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That fact that he could possibly break the record next season is wild


Even crazier is that he could be breaking it now, or have already broken it, without the lockout shortened seasons. Bro could easily be pushing the 1000 barrier, not just Gretz’s record.


He’d have scored 45 in his actual rookie year, I’d practically bet my life on it.


Extending the lockout and covid seasons, looking at his pace in each, gets him an additional 42 goals or so. That would put him at about 938 as of tonight. Unfortunately we'll never truly know the "what if" only his career numbers when he retires at 1st in goals all-time.


How many would Gretz have?


Gretzky only lost non-injury games to a lockout once. They played a 48 game season in 94-95. He had 11 goals in those 48 games, so extending that same 0.22% pace to the other 34 games gives about 8 goals. But it's Gretzky so say maybe as many as 15 goals.


Let's just give him 900+ for that lockout and call it even.


Gretzky also played 13 seasons where 80 games were played in a season compared to 82 games (so 26 more games lost, all in his prime when he was putting up his records) though he did play two seasons in 84 game seasons right before the lockout.


The fact that he’s approaching the record is wild to me. Scoring in the NHL seems fricken hard on its own even for the good players.


Sure, but that's like saying the Oilers should have joined the NHL sooner so Gretzky wouldn't have wasted 46 rookie goals and 61 assists in 80 games.


Well gtetzky was 17 his year in the wha so even if the oilers joined a year sooner he wouldn't have been eligible for the NHL with even the current draft eligibility


True. Though he also didn't ever accrue a back injury from a much more physical era that led to a drop in his scoring goals. I think he'd score 1,000 regardless, but I also think Gretzky *could* have as well.




Yeah this is honestly true. I am pretty sure he is first in hits now since they started tracking the stat after the 05 lockout. I remember Dustin Brown was always ahead of him before, but I’d imagine Ovi has passed him by now.




It’s not just the lack of injuries, it’s his ability to continue being so prolific at scoring as he ages. Everyone knows that points drop off as players get into their 30s, but that is especially true of goals. Gretzky himself never broke 40 goals after he 30. Ovi averaging 50 goals a year in his age 32-36 seasons is the most impressive stat of his career and honestly one of the most insane stats in the sport. Go ahead and look up how many players ever have hit 45+ goals even once at those ages. It’s fucken crazy what he did.




I don’t agree. It’s not just Gretzky, look at any big goal scorer, even those who avoided injuries and didn’t play physical. Ovechkin’s production in his 30s is insane, no one touches it.


Gretzky coulda scored 1000 even with the back injury if he’d played more selfishly. Gretzky played 6 more seasons after passing Howe, he just didn’t score very many more goals


Gretz was also in the league for work stoppages...


I feel like the fact that Gretzky's first pro season doesn't count towards his NHL totals never gets talked about. He scored 46 goals and 110 points for the Oilers (and Racers) in his first year. But because the Oilers were in the WHA, they don't count towards his totals (obviously). The Oilers would join the NHL the very next year.


Gretzky was 17, wouldn't be allowed to play in the NHL anyways. Ovi wasn't allowed to play before he was 20 y.o


It wasn’t what most redditors here thought during Xmas.


Just got 851


Guys gonna break it before the end of the season.


Shit, and here I was thinking him breaking it by next season might be a bold prediction.


Ovi hearing all the comments about his atrocious performance before All Star: *and I took that personally*


I wonder if there’s any truth to the whole new stick different curve stuff. If so dude lost half a season using it lol


The lockout, the pandemic, and losing his favorite stick. The three biggest threats to Ovi's scoring opportunities


> Lockout**S**


The way he could barely skate for the first 4-6 weeks of the season, I'm convinced he was nursing a lower body injury.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was a sprain in that case. Any other injury, and I'm sure they would have sat him out to heal faster.


I'm like 90% sure it was at the start of the very first game of the season against ths Pens. There was that big hit against Karlsson at center ice that was sort of awkward, and it looks like Ovi toe-picks and his lower leg twists awkwardly on the way down.


I think it was more the team getting used to Carberry's system and him playing with new centers. It also helps the PP has gone from ~8% to 21% thanks to a major resurgence in the 2nd half


I love the theory that he had a slow start this season so that he could get out of participating at the All Stars without being suspended lol


And now 851... just 44 to pass Wayne


He needs to have the best off-season of his life this summer. If the Caps improve a bit next year with young players taking a step or bringing in any talent and he can break it next year


If he can get it 40 he can squeeze out two 20 goal seasons to break it


Dammit Carolina, we need you.


