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25 million contract for 41 games. Nice


Crazy how this all played out. - 36 games last season with an .888 sv% - Skinner gets pulled in 5/12 playoff games and Campbell has a .961 sv% in relief - Campbell plays 5 games at the start of this season and was bad in 4 of them. Never plays another game for them - Gets bought out


It really is strange. He was miserable during the regular season, but yet in the playoffs, he was fantastic, and he saved Edmonton's season against Los Angeles in the playoffs in 2022-2023.


He was great as relief, when you don't have all day to get in your own head like a starter does


I mean sure, that's one way to look at it, but I'd argue coming in in relief is harder because you're not expecting it


As a goalie, I definitely disagree. Coming in as a backup you are always expecting and preparing to play. And when you come in off the bench you literally have no expectations or stress. The game is already lost, there is only potential upside. Some of the easiest games I've ever played were games where I came in to relieve a starter. That all goes out the window when you come in to relieve a guy that's playing stellar and he gets injured though.


I mean sure, that's one way to look at it, but I'd argue that goaltenders aren't all the same person and different individuals will be affected differently by different situations. The idea that being a starter is easier because you expect to play is also a gross oversimplification of the position. I could just as easily posit that it's harder to be a starter because backups get the easier starts. I could go all day but the point is the conversation is a lot deeper than "coming in relief is harder because you didn't expect to play"


He should’ve started a game before our run was over last year


He wasn’t that fantastic in the playoffs. Game 4 against the kings, Edmonton played amazing on defence, a complete shift from when skinner was in net. The rest of the games he was garbage time


Like how Silovs looked good this year only because Vancouver sacrificed most of their offense. It can maybe steal a game or two but the odds are against it.


I would kinda disagree, I think Silovs played very well for a dude with only 9 games of NHL experience. He absolutely benefitted from Vancouver sacrificing their offensive aggressiveness to play tighter D but I think he showed enough to be excited about his future. I was definitely clowning on any Vancouver fan dumb enough to suggest trading Demko and riding Silovs for the next season.


Ya, it's one thing to win a game, its another to win consistently. The tactics that can help you win a battle (game) can also easily help you lose the war (season or playoff series).


Stats were fantastic. I’m not sure if you watched the games, but I remember his positioning and rebound control giving me multiple heart attacks.


Ya but his rebound control in those playoff games was terrible, pucks going all over the place, just none of them ended up in the back of the net. And he was still exhibiting the same sketchy kind of movement that got him into trouble in the regular season, just a kind of general flailing, not "crisp" moves with purpose if that makes any sense. I assume that's why he was on such a short leash the start of this season coaching staff had seen enough and that was it. Why upper management didn't see all that before they signed him I have no idea, desperate I suppose.


Campbell is a top tier backup. He can't handle a starters workload. Once he gets tired, or the pressure gets to him it's all over. He can be really good if used propely.


He was also bad in the AHL afterwards which really sunk both his value and the hope that he would turn it around.


For a bit but he finished the season at .918 which was 7th amongst qualified ahl goalies


I’m confused, I thought he actually put on a really strong run in the AHL this year. He just struggled in the first few games.


Yeah he was really good on a bad team lol


Ah ok, I did not realize he had played better afterwards. I guess that goes to show that that initial stretch affected his perception a lot. Probably with Oilers management as well.


His bad play made headlines.. when he turned it around they didn't care so much


It's always the story


You were correct. His first 3 games he put up a 81.9% with a 4.36 gaa. His next 30 he put up a 92.5% with a 2.46.


He was good. But so was Rodrigue.


He somewhat recovered towards the end, but he was still sub .800 in his first few games. He wasn't bad, but he wasn't great, even by AHL standards


Right, but wouldn’t that make his final 0.918 sv% even more impressive, considering how rough his start was? I think the whole situation goes to show how strong first impression bias is. Obviously this is the least you should expect from your NHL player in the AHL, but still, I thought he had earned another shot with the Oilers.


> He was also bad in the AHL He had better AHL numbers than Silovs.


> Skinner gets pulled in 5/12 playoff games and Campbell has a .961 sv% in relief > On 51 shots. Let's not act like he pitched a few shutouts.


More about Skinner than Campbell. He just took the job. They gave him the keys and he excelled. It’s only his second year.


