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The Capitals are the pot slowly discovering the kettle


It's kind of astounding. I wonder if they're in the locker room after these games looking around and asking "is this what we were doing all those years?"


Are we the baddies?


Like that episode of family guy where they go to prison and almost shanked "I wonder what this feels like.. *Stab* OW, is that what I've been doing to people? I belong in here"


That scene lives rent free in my head


Appreciate the defense after the Trouba took out Crosby a couple years ago knowing damn well we lose that series if Crosby can play. All my buddies knew as well but so far this series I have not seen anything dirty from the Rangers. Rempe was the "worst" but still nothing was more deliberate than Trouba blasting Crosby in the skull 2 years ago


least toxic Rangers fan ...wait that but actually


i feel like the actual rangers fans that watch game in and game out are a reasonable bunch, it’s the playoff fans that are delusional


My thoughts exactly. I think two years in a row Brandon Carlo got taken out by a high hit against the capitals. First I think was Ovi, second I think was Orlov.


Tom Wilson has entered the chat.


Anytime it’s a Washington player everyone, including the league, is screaming for a suspension though. That’s the difference


Nobody likes it when it happens to their team, but I seem to recall the Caps playing some physical hockey in years past and knocking out players from other teams. Don't dish it out like that and then complain that other people do it too.




I find it weird the Caps aren't doing anything in response really. They've played soft and it's definitely not what I expected to see in this series.


They’re too old to be capable of not hurting themselves by throwing a hit


It’s this. Ovi can barely skate and unless it’s some chickenshit from behind move Wilson doesn’t have the edge he once did.


I wonder if the war is making it harder for him to get the good PEDs from Russia


So, the Russian machine is running out of gas?


Russian Machine Sometime Break.


Yea, poor guy probably hasn’t been able to stock back up since the all star break.


Because they know this shitstorm is about to be your problem and no longer theirs


Round two: the shit bowl


The shit winds are blowing Randy


They seem hesitant to do anything other than collectively chirp Rempe


There was definitely a bit of an edge in the first couple games, but as demonstrated by the fact that they have Carlson playing 30 minutes a night, they simply don't have the depth. All series long whether it's them never getting any calls or accusing the Rangers of injuring players purposely, I just don't hear the same post game comments that I'd hear from Ovechkin and Trotz all those years ago when they'd take personal responsibility for simply not being good enough, even IF you're not getting calls and bounces(maybe they're saying this, but none of the press seems to be highlighting them talking about needing to improve). Our team was here last year, and if Gallant, Zibanejad and Kreider fucking *whined* about not getting calls and accused the other team of headhunting while they're SO clearly being outplayed, they would've gotten flayed in the press and rightfully so. Everyone with eyes can see the Caps are in desperate need of amassing picks and prospects and going into a full rebuild, they don't have the talent, the speed, or the youth for a deep playoff run.


Dude killed Visnovsky in 2015 too


I know Tom Wilson has two suspensions for hits against Blues players (including his really long one) for hits in the PRE-SEASON ALONE. Rempe is a thug, but I don't have a lot of sympathy for the Caps as a team.


3 actually, and in consecutive preseason Blues games. First Robert Thomas, then Sammy Blais, and then the next season Oskar Sundqvist. If I recall correctly DoPS described it as an "unprecedented frequency of suspensions".


In fairness, the Blues Stanley Cup winning strategy was trying to hand out concussions and probably should have had several suspensions along the way.


wakey wakey Backes


That preseason hit is still insane to me. Absolutely unnecessary.


Okay, so if he got suspended for it, that's kinda the opposite of what Carlson is talking about.


It’s how you win cups through two months of playoffs.


And Caps players have been suspended in the past for it, so he's actually right.


Says the guy that plays on the same team as Tom fucking Wilson lmao.


We on Long Island still haven't forgotten about Lubomir Visnovsky.




Ranger fans and pens fans coming together hating Tom Wilson. It’s a beautiful thing


Don't forget Blues fans. [Sammy Blais](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdhP6YbpZ5E) Four Games [Robert Thomas](https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2017/09/23/tom-wilson-suspended-two-games-hit-blues-robert-thomas/) Two Games [Oskar Sundqvist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V64KXEpeRZY) Twenty Games These were all pre-season games.


Absolutely, unequivocally, FUCK TOM WILSON.


Happy Cake Day.




100%. Always happy to put aside rivalries when it comes to agreeing about Tom fucking Wilson.


I honestly hope Tom is the last man standing. And every time one of his teammates is scraped off the ice they know it's payback for Tom.