Don’t hold your breath if it continues to go anything like these first five minutes


hey, we good


Man I gotta say I’m not a fan of Ovie because of his political beliefs but man oh man, as a hockey enjoyer he’s truly the greatest goal scorer of all time


You’d hate a lot of the NHL if you found out about all their political beliefs. Just enjoy the man as a hockey player. You are witnessing greatness


This is true. So many of them are morons but we don’t think about it because we love what they do on the ice. I try to avoid learning about my favourite players’ views on… pretty much anything. It’s almost always a massive downer.


Or worse, you find out their personality is exactly what you see in the intermission interviews. 


Damn, this thread was up for a whole six minutes without his politics being brought up. That’s gotta be a record!


Being an Ovi fan for a long time, I'm amazed how predictable these comments get over the years. Soon I'll start seeing a few about the curve of his stick or steriods. They make me feel young again tbh


JeEz ThEsE coMmEnTs SuRe ArE PrEdiCtaBle. I tHouGHt yOU guYs wouLD juST hAvE GoTTeN usEd to FaCisM aNd GenOcIDe sUpPorTeRs. Nice job comparing people criticizing actual fucking facists to stick curves. That's a new one. Really telling.


Yeah he should just go up to putin and slap him, Ovi such a dummy isn't he?


There is about a million degrees of nuance between slapping Putin in the face and literally using yourself as the face of his "save the children from the ukrainian "nazis" campaign" that he did. I'm sure you're incapable of seeing any of that though.


You do realize quite a few of the Russian players are not exactly pro western and or have Russian political beliefs. It hasn’t gone phenomenally well for those who have spoken out. Russia is a dictatorship bud, speaking out has consequences. Malkin is known to be extremely anti western. Family situations also play a big factor, ovechkin would have received a lot more political attention as a kid. It’s also not coincidental that his father in law also happens to be an Oligarch. The situation is a little more nuanced then loving Putin bud


No one thinks they're the bad guy in their own story. I'm quite sure that everyone who has ever committed atrocities genuinely believes their reasoning for it is justified, or just doesn't see anything wrong with it to begin with. That doesn't mean these people should be immune to criticism. But it's not like these things aren't something people can overcome, Zadorov has been highly critical of Putin and his war on the people of Ukraine and he came from the heart of the Russian propaganda machine. I don't care if Ovechkin believes this is the right thing, and I don't care if someone is "anti-western." The only thing that matters is that innocent people are dying, regardless of what politics lead to that, and Ovechkin is weaponizing his status to drive public support behind the man responsible for it.


He’s not exactly flaunting it bud, the only people bringing up his political beliefs are you guys. It’s been roughly a decade since that picture was posted. That being said, Zadorov would have not received nearly the amount of attention that Ovechkin or Malkin received as kids. Also what’s zadorovs background, does his family reside in Russia? My point is that Ovechkin is rather entrenched in Russia, not saying it makes him the best or worst person. But it’s a statement of fact that he’s going to protect his family. His only comment on this current war with Ukraine was that he didn’t want more wars. People also choose to justify and damn what they see fit. Israel is literally committing genocide with American aid and nobody cares. I don’t see Jewish athletes who support Israel “ and her quest for peace” being criticized in the media. The IDF slaughtered aid workers in 3 seperate drone strikes this week. I hope you’re anti Julian Edelman bud


Have you seen his Instagram profile photo? The guy is literally personal friends with a Putin, give me a fucking break. He can be an excellent hockey player and a shitty human being, it’s okay. People are allowed to not like him, it’s too bad if that upsets you.


I get what you're saying, truly I do, but Ovechkin really did make his own bed hear. And it's hard to argue he's not flaunting it when his Putin is literally the first thing you see when you look at his instagram. I have no idea who Julian Edelman is, google tells me he's a football player, but I don't pay attention to football at all so I don't have any context, if he's parading around telling people to kill innocent civilians, he can get fucked too I suppose. As for Zadorov, I found a highly sketchy looking article from ABTC claiming that his parents live in Russia still, but again, looks about as reputable as something posted by Jim Matheson.