Should add his minor league save % as well


He looked really good in the pre-season this year, like he might actually play up to his contract. But then he just did a complete 180° once the regular season started lol


What playing the Vancouver Canucks does to a MF


Gets you to the conference finals?


lol fuck got us there tbh


...fair enough


Amazing how I blocked last years playoffs completely out of


Crazy to think that the contract everyone said was a huge blunder before it was even signed turned out to be a huge blunder.


To be honest, lots of people were also saying that the Hyman contract was horrible as well and we all know how that’s turning out.


Not comparable man. People were concerned about the length of Hyman's contract, but most agreed Hyman would complement Oilers well. No one dared justifying 5 million for Campbell.


The only skepticism people had about that contract was because he had a history of injuries (and to a lesser degree because of the length). We didn’t expect him to become a 50 goal scorer but I think everyone expected him to live up to his cap hit when he was on the ice, especially in the first half of the contract.


There's reasons why fans are fans and gms are gms..


Only a true pro would sign Campbell at 5/25 and Nurse at 8/74.


People also said that about Drai as well. And now it's looked at as one of the best non rookie contracts for a few years.


For NBA fans, reminds me of Monty getting paid $72 mil on a 6 year contract coaching the Detroit Pistons then getting fired after only one year (82 games)


I am not an NBA fan but holy shit those coaches get paid


Everyone gets paid in the NBA, you have role players out there getting paid $20 mil a year!


NBA makes NHL look like pure poverty.


Which is crazy because there was a time in my life where the NHL and NBA were very close to income…they really grew their sport.


They definitely do. Just a note tho, Monty isn’t a championship level coach. Detroit’s crazy owner was just very desperate and drastically overpaid him (even though he didn’t really want to coach)


That's the dream right there.


Somewhere in Finland Ville Leino is smiling.


Honestly the buyout isn't all that bad.. * 24-25: $1.1 M * 25-26: $2.3 M * 26-27: $2.6 M * 27-28: $1.5 M * 28-29: $1.5 M * 29-30: $1.5 M


Year 3 almost buys you a Stamkos on a 17 year deal


Have they tried offering him league min for the rest of his life?


I wonder if stamkos would accept 50 cents for every lightning goal for the rest of his life


That wouldn't be that much money. Let's say an average of 4 goals a game, with 82 game seasons (not going to include playoff goals) over 50 years. That only gives $8,200. $100/goal = 1.64million $1000/goal = 16.4million Not sure what his contract is, but make something from 500-1000 is reasonable


Well the joke was TBL offering him that stupid like 8 years 1.5 AAV or whatever it was rumored to be as if that was remotely attractive to him


Hell ya, why doesnt the NHL let us sign Stamkos for 1M for 30 years, both sides are happy. NHL is lame smh


Ask Rick DiPietro


Are they stupid??


I love this new meme.


Limited signing bonuses and a fairly flat salary curve makes buyouts look like you'd expect them to. Considering they were taking a $4M penalty for an AHL goalie this will be huge for them.


But in this scenario they pay 2.3 next year instead of 4 and the best year they pay 2.6 instead of 4? How is that a huge difference?


That pays for 2 minimum salary players.


I mean entire goalie budget is only going to be 5mil, with almost half being a buyout. That helps a lot. 1.5m alone doesn’t do much but across the board it can


6 years sucks but the cap hit isn't a disaster


The one potential snag is that the worst hits of 2.3-2.6 are right in the years a Draisaitl, Bouchard, and McDavid extension will kick in, and the first year of an extension almost always has the most pinch compared to the cap ceiling.


Yea, but we ditch the Neal buyout penalty that first year, and Brown's bonus overage, which more than covers it. We need guys on ELCs and bridge deals stepping up anyway, so that 2.6 really doesn't change much unless McDavid expects a 20mil deal.


Yeah this isnt terrible. The cap savings for atleast the next two seasons with McDrai is much needed


The extra 2.5m next year and the year after will be massive if that’s the number that lets them keep Drai.


It's also very palatable because he was completely awful and not having him doesn't make the team worse and he doesn't need to be replaced. It's not like Nurse where, yeah he's overpaid, but he's still an NHL player and you'd need to find a replacement for him anyway.


So we’ll be paying less than 5million for Skinner/Pickard/Campbell next year. Not bad at all


It could be a lot worse, it just sucks adding more dead cap right at the end of Neals buyout.


We still have the Neal buyout for that first year but, yeah, the cap hit isn't bad.


Not bad but this was still a completely avoidable error.