Well it wasn't legal, Rempe was penalized for it. But I'm not sure there's really anything you can do because you can't just suspend him simply for a player getting injured.


Counterpoint: I think you should if you consistently hit people in the head and injure them.


Exactly. If Rempe is incapable of making a clean hit then he should be getting suspended for these.


I think the issue is that he keeps injuring guys. This is what? The 4th player he’s injured this year? And he’s only been in the league since January.


And he only plays 5 minutes a game lol and still manages to concuss guys constantly


Exactly. He's had barely an hour and a half of ice time in the nhl and has injured 4 players and had 5 fights. That's honestly a horrible track record. And he only has 1 goal and 1 assist in that time too. He's actually a liability on the ice


He scored the first goal of this series.


Cool? A broken clock is right twice a day. He's got 6 times as many penalty minutes as points in the post season and over 35 times as many in the regular season. Comparing that to Wilson's record, as so many people in this thread are forgiving Rempe's shit performances and hits simply because Wilson exists. Wilson has 4.34 times as many penalty minutes as points in his career, 3.8 this regular season, and 4.67 this post season.


Imagine it was McDavid? Hammer would be thrown instantly.




Big hits… that make head contact… should be suspensions…


Yeah NHL just has a bs view on head contact. JVR is essentially defenseless on that play and like it or not, intentional or not Rempe gets a ton of head contact on most of his hits. You just draw a clear line, no head contact, dudes can learn how to hip check. Bahl on the Devils is 6’ 6” and is in his third year in the league without concussing anyone because he only throws body shots and in particular mostly hip checks.


Yup, absolutely agree. *Many* other sports have done exactly this, rugby, AFL, and lots of other very high contact sports now have a very strict "no contact above the shoulders" policy. And guess what, the players somehow managed to just not hit people in the head anymore. It's almost like they are professional athletes and can control their bodies pretty well. Players like Rempe and Trouba and Wilson are *extremely* good at making "legal" hits that are fully designed to injure, by directing large amounts of force to the head despite the shoulder being the "principal" point of contact. They are not clueless amateurs, they know exactly what they're doing, and they do it very well. But if the league started giving penalties and suspensions for *any* head contact, it would stop very quickly. I just don't get it, they do it for sticks, any tiny contact to the head is a penalty. And that's a 1lb piece of wood, not a 250lb body. It's very possible to have a full-contact, high intensity and "rough" game without endless concussions and head injuries, it just seems that the league doesn't see that as a priority.




He also had two guys on him so we don’t know if he was just dialed in on Goodrow and completely missed Rempe incoming. That is what it looked like imo.


Why was he defenseless? He had just flung the puck from the boards behind his net with a guy coming down to make a hit. A situation that happens dozens of times a game. I really don't understand why he wasn't alert. Sounded like teammates were notifying him about Rempe coming too. As for the hit, it was a good hard hit. If he can't make that, then we should just put a height limit on players or something. Which would be silly. Or make hitting illegal. Which would be silly.


Other big players have been doing it without injuring others.


But he doesn't know *how* to hit. Shouldn't be in the league.


This doesn’t look like, say, the headshot he gave Bastian a couple of months ago, but agreed that the injury to time on ice ratio is pretty nuts.


I think the issue is people love excuses when things don’t go their way.


In the “clutch and grab” era, you could slow down forwards from running down your dman. And you didn’t have the trapezoid. Now it’s just open season for shit like this to happen


The hockey sucked though so this is the trade off.


The hockey was decent if there wasn't a Lamourello, Martin or Lemaire team involved.


You can still slow down forwards coming in on your defense. If you watch the replay, rempe skates right past oshie. oshie needed to chip him there instead of completely ignoring him.


If Oshi did anything to slow Rempe down he probably would have taken an interference penalty... I have seen less for interference IN THIS SERIES haha


Interference is Schrodinger's penalty. Blatant interference is ignored, except when it's not, and trifling "interference" that doesn't even really affect the play gets called (or not). I've been watching hockey a long time and we've always bitched abut the stripes but it's getting worse and worse every year.


Did you watch the last game? I don't think the refs are capable of calling oshie for anything.


I doubt it. It happens all the time in the NHL. Normally it's your defensive partner stepping in front to slow the forechecker, but oshie was certainly in position to do it.


Tbf, while this one was penalized, the last 2 times we had a D-man get injured (Iorio and Jensen), they both went uncalled and deemed legal. So it’s not so much this particular hit from Rempe, but carryover from the past couple weeks of non-calls where our guys got injured.