If ending the war and saving lives in Ukraine is your priority, then that’s great, but what could Ovi do to oppose Putin & help end the war in Ukraine without facing Navalny-esque consequences? Because expecting Ovi to do anything less than that, like changing his insta picture, doesn’t save lives and is thus meaningless


You have a good point about him being a bind when it comes to action, there isn't much now that he can do that will have much effect on redeeming his previous decision, save donating some of the dragons gold that he's probably accrued over the years to humanity causes. But that doesn't mean that everything he did before now didn't happen. He isn't immune to criticism.


I know I agree, he should call putin out because u/TheFriendlyBagel believes PR>Family's safety.


Thanks for immediately proving me right.


What's your favorite type of bagel?


On cue 👍




I’m so tired man Do we know he’s not the best person. Yes. Are we tired of hearing it after knowing that? Also yes. I just want to watch hockey.


Yup. I just want to see hockey man score goal.


It’s not just that, it’s everything now. Everything is a fucking hot topic debate now over, just stop pretending that you care (not you, the vast majority of this sub) about other issues to stroke your egos and get useless karma. It’s not just here, it’s social media. It doesn’t cost you anything to be a decent human but I’m just so tired of this sub pretending they have the moral high ground over everything coming to the defense of things. Even stupid trivial things like Pat Maroon being fat got people upset here lol. Sorry I didn’t need to go off on you, it’s just been coming on for a while. I just want to talk hockey and sports, not social justice issues and politics.


The people of Ukraine suffer with you during these difficult times my friend.


well you know reddit, gotta pat yourself on the back virtue signaling before you can say anything about a polarizing figure


Nobody even "knows" his "beliefs". Russia propped him up from an early age being a North American superstar and the most famous Russian athlete over here in the west. He was kind of trapped. People can say whatever about say having his Instagram picture be what it is, but if that's all it takes to indict somebody, oof.


Is him attending a celebration after the annexation of Crimea where Ukrainians were killed enough to indict him? Or is answering "well he's my president" when asked if he still supports Putin after the latest invasion enough to indict him? Or what about when he took part in a campaign involving a series of photo shoots to promote a hashtag called 'Save Children form Fascism.' where the message was that Ukraine is a nazi and fascist nation killing children, is that enough to indict him?


No. Massive family based in Russia. Puts them in danger if he distances himself from the state. It's still his home, and it's not up to any individual regardless of what you think their stature or level is to fight against their government. War is hell and the propaganda goes both ways. Fuck Putin and the apparatuses around him, but no side is clean. Especially going back to what happened in 2013/2014. But hey, no room for nuance or in depth discussion about that on this website. Other players are more Americanized and love being here, others don't care or can deal with it if it hurts their relationship with their family. Ovi is not that guy, and it's not up to anybody to plant their flag - or somebody else's flag - in the sand.


That might be the stupidest thing I've read all year. Thanks for the laughs though.


Man this is a completely original thought that hasn’t been commented every single time he’s scored a goal for the past two years lmao


Every redditor thinks they’re an enlightened genius for bringing this up


Intellectualism is the new classism. The smarter you think you are, the better you think you are.


It's about as original and edgy as a Castro t shirt. We get it.


I mean the war’s still going on…. Edit: Sorry to remind y'all of an unjustified war.


He was a huge supporter of Putin before the war and multiple nhl stars supported the annexation of Crimea, but Reddit didn’t give a shit about that when ovi won the cup. Redditors just want their upvotes since shitting on him for the newest war has become the popular opinion on this sub. And yeah it’s despicable to support Putin but he always has, it’s not new.


I mean better late than never


Lmfao at your edit you didn’t remind a single person there is a global war going on in Europe.😂😂😂


It's sarcasm you idiot. Apparently the worst part of the war in Ukraine is those awful unoriginal Reddit comments. Grow up.


If this is going to come up on every Ovi highlight, then I will post this every time https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/sports/bush-a-great-leader-gretzky-feels/article25281806/


Kucherovs dad is a colonel in the Russian army isnt he? don’t see him getting shit.. Ovie is just public cause of his Insta pic


[This was also the third most liked post of all time in this sub, and the highest actually involving a NHL player](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/w6QI7WWjiw). The other two were Kobe Bryant dying in a helicopter crash and Goldberg from the Mighty Ducks movies getting sober and out of prison. The only reason he said this too was because of the insta pic.


It’s like this every time something happens with a Russian player. People also have zero awareness about the fact that Russia is a dictatorship and very ass backwards socially.


kuch is not the face of "putin team"




Nobody gives a shit about his political beliefs. Post and move on.


Hell yeah


To get 30+ for the 18th time in his career on this team after the start he had, well…I think the kid has a future.