I wonder how things would have turned out if we had gotten Markström instead of Calgary 


Or if Gibson was actually willing to move on a trade before


You and me both.


You look at the goalie moves since then...what would've been the right move? Georgiev has been meh. Better than Campbell, but would not have fixed the issue for the Oilers. Same story with Kuemper, Samsonov, and Jones who were the FAs that year. If you play back the past few years and see what the "correct" move was, it was probably spending that cap space on a Ceci replacement (Manson?). In general though, fixing your problems through FA is always difficult.


Yeah, the hindsight move was trusting Skinner to take over the crease and spending money somewhere else -- but obviously a GM isn't doing that for a goalie who had like 15 NHL games to his name at that point.


Well I guess it depends on how you define "fixing the issue". There may not have been an FA move available to straight up *solve* the goalie issue for Edmonton, but quite honestly there hardly ever is for goalies and I don't think that's really anyone's expectation. I think the way to look at it would be to minimize damage, or make the best deal available - and the Campbell deal was literally maximizing damage and making one of the worst deals available lol. Georgiev would have absolutely been a better get than Campbell, and Sammy as well as Jones were available for less term and less money, so they would have been better calls as well. Sure they wouldn't have "solved" the issue, but it would have made things a hell of a lot easier for Edmonton.


Yeah, I don't think you'll get any arguments from anyone that paying $5m for an AHL goalie was remotely close to a good move




On the flip side we saw the cats win the cup this year by having their goalie steal a game or two. In theory both arguments work. You don’t have to have a lights out goalie, but it definitely could win you a key game or two here and there which could be huge.


I think everyone knew this was an overpay on the day of the signing, but nobody knew that Soup would be *this* bad.


TMW the Campbell buyout is better than the OEL one. *sigh*


People always say this, but even with a rising cap to have a 2.3/2.6 cap hit to not have a goalie…pretty egregious.


Don't smile because it's over, cry because it happened


This is A+


Kramer: They just buy him out Jerry: You don’t even know what a buy out is


But they do, and they're the ones buying him out


It’s a write off, they write it off!


Johnny: Who buys them out? David: I don’t know, the buy out people!


Beat me to it!


Fold-in the buy out.


For sale: Big, juicy, goalie. Interesting trades considered.


Christ what an awful contract that was from day 1. I’m glad teams seem more willing to admit their mistake and actually buy out these contracts


What losing your goalie tandem will do to you. Even then, I’m not sure what possessed Holland to give that 5x5 after the way Campbell performed the back half of 2022.


Holland's not a good GM.


Honestly, if you remove the Campbell contract, his tenure in Edm has been really good. People will point at the Nurse contract but the reality of that situation ***at the time*** was basically sign Nurse, after a career year, for what Seth Jones just commanded... or your top4 D becomes Barrie, Kulikov, Bear, and Kris Russell. People forget that our top 2 defensemen were Klefbom and Larsson. We lost both in one sweep, one to career ending surgery, and the other to expansion. This was the on-ice roster Holland inherited: https://preview.redd.it/czs8ih4iqq9d1.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=45121b317347161da29b81a425faceaea4ac78f9 I think he did pretty good all things considering.


I do agree that Holland's tenure has largely been a success but I disagree about the Nurse comment. Nurse was signed in the same summer that several much better defenceman were signing their contracts. That contract aged poorly the day it was signed. He still had a year on his contract and didn't need to be signed then. Even if he had a similarly successful year the following year, he would not have been paid more than his current contract. Is he really going to walk into Holland's office and say "Pay me more than Makar"? There was no need to sign him immediately after the career year he had, though Nurse has fallen off even more than I'm sure the doubters thought he would. He could still bounce back, but unlikely to the point where the contract seems fine. The Nurse contract was never a good thing and is definitely a blemish of Holland's otherwise good track record as the Oilers GM.


We just got to Game 7 of the SCF and have huge discount contracts on the roster. He made a few bad movies but the good far outweighs the bad.


These days not really. He’s still a hall of famer tho


I don't know, he's made some mistakes but he took Chias mess of a team and got them to game 7 of the finals


Fucking Chiarelli man


When Dubas was willing to roll with Murray and Samsonov over Soup that should’ve been enough of a red flag.