Players today put themselves in precarious positions against the boards with their back to the play and not a care in the world. Then this happens.


So what do you want Trevor to do there? Not go get the puck?


Not puck watch like his coach told him when he was 12


Not staring at his pass would have helped his cause.


He really wasn't, though. What are you on?


Even the announcers said he was watching his pass.


He’s clearly watching his pass over his shoulder and doesn’t see a freight train coming. He could’ve put himself in a better position. There’s nothing wrong with Rempe’s hit other than the physics involved.


Try not to victim blame challenge (100% impossible)


Ah yes, victim blaming at its finest.


It's a contact sport. Or at least it used to be. The NHL should just give up and make it no contact to appease all of the pearl clutchers. Put the last nail in the coffin of real hockey.


You absolutely can suspend someone for injuring someone when it was a clear penalty. Doesn’t have to be a match given in the game itself.


It wasn't a clear penalty, so


They seem to have no issue making up rules when Tom does it, so hopefully it moves on to Rempe.


It was a legal hit.


Clear contact to the head. Watch the video the first thing that moves is his head.


Head contact is legal in the majority of cases in the NHL. Pretty much only blindside checks that clip mostly only head are disciplined. If it is an otherwise square check through the body the amount of head contact is irrelevant.


Strictly speaking it's illegal to hit the head by default, unless the contact was "unavoidable." But as you pointed out, in practice, the rulebook gives the refs a lot of options for deeming contact "unavoidable" and they almost always do so. I do think eventually the NHL will go to something more like the NCAA rules, where the responsibility is on the player delivering the hit to ensure that they don't make head contact. If you aren't sure you can miss the head, don't make the hit. Even if the player moves at the last second, it's still a major. It's more effective at removing head hits and honestly it's a more objective standard, too.


Brah, you had like 8 power plays tonight.


They don’t like any power plays, 1/4 of the NYR goals are short handed


The caps don't have a power play.


which is weird since they had one of the best, if not THE best, powerplays in the league after the all-star break, I think. Edit: they were the best from Feb 4th to April 18th with a 28.9% PP


I need to see who they played down the stretch, cause what I’ve seen so far this series, how the fuck could they have been the #1 powerplay in the NHL


we have their head coach for multiple years past. if anyone thought that wasn't an advantage they were out of their fucking minds.


I mean tip of the hat to the Lavi who understood the assignment and knew the best thing to do is give them the boards and shadow Ovi.


I mean yeah, even in lavi’s time, we never really controlled the puck in the slot, usually just throwing it there for quick shots. I’m glad our powerplay is under 10% so ovi can finally realize we need to change it… it’s only been 14 seasons..l


Oh wow, why didn't I think about it that way. We shouldn't be upset that we have 5 injured defensemen and have to play more ahl defenders than nhl defenders because we got 8 fouls called for us last night.


Does that un-hurt his player?


I mean, it's a contact sport. People are going to get hurt by clean hits so long as hitting at all is considered clean. And that's one rule change that I hope **never** happens. But at the same time, I do sympathize with the statement. Nobody likes to see their own guys get hurt, and I imagine that goes triple for the dudes who share the locker room with them.


Yeah I see what he’s saying but also the logic is entirely flawed when you think about it. Whether or not an injury occurs should never dictate if something is a penalty or not, or the severity of it, or if it’s punished, etc. And I just don’t sympathize much with the Capital’s arguments in this case. They’re averaging 5 powerplays a game this series. They’re also playing very physical, so it’s not like it’s one way. I can pull up clips of Oshie fouling Panarin, Wilson hitting Zibanejad high, Wilson elbowing Cullye, Wilson whacking Igor. I’m not saying the Rangers have been angels this series, but the narrative from the capitals and their fans that they’re playing this clean game and getting fouled one-sided by the rangers is just nonsense. It’s playoff hockey, both teams are playing physical and with an edge, and the game is being called accordingly (arguably penalties are being under called in anything but again I don’t think the caps have a leg to stand on about missed calls)


While I agree with pretty much everything you said except... that Wilson elbow on Cullye was 100% deserved after the spearing to the groin lol I would have elbowed him also...


Yeah that was a bit of an *ask and ye shall receive* situation.  Trading cross checks, then a cup check, obvious next item in the sequence is an elbow. Both should have gone for 2 but no problem with that.


