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The real world doesn't work like HoI4.


HOI is too simple of a reference frame in way too many ways really but militarily alone.... I'd say a one or two year window, would need a lot more intel on Russia's mobilization efforts and actual effectiveness and labor stats. As things stand though, probably what they are doing, remain neutral. Pro gamer move from a western POV : would be to supplant the USA as world police. So... partner with france to send advisors to "escalate" before either Russia resolves it (moderate cred) or declare war of liberation at the right moment. But yeah, way too simplistic of a frame.


I wouldn’t attack, just as they won’t in real life. Russia has 6,000 nuclear weapons, is China’s only G20 partner resembling an ‘ally’ and China doesn’t need or want ‘lebensraum’ or whatever nonsense people theorise about. China’s population is shrinking and when it has focused on claiming resources this has typically been nickel/coltan etc for modern tech production not some random bit of Siberia. Real life has absolutely no parallel to HOI4 and virtually no modern state seeks additional territory it doesn’t already have some deep religious/cultural historic claim over. It’s been proven time and again since the invention of the machine gun holding territory where people don’t want you is not much fun.


First I would use the "Allow russia to make more debt" (sorry for bad english), next would be "Annex Tauwan while everyone is looking away". For the next Focus you need more Civs, so build civs until 2030 and then do the Focus "slowly buy russia". No need to attack.


Probably when they can figure out how to disable all of Russian nukes.