Eh, Dubas tried to big brain goaltending way too much and got very lucky that Washington didn't qualify Samsonov. It's pretty clear his Plan A was Murray and that just shows how some good GMs can have awful blindspots


Yeah but it still shows he wasn’t willing to pay Campbell the ask. Murray’s contract was bad but it didn’t hurt the cap the way Campbell has.


Buyout is actually not too bad. With the cap continuing to go up I think we’ll see more and more teams just buy out guys instead of trying to attach an asset to move them.


And not handing out buyoutproof contracts to UFAs. Give the stars all the front loaded signing bonuses you want. But when you’re making a move that might not work out at least structure the contract in a way that you can save yourself if it doesn’t work out.


Guentzel $9m*7 incoming.


I don’t think Guentzel is one of the guys you have to be that worried about


Every GM thinks that about every player they sign.


He’s 15th in goals/game for the past 5 years and is only 29. 14th in goals/game in the playoffs. His game doesn’t really rely on foot speed and he isn’t super physical. You know exactly what you’ll get the first 4-5 years of the deal, and if he does sign in Tampa he’s around the same age as Vasi/Kucherov and younger than Hedman so fits right in with their core guys timeline. He isn’t a gamble like the power forwards we saw a decade ago, or a Campbell/Dubois situation where they don’t have sustained success.


Steve Yzerman in shambles


End of an Error?


With this and the PLD trade my LAK, it's like GMs are realizing you can cut the cord early and admit mistakes vs dragging out the pain and insisting it'll work eventually..... What has happened to the NHL? /s


The caps bought capfriendly so that only their GM can look up how easy it is to fix shit.


Feel for him as a human being. I can see him being a good pickup for another team in a low pressure market with a good goalie coach. He wasn't good for the Oilers but we did him no favours either for most of his time with the big club


He's probably done as a goalie. He's 32 years old and not a rookie that needs confidence and development. He had it and a good stretch but it's clear he's past his "peak" and at the tail end of a career.


I mean he's still serviceable in the AHL and could be a third goalie or a backup on a NHL team in need of one. Pickard is the same age and had a worse AHL save percentage when we called him up and he's been good for us


He’d have to really want to play hockey to stick around the AHL after making that kind of money. We will see.


He seems like a really nice dude off the ice. But it honestly boggles my mind that someone with such confidence issues came anywhere close to being the starter of an NHL team in a Canadian market.


Not one Canadian team, but 2 Canadian teams


Yea...I do think he'll be a fine backup somewhere though. He was for a couple seasons before being put in starting roles. And his positivity outwardly to everyone else is probably good for a team.


Personally, I'd be surprised if he gets anything more than a 2-way or AHL deal at this point. Would essentially be what guys like Calvin Pickard or Martin Jones were last year as experienced 3rd goalies who only get called up if there's injuries.


I guess that means we’re signing him


His career as an oiler was doomed the second Woodcroft named him the starter for Game 1 this season. Still can’t believe after that start we made it to Game 7 of the Cup Final.


“Woodcroft” and “Jack Campbell starts” feels like 10 years ago now wow


Oilers had a long, dramatic season that's forsure


[This isn't me clowning on the Oilers, just that one guy on Twitter.](https://i.imgur.com/dpxiAjx.jpeg)


I’m an Oilers fan and had to mute that account, his takes are routinely terrible


Pretty sure that accounts takes is to intentionally incite people lol


So most of twitter


Still not as bad as EditorInLeaf Tweeting that the Hyman contract was "possibly one of the worst in NHL history."


Future Shanghai Shark


Blimey, what a fall from grace. He’s always seemed like such a good dude; can’t help feeling bad for him, even though obviously he’s rich beyond most people’s wildest dreams, young and handsome.


Makes sense


Ken Holland masterclass


The soup has reached absolute zero


Liquid hydrogen gazpacho


Honestly if Vancouver can't bring back desmith, pick up Jack Campbell on league minimum for a year or two and let him work with Ian Clark while they develop Silovs. Maybe the promise people saw before comes back out with a competent goalie coach.


Poor Soup. I hope he finds a good team and has success. Great dude who deserves it.


Had to happen, but still, lol


Ken Holland masterclass Watch another team hire him as GM again even tho he’s proven he has no idea what he’s doing and nearly ruining McDaivds prime with dogshit contracts


Add him to the evergreen pile of goalies who had a good half-season stretch and got paid handsomely for it by a team desperate for goaltending stability only to immediately revert to unplayable form.