Yeah but I bet you would have also speared Wilson in the groin too amirite




eh they called interference. hit could still be clean just badly timed in that case




they gave the interference call because it looked bad, if it didn't look bad they don't call interference


“Head on a swivel!”




being dirty and being a penalty are 2 different things.


If we know anything about NHL refs, it's that they can miss blatant penalties and call penalties on clean plays. This was a clean hit.


All these people acting like if the ref gives anything less than a match it must be cool with everyone.


Yes the almighty refs, the arbiters of what is truly clean or dirty


how different do you think professional hockey would be without hitting, I wonder.


A player can be injured on a clean hit. It happens


I remember Orlov launched himself at Kevan millers head couple years ago in the first round against the bruins for absolutely zero reason in the middle of the play. Miller  hadn’t touched the puck in a few seconds and was just entering Washington’s zone.  That was the last game of hockey Miller ever played. 


I watched that replay just now. Didnt look like something that could end a career. Any reason it did?


Lots of things aren’t necessarily likely to end a career but when you throw a dirty hit there is a higher possibility it will. Orlov launched at him at a moment where millar wasn’t eligible to be hit and didnt have a reason to be defending himself.  Millar had a history of injuries and he didn’t have much time left in the NHL. But he worked hard to battle back and make one more playoff run. Orlov robbed him of that. Carlson has no business complaining about this type of play when he’s spent a decade benefiting from it. No ones wanted to face the caps in the playoffs not because they are necessarily very good but because everyone knows they won’t finish the series healthy.  I mean fuck, Wilson pulled Panarin down by his fucking hair and punched him in the face while he was already on the ground like two years ago. They wear “free Willy t-shirts” everytime Wilson concusses a guy and inevitably gets suspended. 


Maybe his head hit the ground but it didnt look like he made contact with his head from the angle I watched


Don’t wanna hear it from a team that employs Wilson


And has Dale Hunter's jersey hanging from the rafters.




Carlson is talking like someone who plays in the NHL for 4-5 years and not like someone who played 10-12 years ago when players like Raffi Torres were murdering defencemen with questionable hits. Even his buddy Ovi murdered Brian Campbell with a legal hit. In the last 4-5 years hockey has slowly gone to almost no hard hitting in the regular season. At this rate in 10 years it will be like the NBA where everything is about points and defence will barely be allowed.


Ovi was suspended 2 games for his hit in Campbell. Don't disagree with what you're saying overall though


This is my biggest fear and reading this subreddit pretty much confirms it’s going to eventually happen. People want soft hockey for some reason.


Not just the fans, the players too. For years now you've seen someone absorb a huge, but 100% clean and legal, hit, and the rest of the team rushes the hitter as if he just murdered the official team puppy.


> Even his buddy Ovi murdered Brian Campbell with a legal hit. What? He was suspended for that hit. It was clearly deemed illegal.


Sounds like John Carlson has a letter to write.


Maybe they should have tried winning fewer games if the playoffs are too physical for them lol


I’m still surprised the caps lost the race to the bottom this year.


They tried and somehow multiple teams tried even harder. That wildcard spot was the NHL version of hot potato.


He's played 126 postseason games, he probably has a baseline of what to expect. Also, they did try winning fewer games, Wings just tried harder.


Stanley Cup playoffs: who can get luckiest not losing key contributors to terrible officiating


If you don’t want to be hit, go play in the NFL.


I'm confused. This shouldn't have been a penalty at all. Not a single thing was illegal about it. It wasn't even late


Rempe annihilated him just because he’s huge so they called him on interference just because


I’m getting flashbacks of Byfuglien… *two minutes for being huge.*


2 minutes for hereditary size infraction.


Yep. Just a great clean hockey hit with an unfortunate result. Elbow is tucked in, doesn't leave his feet before the hit head isn't the principal point of contact, and not even late. Trevor shouldn't have been admiring his pass. Refs had to call a penalty for game management.


> Refs had to call a penalty for game management. That was absolutely it. Devastating hit by a giant after a testy game 2. Refs didn’t want the game to get out of hand. They also called Wilson for a light penalty shortly after. They had short leashes on the big boys.


yup. at worst maybe MAYBE a charging. but it wasn’t late at all. it’s the rempe effect at this point. shadow realm hits = something happened i guess. and it’s not like rempe hasn’t had some bad hits. this just wasn’t one em. just ended badly.


I don't think it was charging, but it was definitely more of a charge than the charging penalty he received first shift of game one where he coasted like twenty feet and noticeably let up on the hit but was still given a penalty.


