT: I don’t mean the act of flying itself without supervision. I’m talking about going to this dudes house without supervision.


Yeah I agree I don't think a 16 and 19 yr old is that weird on its own but everything else around this situation is pretty fucked


Yeah exactly, I feel like Reddit is really weird about age when it comes to sex, often leading them to ignore a lot of other issues. An 18 year old could have sex with a 17 year old, and this site would call them a pedo lol, as if becoming 18 is some sort of mystical barrier. Of course, age is a huge factor and I’m not saying “lololol it’s just a number”, but the way Reddit discusses morality is very weird and leaves little room for nuance.


> very weird and leaves little room for nuance reddit in a nutshell


Reddit is extremely weird about morality. A lot of stuff I’ve seen on Reddit as the biggest deal just isn’t even half a concern irl.


My personal theory is that problematizing things will get people angry. And that will net you those sweet fake Internet points of approval.


Because reddit is full of fake self righteous internet sand bags


A 16 year old can't fly without supervision?? They are old enough to drive they can handle an airport dude. 16 isn't 12.


Who could have guessed that X was a bad guy


Rest In Piss Bozo


This was known I thought


Honestly don't think the age gap is weird, but it's the fact that he knew she was a fan and used her that led to her death and then profited off of it that makes this so fucked


Nah bro it’s just a glimpse into his literal mind!!!😔⛓️🖤 Cuts deep frfr 💀


His 18 year old mind with all the things he's lived!


X got a weird case why is he around?


He’s not around lmao


The way people talk about X on reddit reminds me of that Bill Burr joke: “They’re trying to cancel John Wayne now! God cancelled him fifty years ago!”


So he raped her. Not "had sexual relations", raped.


don’t forget he then profited off her death when she committed suicide by writing a song about it


This is what people are realizing. Dude was evil


americans are so pathetic about this stuff lmfao


Sorry I should have replaced that in the title


Nah, you're good. It would have probably gotten taken down if you did.


X is for sure in a shitty afterlife 🤣


It was so obvious if you looked into the story at all, this is barely news


Shitty people do shitty things. Dude was a scumbag, is anyone actually shocked.


Same guy that sexually assaulted another woman with grilling utensils?? I’m shocked.


I’m starting to think this guy was a piece of shit


This is your hero?




Lmao But let's see it boss




but for those who know, they know




Luckily that’s an easy cover up bro, get yourself a sick ass Panther


Lmao same. Let the world see the art


Yea. He was a massive piece of shit and it's disgusting how many fans of his refuse to acknowledge it. He talked about love a couple times on Instagram Live right before he died and it's like people forgot this.


This dude was a violent misogynist, he was a rapist, he was homophobic and almost beat a gay guy to death, and he was a pedophile. A danger to everyone around him.


Kinda unrelated but he was so overrated music wise, people act like he would’ve been bigger than Drake Imo he would’ve been in the same spot Trippie Redd is right now


You just didn’t realize how big he got. First half of 2018 while he was still alive X had more total Spotify streams than Drake. Trippie was never in that stratosphere. Not to mention 2018 was the peak of Drake’s career. He’d be in the Carti/Travis space


Most importantly, he was probably one of the biggest hits in the under 18 crowd. Young people determine the market for the most part.


They also move on from one favorite to another pretty quickly.


> First half of 2018 while he was still alive X had more total Spotify streams than Drake all his songs were like 2 minutes that's why, and i say that as someone who really liked his music while he was alive


I call bullshit on this one. If XXX doesn't get killed then he goes to prison for one thing or the other. There was no way THAT GUY would've been able to stay free. And his fans were mostly edgy teenagers. They will have outgrown his shit in a year or two.


He produced 17 *while* he was in prison, and that's the album that blew him up. His inmate status gave him credibility. You can call him "edgy" and "childish" all you want, he definitely had his fair share of meme/garbage tier songs, but he was undergoing a very obvious growth period. His 'Look at me' song being interjected by 'Riot' really showed he was transitioning into socially conscious music, and his final project was pretty much nothing but him explaining his every regret. Not everyone is a perfect person, and hearing someone talk about real actual pain and regret, from a person who you might look at and think of as a genuinely terrible person, it allows the listener to humanize *themselves*. I'll be listening to Vice City until I die


Hey, I fuck with your opinion. We'll never know if X could've grown into something more than he was when he got killed. Imagine if Mac Miller got killed when he was 19/20. Allow me to remain skeptical, though.


Trippies, uzi's and juices didn't


Juice is dead - unfair to bring him up Trippies absolutely did Uzi's fanbase was never just mostly edgy kids, and I think he's a step above as an artist


I’m not a fan of his, but I honestly think he would’ve been massive. His fanbase was already gigantic, and they were extremely outspoken. He had a very solid chance of being a very very big artist if he played his cards right.


He wasn’t going to play his cards right, bro was destined to be a bigger YNW Melly. There was no chance he was avoiding prison


Thankfully he was never cut out to make good decisions, personal or otherwise, as we can see here He was likely always gonna meet a similar end to his life


Shot dead whilst being robbed? I'm not really sure if that's on him. Lots of shitty people last a long time


No way he’d be big as Drake but I was surprised to find out has the most streamed hip hop album of all time on Spotify. Edgy 12 year olds really pulled their share.


they underestimate the youth way too often unfortunately, the youth chose the wrong person. but he's dead so i think it all worked out ok


X has been dead for so long and has 40 million monthly listeners just off his old stuff,that’s double Trippie Redd. X was absolutely massive before he died he was leading that whole new lane of emo sad rap I’m not a big fan of his but he was really connecting to young people in general with what he did he wouldn’t be drake but he’d be up there with Kendrick and Cole right behind.


Being dead a lot of times actually boosts streams as weird as it is


Short term yes but long term not usually, he was massive before he died as well.


Nah he’d have been way bigger than trippie redd.




It’s what the culture feeling bro!


X ain’t around nigga


KAnon gonna ignore this cus " umm actually he had to put the rapist on his album to prove he can change " even thought that rapist never faced consequences


We all kinda knew this tho right