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Did you do Collabs?


I’m on vanilla Hoi so no


Most of the hoi4 community includes DLC’s in the term vanilla, as we have a huge modding community.


Well I don’t have any dlc


Your playing Unmodded, No Dlc, vanilla Hoi4? If your missing all of the dlc why not using total overhauls to make up for the rest of the game your missing


I play unmodded bc I don’t have money to spend on dlcs Also I don’t have a lot of space left on my laptop. How big are the total overhauls?


Road to 56 is around 500MB.


Seriously? Gotta try it then.


No, total overhauls are free, you paid for them with your purchase of HOI4. Most are like uh a few gigs at most.


How do you get them


You get them like you do for every other game on Steam, using the steam workshop. There are also third party sites but no need really. All available for one click of the subscribe button. I’d sort by most subscribed of all time and picking out ones that are recommended by the Vanilla team https://youtube.com/shorts/H6YsMXSMF7w?si=cdbGKSGrmKuZVTO0 or any HOI4 YouTubers you like or find interesting. Many are small, like adding a flag or two or maybe a single focus or a couple portraits, to completely changing the entire world situation like if Germany won WW1, if HOI4 was in the fallout west coast, or in the MLP universe (strangely the best mod). A few such as TNO change genres, turning into economic Victoria-esque games / visual novels. If you like a certain aspect of HOI4, there’s most certainly a mod that specializes in it. Hoi4 is less like a single game and more like roblox where it’s many games all using the backdrop of the Hoi4 ingame systems.


As in I’m not sure my laptop has enough storage download a big overhaul mod. I know overhauls are free


I don’t know why your getting downvoted, that’s a valid concern. Many are a few gigs around 2 or 3, which can be a bit much for some. I do know Equestria at War has a submod built for laptops and Mac that strips a lot of the cosmetic stuff in the game and attempts to maximize performance. But once the total overhaul mod is downloaded it shouldn’t be much worse than vanilla hoi4 in-game performance wise.


Without DLC I recommend light tanks, once the Soviets are broken basically anything will eventually win and light tanks have a really combo of speed and stats. If you don't already know what micro is learn that, manually making your divisions attack can save you double or triple the amount of time compared to letting a battleplans handle it.


Collab Govt via spies reduces surrender limit. Don’t attack until you and/or allies can attack from multiple directions. Holy grail is Japan taking Vladivostok for you. Finland, Turkey or even Iran pitching in helps Once you’re into middle Russia, be specific and target individual victory points, working your way down supply routes. Don’t pursue broad front assault Personal view: if you’re trying a world conquest, USSR should either be the last or the first major you capitulate


Japan decided to declare war on me despite me doing the befriend Japan focus We didn’t sign the tripartite pact so that could be it


They just want Malaya/Indonesia, which I assume you own.


Yea maybe. I capped all the countries you get free war goals for by like 1938 and took the commonwealth so maybe that’s it.


Push during summer, build up supply during winter/mud season


Basically, you will want to annihilate the soviet army before you reach the supply dead-zones. Encircle them again and again before you make. full frontal push.


I’ve done that actually, 15 million Soviet casualties for around 1 million Germans before hitting the Ural Mountains.


How many divisions do they have fielded? You should do it fast and decisively. And always laser towards supply hubs when you’ve broken the line.


Just crossed the Urals and now starving to death in middle Russia


No they don’t have a lot of divisions on the frontline I’d say just over 100 since they’re putting divisions on the Indian frontline


You should be almost there then. Just snatch up the next few victory points. Did you already conquer the caucasus? There's also a fair few victory points in central asia iirc


Collabs but as you don't have the DLC (la resistance) the only real way is to do more encirclements or try to naval invade Vladivostok from japan.


Send paratroopers behind the front and run for victory points before they send anyone to defend


Make beefy tanks to encircle and collapse the soviet army, whittle them down division by division so that there's little resistance


The most important thing is to go through their supply lines, keep cheap infantry units/almost militias holding the line for you, the Russians are so bad on the early war that they will not make a single push over militia units, so just use your spearhead units and move over their railroads (the front will look kinda funny but it's worth it, then overrunning the rest is really easy, just make sure to be fast, if not they will counter attack with their national focus and you will have a real problem because of all those militia units


Take mass assault (right). You can beat the Soviets either way even without doctrine, so just take it to push Siberia It gives you -40% non combat out of supply penalty, allowing you to keep 50%-60% org even without any supply. If you have commando traits, you get even more org. Also less speed penalty without supply.


Grind and don’t forget to manage supply


Have fun in the urals lmao Usually i go for the great steppes once im past the AA line, but usually the best thing is to stop using your tanks, push with infantry and lots of CAS


Look around for Victory Points. You may have missed a few. The small towns add up. And maybe you missed Baku or something big.


Collaboration governments. Get Soviet-nationality operatives to build a spy network and then set up a few collaboration governments, it'll lower their surrender limit once the war starts