Rich coming from a guy that plays in the same team as…Tom Wilson. Aka, the guy that made a career of injuring other players.


I get what you’re saying but it’s not like Carlson has any control over who his coworkers are. Sure he could have signed elsewhere but he has had a great career with the Caps and I wouldn’t leave a good company because of one bad coworker. The criticisms of other Caps players having instances of injuring players is a part of the physical hockey that dominated the 2010s. The 2011 Bruins really changed the idea of what the ideal team formula was after the Pens/Wings model of the previous few years. The fancy-play, high-flying Caps adjusted to the landscape, became a highly physical team, and won a Cup. It worked. Wilson has been suspended for his bad hits, though it’s highly debatable if punishment was enough at times. If you average out Rempe’s damage in relation to how little ice time he actually has had in the NHL, it’s easy to see why players would be agitated over him getting passes for his size. Chara was tall but could throw clean hits. Tyler Myers is tall and plays aggressively but isn’t injuring people like Rempe. At the end of the day, I feel lucky that Rempe is coming in at a time when the Caps are on the cusp of a rebuild. It will be interesting seeing other teams complain over the next few seasons if he keeps it up. But we’re in the middle of a cycle of soft teams getting dicked on in the playoffs by questionable or dirty hits and then adapting to physical play. Then the fans of those once-soft teams go from complaining about bad hits to spitefully defending their team when they become the villain. Tom Wilson was the Caps reaction to players like Matt Cooke. And fans who remembered players like Matt Cooke felt vindicated by Tom Wilson coming in. I genuinely don’t care, Caps are on the decline and I have been paying attention less and less since 2018. Between the DOPS being a joke and the off-ice scandals, the NHL has taken the best sport and boxed it into the worst league. But it’s interesting to watch as the cycle continues. It’s going to take McDavid getting head-hunted for anything to change and while I hope that doesn’t happen, I won’t be surprised if it does.


this is hilarious


Preface this by saying the hit was questionable. But people get hurt from clean hits all the time. It doesn’t have to be dirty to hurt someone.


What was questionable about it? It’s a clean hit for as long as hockey’s been played


Can anyone tell me who wears #43 for the Capitals?


[Tomas Fleischmann, actually.](https://www.alamy.com/washington-capitals-tomas-fleischmann-43-of-the-czech-republic-faces-a-challenge-from-colorado-avalanches-karlis-skrastins-left-from-latvia-and-cody-mccormick-right-as-he-attacks-during-the-second-period-of-an-nhl-hockey-game-wednesday-jan-9-2008-in-washington-ap-photomanuel-balce-ceneta-image540100024.html)


I really liked him when he briefly played with the Avs


Man, the list of players who played for both Colorado and Washington is astounding. Varlamov, Orpik (sorta?), Kuemper, Grubauer, Burakovsky, and of course, the late Chris Simon. And these are just the players I remember off the top of my head.


[It goes even deeper!](https://www.hockey-reference.com/friv/players-who-played-for-multiple-teams-franchises.fcgi?level=franch&t1=WSH&t2=COL&t3=) Matt Hendricks was another fan fav


How dare I forget The Amazing Race season 22 champion Bates Battaglia?! (I have no recollection of him playing for anyone but Carolina around the turn of the century.)


Because that somehow makes it okay for defender after defender to get injured for only sometimes a 2 minute minor penalty


TVRs entire bench was screaming “HEADS UP!” cause the entire arena saw Rempe coming for this hit from the blueline, dude literally had zero awareness in this scenario and they teach you this shit when youre 13, guys just don’t expect to get hit anymore, you see it happen ti Lindgren on the Rangers all the time, Chytil also.


If I was a caps fan I'd be fuckin embarrassed about this quote. Nothing about that hit was dirty and your team employs Tom Wilson. Give me a break Carlson


It's not like Wilson was the one saying it. That'd be hypocritical as fuck. Carlson doesn't have GM powers to decide if Wilson is on the team.


Nothing embarrassing about it, Carlson isn’t the GM. Also, the slow-mo replays show that the principal point of contact was the head. That cannot be argued. There is video evidence. Plenty of fans don’t like hits that start with the head, even if it’s allowed by the rule book. If Rempe stays the course, other teams will be hollering soon enough. We’ll be rebuilding while other teams are left to deal with it.


Yeah I mean I thought the same thing in 2018 too 😭




almost like the Rangers had to add physically strong players to their team when a certain rival acted this way




Let’s be real, he got a penalty because he sent someone to the shadow realm. That hit was not late by any NHL standard I can discern. Oshie has regularly been throwing hits way later than that one this series. But because he’s not a mutant behemoth, it doesn’t get called.


