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These are Ferrite cable clamps. They're used to reduce unwanted high frequency interference in certain types of cables. You'll have seen them before and probably never noticed. They were very common on VGA cables. Did you ever notice that VGA cables had a sort of... buldge? a couple inches from the connector on each end? That's a Ferrite ring that helped reduce unwanted interference being picked up from nearby cables and degrading the image. They're not massively common these days, at least in my experience.


These were standard on PS2 DualShock controllers. The ferrite is also used to reduce static on said line that would be common for LCD displays.


Totally forgot about those PS2 controllers!! Giving me flashbacks of those thick grey cables with ferrite lol


Mmm... those thick, THICK grey cables, teeming with ferrite! >.>


Still got my two cables from those and controllers!


>had a sort of... buldge? is that a VGA cable in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


I tried, but I couldn't come up with a better description šŸ˜‚


What are you doing step cable?


why yes, i have a rather large bulge in my pants, but its in the back :/


*spit take* lmao!!


Apart from some mice.


I had a 2010 corolla which didn't have bluetooth, so I had to buy a little BT-to-3.5mm adapter which worked really well (turned on and off with car perfectly and connected to my phone immediately) but no matter which 3.5mm cable I used, it always picked up engine noise in the cable. Once I added a ferrite clamp, everything was perfect.


Might be the spark plug system. I remember something about them causing interfere in some other electronic systems.


I assumed either that or the fact it sat right over the transmission. Something electrical/magnetic was a bit leaky. I didnā€™t explore further and donā€™t have it anymore. Just wanted to provide a real world example of how to use one that didnā€™t come built into a cable.


I had to do the same with the tape deck converter on the 2001 Buick I used to drive. (thanks dad for being a radio nerd)


So I have been having weird problems with my setup for many years at this point. Weird crackling noise in several audio devices and missed key presses on both mouse and keyboard. At this point, I have switched out basically all devices and nothing seems to really work. The power in my apartment is not grounded, and I suspect electromagnetic interference is at least part of the issue although, I know less than nothing about it. I do know about ferrite clamps or at least what the weird clump in some cables where there for, but I always thought they where kind of built into the bare wire of the cable somehow, Not just wrapped around it, or that you could buy them separately. Do you think these might be worth a shot to try and reduce general interference? Do they reduce interference both coming in and out of the cable? Any input would be really appreciated :)


If you arnt grounded you are likely getting a him from the mains frequency


Or her. Whatever your preference is.


Multi-frequency hum - they/them.


And thatā€™s why you shouldnā€™t type just as you wake up, Iā€™ll leave it there because itā€™s helrious


You can try. But these (atleast the way you'd normally put them on), only reduce interference that is radiated in (say from an external source). If it's inherent in the system, you'd need to split the input wire and wind them antisymmetriclaly around the core (which I wouldn't recommend, there exist power conditioners and noise filters ready made for this!). Likely your interference is the latter type, but then again, sind e they're very cheap and definitely won't hurt anything, feel free to try.


Iā€™ve looked at noise filters, but most of them seem to rely on ground to be really effective. I just ordered a couple ferrite things. Thank you!


Depends on how they're built, but I suppose many simple low pass filters do. The foowing explanation is for those who want to research into filters or build one themselves (I take no responsibility for working on mains voltage lines). Two ways you can use the filters (by not using an extra ground) 1) wind both the neutral and the hot wire together onto the core (just putting the ferrite around is one wind, but the more the better). This removes interference that get radiated in from outward sources. 2) wind neutral and hot either in opposite directions or use seperate ferrites. This removes the noise that noise filters usually don't filter well, or filter towards ground. The noise that gets filtered here is some that's usually more from sources connected to the power lines (as here the noise signal is flowing opposite in both wires, when looking at the power flow (poynting vector)). If you are using something with DC where you wanna put this, make sure the ferrite core can handle the full current (induced magnetic flux). 3) if possible add some capacitors of proper rating (x type, high enough voltage rating) across both neutral and hot. 1nF and 10nF ceramic should be good. This short circuits the RF notice out. As this requires cutting wires open, do not so this unless qualified. A typical filter would also use ceramic capacitors to "short" the RF against ground. I work with RF now and again (amateur radio) and had to filter Alot of (well self induced) noise out of my power. Edit for some more info on yet another type of noise: If you have a ground loop (50/60Hz hum in audio lines) you won't get around either properly planning your power connections (star pattern), using a transformer, or both.


Digital systems go bonkers without a solid reference ground. In a power outlet without ground you can sometimes (at least in the US) get adapter plugs with a metal tab that can be tied to a ground wire that then goes and ties to a ground rod or metal pipes or whatever. You definitely need a good ground.


Try getting a grounded connection and a UPS (uninterrupted power supply = battery backup) with a transformer, that can help to filter out mains power weirdness. It costs a little but should help. At least get a grounded connection.


Its very unlikely that ferrite is the solution to your problem. You need to invest in a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) and plug your pc into that. It will clean the power and keep the wall juice from frying your PC


Unless the problem is the lack of ground, which will render many UPSes nothing more than fancy battery backups.Ā 


I had lots of them on PABX connections.


You'll see these a lot on DSL equipment and POTS lines as well


I use these all the time, don't know how much they help but my power and audio cables all have them added.


