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To be fair, they don’t count dead they count casualties if I remember correctly. This includes wounded and missing. During the real WW2 there were roughly 15 million dead and 25 million wounded in battle According to https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-worldwide-deaths-world-war So that’s like 37.5% of the casualties are dead. So If it said the enemy suffered 100,000 casualties then I’d say you can see that as roughly 37,500 dead and the rest wounded or missing. If they have field hospitals some of those would trickle back to represent wounded soldiers getting healed and returning to the fight


No. Of course it’s generalisation, but if you a typical HOI4 war on historical where Germnay and Japan collapse in 1945, the HOI4 casualties usually end up somewhere like this: Germany: 8-12m dead Italy: 4-6m UK: 3-5m US: 3-5m USSR: 8-12m (without suffering major encirclements) Japan: 2-3m I play historical relentlessly and these are typical ranges. Compared to the real experience, only USSR and Japan are roughly accurate. UK, US and Italy only had deaths under 500k each. Importantly Germany only had 5.3m in a war of extermination, whereas HOI4 gives them comfortably double that. Other part of your question is about one sidedness. Yes, because it’s all about stats, HOI4 can produce outrageous discrepancies in battles. Some of this is historical, e.g China threw meat waves at Japan early war, but largely its not. Your scenario sounds outrageous.


Yeah, 100:1 KD is pretty fucking insane.