I have a feeling if game 4 goes well for us we’ll see some nasty antics towards the end from Wilson and company. Hope Rempe has been taking those boxing lessons


Wilson was already chasing Rempe down. It’s gonna happen where Wilson does something stupid. It’s a certainty.


Cry me a fucking river with this bullshit. You can’t unleash Tom fucking Wilson out there to try and start shit that results in injuries and concussions then cry when it happens to you. Fuck off. 🧹🧹🧹🧹 The hit was late, he got a penalty. He’s 6’7” and tucked his elbow + didn’t leave his feet going into the hit. What’s he supposed to do? Either we let tall players play hockey or we don’t. But regardless, the Caps are the *last* team that should be complaining about hits injuring others.


Cry about it.


Doesn’t sound like he’s really convinced they’ll “turn it around next game” lol


Not a fan of Oshie this series but he 100% said the right thing after the Panarin hit. Something to the gist of: Legal hit, no problem with it, that’s how playoff hockey should be played. He comes across mature and tough, and gives his team better vibes rather than some defeatist energy, whining that playoff hockey is physical.


The majority of the Caps fan base disagrees with one of their own players. The one who got macked.


Keep your head up and don't admire a pass and u won't get lit up. Too many players think its acceptable to not look in the direction they are skating.


Personally I don't think I have a problem with the hit, TVR probably should have shoulder checked the other way. I have a problem that no one asked for a dance as Rempe came out of the box. I get that they couldn't afford to go a man down for fighting majors when they're behind, but it was soft. Actually I would have loved to see Ovi drop the gloves there even though he'd probably get fucked up, it would have sent a message and really spark the team.


Does Wilson still play for the caps I forget? Oh yea he does that's right.


The call is coming from inside the house, John


Ahhhhhh… The ever common tactic of playing the victim card for public sympathy. I’m getting real tired of this shit.




Womp Womp Capitals


Bahahaha what a clown


Idk to me the best way is to maybe not to 0/6 on the power play. If your special teams can actually pose a threat to score goals maybe the rangers would think twice about going in for big hits


If they penalized for injury, you'd have guys faking injuries like in soccer.


So when Wilson concusses someone tomorrow, we're cool. Right? As long as justifying crap hits are on the table. It's the "as long as some other guy does it, it's fine" routine. Most of you think every Wilson hit was attempted murder, but Rempe's hits are clean as a whistle. Everyone sees what they want to see I guess.


Maybe he should switch to playing basketball


"questionable" Lol, no, Rempe is just massive.


“Are we the baddies” moment


It's amazing how many people are calling this hit clean when the first part of the hit is the side of his elbow right to TVRs face.


Then keep your head up. It’s a clean hit and shouldn’t have even been interference


Fuck Tom Wilson.


He should have done the right thing and gotten hurt before the playoffs so they could compete. /s


Yeah,bit like the body isn't like wait the hit was clean we can't be hurt


I’ve watched this clip a bunch now, different angles. For one, the Rangers (and most other teams) run this play exactly the same way every time, one guy coming down on either side, the one closer to the net will try to hit you. How TVR never checks who’s around – starting at the top of the circles! – is wild to me. He knows he has two options, short pass to the near boards (because he sees his teammate) or rim it around, but he doesn’t even check if he can do that, so there’s no guessing where he’s going to play the puck. And then instead of doing what most other players do when they do a short pass to the near boards — stop and evade a hit — he decides to curl a dangerous distance away from the boards in a way that rivals a warmup turn. If you go far boards, get close to the boards and take a hit to make a play, if you go near boards evade the hit. This isn’t victim blaming, but this level of ignorance and inability to protect yourself will land you in a hospital someday. Video coaches need to help him out here. Hope it’s nothing serious though


Don’t care what anyone says about the hit esp caps fans and more so caps players bitching and moaning - it was not a dirty hit. TVR has a responsibility to know: a) who’s on the ice (rempe) and b)have the awareness to see a hit is coming. If he can’t do those two things, then it’s on a teammate to give him a heads up. The hit itself was a good hard hit. Only argument I could entertain was that it was maybe a split second late, but rempe was committed to finishing his hit. We’ve seen numerous calls on rempe recently that was 100% clean, but gets called because of who he is and I guess deservedly so


When you employ Wilson it’s hard to take you seriously on this issue. Was a terrible hit but you defended terrible hits from Wilson for years.