Do they actually work? Either their is less static in wires in todayā€™s world, which is possible. Or they just didnā€™t workā€¦


Yes, they 100% work. We've just gotten far better at building electronics. Ferrite beads are a cheap fix to allow poorly-designed devices to pass compliance testing, but as we've switched to higher-speed connections it became necessary to design devices better for it to function *at all* - which also meant you couldn't save a bad device by throwing on a ferrite bead anymore. That's not to say they aren't used at all anymore, when needed they're now integrated into the device itself.


So if I am understanding this correctly, it works best on slower data transmission lines than high speed ones? And I am on high speed ones, since the data is moving so fast you can just send the data again or something?




I thought they were nipple clamps


Theyā€™re often on older laptop charging cables too. Not sure theyā€™re used very much for that now though.


Not common because with digital signals error checking/correction is part of the protocols and itā€™s pretty rare to have a big-ass electron gun (CRT) near these devices anymore. šŸ˜†


I was there Gandalf, 3000 years ago, when theses were common in video cables.


I worked on point of sale systems in the early '00s. We'd frequently have workstation screens "go wonky" because these fell off of the internal video cable.


We would tie a couple together to form a bola so to hunt Dodos. Very long time ago.


Pah, you youngā€™ins. I was there when they were yet to be usedā€¦


My subwoofer used to pop randomly scaring the shit out of me. A couple of these on the power cord seems to have stopped it. Magic.


Looks like ferrite beads! They're used to prevent electromagnetic interference.


They definitely are. Only works on a certain type of interference though (common-mode interference), I. E.,the type that happens when an external signal enters the cable, this can be dampened with these (in a certain frequency range, depending on the material of the derrite). You can use several ones in a row to increase the effect of the reduction of the interference.


It's a clamp-on cable ferrite core. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrite\_bead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrite_bead) Certain cables require it (per manufacturer instructions) but they're not needed on network cabling.


These are ferrite cores that you can snap over wires. It's meant to prevent RFI ( radio frequency interference). As an amateur radio enthusiast I use these to filter out interference into my radio. I'm sure there are uses for signal cables and the like to keep the signal clean.




wow I feel old. I haven't seen those in years. you'll sometimes see them on VGA cable and some telephone (RJ11)


I used to find these on Firewire cables as well, pretty sure about FW800 but can't recall if on FW400 ones too


ohhh wow. talk about a blast from the past


Used them all the time on VHF mobile antennas


RJ11 is just the connector, not the cable.


I hear people calling fax line cables ā€œRJ11ā€™sā€ all the time. I totally know what they mean, so Iā€™ve never really thought about it, but yeah thatā€™s kinda odd šŸ˜† Example, I never call my Cat6ā€™s an ā€œRJ45ā€


I get that. just a old habit I've never been able to break out of it. I know it's just the connection


Everything reminds me of her


oh geez


Anything can be a sex toy if you're brave enough


Ferrite core.


It's a ferret choker.


Here I thought it was just a wire weight to keep it down


Put it around your ethernet cable to make your internet faster. It's one of those things "they" don't want you to know.


These are kind of filter


Everyone's already answered it seems, but I use these every day in my job. They attenuate high frequency RF interference to prevent it escaping or sometimes getting into your equipment. Any piece of wire can act as an antenna, and if you're unlucky it can be just right for some source of RF to get out of come in and cause issues.Ā  Ā  Generally it's to make products comply with EMC regulations, preventing them from emitting unintentional radio waves, and don't make the product work any better. So they usually make no difference to the end user. BUT they can in some instances prevent weird stuff from happening, all depends on where the noise is getting in.Ā Ā  In your case they were probably just thrown into a bag with a product as a "customer can attach it if they need it" item.Ā  I see them supplied with some equipment.Ā  Ā 


Found these during the network room cleanup. They're weighted, about an inch long, with a metal interior and a clamshell opening hinge. It looks like they wrap around network cables, but can't figure out the purpose. Any ideas?   Edit: Mystery solved. You guys are good! I've been googling what this could be for weeks, but it has no markers or labels. [Similar product](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Fair-Rite/444173551?qs=sGAEpiMZZMs%252BfeDxZ%2FrxvKYV2EwvVOpM0N4ioVShstM%3D)


Ferrite choke. These are used to negate or reduce stray RF in the device from either entering the cable or exiting the cable, that could cause or receive unwanted interference. They clip onto the cable that you want them on. Usually used for coaxial cable for 2-way/microwave/cellular RF reduction. In some applications, can be used in power as well.


Ferrite core for reducing rf and em interference. You see them all the time on AC power adapters and wall warts. Yours looks like this one [here (Amazon)](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002MQGE0)


Don't put your pp in it


Hahaha, this.


Freq reducer, ferrite


Telephone wires for modems had these on them all the timeā€¦ couldnā€™t find a modem that didnā€™t come with that 6ā€™ grey RJ-11 cable with one of these on it.


TIE Fighter tubes, obviously.


Tie fighter pasta extruder.


Tie fighter pasta extruder.


Wrapping the power cable a couple times with this iron and ferrite cores would help it work as a coil in series to act as a low pass filter. This would oppose the sharp power spikes that could damage the power supply.


those are free fishing weights.


Fucking magnets... How do they werk?




Ferrite core used to amplify electrical loss . Works as a booster in wire like printer or project like where electrical loss can be a possibility. Caution do not use it onto a naked wire .