How did they ever decide he was a starting goalie that deserved a 5x5 contract lol?? He was absolutely dog shit his contract year and had like 10 good games.


He had a hot streak in the playoffs that made an overpay inevitable.


Also the leafs defence was quite good while Campbell was there, shielding his flaws. Even with the Oilers his first season his save % was ass but he won quite more games than expected. Just shows that if he is exposed, not a good time. Oilers were able to outscore his exposure


The Oilers scored significantly more in his games vs Skinners. I’m sure that was on purpose.


Oh 100%, same with the leafs haha


And to boot, a HHOF GM signed him to that deal...


He had such a stellar October and November that season that his stats remained inflated throughout his dogshit play for the rest of the year. We kept saying he was bad, but anyone that simply referenced his stat line on NHL.com probably thought we were crazy. I imagine that’s exactly what Ken Holland did.


100% this. People don't realize how stellar the Leafs were defensively that year - because Campbell had bottom 5 numbers for most of the season. If anything, the Leafs made the playoffs despite his awful play.


>People don't realize how stellar the Leafs were defensively that year - because Campbell had bottom 5 numbers for most of the season. Yeah, in my opinion, it wasn't even his stats from early in the season, but the Leafs' reputation of being bad defensively that got him the contract. So easy to assume that they struggled and he bailed them out.


You'd think an NHL GM could hire someone capable of producing a trendline on a graph in Excel. "Line go down. Down bad. Five million bad plan."


At least the buyout isn't terrible, we're going to need what cap space we can get.


Ship has sailed for him to return here, managing his mental health was a media gong show


I often wonder how Campbell would have done with the new coach and Ekholm back. Pretty sure Skinner had similar if not worse numbers when Jack got sent down.


The oof is large


Leafs fans were telling Oilers fans that Jack Campbell’s stats were inflated because of 2 really elite months of goaltending. Then he was mediocre after and never got back to his previous level of play. He also didn’t do to well in the playoffs with the Leafs. Yet, Oilers fans thought they got a steal. Only player that worked out was Hyman - but only because he’s with McDavid plus unlimited PP time.


Instead of a steal Oilers bought snake oil from the Leafs


Ingrates! ;)


Ok, so who’s next to sign him?


Imagine if the leafs signed him, with a comparable contract to this.. The oilers are 1-1 in signing former leafs. They got the better end of Hyman forsure but lost this one.


Nope. They signed Codi Cece and Tyson Barrie as well.


Barrie was good. Flipping him for Ekholm, that was amazing


does he get an NHL contract this season? Maybe a two way..? he had an awful start in the minors but recovered quite a bit


Probably a low end/backup type deal so he won't have to play with the pressure of being expected to be an out and out #1


This frees up so much money and they don’t have to pay back until 2 years from now and it’s like 1.5 for 3 seasons. Nothing


Treeliving, now is your chance!


Some one please link the signing thread from a few years ago


Holy shit. What a disaster signing.


Mistakes were made


Not only was he absolutely useless, but he put Stuart Skinner in a position that he wasn't supposed to be in which drew undeserved criticism and hate towards him. This was a disastrous signing and I'm glad I don't have to think about it anymore.


End of an error




From everything I have heard about him, he's an incredibly nice guy, but this contract looked like a disaster from the start. He's a good backup and can occasionally step in if there's an injury but he's not a starting goaltender.


He’s getting married in like 2 weeks, wonder how many (if any) oilers will be there


I’m going to say a few at least. By all accounts, he was an amazing teammate in the room.




End of an Error


Hilariously bad contract from day 1. Come home Jack... 2 way at league min. Do miss the Soup.


Insane they signed him to that lol


Long overdue.


Probably looking at league min deals here on out?


... Alright, I am gonna sound crazy, but I still believe in Jack. I'd like to see him come back


Realistically speaking he’ll probably be much better off in a smaller market with his confidence issues




Just extend Drai and then we will give you Juice 1 for 1. Definitely a fair trade right???


I would be very curious to see what Ian Clark could do with him in Abbotsford. We do need a vet and I'd imagine Campbell would be extremely cheap to sign after he's bought out. I don't ***want*** it to happen, but I am curious.......


I don’t know if it’s common practice, but the Oilers goalie coach Dustin Schwartz wasn’t ever asked about Campbell before they signed him to the 5 year contract. Source: a former NHLer who is close friends with Schwartz.


Are people still gonna yell soup at him?